Why We Need Clinton Back

  • Thread starter epic
Originally posted by TAFJonathan
Under Clinton we had peace, prosperity, and the largest budget surplus in history. Then Bush was elected. Now we have an impending war, the stock market is in shambles, and we are projecting a deficit.

Every word is true.:D Bill also said on TV he had sex.:lol: Bush hasn't said a word about sex, therefore he's gay.:P

*Too bad presidents couldn't serve more than 8 years.;) *
Originally posted by RVDNuT374
*Too bad presidents couldn't serve more than 8 years.;) *

Technically they can serve 10.

FDR was the last to go more than 8. Ugh. You have him to thank for all the communist junk like social security. Yeah, communist junk...
Originally posted by advanR
i said will never likely win. ventura won. as you know, governer is the highest office ever held by someone other than a dmeocrat or republican.

Naah - there's an Independent Senator from Rhode Island (who namely votes Democrat, but was elected as an Independent). But point taken concerning Independents - it's a tough life, especially if you haven't got name recognition.
Originally posted by RVDNuT374
Every word is true.:D Bill also said on TV he had sex.:lol: Bush hasn't said a word about sex, therefore he's gay.:P

*Too bad presidents couldn't serve more than 8 years.;) *

Although the post above is pure rubbish, it raises an interesting point - let me clarify:

A president can serve up to eleven years and 364 days in office. If a man is the vice president of a president who dies or quits the day after being elected (or re-elected), he may then serve out the remaining term, as well as be elected twice after that. This would never happen in real life, but if a president ever had a strong vice president and was to die in office, it is not unthinkable for the vice president to serve more than the usually quoted eight years. Granted, it hasn't happened yet (and since term limits began, I don't think there's been a strong enough president/vice president duo for it to happen) but it's possible. Additionally, if this rule was applied to the maximum twice, it is also possible a president/vice president combination could serve up to 23 years in the White House if we kept electing them.

Could Bill Clinton run again in '04, or do term limits make it so he can't run, regardless of whether they're consecutive or not?
Originally posted by advanR
about the one sidedness, I will point out a few examples I remember from just watching some interviews on a cable news channel a few weeks ago.

a republican said that the people protesting against a war on Iraq were just doing what liberals always do. he didnt make any distinction between a democrat and a liberal democrat. he then went on to say that these people protesting would still be protesting if Florida was attacked by Iraq. he said they would say "we didnt like florida anyways, who needs it(for some reason i dont remember). let the inspections continue!". that was infuriating. completely ignoring the fact that people were protesting the war because they were waiting for more information about hidden weapons to come out. waiting for more evidence to justify war. meanwhile let inspections go on. if a person didnt agree completely with bush they were crazy liberals that would protest war even after hard proof for war was made.

Well, this is a good point and I'm just beginning to come to terms with the anti-protester within me. I've always hated protesters - I went to a politically active college in a big city, and I had to deal with them frequently. But imagine how it is for a conservative man or woman - namely one who's devoted his entire life to public service - to view a bunch of 'idiotic 19-year-olds with big signs screaming into bullhorns' about issues that they cannot comprehend in full capacity because they don't have all the evidence. It's nearly demoralising. No-one should question government without having been a part of it.

something bill frist said. after making a bunch of weak points for why we should go to war, he started talking about how democrats always want to continue spending. he said, "democrats always want to increase spending. if its not education, its this. if its not this, its that" really? a war costs nothing? all democrats are the same, okay. how can you criticize people for wanting to spend more when you want to spend much more than that on a war? If theres no imediate threat from iraq. let the inspections continue and spend money where it is needed, i say. at home.

Yeah - Bill Frist is good, though, and if he could get people to stay awake long enough to listen to his spin (not straight lies, but certainly spin) he could probably convert a lot of moderates right over to his side.

Oh yea. they had arianna huffington on talking about her suv terrorist ads. (i think she is very wrong for doing this crap. if someone is going to not purchase an suv, it should be for different reasons, not fake ones that she is creating). someone that was debating against her was comparing a toyota prius to a suburban, saying the prius is a small POS and couldnt fit the same number of people as a suburban. He didnt compare the suburban to a larger vehicle. Just one that he could use to make the point that the suburban has much more room in it. ms. huffington of course didnt make this point of mine and said something else instead. I was almost yelling at the screen. "comeback saying this you idiot!! make him look like a fool!!" she went on talking about some other crap.

I used to think everyone on Huffington's side was a total jackass - until I read the following statistic today: 'To fill up a GMC Yukon XL with a full tank of gas, it costs on average $59." HOLY FACKIN' CRAP! $59?! That really got me wondering 'who's buying these SUV's?' $59 is a lot to spend on gasoline for a car. $59!
But it has a 400 gallon gas tank.

I think gas is cheap for what it does. Name another liquid besides water that you can get for a buck fifty a gallon? An average car get 25-30 MPG, right? That's like 5 cents a mile. Sheesh...

EDIT: 'Personally, I think' is a redundancy. Had to remove it.
It is not a redundancy. If you said, "Personally, gas is cheap for what it does," it wouldn't have made any sense. You were right originally, and now you've made yourself look like your avatar.
jeez ou are right. water costs like $2 a gallon. thats odd, but funny.

and M5power I have to deal with that crap too. I am 18. I had problems in school (not behavioral), and would have had to probably do a 5th year to get enough credits to graduate. I said screw it and passed the GED with ease. Its really set up for people that dropped out of school in 7th grade. Im going to a community college this year, and next year I am going to michigan tech. Works out okay for me, I hate dealing with Highschool BS.

I needed a class this semester for 12 credits. So I thought I would take something interesting in addition to all of the calc and comp science classes i have been taking. I signed up for environmental ethics. If you thought you have seen some young lefty retards let me tell you my experiences. This is a community college mind you, so most of the students are college rejects.

On the first day everyone introduced themselves and said why they took the class. Numerous people said they voted for green candidates in the past election. Most of the class has piercings. A few people with dreads. They wear dirty hats and clothing. They wear shirts that say "hug me", with a picture of a tree on it. They have tons of patches and stickers on their bags that say stuff like "save the whales". I can only imagine what bumber stickers are on their cars. It is hilarious. The teacher isnt a hippy. But her arguments are pretty one sided. Luckily I am not weak minded enough to get brainwashed.

I consider myself to be a democrat, but hate these young kiddies and liberals. I am young too of course, but I dont do this **** as a lifestyle. I have beliefs, I dont drees like it and act like it for show.

'Power, it is redundant because of the personally. If I say "I think" that is what I think. Personally signals my opinion.

It's like saying "In my opinion, I think..." or communist liberal.
Well, if you're a pansy and need a little bottle to fit into your small hands...

Real men drink rainwater or fill up a gallon jug at the water filling station.
Originally posted by advanR

and M5power I have to deal with that crap too. I am 18. I had problems in school (not behavioral), and would have had to probably do a 5th year to get enough credits to graduate. I said screw it and passed the GED with ease. Its really set up for people that dropped out of school in 7th grade. Im going to a community college this year, and next year I am going to michigan tech. Works out okay for me, I hate dealing with Highschool BS.

I needed a class this semester for 12 credits. So I thought I would take something interesting in addition to all of the calc and comp science classes i have been taking. I signed up for environmental ethics. If you thought you have seen some young lefty retards let me tell you my experiences. This is a community college mind you, so most of the students are college rejects.

On the first day everyone introduced themselves and said why they took the class. Numerous people said they voted for green candidates in the past election. Most of the class has piercings. A few people with dreads. They wear dirty hats and clothing. They wear shirts that say "hug me", with a picture of a tree on it. They have tons of patches and stickers on their bags that say stuff like "save the whales". I can only imagine what bumber stickers are on their cars. It is hilarious. The teacher isnt a hippy. But her arguments are pretty one sided. Luckily I am not weak minded enough to get brainwashed.

:lol: Too good! I have no actual problem with these people if they can come up with logical, compelling reasons by stating both pros and cons for why I should do with they believe. But, they never can come up with a logical reason for me to significantly alter my lifestile.

I consider myself to be a democrat, but hate these young kiddies and liberals. I am young too of course, but I dont do this **** as a lifestyle. I have beliefs, I dont drees like it and act like it for show.
You're never too young! Show those losers you mean business! Rent an Expedition and drive it to a PETA meeting!
Originally posted by Klostrophobic

Real men drink rainwater or fill up a gallon jug at the water filling station.

I assume, then, real men also get cancer and die well before hitting life expectancy?

No we buy big 2 gallon jugs because I want the water to not taste like ****. Our tap water has harmful chemicals in it and it tastes like crap. We are starting to get those 5 gallon jugs delivered soon.

I hate those small bottles and think they are stupid. I drink probably half a gallon of water a day, and buying those would be very expensive. Larger containers of water are much cheaper.

M5power, I have beliefs about wasting water, driving SUVs when you obviously dont need them, pollution, wasting other resources, and other things. Remember where we originally ran into eachother.

I just try to think of where things can be saved with little inconvenience to ones life. The amount of water wasted by most people (americans above others[especially people in arizona, jeeez!!]) is huge. Meanwhile people of other countries are in severe water shortages. We will eventually encounter shortages also, but when will we be told to try and conserve? Most people can cut their daily usage of water in half EASILY.

Also, i know we disagree aobut this, but SO many people that drive SUVs dont need those humongous things.
Originally posted by advanR

I just try to think of where things can be saved with little inconvenience to ones life. The amount of water wasted by most people (americans above others[especially people in arizona, jeeez!!]) is huge. Meanwhile people of other countries are in severe water shortages. We will eventually encounter shortages also, but when will we be told to try and conserve? Most people can cut their daily usage of water in half EASILY.

Let's hope a member outside the midwest doesn't read this... states like Arizona and Colorado are in such major droughts that this summer it looks like many cities will drop watering schedules and force you to water just once weekly - even if it kills the grass. I'm surprised how well we have it in the midwest - Michigan is having record rainfall - but in the west, primarily Colorado, Arizona, Nebraska, Wyoming, Kansas, Nevada, New Mexico, etc. reservoirs are being brought to levels not seen since the Dust Bowl.

So there's a problem, and it's being dealt with by conservation.
oops. if things are this serious why dont people make more of an effort to conserve. then again, maybe they are. I just think people could use way less water then they do now, even in conservation mode. Seeing as how people of the world experiencing serious drought can use as little as 5 liters a day, i think americans could use even less if its that serious. We have so many technologies to increase water use, but still, cutting from an average of 350 liters a day/person, to 100-200 should be possible without too much hassle.

I just find it rediculous how people in those dry states try to keep a lawn. I think xeriscape( i think this is the name) is a good idea. I think it is the idea that you make your yard include what would naturally be in the area. in arizona it would be sand and cactii I guess. They actually can get it to look nice.

(Most of my knowledge comes from videos we watched made in the early 1990s. Im sure things have changed quite a bit since then. Ill shut up now.)
Originally posted by advanR
oops. if things are this serious why dont people make more of an effort to conserve. then again, maybe they are.

They certainly are in the states hardest hit. Minnesota, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Michigan (& maybe the Dakotas) are probably the best off right now - so our citizens see no reason for conservation. It's hard to blame them, too. Americans - and most people - get the idea that we don't have to do anything unless the situation is very imminent.
too much water can kill you. draws too much salt in or something. brain hemorrage, i think.
12 liters is the safe amount, though i'm not sure about the level of physical activity that's supposed to go with.
I once drank 5 tall glasses of water at one time. all at once. it hurts your stomach like hell. you feel it all inside you and just want it to be processed and pissed out. .....really hurts.
I love threads like this.

They are an expression of the fundemental differences between people.

I know that clinton committed perjury.

I know that clinton committed American troops to aggresive actions in Kosovo, Somolia, Hati, and Iraq.

Clinton was involed in illegal realestate deals... does white water ring a bell?

There is a reason Dick Morris became an independant after the 2000 election.

Of course Im sure you know who he is, right?

Clinton dodged the draft. He went to russia and participated in anti-american protest burning flags and doing drugs.

Clinton was offered osama bin laden by Mansuer Eijaz, the foreign ambassador to Sudan after the bombing of the cole. Clinton was too busy with his own overwhelming problems to deal with something like that.

The economy of the nation hit a false high based on elements like the internet boom, which provided billions of dollars in a stock market that started to diassapear before clinton was out of office.

I would say that anyone willing to ignore these facts is ignorant... and anyone who didnt know these facts has no right to post an opinion in a thread like this.

Fact is... clinton won the hearts of people by having sex in the spotlight and playing the sax on the arsineio hall show.
Originally posted by GoKents
I love threads like this.

They are an expression of the fundemental differences between people.

I know that clinton committed perjury.

I know that clinton committed American troops to aggresive actions in Kosovo, Somolia, Hati, and Iraq.

Clinton was involed in illegal realestate deals... does white water ring a bell?

There is a reason Dick Morris became an independant after the 2000 election.

Of course Im sure you know who he is, right?

Clinton dodged the draft. He went to russia and participated in anti-american protest burning flags and doing drugs.

Clinton was offered osama bin laden by Mansuer Eijaz, the foreign ambassador to Sudan after the bombing of the cole. Clinton was too busy with his own overwhelming problems to deal with something like that.

The economy of the nation hit a false high based on elements like the internet boom, which provided billions of dollars in a stock market that started to diassapear before clinton was out of office.

I would say that anyone willing to ignore these facts is ignorant... and anyone who didnt know these facts has no right to post an opinion in a thread like this.

Fact is... clinton won the hearts of people by having sex in the spotlight and playing the sax on the arsineio hall show.

For everything that StealthViper (TAFJonathan) is on the left, you are on the right.

You have no idea what you're talking about.

When you say "LA." in your location, do you mean Los Angeles or Louisiana?
I love how you just say I dont know what Im talking about but dont actually address what it is you think I dont know.

I think you just dont like the facts... plus...

I forgot bosnia.
I know, I know, more self-righteous drivel. Please answer my question, all-knower. When you say "LA." in your location, do you mean Los Angeles or Louisiana?