Why we dont get this Roofcam??

  • Thread starter DonZonda
...there is a view that every individual GTer feels most comfortable to them, so when some wise guy posts that it is cockpit view or it's cheating, or that it is the only view that should be in the game, I just sit back and wonder how some people can be so narrow minded.
Do you mind if I ask why?
GT is a driving simulator, right? In real life do you usually drive 10 feet above and 15 behind the driving seat (chase cam)? I used to play like that when I was 12, in need for speed 2. Roof cam isn't right either, it's like cheating because you can't really see that much from your seat. Plus you don't have the feeling of being inside the car.

If you want to simulate the real vision of the road from a driving position, gt's cockpit view is the only way to go....for now. Actually what I think is better is FM3's FOV.

GT needs the ability to adjust the seat, like in GTR. Hopefully the PSEye will help.
Take your GT Elitism & shove it.

It's a video game. It doesn't need to be super-god-damn-realistic. If you want to be restricted to cockpit view, go play iRacing then.
Do you mind if I ask why?
GT is a driving simulator, right? In real life do you usually drive 10 feet above and 15 behind the driving seat (chase cam)? I used to play like that when I was 12, in need for speed 2. Roof cam isn't right either, it's like cheating because you can't really see that much from your seat. Plus you don't have the feeling of being inside the car.
What if I did? Who cares? I usually play racing games using the chase cam*, and have since 1992. What difference does it make to other people that I don't play the game like a super serious sim? If I wanted to do that, I wouldn't be playing GT games in the first place.

*I will admit that if a game has a cockpit view, I usually play with that, but that is more because I think it is awesome than because I want to be fully immersed in realism.
Cockpit View is the only view that give u the perspective and respect for corners like the Corkscrew, i cant fathom any other view...

Blind spots are what make tracks act like their real counterparts.
Cockpit View is the only view that give u the perspective and respect for corners like the Corkscrew, i cant fathom any other view...

Blind spots are what make tracks act like their real counterparts.

Sorry but I strongly disagree with that statement friend. The bumper cam also gives the perspective and blind spots you are talking about.
I can see the benefit of different views for different peoples set ups. I personally use cockpit view at all times because my tv is big enough for me to be able to read the cars dials and see enough of the track to place the car pretty much where I want it to be. Also I do like the added challenge of trying to hit an apex when my view of it is partially obscured by an awkwardly sited A-pillar, but hopefully this will be made easier in GT5 with the addition of head tracking allowing you to look around the A-pillar on approach to corners.

When I play at some of my friends houses with smaller tv sets I can't get the same amount of detail so I have to use bumper cam as its not as easy to focus on the track as much as is needed as the area I'm concentrating on is so small.

I've never met Amar but I suspect his gaming set-up is pretty amazing with a substantial sized screen which would make the cockpit view the most realistic and preferred option for most people who would play on it.
I've always used chase view. I absolutely detest bumper cam, it gives you no feel for the car. Using cockpit view in GT5P actually gives you a little feedback on where the back end of the car is. Bumper cam gives none of this feedback, as you get no visual indication of the back end kicking out a bit. This is because the angle the screen moves from the bumper is a small fraction of the angle your view moves in bumper cam as it is further away from the rear of the car. (because think of the front wheels as a sort of pivot, the further away the more the car moves - bumper cam is at the centre of the pivot so you get no feedback from the back end until its too late to prevent it)

And with chase view tou get the feedback of the back end kicking out. But what i love most about the cockpit view in GT5P is the feedback on the steering, which is incredibly useful for a pad user such as myself, as i don't know how much i am moving the analogue stick. This is the reason why i switched to cockpit view as full lock in GT5P on professional physics often equals spin out, but in GT4 full lock was used on just about every turn without issue.
its lack of 900 degree 1:1 steering, you would of thought it would be in seen as though the wheel of GT5P and probably GT5 is the DFGT. :)

Thats because the difficulty of modelling hand animations for 900degrees with shifting gears while still looking decent. PD did have 900 animation in intially but the hand flailing made it look odd. Hopefully they have come up with a good solution for GT5.

Oh and as I am sure you're aware the game is still 900 degree mode (road wheels still follow 1:1 with game wheel) even in cockpit cam just the steering wheel doesn't.
Thats because the difficulty of modelling hand animations for 900degrees with shifting gears while still looking decent. PD did have 900 animation in intially but the hand flailing made it look odd. Hopefully they have come up with a good solution for GT5.

Oh and as I am sure you're aware the game is still 900 degree mode (road wheels still follow 1:1 with game wheel) even in cockpit cam just the steering wheel doesn't.

Did it look as goofy as that stupid slow motion hand that does the shifting? That is the main reason I don't use cockpit view.
Looked fine with smaller turns (below 90 degrees either way) then arms would start whipping around and thats without the inclusion of shifting animations, after it was removed KY said it's difficult but they're working on it.
Yea thats true , but the ones in GT5P are on 30fps with motion blur.
And this new ones are normal 60 fps gameplay :drool:

"Motion Blur". The 'motion blur' mentioned for Forza is actually a low LOD (Level of Detail) texture streamed at long distances rather than awesome motion blur technology, while Gran Turismo uses a higher definition texture at all times compared to Forza.

The car not blurring in GT is a case of depth of field not motion blur, where the car is kept is kept in focus and the foreground/background are out of focus. Depth of field is current gen technology unlike motion blur.
"Motion Blur". The 'motion blur' mentioned for Forza is actually a low LOD (Level of Detail) texture streamed at long distances rather than awesome motion blur technology, while Gran Turismo uses a higher definition texture at all times compared to Forza.

The car not blurring in GT is a case of depth of field not motion blur, where the car is kept is kept in focus and the foreground/background are out of focus. Depth of field is current gen technology unlike motion blur.

Depth of field effect is very rough if you pay attention, definitely not as smooth feeling like GT4 and older games had. The picture is smeared by few square poles and they didn't even rid of that white aura around the car in specific light conditions which make it even worse. That's also reason why there are so many wide views in replays from GTHD on, the spectacular closeups for which are GT replays so famous are almost gone. I bet they had very hard times tuning this new HD game engine and made many compromises.

BTW I like the 30fps+motionblur views, when you look out of the car to the sides and scenery is running blurred around you, it looks almost real. 60fps views still look just like a game.
I'd like to see 5 views:

-adjustable chase view
-adjustable roof view
-adjustable bonnet view
-adjustable cockpit view
-adjustable bumber view


adjustable hud

So easy, just do it :)
I vote completely customisable views, Or i'll just settle for cockpit view but with drastically improved peripheral vision, or head tracking (But then it means i have to fork out more money for the camera)
I use cockpit view almost exclusively, but that doesn't mean that there shouldn't be other camera views available. Different strokes for different folks. 👍

Whatever the ROOFCAM is - it should have NOTHING to do with actual gameplay view.

Sorry mate.

Only 2 cameras that should be available for gameplay view are cockpit and hood view, MAYBE bumper, just for the benefit of tradition.
Sorry mate.

Just because you have some inside information doesn't mean you have to to act like a pompous ass. 👎
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Sorry mate.

Just because you have some inside information doesn't mean you have to to act like a pompous ass. 👎

No problem, it is just my oppinion, it has nothing to do with "information".

I just think that everybody should drive under same principles, and I also think that cockpit camera is the only way to go.

It is just my oppinion, together with oppinion that in Professional mode only camera selectable should be cockpit cam.

However, I think that way - somebody else thinks another. No problem there, as long as we both can say our oppinions. If that means I'm being "pompous ass" I have no problem with that.

Cheers 👍
BTW I like the 30fps+motionblur views, when you look out of the car to the sides and scenery is running blurred around you, it looks almost real. 60fps views still look just like a game.

I'm fully agree with you , 30 fps+motion blur in racing games just look real , while 60fps look just like a game way too smooth and clear like it never would be in reallife for our eyes. When I look out the sidewindow in a real car even at 60mp/h/100km/h things that pass me are blured to my eyes. When I look at plants the asphalt or what ever. It just blury for my eyes cause it's moving too fast that my eyes can't focus it. Motion Blur is just real. 60fps none motion blur gameplay is unreal. I hate in GT5P the none motion blur gameplay, because you always see the textures repeat on the gras and asphalt , that looks so unreal. Same with things next to car like barriers or walls . In reallife the things would get blury for my eyes. And why PD uses motion blur for all their replays and trailers? exaclty because its real. And people who say motion blur doesn't exicst don't know what I mean. The air or something don't gets blury its the things that pass you fast. Ever rode with a train and looked at the ground? Or in a subway and looked at the wall? Yes its blury and not razor sharp clear.

look at this Video . 300km/h and things that pass the car are blury from the speed. Just like it would look to our eyes in reallife. I wish it would be like that in GT5 :drool: looks so much faster than GT5P at 300km/h
Anyway I think that GT5 is the slowest looking racing sim I've ever played :(.
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I'd like to see 5 views:

-adjustable chase view
-adjustable roof view
-adjustable bonnet view
-adjustable cockpit view
-adjustable bumber view


adjustable hud

So easy, just do it :)

Too right.

Everyone should be able to customise their view to their own liking. I personally love the cockpit view as it tells me what the car is doing and, to me, is the most realistic and fun. If you don't like it, that's cool. Thats your decision and there is nothing wrong with it and vice versa for those who want cockpit only. I wont tell you how you should like your coffee, and you shouldn't tell me either.
No problem, it is just my oppinion, it has nothing to do with "information".

I just think that everybody should drive under same principles, and I also think that cockpit camera is the only way to go.

It is just my oppinion, together with oppinion that in Professional mode only camera selectable should be cockpit cam.

However, I think that way - somebody else thinks another. No problem there, as long as we both can say our oppinions. If that means I'm being "pompous ass" I have no problem with that.

Cheers 👍
It's not your opinion I have a problem with, it's your apparent demeanor - talking down on people. :indiff:
He says he wants more roofcams.

I dissagree.

It is an oppinion.



I'm confused about your avatar, that doesn't look anything like trial mountain...
Looked fine with smaller turns (below 90 degrees either way) then arms would start whipping around and thats without the inclusion of shifting animations, after it was removed KY said it's difficult but they're working on it.

I dont see what's so difficult about it. Once the arms go much past what they currently do, one hand lets go of the wheel and moves across the other. If it looks too much like flailing, just make it so a) it only works with 900 degree wheels and not controllers, b) slow the letting go and crossing of the arms until it looks more realistic at the rotation speeds common to playing racing sims. LFS does it without it looking like flailing, though their arms look a bit crap, but it has nothing to do with the 900 degree motion, its because they made their arms straight and low resolution.
It's a joke dude. His avatar looks a bit like Trial Mountain (it does, just turn the track 45 degrees clockwise), but it's just the borders of his country, Croatia.
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He says he wants more roofcams.

I dissagree.

It is an oppinion.


The way you worded it & how you capitalized certain words to try and "push" your point even more made you look like you knew what was best for everyone.

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