Originally posted by advanR
This is where my initial hostility to you came from. You think you have the right to say someone is a liberal by reading just one sentence. This would irritate most people. Being called blind just makes it more irritating. Like I am some pot smoking tree hugging student hippy liberal.
Nah - I've read much more of what he's written than that.
The second quote is an insult to a persons intelligence. The same as taking the fact that I dont use capital letters to mean that I am slow or stupid.
Using proper English is a sign of intelligence, for one, and there's no way that can be denied. Additionally, when people have a blind association to a group or political party (i.e. naming one side of an issue so as to block out the other side of the issue), they make statements such as 'we had the largest budget surplus in history.' (Well of course we did! We spent and received exponentially more based on inflation than any other president in history!) But the biggest possible problem is when they attain political office, for two reasons -
a) They cause huge arguments between people who are the same way on the opposite side of the spectrum (i.e. they can't see the other side's philosophy because their head's buried in the sand).
b) They make what they think are educated decisions on a topic without hearing the opposite side of the issue. Fortunately, Jonathan shows a wonderful example of this when he says that under Clinton we had 'peace and prosperity.' Peace as in an extremely large war in Kosovo, and prosperity as in having oral sex with an intern?
Clinton was not the president to end all presidents, and President Bush is not a bad guy (especially not for the reasons named by Jonathan) - but Jonathan might lead you elsewhere with logic that only examines one side of an issue. I've said it before and I'll say it again - when you examine just one side of an issue, of course it's going to seem correct.
insulting people like that can cause people to get angry and shouldnt happen.
If Jonathan gets angry, then he'll hopefully stand up for himself and pour in to this discussion more information on why he feels the way he does (and not just praise and slander for men based on their political party). Additionally, he'll get angry and devote more attention to the topic.