
  • Thread starter Sage
New Secret document leak published by Wikileaks today, about America's strategic vulnerabilities around the world. This is a bit different to the other leaks as it might be useful information to terrorists. But that's what happens when effectively America declares war on Wikileaks. Wikileaks have dismissed the claims that the document is a danger to people or facilities.
Secret document leaked:
You know if the world wanted to shut down WikiLeaks they could just ask 4Chan to do it. The site would be shut down in a matter of minutes. And I'm being serious too.
It's not "A" site though, it can exist inexorably moving from place to place can't it, i don't know that much about it but i think the resource can always stay many steps ahead of attacks.
Anyway the "world" in my opinion is hugely in support of wikileaks, people in general are anti-government but especially anti-American global influence. A double effect that wikileaks has as part of it strength. I wouldn't be surprised if most high level countries governments including the main ones in Europe, the United Kingdom included covertly donate money to wikileaks. That's just my guess though. There would be strategic influence even for "allies of America".
Having said that i don't think the countries would like the latest document that highlights facilities in their own countries.
If "people in general" were anti-American the U.S. would be a 3rd world country(which it obviously is not), or would probably even die off.

Also, from what I've heard there are a good amount of mirror sites for wikileaks, so in a sense it would be near impossible to actually get rid of.
They used to be cool, exposing war crimes and helping the general public have a better understanding of the "true" story. Even showing private conversations about nations allies was OK, but posting documents of military sites is just useless to me. Sure alot of the info was already known, but putting it in a nice document for other people for no good reason is stupid.
I wonder if the Insurance files contain references to "FEMA Camps" or the D.U.M.B.S. I suppose we will have to wait and see.
If "people in general" were anti-American the U.S. would be a 3rd world country(which it obviously is not), or would probably even die off.
I don't follow that logic, even Americas worst enemies would be glad to trade with America, economics are different from a personal or political adversary. You don't "not deal" with America if it makes your own business worse off.
I wonder if the Insurance files contain references to "FEMA Camps" or the D.U.M.B.S. I suppose we will have to wait and see.

I am SO glad you mentioned this. THAT would be interesting indeed, I am still struggling to completely believe in this but I sort of hope that this is true and what consequences would follow.
I heard one expert on the BBC say the insurance files containn the actual names of those concerned, so far names have been censored.
Oh and by the way, Assange has supposedly UFO documents he wants to leak and that, to me, is more than exciting.
Great report that covered a lot of ground. Our government's inability to defend against cyberattack from internal hackers or Chinese is truly alarming. Assange is like a loose cannon rolling around on a tossing deck of gunpowder and burning fuses. There are some extremely angry and powerful men all over the world who would love nothing better than seeing him either dead or slammed into solitary confinement.

I bet you that the U.S. government has also cyberattacked China. Everyone is spooked that the Chinese can do that, but I'm sure as Hell that our government is capable of doing the same thing.
I don't follow that logic, even Americas worst enemies would be glad to trade with America, economics are different from a personal or political adversary. You don't "not deal" with America if it makes your own business worse off.

Explain sanctions than.

Obviously if you are "anti" something you will do everything you can to not support whatever it is. For instance if you are anti-Walmart you won't shop there.

I think you are getting disagreeing and resentment mixed up.
Oh and by the way, Assange has supposedly UFO documents he wants to leak and that, to me, is more than exciting.

They won't be that exciting. It's probably countries talking about what would happen if we made contact with an alien race. Also it probably talks about projects from various government groups that resulted in UFO sitings.

I'd be more excited to read uncensored MJ-12 documents or if they release real documents proving the alien autopsy. Actually anything surrounding Area 51 would be cool too, probably show how we faked the moon landing :lol:.
Poor Julian got his Paypal and Swiss bank accounts frozen. Nearly 100,000 Euros worth.

Is this manhunt really as serious as all the news is making it out to be? It seems pretty ridiculous to me.
Poor Julian got his Paypal and Swiss bank accounts frozen. Nearly 100,000 Euros worth.

Is this manhunt really as serious as all the news is making it out to be? It seems pretty ridiculous to me.

If the rape and molestation charges are true than it doesn't seem all that ridiculous.
Well the speculation of that will be sorted out soon and he is handing himself into the UK police, we will see what the Swedish courts do. Once this episode is over people can focus on wikileaks again. If he is guilty and goes to prison, then there will be a new head of wikileaks or a temporary one until Julian's release probably.
Well the speculation of that will be sorted out soon and he is handing himself into the UK police, we will see what the Swedish courts do. Once this episode is over people can focus on wikileaks again. If he is guilty and goes to prison, then there will be a new head of wikileaks or a temporary one until Julian's release probably.

If he's guilty Wikileaks will be ancient history by the time he gets out, unless he has really good lawyers that is.
Why, he has nothing to do with wikileaks, he is just a single staff member. I read his interview, the only reason he is the named head is because there had to be a face for the media purposes, and he volunteered for that role and it was agreed upon. Either someone replaces him or they will continue without a face for the media to interact with.
A mind numbingly stupid American,Sarah Palin, presumes taking him out like a Taliban commander is the top priority for America ( i bet she becomes president) but it would not make much difference to wikileaks as an organisation, the leaks will continue, the host will continue as a place where whistle-blowers can make anonymous submissions.

Also a project is being worked on right now dubbed the "shadow internet" where there will be freedom of publication, America won't be able to control it or get domain names taken down as it will be p2p based i believe. Even if something is copyrighted or illegal it will be impossible for it to get removed. Which is great because information should never be controlled/manipulated by governments or policy makers.
Yeah, I have something to say. Julian Assenge (creator of Wikileaks), has hacked into military documents (of course), and they are charging him for hacking the system. They still have not thrown Assenge's ass in the jail.

Alright, lets go over the crimes he has committed.
(Lets just combine these consecutive crimes)

1. Arrested for over 30 criminal counts due to his hacking. Facing 10 years in prison.

2. Multiple charges of sex scandals.

Ever since 1991, when Julian first got an internet connection, he began hacking into government networks and bank mainframes. Ever since he was sentenced to jail for 10 years in 2001, he still has not learned his lesson from the discipline taught to him.

For all the sex scandals he has committed, I am not surprised for a person that committed a massive crime, to start going into buying sex from girls who have no respect for themselves (prostitutes).

Julian Assange has been charged with governmental hacking and bank mainframe hacking, and they still have not thrown his ass in jail yet? Why? It's like causing a murder with the police saying "Oh, that's alright. We'll let you slide on this one." It sounds more like they are criminals themselves.

Julian Assange needs to be sentenced to a life sentence in jail. He committed a massive crime. Don't keep him out from going into jail.
Yeah, I have something to say. Julian Assenge (creator of Wikileaks), has hacked into military documents (of course), and they are charging him for hacking the system.

Assenge isn't the creator Wikileaks, merely a public face of the organisation. Regarding the latest leaks, Assenge hasn't hacked anything, they were all passed on to Wikileaks by U.S soldier Bradley Manning.
There is no way he committed sex crimes, that's got smear campaign written all over it.

And the only thing he's guilty of is showing the world, or rather proving what we all already know...governments are full of crooked, low lifes. If they throw Assenge in jail they might as well throw all politicians in there with him because they are all guilty of stuff too.

I honestly hope he releases the documents he had concerned BP and Bank of America...I would really love to see that.
I'm honestly not sure what all the hype is over Assange. He's basically a press officer, if Assange goes then someone else will take his place and Wikileaks will continue as before.
buying sex from girls who have no respect for themselves (prostitutes).

I could pick a fault with all of that, but will choose this. There is no psychological rule to say girls who sell themselves for sex have no respect for themselves.
Anyway a quote from American poet and essayist John Perry Barlow has proved particularly popular online today among WikiLeaks supporters. "The first serious infowar is now engaged," he wrote. "The field of battle is WikiLeaks. You are the troops."
There is no way he committed sex crimes, that's got smear campaign written all over it.
Yeah, the coincidence of these leaks, governments' desperation to hide them, and this supposed rape case is just crazy. Coincidence my ass. I fully believe that it was created by governments specifically to target him. People can call that idea a conspiracy all they want but its no more ridiculous than the things we've found out from these leaks. In fact, it's just more of the same.
Weren't the charges filed back in August though?
The original one, yes. They were filed with administrative errors - the government did it wrong. They then withdrew them. Two weeks ago they issued a new one on international grounds, not just within Swedish borders. Apparently whatever they think Assange did is important enough to incite a worldwide manhunt. What do you think is worth Sweden going through all this trouble, Assange's fondling of a girl's breasts in a bar, or intense political pressure from the United States government?

Anonymous comes through once again.

No, seriously, that's a New York Times article lol.
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The original one, yes. They were filed with administrative errors - the government did it wrong. They then withdrew them. Two weeks ago they issued a new one on international grounds, not just within Swedish borders. Apparently whatever they think Assange did is important enough to incite a worldwide manhunt. What do you think is worth Sweden going through all this trouble, Assange's fondling of a girl's breasts in a bar, or intense political pressure from the United States government?

If that's the case than is does seem a bit fishy.
Cool. This is like some ghost in the shell type stuff here.
Haven't looked at 4chan lately but I assume they are totally behind this Assange fella. If he does go down, things could get very interesting.