Well if you live under the bridge you should be able to eat fairly well on 10 grand but let’s assume you have to pay your own way through this life.
Around here a cheap roof over your head about 600 a month =7200 a year,
You're already talking like someone who has never had to make ends meet on that kind of money. You think it costs $600/month to put a roof over your head? When I made that kind of money I spent $325/month on rent (and I paid more than I had to because I had a nice place - no leaks*, no roaches, carpet, and a dependable toilet and refrigerator). Utilities were $35/month, groceries were ~$100/month. So far I've totaled $460/month and I've covered all the basics - food, water, shelter, and electricity. That's less than $6000 per year. That's 16 hours a week of work at minimum wage. At the time I also paid for cable, high speed internet, and gas and I still made less than the poverty line.
I remember it because I budgeted those figures VERY carefully. If you're covering all of the basics, I don't consider you to be living in poverty and I think it degrades the term to use it to describe someone who is capable of making ends meet. Poverty means living at a shelter, eating at a soup kitchen, and/or bathing at a public facility. The line is drawn incorrectly and it's the reason Dontini is able to quote inflated statistics.
And what other money and stuff does the government send you,oh wait they don’t
Unemployment, disability (I've seen the abuses), welfare, subsidized housing, "earned income", subsidized phone, electricity, water, WIC, the list really does go on and on. You'd know this if you'd ever looked into any of it.
The poverty line is not drawn to low simply because you say so.
No, not because I say so. It's drawn too high because it includes people that have, or can have, all of the basic necessities in live covered. That's why it's drawn too high. I think to really get to the point where necessities can't be covered you'd have to drop it below $5000/year - less than half of what it is now. I managed to keep my expenses for necessities at around $6000/year and I was aware that more savings could be had.
And try opening your eyes to the world around you homelessness is rampant, no room at the mission and their fighting for space under the bridges at night and the soup kitchens are struggling.
These people are not making $10,000 per year. You're not listening to what I'm saying. I'm saying that lumping me in my apartment with my electricity, stove, heat, cable, internet, water, and groceries in with people fighting for space under a bridge is irresponsible and insulting. To say that I lived in poverty while people really are living in poverty is ludicrous - yet that's exactly what the US census bureau is doing and it's the reason Dontini says 1 in 7 Americans are living in "poverty". It's a stupid definition and it's insulting to people who really are impoverished.
So I asked you a point blank question and gave you a point blank answer to that question and what did you do? You dodged that question...
I most certainly did not. You asked me for or against and I answered a resounding, unquestioning,
FOR!. I even included the exclamation point. I don't know how much more straight an answer I can give you.
* There was one nasty leak now that I think about it.