- 12,993
Larger than life.
Originally posted by milefile
Wha? So now we just invent correct grammar based on what we feel like doing? Whatever.
Oh good because it sounded like you were.
Originally posted by advanR
I believe not hitting shift does not show a lack of my english skills. It is just a lack of effort in the translation from brain to keyboard.
However, if a post has bad spelling and or very bad grammar, that is a display of the poster's brain power.
As in real life I cant forget to capatilize words when I am speaking to someone else. Capitilizing only pertains to written language. And in my case, some times I skip it, because of a lack of effort. So I'm lazy, ................... pffffff. Not stupid, or less intelligent.
Originally posted by milefile
Wha? So now we just invent correct grammar based on what we feel like doing? Whatever.
Originally posted by advanR
Also, grammar isnt capitalizing letters. Grammar is sentence structure and putting punctuation in the correct places.
Originally posted by advanR
sentence structure
Originally posted by milefile
I disagree. It at least shows how using the language correctly is not a priority to you. If you were stupid it'd at least be forgiveable because you can't really help that. But it's apparently just a lack of care. Tsk... tsk...![]()
Originally posted by advanR
You people have gotten me accustomed to capitilizing, so I do more often now, hahha.
What? Carries out?Originally posted by rufrgt_sn00pie2001
I've been thinking, and unless I'm totally misunderstanding the US, I think the amount of actual power the president carries out is insane.
Cool! Glad we could help. See? Not bad for some internet forum, huh?Originally posted by advanR
You people have gotten me accustomed to capitilizing, so I do more often now, hahha.
Originally posted by rufrgt_sn00pie2001
Bad Dutch - English translation...
Originally posted by milefile
Ah. Yes. Well. Ahem...
It's just the times. There was a time when Denmark was unbelievably powerful, too. And then there was the king of Spain.
But when you're the leader of the free world a certain amount of power comes along with it.
Originally posted by advanR
I believe not hitting shift does not show a lack of my english skills. It is just a lack of effort in the translation from brain to keyboard.
Originally posted by advanR
Also, grammar isnt capitalizing letters. Grammar is sentence structure and putting punctuation in the correct places.
Originally posted by rufrgt_sn00pie2001
How powerful is the US Senate exactly, in relation to the president?
Originally posted by M5Power
The Internet promotes laziness, and people look for any way possible to defend it. [/B]
Originally posted by rufrgt_sn00pie2001
How powerful is the US Senate exactly, in relation to the president?
Originally posted by M5Power
The United States Senate (more so, the United States Congress) is the single most powerful body, group, etc. in American politics, however the way this country is run, its power is minute compared to that of the president.
For one, on major issues, the U.S. Senate needs a two-thirds majority to get something passed - meaning that when the Senate is controlled (as it is now) 51-49, only minor issues can pass with party-line votes, and everything else must be largely bipartisan.
Additionally, the Senate has over-ride power, rendering the president's veto power namely useless, however in most cases, if a president vetos something, Congress becomes scared to the extreme to over-ride the bill (go against the president?!) and it dies.
I'd still rather be a US Senator than the president.
Originally posted by advanR
I will say something I think. Im not completely sure about everything, so point it out if im wrong.
This countries government was set up with the idea that if the government failed a new government could be set up in place of it. i dont think it should happen, but I couldnt possibly think of this ever happening today. The constitution is the all holy document. anyone who stands up to say anything about it is a traitor.
the way the voting process works. people vote. but you know what? 50-70% of people are dumb. sure that means the majority of people get the people representing that they want, but the rest of us are stuck with shmucks.
also because people are selected by voting, only people with money or party support can win. if everyone believes only the main two parties can win in an election, there is no way enough people will vote for a third party member even if they are a better candidate. people are too afraid the republicans will win. and i am this way too. in the recent election for senator, i had to vote for mondale because he badly needed my vote (it was a very close race), even if the independent looked better(forgot his name!!!!).
because each of the two parties are so determined to beat the other party, they elect who they think has the best cahnce of winning the election. not who is actually a better candidate. example, jesus, look at bush. bush name, not much else.
they must always lie.
only people with money to advertise can win. we all know an alternative to the 2 parties will likely never win,
also, that thing m5power said before was very very true.
one sided minded people always take office. and then we are screwed. they never consider the points of the people opposing them. bill frist is a moron!!!!