Wii U Latest News and Discussion

That is very nice visually! The lighting engine rather than the textures I'd say! Although I could do with a WipEout-esque game on my Wii U.
Update 5.2.0 U released
  • Folders can now be created in the Wii U Menu to hold and organize software icons
  • A Download Management icon has been added to the Wii U Menu
Changes to Quick Start Menu:
  • The Quick Start Menu will now display when the Wii U is powered on from the Wii U GamePad TV Remote
  • Options have been added to Power Settings that allow users to hide certain software from the Quick Start Menu
Changes to the HOME Menu:
  • The design and layout of the HOME Menu has been updated
Changes to the Nintendo eShop:
  • Disabled usage of characters not used when redeeming Nintendo eShop cards (O, I, Z, etc.)
Improvements to system stability and usability:
  • Further improvements to overall system stability and other minor adjustments have been made to enhance the user experience
That is very nice visually! The lighting engine rather than the textures I'd say! Although I could do with a WipEout-esque game on my Wii U.
That does indeed look a little like Wipeout Fusion. Going to be keeping an eye on that one.

As much as I'm a big Sonic fan those re-designs scare the living **** out me, and make me want to cry. Still I'll give it a shot though being the fan I am at this point:(.

Maybe I can ask one of you guys for the longest it's been PS4 or X1 with me, but lately I've seen the Wii U might actually be good, and I want your opinions is it good, underrated/overrated or should I continue to wait it out until late 2015?
Right now, depending on the games you like, the Wii U has created quite a large library of top notch games(if you don't mind Mario obviously) off the top of my head: The Wonderful 101, Super Mario 3D World, Mario Kart, Super Smash Brothers, Pikmin 3, Nes Remix 1 and 2, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, Hyrule Warriors(if you enjoy the Warriors titles) Wind Waker HD, ZombiU, Nintendoland and Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze. It's a console purely built on fun and I think it is fantastic. Unfortunantely due to a few circumstances the Wii U has seen a third party snubbing, so it'll be used soely as a Exclusives machine for the most part, that isn't bad though, after all there is quite a lot of great games on the horizon too! To cut this short, I have had my Wii U for 10 months and not once have I regretted it. There's so many quality games on the system that it's a shame because of other developers it can't be seen as a 'primary' console, but more of a supporting console with the best exclusives money can buy, if you like the type of games Nintendo offers.
As much as I'm a big Sonic fan those re-designs scare the living **** out me, and make me want to cry. Still I'll give it a shot though being the fan I am at this point:(.

Maybe I can ask one of you guys for the longest it's been PS4 or X1 with me, but lately I've seen the Wii U might actually be good, and I want your opinions is it good, underrated/overrated or should I continue to wait it out until late 2015?
Right now, depending on the games you like, the Wii U has created quite a large library of top notch games(if you don't mind Mario obviously) off the top of my head: The Wonderful 101, Super Mario 3D World, Mario Kart, Super Smash Brothers, Pikmin 3, Nes Remix 1 and 2, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, Hyrule Warriors(if you enjoy the Warriors titles) Wind Waker HD, ZombiU, Nintendoland and Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze. It's a console purely built on fun and I think it is fantastic. Unfortunantely due to a few circumstances the Wii U has seen a third party snubbing, so it'll be used soely as a Exclusives machine for the most part, that isn't bad though, after all there is quite a lot of great games on the horizon too! To cut this short, I have had my Wii U for 10 months and not once have I regretted it. There's so many quality games on the system that it's a shame because of other developers it can't be seen as a 'primary' console, but more of a supporting console with the best exclusives money can buy, if you like the type of games Nintendo offers.

Not even mad about the 3rd party snubbing it's just I realized I haven't missed a Nintendo Console, and when I did Gamecube that hurt right into the childhood lol.

Still though the games you've mention are games I would love to try only problem is Pikmin never played 1 and 2.

The reason I'm also asking this is PS4/X1 have been dominating the charts lately and news as well you know, but me and friend had started talking, and hilariously enough. We started asking the question what if the Wii U was Fire/Fi(Slang for Good) or just underrated, and sadly went to Best Buy and checked out think it was Wind Waker HD got at that time I thought it was severely underrated.
The Wii U as a gaming machine is fantastic, also, it can really surprise you with visuals too. Super Mario 3D World and Mario Kart 8 are stunning.
Not even mad about the 3rd party snubbing it's just I realized I haven't missed a Nintendo Console, and when I did Gamecube that hurt right into the childhood lol.

Still though the games you've mention are games I would love to try only problem is Pikmin never played 1 and 2.

The reason I'm also asking this is PS4/X1 have been dominating the charts lately and news as well you know, but me and friend had started talking, and hilariously enough. We started asking the question what if the Wii U was Fire/Fi(Slang for Good) or just underrated, and sadly went to Best Buy and checked out think it was Wind Waker HD got at that time I thought it was severely underrated.
As much as I'm a big Sonic fan those re-designs scare the living **** out me, and make me want to cry. Still I'll give it a shot though being the fan I am at this point:(.

Maybe I can ask one of you guys for the longest it's been PS4 or X1 with me, but lately I've seen the Wii U might actually be good, and I want your opinions is it good, underrated/overrated or should I continue to wait it out until late 2015?

I got a Wii U a few weeks ago and I absolutely love it. As @Classic said, it's a console that relies on fun and it does that job very well. And obviously, being from Nintendo, it's great way to get friends and family to spend time together. Super Mario 3D World was the main selling point for me and if you like platformers, it's a must have. One of the best Mario games in a long time and you can play it simultaneously with three other people. I also reccomend Mario Kart 8. It's a nice change of pace from the more "serious" racing games most of us play here.

The Gamepad may take some getting used to for some and is required for some games, but it's a nice and conveinent peripheral once you've adapted to it. All in all, I'm really glad I got a Wii U despite previously having a disinterest in it.
[3D World gets good once you collect all the stars, stamps and gold finishing posts in the main game...the levels take a HUGE difficulty spike! If you want someone to add on Nintendo Network my ID is: ClassicBrend. :D
I got a Wii U a few weeks ago and I absolutely love it. As @Classic said, it's a console that relies on fun and it does that job very well. And obviously, being from Nintendo, it's great way to get friends and family to spend time together. Super Mario 3D World was the main selling point for me and if you like platformers, it's a must have. One of the best Mario games in a long time and you can play it simultaneously with three other people. I also reccomend Mario Kart 8. It's a nice change of pace from the more "serious" racing games most of us play here.

The Gamepad may take some getting used to for some and is required for some games, but it's a nice and conveinent peripheral once you've adapted to it. All in all, I'm really glad I got a Wii U despite previously having a disinterest in it.
[3D World gets good once you collect all the stars, stamps and gold finishing posts in the main game...the levels take a HUGE difficulty spike! If you want someone to add on Nintendo Network my ID is: ClassicBrend. :D

Sure, I'll add you when I get a chance. Need more people. :cheers:
Even New Super Mario Bros. U is a fine game from the less-than-outstanding NSMB series. There's also Shovel Knight, which, if you're a fan of NES platformers, is stupendously good. I'm also looking forward to Project CARS, FAST Racing Neo and The '90s Arcade Racer.

For me, the hole left by 3rd party publishers seems to be filling up with indie games. Like everything I just named that isn't NSMBU.
So, how we feeling about 2015 then? Here's a little list of games to be hyped about:

  • Captain Toad's Treasure Tracker(EU)
  • Splatoon
  • Star Fox U
  • Zelda U
  • Mario Maker
  • Mario Party 10
  • Yoshi's Wooly World
  • Kirby: Rainbow Curse
  • Xenoblade Chronicles X
  • Devil's Third
  • Project CARS

Really excited to play Xenoblade Chronicles, it looks HUGE.
More I forgot to mention. 👍 I'm happy I waited a year to get one, but the Wii U is now slowly growing a tall pile of games to play.

I'm cautiously optimistic about XCX. It seems to use a battle system like FFXII's, an pseudo-MMORPG-like experience that I really didn't like. If the combat is good, I'll be happy to dive into a big new JRPG on my Wii U. Not to mention the mecha! :)
I still need to pick up Donkey Kong, aside from that, I think I've caught up with all the retail releases I wanted to play. I have heard DKTF is awesome too.
So, my Wii U suddenly decided not to connect to my rotuer anymore, anyone have any idea how to fix it? At first I thought it may have something to do with the wireless itself because both my PS4 and Xbone are connected via ethernet but I unplugged them and connected with no problems so it seems to be something with the Wii U itself. Has anyone used an ethernet adapter for the Wii U since Nintendo stupidly left out an ethernet port?