As someone who took the plunge at Christmas? I'd say Yes. I was really weary about getting one when all my friends went PS4, but I had a really good feeling about Nintendo for some reason and went with my gut. Since getting it my PS3 has been turned on 3 times(all 3 to play WipEout) and it's been such an amazing console so far. I was shocked at how many stellar games there was already on the console(and now after E3, tons coming) and I still haven't bought all the games I want! Really, if you explore the games line-up, you will be able to decide for yourself if you really want it.Monster Hunter, Mario Kart and Super Smash...
I am really tempted to buy a Wii U.
Should I go for it?
The most comfortable option will probably be to use the right analog stick, although I'll give ZL and ZR a try because the input filter might be good enough. Motion control steering could work too -- with each analog stick assuming the role of a trigger -- particularly with one of those desk/table-mount ideas that have been popping up.I'm most definitely looking forward to Project CARS as well but I'll be purchasing it on the PS4. I am interested to see how it will play on the Wii U though since it doesn't have any analog triggers.
NintendoEnthusiast.comDuring an interview with USGamer, the games producer Takashi Tezuka stated "Obviously, there will be other graphical styles included and nothing’s been decided yet, but I’d also like to include other graphics that aren’t Mario. No, it won’t be top-down (like Zelda) It’s always going to be a 2D platformer."
...Tezuka also wants to include features from Mario Paint such as the music composition feature, which is still a tool which people still use today for creating their own renditions of songs. Sharing is another feature which will also be a big aspect of the game, as you would expect considering its all about creating levels, so while details have not been made public, its pretty much certain that you will be able to upload and download created levels online...