
  • Thread starter Sage
Not sure if this has been posted here, but apparently Sarah Palin has been calling Julian Assange "un-American", that might be because he isn't American.

I'd hate to see what America would become if she became President. I keep thinking that she'll revive McCarthyism, and that Obama would be one of her targets for any anti-left-wing hysteria.
This whole thing is like something out of a movie or t.v., like something you'd see on the Event t.v. show.
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He is out on bail now. (nearly, waiting on the cash transfer, which is difficult as he has issues with visa and mastercard.).
Edit: Ok further complicated by the Swedes appealing the bail, he will stay in prison until the appeal.
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I love the irony of Julian's lawyers trying to keep his address private.:lol:

It would've been better if the address was leaked. We could then shoot the messenger instead of the person who actually did the dirty deed. :)
I love the irony of Julian's lawyers trying to keep his address private.:lol:

How is it ironic? The point of WikiLeaks is to stop the people we pay money to keeping secret how they spend our money, not to give out the addresses of unrelated individuals...
How is it ironic? The point of WikiLeaks is to stop the people we pay money to keeping secret how they spend our money, not to give out the addresses of unrelated individuals...

Their main reasoning for wanting to keep it secret is the same one used against Wikileaks, that the information might put lives in danger.
Really? His lawyer said the reason he wanted to keep his address private is because it's a private address.

Once again, we don't have any right to know what private individuals get up to. We do have a right to know where our money goes (especially since we get put in prison if we refuse to give it).
I agree with Famine. I believe the person who bailed Julian volunteered to give an address forward for Julian stay at. That information is private and there's no reason why any member of the public needs to know where he is staying.

Now doubt it will be public knowledge within 48 hours thanks to the tabloids.
I am strongly resisting the urge to break out the definition of irony and tell you all who is and isn't correct about what in this situation is and is not ironic.
Is Wikileaks for real? Where is the juice on UFO's and all that other stuff we want to know?

All I see is released info, which in the long course will benefit the USA. What harm does it do to let some other diplomats over the world know they are not liked, and slag-off other world leaders.

Who cares that the Libyan leader travels everywhere with a blonde Ukrainian "nurse"??
Is Wikileaks for real? Where is the juice on UFO's and all that other stuff we want to know?

All I see is released info, which in the long course will benefit the USA. What harm does it do to let some other diplomats over the world know they are not liked, and slag-off other world leaders.

Who cares that the Libyan leader travels everywhere with a blonde Ukrainian "nurse"??
They supposedly haven't released everything they have.
Why haven't they released everything?

Could it be the whole think is politically motivated? To release some docs, then more later when the first batch has died down, which would boost publicity.

Most of the stuff is pretty anodyne and not really interesting, other than as gossip for news and political talking heads..

Where is the cold-fusion cover up docs lol
Why haven't they released everything?

Could it be the whole think is politically motivated? To release some docs, then more later when the first batch has died down, which would boost publicity.

Most of the stuff is pretty anodyne and not really interesting, other than as gossip for news and political talking heads..
I don't know but I would guess your publicity boosting theory is correct. I just know that Assange has said they had more stuff that would be released if he was imprisoned or something.

But honestly, the different governments must fear what they have as Polanski did far worse than this guy is accused of and gets to walk around free as a bird.
Another American company which could be boycotted or protested against: Apple.
They banned a Wikileaks App on the iphone.

I wonder if it's getting to the stage when the international community and businesses should boycott everything American unless it's on a newly created white-list register of organisations that are neutral to Wikileaks.
An opt in requirement being they must categorically state that wikileaks is not infringing of any terms of use policy etc. I suppose really a worldwide list is needed.

I think it would reassure quite a few people if such a thing was created.
I know there are plenty of American individuals who go out of their way to support wikileaks. But to see some actual American businesses just declare themselves neutral would be refreshing. I can't imagine it happening though. Are companies political slaves to the US government? Or is it because most of the US population is against wikileaks? Maybe their should be a vote.
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I am strongly resisting the urge to break out the definition of irony and tell you all who is and isn't correct about what in this situation is and is not ironic.

Please, by all means, do so. The more I hear about the Wikileaks situation, the more irony and hypocrisy I see. That, and the more I realize many Libertarians are simply Anarchists.
...many Libertarians are...Anarchists.

Yes, this is almost true. I believe a look at Famine's political compass will reveal that Libertarians and Anarchists (although neither of these are terribly precise terms) are clustered together on opposites side of the south pole.
Please, by all means, do so. The more I hear about the Wikileaks situation, the more irony and hypocrisy I see. That, and the more I realize many Libertarians are simply Anarchists.

Irony means the opposite of something, not the Alanis Morrisette definition, which is coincidental or similar bad luck.

Assange having his personal information leaked is the same thing he is doing to government information, not ironic. It would be ironic if he had found a way to remove all his personal information from public record.

I'm not sure what else you thought I would have, I was merely pointing out the improper use of the term.
Irony means the opposite of something, not the Alanis Morrisette definition, which is coincidental or similar bad luck.

Oh, I thought you perhaps were referring to the irony (in my mind) of Assange wanting governments to take accountability, and libertarians talking about accountability, while providing a service to avoid personal accountability for releasing information that is classified and at odds with whatever contract those individuals have likely agreed to.

If that makes any sense...
US government uses legal system to gain private messages, contact information, bank account numbers and other personal details of Julian Assange, an Icelandic MP, Bradley Manning and 2 computer experts on Twitter and possibly Facebook and Google.
The move was kept secret by the government and was only revealed after Twitter themselves took court action to make it public.

The move was kept secret by the government and was only revealed after Twitter themselves took court action to make it public.

Twitter revealing secrets? How very irresponsible of them.
I know it's an odious an unwelcome thing to hear, but the truth is, at it always has been, that "might makes right". The strong do as they will, the weak do as they must.
The Justice system decided the US government was wrong to keep it secret.
Twitter has a policy if informing it's customers when their personal data has been requested by the state.
Welcome to 1984, the Orwellian police state. How does it feel?

I wonder how many people read or know this book, it's an American web-site after all. :sly: Just kiddin'...
I didn't read it myself but watched the movie and I must say you are definately right to some degree...