The President being poisoned wasn't the corn flakes' fault, it was the security around the preparation of the food. Therefore your first example doesn't apply because the breakfast option itself wouldn't become classified. They would simply make the location of the white house corn flakes boxes, along with the suppliers of the white house corn flakes classified. Oh wait, it already is

. We would still know our Presidents breakfast choices, while safeguarding against his assasination.
Walmart's earnings have no direct effect on stock brokers. While they do make their living around the buying and selling of stock (potentially walmart's) you would be hard pressed to find a broker who put every single penny of his companies assets into walmart stock. Even if our unfortunately dense stock broker did make such an ill informed decision and ended his life we would have to analyze the exact reasons why he did such a thing. Many stock brokers deal with other peoples money, and not their own. Therefore if he caused the entire investment firm to go bankrupt because of his decision his worst punishment would be needing to find a job as an insurance salesman or a security guard for president obama's corn flakes. If he decides that other professions aren't for him and he was ment to be a stock broker, and subsequently ended his life, then his death would be the result of his poor decision making and not the earnings of walmart.
The histories of US Senators example would not apply for similar reasons to the Obama example. I know the name of my senator (Joe Manchin), and with little searching could find out everything there is to know about him. Where he grew up, where he went to school, his previous jobs before becoming a politician, and since he was previously the governor of West Virginia I would even have his address

. However these details mean nothing. His life isn't in danger nor is his family's. He has security details that protect him and keep him safe. If someone were to assasinate him it would not be the fault of knowing his name or his hometown, but would belong to those who were charged with protecting him.
How does this apply? It means that
everything would not be classified. Only the things that are necessary in order to protect the lives of people in the public eye. Sure enough, thats how it is now. Or was anyway, before Wikileaks decided that we should all
know everything.