Why GT3 is considered the best?

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If only someone could somehow recreate the idea of GT3 with GT4 content.
IF the files were compatible I suppose it could be possible to, if possible, move the car and track files from GT4 and move them to GT3. Although I highly doubt it would work

Why do you think GT3 has better gameplay? Just curious. And open-minded.

That's not cool, by the way, with the Fixed That For You bit. I'm allowed to have an opinion and voice it. I grew bored of GT3 personally. It's the only GT I grew bored with.
Why do you think GT3 has better gameplay? Just curious. And open-minded.

That's not cool, by the way, with the Fixed That For You bit. I'm allowed to have an opinion and voice it. I grew bored of GT3 personally. It's the only GT I grew bored with.
Sorry about that, I think GT3 was better cause the handling was much better and some of the best tracks (Smokey Mountain, Complex String, Rome) weren't in GT4.
Sorry about that, I think GT3 was better cause the handling was much better and some of the best tracks (Smokey Mountain, Complex String, Rome) weren't in GT4.

Oh okay, see that's better. I apologize too. Been a rough day, sort of. I'm a flat-rate mechanic and I made like ... $20.00 today, it was that slow. Frustrating.

Complex String was a blast, I agree. Wish it was featured during some races, though.
I think GT3 seems to resonate well with a lot of people here (historically, that is) because GTPlanet.net came to life around the time GT3 was released. Wonderful graphics, and it was - for the time - a bit less chaotic in structure than GT2, but offered far more gameplay than the original Gran Turismo. I think GT2 had the most flaws, but so many cars to make up for that. The small garage count is irksome. GT3 had some of the least problems overall, other than a disappointing overall car count, to some folks. I loved the prize-car system, when it wasn't doling you the exact same car you just won a series with.

I think people really liked the huge amount of racing cars versus road cars, which transitioned it from a game about road cars that grew up to be race vehicles to a collecting game. And the things people missed in GT3 such as used car lots, more one-model races, adjustable downforce, and such made it back into GT4 (except massive race mods). And then GT4 introduced more stuff that kind of made less of a game (B-spec, Photo Mode, too many license tests, and stupid-long races) that seemed more like a trip to the dull office park...but you can still pick and choose what you'd like to do; it also had Nurburgring!

GT1 physics: too arcadey, but some lengths made to make them stand apart
GT2 physics: not bad, MR cars really difficult at times; FF cars a little too easy-going at limits
GT3 physics: many cars felt exactly the same...in my opinion
GT4 physics: everything that's not FR is a total brick, all MR cars are random hockey pucks

I have no opinion on GT5 and GT6 because I've never played them. They're probably quite good, but suffer from endless changes and the crush of Internet Complainers far and wide, a non-stop stream of noisy buzz that tapers excitement, and knowing everything about the game before you've even bought it sort of dulls a lot of the discovery...again, just my thoughts.

History has treated GT2 even better than even I imagined; to be fair, all of the first four games were lauded as the absolute best in their genres (as console-only games) for their time. There's really nothing wrong with GT3; I can't imagine a used 14-year-old game and another a mere decade old is going to cost too much from the corner pile that you can't have both.
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I think I'm biased toward GT3 because it was my first ever console game (one of two games technically, the other was Ratchet & Clank 3)
GT3 with GT4 content would be the best racing game ever created! No over exaggeration either. It really would be, including content from both titles not just the GT4 content.
GT3 with GT4 content would be the best racing game ever created! No over exaggeration either. It really would be, including content from both titles not just the GT4 content.
It would indeed be the best racing game created! They kinda hurt Gran Turismo 4 a bit when they changed the physics engine from the GT3-like engine.
For me GT4 felt, clinical in a way. There were was nothing obviously terrible about it (that made it unplayable) however, GT3 just felt like an overall more fun experience. Going to 4 from 3, felt like taking the same game, expanding on it but removing something that made it fun.
This was the exact way I always felt about GT4. Better events, better car list, more to do, more to see, etc.; but compared to GT3 everything seems so sterile. The presentation, the menu design, the UI, the race structure, the sound effects, elements of the graphics engine... even the music just seems like a detached amalgamation of GT-esque things assembled to make the greatest GT game on paper (pity about the physics) but with something missing. Like some sort of corporate rock version of a Gran Turismo title (albeit more in the Boston sense than the Styx sense).

I played GT2 first then skipped to GT4, but when I went back and picked GT3 up a few years later I was shocked at just how similar it was in every way (other than content being gutted) to the second game (and, as I found out even later than that, the original).
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GT3 to me was so much fun even though it didn't have that many content , i don't really know why i liked it so much. But GT4 to me is still king.
How to find out why GT3 is so fun: Take an R34 GT-R.
Tune it to 1000HP.
Drift around any track.
They don't.

It is (at least amongst the canon games), but most people think GT2 or GT4 is the best - as evidenced by this poll...

GT4 is by far my favorite Gran Turismo game and judging by that poll you have linked, GT4 and GT6 are the favorites based on that evidence you provided. GT2 is firmly in 3rd.
GT4 is by far my favorite Gran Turismo game and judging by that poll you have linked, GT4 and GT6 are the favorites based on that evidence you provided. GT2 is firmly in 3rd.
Therein lies the problem with polls for which you can change your vote...
GT3 is like a remake of GT1 for me. Why? Cars with special colors as a prize, SSR11, Possible 1000hp cars, New LM Dream cars, and career progression, all feel like GT1.
I think the thing is that it felt really similar to GT1, but it harnessed now technology for the time being to become more realistic in the physics and the driving feel. The blend between arcade-iness and movement towards realism made it to many the most fun of the GT Series. For me, well it was my very first game, and I have very many fond memories of it. Thanks to it I discovered my most favourite cars of all time (one of which I own now, the Subaru WRX) and even still on a PC emulator it still is massive fun for me. GT4 is a massive step forward but all the cars felt like they were driving on stilts. GT1 and GT2 were great fun but they felt a bit arcade-y, but then again they didn't have all the technology to get all that they wanted out of the games.
I think they are tied and I play both a decent amount.

I play GT3 for its difficulty and several events are quite enjoyable. It also has the best Dream Car Championship.

I play GT4 because there is just so much to do and every car has at least some purpose in the Career Mode. I reckon it also has the better events though like I said before, some GT3 events are better than GT4s IMO.
This is why, we dont even have ground reflections like this in GT5/6 because they take up waaay too much space if they were converted to HD, same goes with the awesome shimmering heat being thrown up from the surface of the track.

I played GT4 about 4 years longer than GT3 overall, but GT3 was still better, and I swear to god it had better graphics than GT4 because there was a whole lot less cars & tracks in the game.

Also it had Special Stage Route-11 & Complex String my most loved tracks!

The menu sound effects, the menu music, the menu art & UI, the race & replay music, the replays, the camera angles, the cars, the races, the challenges, it was the most refined GT game of them all in my opinion, sure it had less of everything, but it was all soo perfectly refined probably because of its lack of cars & tracks in comparison, yet it still had a **** load of them, were all something that would be chizzled into your memory for eternity.

These videos say it all:

Funny how I feel incredibly lonely on a track in a full lobby of 16 in GT5 & 6, while playing GT3 & GT4 minuets later, I feel I'm in a packed and fully-loaded race even though the races only have 6-8 cars on the track.

Hmmmm, maybe its because back then it was a CHALLENGE because a CHALLENGE was really damn fun, and the AI were not a bunc of A-holes, and they were actually smart about racing alongside with you.

According to me your comment is really representative to the feeling that we could have on this game.

Firstly I think Gran Turismo 3 is the better of the GT series because it's a mix of colors, sounds, and graphics effects that are matched perfectly to each other. GT4 also looks like it.
And then people think that GT3 is better because PlayStation2 is the most sold game hardware on the planet so there are more players to justify and think this.

I think GT5 and GT6 could have been as good as GT3 and GT4 if the whole of these games would have been realized as well as the premium car modelism or the contrary. Differences between them are so huge and they didn't match to each other so it create a unstable atmosphere.
I like to judge games based on the year they came out. For that reason alone, I consider GT1/2/3/4 to be better Gran Turismos than GT5 and GT6.

Let's compare GT6 with GT4 (my favorite entry of the series, the one that gave me the most fun, compared to a game I have barely played by comparison):

- GT6 has barely more cars compared to GT4. Even most important: A LOT of the cars in GT6 are reused assets from GT4, A LAST GEN GAME. I can accept it from GT3 to GT4 (in fact, I encourage it), but porting cars from a PS2 game is ridiculous. Worse off when the cars were branded in GT5 as "standard" and "Premium". In other words: "these PS2 cars are the standard of Gran Turismo 5". Because we all know words make a difference, and PD wouldn't dare to say "we have 200 next gen cars and 800 last gen cars".
- Not a mind-blowing amount of cars either. Course editor is nice, but it's limited from what I've heard, and no course editor can replace having actual, real life tracks licensed in the game.
- The career more is disgusting. It is the same old formula as ever. They really need to revamp it.
- Only a handful more cars on track compared to GT4.
- Awful AI.
- Not a lot of interesting cars. In my opinion, of course. Some players love to collect every car in the game, which is a fair enough reason to buy them. I personally buy the cars I like, and it's a very small percentage (10%) of the cars in the game.

Anyhow. This translates to: far less content that I could expect from a next-gen Gran Turismo and far less enjoyment. I could add the awfully long load times, which is part of the reason I don't like GT6 that much either (not only I don't find the game fun anymore, but moreover, those loading screens make me want to turn off the game as soon as I turn it on), but I don't know exactly if this is PD's problem or the PS3's.

What's worse: I'm pretty sure Gran Turismo will never amaze me as GT4 did. To put it into perspective: some users say "GT6 is how GT5 should be". No. Not even close enough for me. And as the years pass, Gran Turismo will have a harder time to live up to expectations. And if GT7 is coming for the PS4, I can't see that changing anytime soon. GT6 was their moment to set things right, and they failed.

TL;DR : Gran Turismo 6 is the best simulator. Gran Turismo 4 is the best game and the better game for its time, and PD will never make a Gran Turismo that lives up to its itineration because they still haven't made the mind-blowing Gran Turismo that GT4 was.
So about 120 Cars ( I did the math:):sly:)


What's worse, it's not like GT6 added a significant amount of cars I like that weren't already in GT4... mostly American cars, which GT4 really lacked, and not much more than that. Not to mention a lot of the cars I like didn't receive the Premium treatment, like the Buick GNX.

I'm disappointed at PD for all the reasons I listed above, then again, it seems like it's common now for major developers to disappoint fans who don't accept everything they throw at them, like Bethesda and their awful Skyrim or Fallout 4.
I thought GT2 or GT4 were considered the best (GT4 is my personal favourite). This is the first time I've heard that apparently people consider GT3 the best. Interesting.
I thought GT2 or GT4 were considered the best (GT4 is my personal favourite). This is the first time I've heard that apparently people consider GT3 the best. Interesting.

For a lot of people, GT3 was considered the best because it was so focused. GT4 started the sprawl, the everything-and-the-kitchen-sink approach that saw a lot of features partially implemented in the PS3 games. GT3 was small, sure (though only in comparison to other GT's), but it made the most of what it had, especially with the single player career. Races were tailored to the car selection. There was the awesome Polyphony Digital Cup (ask @Famine or @daan about that one). As a showcase for the then-new PS2, the game was a visual marvel, with no carry-over content from the previous generation to detract from the spectacle.

It also doesn't hurt that there wasn't really much competition on consoles back then. Driving Emotion Type-S was pretty awful, looking like a warmed-over PS1 game (though it did nab the Ferrari and Porsche licenses). XBox had PGR, which wasn't really comparable. TOCA was knocking around in some form, and while Test Drive Le Mans brought dynamic time of day to the genre long before GT5, its focus was limited.

Oh yeah, and Arcade Mode wasn't an afterthought in GT3. There were challenges involved, one from Kaz himself even!

Both GT2 and GT4 are great because they brought mounds of content over their respective predecessors. But judged on their own merits, against contemporaries, GT3 tends to fair better. As ever with these things though, YMMV.
For a lot of people, GT3 was considered the best because it was so focused. GT4 started the sprawl, the everything-and-the-kitchen-sink approach that saw a lot of features partially implemented in the PS3 games. GT3 was small, sure (though only in comparison to other GT's), but it made the most of what it had, especially with the single player career. Races were tailored to the car selection. There was the awesome Polyphony Digital Cup (ask @Famine or @daan about that one). As a showcase for the then-new PS2, the game was a visual marvel, with no carry-over content from the previous generation to detract from the spectacle.

It also doesn't hurt that there wasn't really much competition on consoles back then. Driving Emotion Type-S was pretty awful, looking like a warmed-over PS1 game (though it did nab the Ferrari and Porsche licenses). XBox had PGR, which wasn't really comparable. TOCA was knocking around in some form, and while Test Drive Le Mans brought dynamic time of day to the genre long before GT5, its focus was limited.

Oh yeah, and Arcade Mode wasn't an afterthought in GT3. There were challenges involved, one from Kaz himself even!

Both GT2 and GT4 are great because they brought mounds of content over their respective predecessors. But judged on their own merits, against contemporaries, GT3 tends to fair better. As ever with these things though, YMMV.

Oh, I see. Thanks for the insight. Learn something new everyday :)
The following monolithic wall of text is based around my personal experience. Extremely strong bias should be noted.

My introduction to the Gran Turismo series was with GT2. I went to my neighbor's house one day and saw them playing a fun racing game. He eventually let me play the game for a little while. If you recall my very first post here on GTPlanet, I even remember the first car I used and the first track I drove in: The Mazda RX-7 GTC LM / Tahiti Road. Granted that I crashed my way through the track and never made it past 6th place (I was nothing but a young'n back in the day), the game had one factor that made me come back to it: it was fun. The mere fact that I can drive many cars around oh-so-many tracks was something so mind-blowing for little old me.

Eventually, I got my own PlayStation 1 as a Christmas gift and both GT1 and GT2 as well. I dumped so many hours into those games; unlocking cars, tracks, beating the races and the license tests. I had lots of fun with those games.

Fast-forward to 2001, and GT3 arrived at my house as a yet-another Christmas gift (you're gonna have to get used to that) bundled with a brand-spankin'-new PlayStation 2. So, naturally, I plugged the PS2 to the TV, popped in GT3, and was immediately blown away. The very first thing that caught my attention were the graphics. My oh my, were the graphics jaw-dropping. You could spot all the little details around the cars, the curvature of said cars, etc. The tracks got an astounding face lift as well, from Grand Valley to Midfield, and so on. And the sounds, oh boy. I remember plugging some headphones to the TV just to hear how beautiful the cars, the songs, the sound effects, etc. were. And the soundtrack got a boost as well, ranging from Lenny Kravitz, to Powerman 5000, Daiki Kasho, Goldfinger, Apollo 440, and even Snoop Dogg made a song! And the handling was even better than its predecessor. Needless to say, I loved every aspect of GT3. Granted that I also noticed a lack of cars (There's around ~150, I believe), but I didn't put much thought into it, since I knew that things could only get better from here on out. I could go on and on about this game, from the atmosphere, to the pick-up-and-play nature of it, but with what I had in front of me, it became clear that Gran Turismo 3 was to become one of my favorite GT games, and games overall.

Fast-forward once again to 2004, and a report on GT4 was on the TV. I was immediately glued to the TV, and the visuals were astonishing. Everything that made GT3 great, now better than ever. More tracks: now I can drive through New York, Italy, Hong Kong, the Nurburgring, Suzuka, Le Mans, and so on. More cars: more than 700(!) cars to choose from. And the graphics? Well, let's just say that even my mother was impressed at how the game looked. And so, another Christmas passed by and GT4 arrived in Christmas wrap. I popped the disc in and the experience I had with GT3 was exactly the same here: the graphics, the cars, the tracks, etc. I was astonished by this game.

But as time went on and played more GT4, I started to notice something about this game. That "something" wasn't immediately pointed out to me; instead it gradually caught up as time passed. Eventually I came upon the realization: This game feels sanitized. Sometimes even cold and sterile. While the technological aspects of the game cannot be understated (700+ cars, with some highly detailed, alongside the many revamped tracks the game has to offer and the highly improved graphics), the game at times just doesn't feel as welcoming as its predecessor; a certain "zing" was lost in the process, if you will.

One way I can compare the GT series is with another racing series: Burnout:

  • Burnout 1 introduced us with a new concept (GT1),
  • Burnout 2 improved certain aspects of its older brother (GT2),
  • Burnout 3 is regarded by many (including myself) as the hallmark of the series (GT3) and while,
  • Burnout Revenge vastly improves technologically over its last iteration, it loses a certain charm that was present in its earlier installment (GT4)
So I guess what I want draw from all of this is that: yes, Gran Turismo 4 is superior in many ways over Gran Turismo 3; from the cars to the tracks and everything in between, but to me Gran Turismo 3 will always be my favorite of the series because it remembers what it should provide to the player: fun. GT3 gives me a level of fun that not even a technologically superior GT4 can provide.


But hey, that's my .02¢. Take all of this with an extremely big grain of salt. I mean, the jumbotronic mess of a name I have should've given away what game I liked...
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I can add further details later but GT3 doesn't pretend to be anything but a game and that is ultimately the reason I enjoy it and think highest of it compared to the other games. It worked with the less is more concept (in terms of content) and provided for the time excellent graphics and it was executed quite well.

To top it off my favourite game within a game is not buying any cars, except for a Tuscan Speed 6 which is the only required purchase. Even though car lists, track lists, physics, and graphics all greatly improved since GT3 little details like loading are sorely missed.