Why is the popular opinion that TCS is cheating?

  • Thread starter soc123_au
Why? Most real cars have been fitted with it for the last 20 years. It's a tool to be used. I swear some of the people in here carry on like a supermodel is going to touch their happy place for winning a race without it. Hot tip, they wont.

I know it was faster with it off in Sport in most cases, but here it's one of things that they actually fixed.
Why? Most real cars have been fitted with it for the last 20 years. It's a tool to be used. I swear some of the people in here carry on like a supermodel is going to touch their happy place for winning a race without it. Hot tip, they wont.

I know it was faster with it off in Sport in most cases, but here it's one of things that they actually fixed.
Agree, with the new updated physics model used I find life is a bit more stable on the track with TCS1 and 2 for the high speed cars.
Tools are to be used, I'd rather use a hammer than having to pound nails with a rock...
I feel this particular topic won't be hot, it is clear that TCS is a cheat only if you're prohibited from using it but you still decide to turn it on. If the host decides to leave it optional, you turn it off and then complain about drivers who were faster than you with TCS on, that's all on you (damn, even when I type it, it sounds so immature to do something like this).

Wanna real flame-bait material? "Real drivers never use TCS" (don't do it though).
TBF I enjoy driving with TCS off - but turn it on when I need it. Generally if the car is running low-grip tyres for the power, the tyres are getting quite worn in an endurance race or if the car is naturally a bit of a handful (looking at you Porsche 996...) but if I can run with it off I find I'm faster without.

It isn't, and to me at least, has never been considered cheating. The only one that I've seen people get their knickers in a twist over is Countersteering Assistance - heard a lot of people call that cheating. In Sport I had it on as I found it helped me enjoy the game, in 7 I find it a bit too unnatural feeling... To each their own.

What you'll likely find is that people who lose call things like that cheating. A loser will clutch at anything to justify their loss, rather than accepting that someone may infact be a better driver than them. Don't get me wrong, sometimes it's the car, sometimes it's circumstance, but if you've lost to someone and the only thing you can do is call out their use of TCS then that's on you.

I drove in an endurance league and one of the guys was using auto gears and TCS, but he was competitive with everyone else - thus we all had more fun. Nobody likes being miles ahead or miles behind, it's boring.
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Traction control, wait that means you are still driving cars around the track?

hah noob real racers don't need cars they run around the circuit it's the only pure authentic way to race and non of that running shoe nonsense either it's bare foot in snow or you can't call yourself a racer 🏃🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️🏎️🚓
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Wanna real flame-bait material? "Real drivers never use TCS" (don't do it though).
That's kinda where I was headed, but opposite end of the spectrum.

Also the word "cheating" was meant to reflect the elitist attitude toward traction control by some, implying cheating by not being one of the cool kids swimming without floaties. I had most recently seen it referred to as cheating literally in the thread @jrbabbitt linked.
Nothing wrong with using a bit of TCS if you need to. I never used in GT Sport but I might start using it for some of the more powerful machines in GT7 when I start to drive them more (having fun with Hot Hatches so far). Anti-Spin is another matter. I cringe when I see top times using it.
The only one that I've seen people get their knickers in a twist over is Countersteering Assistance - heard a lot of people call that cheating.
That one is a little different though, tbh I think it’s extremely cheesy when someone on a wheel uses csa. I was glad to see that get banned in sport mode in GTS.
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I also have TCS off almost all of the time.
But while I try to avoid it, just to have the challenge, some cars are just too difficult to drive quick consistently that I turn TCS on. Especially in the rain.
In the end it's a game and I'm there to have fun without getting frustrated.
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There's definitely a contingent in racing game community that feels the higher the difficulty the more 'simulation' it is, even without any real world comparisons to go from. It's especially prevalent in F1 gamers more so than GT in my experience, even though an F1 driver said the game felt more realistic with traction control set to medium (Russell I believe), you'll never change that fundamental assumption that 'assists' = unrealistic, regardless of reality ironically. Clearly the driver wasn't playing it properly.
My personal opinion on this.
Everyone should use what the game allows them to do if it will result in that player enjoying the game more and thus help them be more competitive.

Do I use TCS?

Yes, of course... not always and not with every car and also always depending on what I'm doing at the moment. If I e.g. want to get to know a new car, have to learn a new route or I e.g. as the track experiences start to drive I mostly leave the TCS on and on 3 or 2. Once I have a rough feel for the car and the track I reduce the TCS to see how much faster or slower it makes me.

If I want to squeeze the very last bit of track experience and I think I can only do this without TCS, then I practice without TCS. When I'm qualifying I start with TCS and the longer I ride I try to reduce TCS in the hope that it will make me faster. But especially some "Big Bolts" in the game like the GT3 Mercedes or Viper/Corvette put a lot of pressure on the rear wheels and every bit too much gas pedal can lead to heavy loss of tracking, which even if you catch it, takes more time than I would have TCS used at this point.
In racing I prefer TCS, especially when
  • - wear out my tires
  • - I just want to drive the race home safely with a clear lead
  • - the race is very close and heated (so I can concentrate better on the line and my opponents)

If I am called a bad driver because of this, then I accept it and the others should always be happy without TCS.
Jesus. I posted the thread where I referred to TCS as cheating and you've blown it way out of context. I was pretty clear that I was challenging myself to not use TCS in GT7, as a personal challenge for me to learn to control cars without it. So I'm my head, I would refer to TCS as cheating because I'm trying to not use it for personal challenge (and really enjoying it).

I don't care if other people use it, and as I said in that thread, I did wind up using TCS to gold a mission.

To each their own.
That one is a little different though, tbh I think it’s extremely cheesy when someone on a wheel uses csa. I was glad to see that get banned in sport mode in GTS.
In events like Sport mode I'm on the fence, but I guess the reason I used it was to make the game more enjoyable in a private racing league that didn't have any prizes or anything like that.
most if not all cars except for the hardcore like ariel, Caterham etc have tc embedded in the whole system, so you can't really turn them all the way off, even ferraris, talking about real life here
so when you think you can disable tc completely in c63 you basically having a laugh
racing cars however have so much grip they don't really need tc, problem is this game is not exactly realistic, snap oversteer is the problem
I don't know why.
Personally try not to use it, but is an option. Doesn't mean anything in terms of how good or bad player I am (pretty average one honestly) and it isn't written in stone that I don't use it, specially with some cars that are designed and build to race using TCS, like Gr. 3 cars, maybe I qualify without TCS but use some degree of TCS during the race itself.
I prefer racing against people who use TCS instead people who don't use it but keep loosing control, screwing other peoples race and fun.

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