Why only a max cap of level 50 for car collection?

  • Thread starter isamu


GT7 encourages you to collect as many cars as possible in the game. Yet the max level for collecting them is a meager 50. I hit lvl50 ages ago and I only own around 110 cars. There should be a significant increase on the level cap. Say, 1000 or something. Otherwise what's the point in striving to get as many cars as possible? I also would like to see an added bonus once in a while for every 50 or 100 cars we collect. A "collection milestone" reward of some sort. Right now it kinda feels pointless when the cap is an embaressingly low 50. Thoughts?
GT7 encourages you to collect as many cars as possible in the game. Yet the max level for collecting them is a meager 50. I hit lvl50 ages ago and I only own around 110 cars. There should be a significant increase on the level cap. Say, 1000 or something. Otherwise what's the point in striving to get as many cars as possible? I also would like to see an added bonus once in a while for every 50 or 100 cars we collect. A "collection milestone" reward of some sort. Right now it kinda feels pointless when the cap is an embaressingly low 50. Thoughts?
@isamu what would be difference to you if instead of being Level 50, for example you would be Level 100 or whatever 🧐
I mean what’s the point of your question.
@isamu what would be difference to you if instead of being Level 50, for example you would be Level 100 or whatever 🧐
I mean what’s the point of your question.
I assume the the point is related to...

Level 50 feels like a non-achievement within GT7.
Its incredibly easy to achieve this and just sort of happens when you are around completing the cafe menu's. It feels like collector level has no meaning after a certain point: IE, you receive literally nothing for gaining levels.

Most would expect that you would receive something for leveling up something like this and its odd that it doesn't and odd that it just ends. Personally I think the fact that the stop giving you anything at the end of this game, including collector levels, is a purposeful design decision made to slow down your credit earning potential and to push people to MTX.

It looks like PD have seen the backlash here and are looking to amend some of these design decisions but are yet to do enough to completely fix the issue yet.

An easy fix for this would be to continue the levels from 50- to infinity by adding a fixed amount of spending per level from 50 onwards. Each level rewards you with a roulette ticket and every 10 levels is guaranteed to be a 6 star.
-This would also help fix the RNG gated items within GT7 (there are much better fixes for these but if PD continues to keep this system, they need to give out more)
Because the game's not even close to being finished. I'll bet that they're intending to make the system 200 levels and there is supposed to be cars, etc at certain intervals. The XP keeps going up; I'm like 110k or something and you reach lvl 50 at 50k or 75k, something like that. In 18mo when when the game is finished and they sell a "Spec II" version the collector level will prob have a meaning.
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I think the better question to ask here is "Why even include a collector level system when the mechanic is entirely pointless?"

Pointless aside from using it to unlock 'events' etc as the game progresses in the early stages, however I'd argue that the gameplay and progression model is so linear at this early stage it leaves no reason events/tracks couldn't have been unlocked after certain menu books without tying it into the collector level. So I stand by my statement; the collector level is an entirely pointless mechanic. It should either be incentivized somehow, or dropped completely. If it's incentivised then we can have the discussion about being capped so early, or Level 50 being so easy to achieve.
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an xp system which lasts the lifetime of the game would be preferable
Honestly I think if they brought back the A-Spec point system (or similar) from GT4 there would be less complaints about it. Even though the A-Spec points were equally as meaningless, by calling it a "Level" as they do in GT7 there's this odd underlying presumption that something should happen when you level-up. Whereas the name "points" along with its' constant accumulation without reaching levels/tiers didn't have this effect; it was simply in-game high score system without any expectation for reward.
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The level system as it is is completely pointless. If they wanted it to have some use maybe they could make it so the rewards for Arcade / Custom Races scale up with your collector's level, would be a good solution for preventing early-game players from making huge amounts of money as well as an incentive for getting more cars.
I assume the the point is related to...

Level 50 feels like a non-achievement within GT7.
Its incredibly easy to achieve this and just sort of happens when you are around completing the cafe menu's. It feels like collector level has no meaning after a certain point: IE, you receive literally nothing for gaining levels.

Most would expect that you would receive something for leveling up something like this and its odd that it doesn't and odd that it just ends. Personally I think the fact that the stop giving you anything at the end of this game, including collector levels, is a purposeful design decision made to slow down your credit earning potential and to push people to MTX.

It looks like PD have seen the backlash here and are looking to amend some of these design decisions but are yet to do enough to completely fix the issue yet.

An easy fix for this would be to continue the levels from 50- to infinity by adding a fixed amount of spending per level from 50 onwards. Each level rewards you with a roulette ticket and every 10 levels is guaranteed to be a 6 star.
-This would also help fix the RNG gated items within GT7 (there are much better fixes for these but if PD continues to keep this system, they need to give out more)
I think this is first time I honestly wish I could "Like" a post 10 times instead of once :D

Beautifully written sh33p. You've said it exactly they way I wanted to in response. Took the words right out of my mouth.

Increase the levels PD. Make the leveling worth a damn.
im at level 30 currently with 102 cars owned... i keep thinking every time i level up i will win something like a roulette ticket or anything but nope lol
Anyone with decent deductive skills will notice that the only way to unlock content offered in DLC will be via collector level and not cafe menus unless the new update itself has cafe menus.
I assume the the point is related to...

Level 50 feels like a non-achievement within GT7.
Its incredibly easy to achieve this and just sort of happens when you are around completing the cafe menu's. It feels like collector level has no meaning after a certain point: IE, you receive literally nothing for gaining levels.

Most would expect that you would receive something for leveling up something like this and its odd that it doesn't and odd that it just ends. Personally I think the fact that the stop giving you anything at the end of this game, including collector levels, is a purposeful design decision made to slow down your credit earning potential and to push people to MTX.

It looks like PD have seen the backlash here and are looking to amend some of these design decisions but are yet to do enough to completely fix the issue yet.

An easy fix for this would be to continue the levels from 50- to infinity by adding a fixed amount of spending per level from 50 onwards. Each level rewards you with a roulette ticket and every 10 levels is guaranteed to be a 6 star.
-This would also help fix the RNG gated items within GT7 (there are much better fixes for these but if PD continues to keep this system, they need to give out more)
Hey Mr. Sheep that’s a plausible explanation what the Thread Creator most probably could have meant.
Makes Sense looking at it from that Point of View.

Although I have a different experience with the Collector’s Level.
When I finished the Cafe Books,I was just sitting at a shy CL of 26, so far off of that Level 50.
On the other Side i never expected to “get“ or felt the Need to have earned something when Leveling up and therefore having the urge to be gifted with some Reward like Credits or anything.

The Up leveling in itself is a reward for me.

Yesterday i bought almost all Cars there are available in the Game, except the really expensive ones ( the 1Million + ones )
My Collectors Level is still just at Level 42, so I still have a way to go to reach Level 50.

Not that I care if I do so, because like i said to me i don’t look at it the way you described it.
But yes it might be that’s what OP meant 🙂
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They should give a bonus to payouts or tuning part discounts for higher collector levels. It should also be increased to at least 100.
Honestly I think if they brought back the A-Spec point system (or similar) from GT4 there would be less complaints about it. Even though the A-Spec points were equally as meaningless, by calling it a "Level" as they do in GT7 there's this odd underlying presumption that something should happen when you level-up. Whereas the name "points" along with its' constant accumulation without reaching levels/tiers didn't have this effect; it was simply in-game high score system without any expectation for reward.
Hoping they bring back such in next future
Highjacking the thread a bit but on the same subject, I find it weird that neither collector level nor completing all the car of a manufacturer gives you any rewards. Especially since it's a collecting game.
Can't help but feel that the game released before it was ready. PD have always been notoriously slow when it comes to developing games (I've been playing since GT2 and I recall practically every game after that was delayed, and delayed and delayed again) but IIRC Sony set out a solid launch date for GT7 late last year. I pre-ordered the digi edition on PS store and there was a little countdown to the release date.
I imagine that this put the fear of god into those slowly-does-it developers and they simply dropped all work on progression, rewards etc. and switched all resources to just getting the game out in time.
So as with most major releases these days, the developers are most likely still playing catchup and still have no time to devote to anything that isn't core gameplay.
Can't help but feel that the game released before it was ready. PD have always been notoriously slow when it comes to developing games (I've been playing since GT2 and I recall practically every game after that was delayed, and delayed and delayed again) but IIRC Sony set out a solid launch date for GT7 late last year. I pre-ordered the digi edition on PS store and there was a little countdown to the release date.
I imagine that this put the fear of god into those slowly-does-it developers and they simply dropped all work on progression, rewards etc. and switched all resources to just getting the game out in time.
So as with most major releases these days, the developers are most likely still playing catchup and still have no time to devote to anything that isn't core gameplay.
I dunno, I feel PD were lazy with it, they thought, hey let's change the UI a bit and a few other things and call it gt7, for me it's not gt7, it's GTS 2.0, it's definitely not a new game but I was kinda expecting it after GT5 and GT6 (I prefer to call it GT5.5).

It's sad because I actually enjoy the game and have fun with it but I dont feel like I'm playing a different game than GTS, I'm just redoing content I've done mostly on GTS, except for tracks with dynamics weather.
Like @RX-7_FD3S said, agree completely. I mean, I knew it the first time I saw UI, how can you not change the font and general look in a long ti e expected mainline GT sequel. Pure laziness and general lack of care.
Because that’s what RPG’s normally use as the initial hard cap. GT however does have content enough to justify a higher cap so I’m not sure if PD fully understands how this design syncs with a car game.
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Can't help but feel that the game released before it was ready. PD have always been notoriously slow when it comes to developing games (I've been playing since GT2 and I recall practically every game after that was delayed, and delayed and delayed again) but IIRC Sony set out a solid launch date for GT7 late last year. I pre-ordered the digi edition on PS store and there was a little countdown to the release date.
I imagine that this put the fear of god into those slowly-does-it developers and they simply dropped all work on progression, rewards etc. and switched all resources to just getting the game out in time.
So as with most major releases these days, the developers are most likely still playing catchup and still have no time to devote to anything that isn't core gameplay.
That's my thought on it to.
PD were more or less forced to release the game unfinished.

Which sucks because this could be an amazing game but right now... its an incomplete mess