And yes, i mean that. Over the last few years, GT as a franchise has been getting quite a bit of slander towards its name. The once critically acclaimed franchise (and honestly, it is still getting acclaim, for example meta-critic gave it an average of 8.1, and a user score of 7.6, even once trolls had gone and given the game a 0 after saying it was OK. OK = five, not zero), but here on GTP, there are people complaining day in and day out (about the same damn things, may I add), with disappointment and even hatred seeping into everyone else. Its not a healthy community at times. But do you know why i think you 'complainers' disagree with the reviewers? Not because the game is actually good or bad, but because most reviewers take the game at face value. If your are a reviewer, chances are you haven't been following the hype, and have heard no promise of future updates, because it is pretty unrealistic for you to know about every game you review. This means that what the reviewer sees in the game in the first few hours is what they review the game on. Currently, almost every damn complaint about the game is that it has missing content. My thoughts are that if you knew nothing about any content that is scheduled to be added 'at a later date', then this game would be completely fine. so basically, what i am trying to get at here is that just because the game does not contain promised content does not in fact make it a bad game. And every one around here seems to think that it does. If PD had never announced any extra content, and then added it to the game as a surprise, PD probably would have been the best company ever to allot more people. But just because they told us what was going to happen, people complained. I am not directing this at everyone at this site, heck not even close to most of you, i am directing this to the people who are complaining about the 'missing' course creator or B-spec or the likes. So if you think i am an idiot for saying this to you, I am probably not talking to you. And also, please forgive me for my lack of explaining skills. i really am bad at explaining things.