Which is odd because the beginning of Encyclopedia Dramatica's Wikileaks article sounds pretty negative. Then again, the internet hate machine does not discriminate.Haven't looked at 4chan lately but I assume they are totally behind this Assange fella. If he does go down, things could get very interesting.
Roman Polanski and all the governments involved with this current case think it does.If the rape and molestation charges are true than it doesn't seem all that ridiculous.
Yeah, the coincidence of these leaks, governments' desperation to hide them, and this supposed rape case is just crazy. Coincidence my ass. I fully believe that it was created by governments specifically to target him. People can call that idea a conspiracy all they want but its no more ridiculous than the things we've found out from these leaks. In fact, it's just more of the same.
If "people in general" were anti-American the U.S. would be a 3rd world country(which it obviously is not), or would probably even die off.
Also, from what I've heard there are a good amount of mirror sites for wikileaks, so in a sense it would be near impossible to actually get rid of.
Guys, these two girls are die hard feminists. One of them has possibly connections with the CIA. After they had sex with Assagne, they posted in twitter how great/good it was. They invited him to a party.
And one week after they had sex, they visit a speech held by Assange and suddenly they change their minds and say "he violated us".
He didn`t violated him. Unsaved sex can be a crime in Sweden, thats ridicoulus. His condom failed. A red alert for unsaved sex because the crazy swedish laws say its a crime.
They can arrest Assange, but they will never stop the stone which started rolling - You cannot beat the Internet without censoring everything. By censoring everything, you make those people who aren`t really interested in politics and news angry. Then this people will notice too that the USA is no constitutional state.
They will notice that countries like Germany, France or Sweden are just puppets.
Do they still buy American made goods?You make a utterly flawed assumption that goverment/state = people.
I lived in Germany, Austria and Turkey - believe me, at least 80% of the people (especially young men/women) are against the US government.
Isolationist? Don't you mean non-interventionist? Isolationism implies purposefully isolating a nation from foreign affairs, including trade. Back then the term "isolationism" was used to refer to avoiding military conflicts with other nations almost exclusively. Non-interventionism was a key point of early American politics - maintain free trade and state sovereignty while avoiding tragic and costly conflicts and complicated international politics.Ironic that the isolationist state which was so criticised 100 years ago is now the one with fingers in all the pies. In fact, the America of old is almost completely the opposite of what it is today in several respects, such is life.
Now people suggest America should back off from meddling in the world, it sucks to have power I guess.
I think they're trying to do something with a world bank too. There's talk of 4chan being shut down and Moot charged with a severe crime like cyber terrorism or whatever because they are using his forum to organise co-ordinated cyber attacks.
Edit: 4chan is an american site
If you ever go to that site, there is something you have to agree to before actually posting. In terms that what ever you commit on that site is your fault.
For one, Australia is not retarded. Thanks for defending Wikileaks and blaming who is really at fault here - the US government.
It's both hilarious and frustrating in its stupidity.
I have not really been following the Wikileaks story much, outside of what has been posted in this thread, but one of my initial thoughts was why is/are the person/persons responsible for leaking the information to Wikileaks not getting more news. It seems to me that finding those responsible for the leak is just as important, if not more important, than the person disseminating said information.
I have not really been following the Wikileaks story much, outside of what has been posted in this thread, but one of my initial thoughts was why is/are the person/persons responsible for leaking the information to Wikileaks not getting more news. It seems to me that finding those responsible for the leak is just as important, if not more important, than the person disseminating said information.
I think he tried to use a condom but Durex prevented him from buying one citing violation of their terms of use policy.But see, the guy that supposedly actually leaked the information didn't have sex without a condom, and we cannot let something like that stand.
Not sure if this has been posted here, but apparently Sarah Palin has been calling Julian Assange "un-American", that might be because he isn't American.