Will GT7 Get Left behind when Forza Motorsports 8 hits the Market?

Will GT7 Get Left behind when Forza Motorsports 8 hits the Market?

  • Yess

    Votes: 95 19.2%
  • No

    Votes: 349 70.4%
  • Not sure Comment below

    Votes: 52 10.5%

  • Total voters
I see quite a few posts saying that people won’t jump ship to Xbox for one game, and while I do understand that, it sometimes only takes one game for people to change their minds. For example, someone may have been waiting for a PS5 to get GT7 but with the shortages they haven’t been able to get their hands on one yet. Now they see the new Forza and the bad user reviews and bad community feedback for GT7 and decide on an Xbox. Game Pass will help too.

Will Forza “annihilate” GT7? Well I doubt it will be that extreme and we’re yet to see how Forza will turn out. The truth is PD has ruined GT’s reputation all by themselves anyway.

Personally I’ve never liked driving with a wheel in Forza. They talked about upgraded physics and such so we’ll see. FM7 career wasn’t great either and they need change a lot, especially things like progression. I do think Turn10 listen to their user base a lot more than PD though so here’s hoping. I have Game Pass on PC so I’ll have it regardless.

When it comes to GT7, unfortunately I’ve given up on it and returned to PC sims. Gutting cos I’ve loved GT since the original came out and I’d spent hundreds of hours on each numbered iteration. The career was ruined and the AI is so bad it’s laughable.
If the new Forza Motorsport game is a masterpiece like FM3 and FM4 were, then perhaps there could be an exodus of players. That's what happened to me with those games; I completely stopped playing Gran Turismo in the PS3 era because those games were inferior to FM3 & FM4. We'll have to wait and see. Multiplayer functionality, game economy, AI, and physics will be the keys to FM's success or failure.
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If the new Forza Motorsport game is a masterpiece like FM3 and FM4 were, then perhaps there could be an exodus of players. That's what happened to me with those games; I completely stopped playing Gran Turismo in the PS3 era because those games were inferior to FM3 & FM4. We'll have to wait and see. Multiplayer functionality, AI, and physics will be the keys to FM's success or failure.
Same with me, I bought an x360 slim JUST for FM4. And look what we have, we still have Kaz driving his game further into the dirt. Hopefully Sony or PD wakes up and gets him to step down and hire a young stud.
The ridiculous thing about this post is that neither of these games and the people that make them are trying to "stop" each other. That mentality is only taken by those that have an irrational hate towards one side of the fence. Sales are irrelevant to everyone besides those that make these games.

They're both aimed at people that have a love of cars. I like both, so does that make me a senile teenager?
This, it's such a weird conversation topic. See a lot of this mentality these days, people want to close markets and stifle competition for some reason, they think it's beneficial to their chosen product maybe? I don't know, but it's never beneficial to players / consumers to have less options.
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People describing Gran Turismo are starting to sound like Top Gear Italian Car review cliches. "Soul". "Passion". "Feeling you just can't describe".

Well, you can't seem to see or acknowledge that there are sometimes stark differences between similar things based on attributes that are hard to describe. That's something you have an issue with, and that many others don't experience. Call it style, good taste, refinement, aesthetic... whatever... it exists whether you like it or not.

There are all manner of things in which there is one that stands out above the rest, even if the physical traits are nearly the same. GT has always stood out as being a classier, more grown up game with a lot of attention paid to music choice, car representation, user interface, and other things that have clearly helped it become the legendary title it is today. Even with its current issues these same traits still ring true.

You can joke about it, or pretend it isn't true, but franchises have been made and broken on the details even if you don't have the ability to see them. A Casio and a Rolex both just tell the time, right?

From what I've seen of FM"8", nobody at PD would be worried about anything it has presented so far. FM has had a long history of making lack-luster racing games that attract casual players who don't really care about the bigger picture of automotive/racing history and culture and bear no threat to GT. I want FM to be amazing, as well as any other racing title, but they lost the plot at FM4, and few other titles present any real competition either.

The biggest enemy to GT is Sony and PD themselves, and they're doing a fine job of tarnishing their legacy all on their own.
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This, it's such a weird conversation topic. See a lot of this mentality these days, people want to close markets and stifle competition for some reason, they think it's beneficial to their chosen product maybe? I don't know, but it's never beneficial to players / consumers to have less options.
Some people just get overly tribal, it's something most people grow out of but for others it remains. Like sports fans, some just follow a team and enjoy the sport, others get ultra tribal and think anyone supporting their rival team is human scum, as is everyone associated with that team. That's just a game, these are just games. But to some people, it's like part of their identity.
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Hi to all

Let me start saying by, I have bin playing Gran Turismo from ps1. I have always supported polyphony digital.

With all the controversy around Gran Turismo 7 and Lack of Some features our community has asked for, I’m starting to feel that when Forza motorsport seven does come out in 2023 it will annihilate Gran Turismo, I think polyphony Digital need to wake up and start giving us some good content and features to the game before it comes out. Please let me know what you guys all think, I have never supported turned 10 and the Forza motorsports or Xbox for That matter but just looking at the trailer this week and seeing some Acura dpi and Upgraded GT3 And crazy realistic engine bays I can just turn the way. But the key will be the driving do we really think that turn 10 has succeeded???
If everything is built from scratch in FM. What makes people think it will have the same level of content as previous games? If content is merely updated, it will carry over issues from previous games, ie many iffy car models.

The fact FM isn’t a numbered iteration suggests to me it will be a GAAS. I find it unlikely we’ll get another FM this generation.

Given FM could be upto a year away. I do wonder what GT7 will look like by that time. I’m sure PD and Sony factored in the release of FM in terms of adding content & features. In fact FM was expected this Q4.
I do not own an X Box and I won't likely own one in the future.

I have played every GT game since Gt1. I don't like a lot of things about GT7 but I have zero intention to buy another console when I can simply play other racing games on my PlayStation.

Based on my complaints with GT7 and how the last decade or so has gone with PD, GT7 will be my last GT game. But as I said above, I will not go to X Box, there's no need. I will simply play other racing games on PlayStation if they are decent. There have been many in the past that were good so I am sure I'll be ok without GT in my life when I need a racing fix.

From my perspective the two franchises have co-existed because each have a strong fan base. Each franchise has had issues and each have survived.

If GT8 fails hard it will be because of the blowback over GT7's issues. X Box will pick up a small percentage of those lost sales, but GT failing will ultimately be the result of their own mistakes and poor execution of GT7. The damage being done now will be the deciding factor IMO.
FM Rebooted doesn't need to leave GT7 behind on anything. If anything, I want PD to run for their money if FM ends up being successful, because it seems to me that because there is no competition at the moment, PD has grown far too comfortable. Thus, they are not being pushed hard enough. GT7, for me, has already been ruined by all the glaring issues that came from it. Such as bugs and glitches, a lackluster "campaign" mode, barely any new features and content, a lobby system that is so broken and half done, you have to wonder what PD were doing for those five years developing GT7, the fact that they outright snuck in MTX right after reviews went out, grinding has become so hardcore I barely have any fun playing game now, and I am positive there are more issues holding this title back from being great.

It is similar to how T10 had gotten too comfortable with FM7 as well, because even that game was broken, half-finished, buggy and full of glitches as well. Because GT Sport was successful (the online side anyway), T10 had to reboot the whole series to regain its focus again, especially after all of the criticism it received.

IMO, PD should receive the same criticisms T10 had gotten with FM7, if people want GT7 to be at its best. It doesn't matter if it looks good, drives good, and sounds good. And it especially doesn't matter if the series has a long history. If this is the rate PD are willing to take to improve this game (especially after the kind of recent content updates they're willing to put out), than the criticisms are not critical enough. GT7, IMO, is in shambles right now and I don't believe for a second it would get better any time soon (unless I'm proven otherwise).

Heck, I tried giving this company ONE last chance to redeem themselves (and the fact that I got caught up in the nostalgia train). But PD has proven time and time again that making games 'fun' isn't their intentions anymore. It's more so "how much can we milk this cow before it dries up" in my eyes now.
What absolute bollocks. You typed an entire post just to end up essentially proving Samus' point with this.
Well, if you can refute it, do it.

His point was that indefinable attributes don't exist, and I easily refuted that. You don't have any point there, the Forza comment was my own, it's only my opinion, and has nothing to do with what Samus said. I didn't prove anything he said was right... lol.

Forza appreciates cars, sure, but they don't provide the depth and history that GT has always celebrated, and you can simply look at their terrible online player base to see how much the player base doesn't actually care about racing. Proof and truth is on my side... what you got?
Well, you can't seem to see or acknowledge that there are sometimes stark differences between similar things based on attributes that are hard to describe. That's something you have an issue with, and that many others don't experience. Call it style, good taste, refinement, aesthetic... whatever... it exists whether you like it or not.
Those are all things you can define and describe though. If you prefer the GT aesthetic, then fair enough. But it's frustating when you ask people what they like about something and they just give you something vague you can't discuss. Exactly like the soul and passion of Italian cars.
There are all manner of things in which there is one that stands out above the rest, even if the physical traits are nearly the same. GT has always stood out as being a classier, more grown up game with a lot of attention paid to music choice, car representation, user interface, and other things that have clearly helped it become the legendary title it is today. Even with its current issues these same traits still ring true.
Again, all things you can define and describe.
You can joke about it, or pretend it isn't true, but franchises have been made and broken on the details even if you don't have the ability to see them. A Casio and a Rolex both just tell the time, right?
No, but I can sure define the differences.
Those are all things you can define and describe though. If you prefer the GT aesthetic, then fair enough. But it's frustating when you ask people what they like about something and they just give you something vague you can't discuss. Exactly like the soul and passion of Italian cars.

Again, all things you can define and describe.

No, but I can sure define the differences.
Then how about that indefinable trait being the "sum is greater than its parts".

Those Italian cars surely have traits that lend to people calling them soulful, like shifter feel, engine note, rev-happiness, suspension geometry that lends itself to driving pleasure, or any number of things that are appealing to people that love cars, but the whole of them working together to make the experience a joy, even despite the inherent flaws of something like an old Alfa or GT7, is the thing that is hard to define, but also what some would call soul.

While the individual differences and things that make special things special may be able to be easily separated and defined, the whole of them often isn't.
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His point was that indefinable attributes don't exist, and I easily refuted that. You don't have any point there, the Forza comment was my own, it's only my opinion, and has nothing to do with what Samus said.
Ah, so it went from declared like a statement to now an opinion. Good backtrack.
I didn't prove anything he said was right... lol.
Some people just get overly tribal, it's something most people grow out of but for others it remains.
He just described you to a T with the way you throw GT on a pedestal & then essentially claim Forza does nothing to attract real car people.
Forza appreciates cars, sure, but they don't provide the depth and history that GT has always celebrated, and you can simply look at their terrible online player base to see how much the player base doesn't actually care about racing. Proof and truth is on my side... what you got?
I'm that casual player who does "care about the bigger picture of automotive/racing history and culture" & was attracted Forza away from GT. Your "proof and truth" is just generic assumption of the Forza's online community, even though almost every racing game runs into awful people. I guess something like F1 202x doesn't really care about Formula 1 given how bad its player base online can be, too.

Just because Forza doesn't carry itself as an encyclopedia of cars doesn't mean they don't really care about car culture.
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Ah, so it went from declared like a statement to now an opinion. Good backtrack.

He just described you to a T with the way you throw GT on a pedestal & then essentially claim Forza does nothing to attract real car people.

I'm that casual player who does "care about the bigger picture of automotive/racing history and culture" & was attracted Forza away from GT.

Just because Forza doesn't carry itself as an encyclopedia of cars doesn't mean they don't really care about car culture.
Ha ha, it's not a backtrack in any way. Everything on any forum is an opinion, some of that can be backed with fact, but since I wasn't specifically addressing something he said, I thought it was pretty obvious that it was my opinion. I even separated it into it's own paragraph as well. One doesn't need to say things like "I think" or "my position is" and slap you in the face with the fact that a statement is their opinion for it to be one.

You highlight that tribal comment as if it means something, when I plainly said I want FM to be amazing, and the only points I made are based in reality. Sorry that stating things that are real mean that I'm "tribal". If you had only read what you did without bias you would have known that for yourself.

I never said that ALL players in Forza are casual, but your binary all or nothing mindset makes it seem so. "They attract casual players" doesn't mean ALL their players are casual. I don't consider myself a casual player when it comes to driving games, and I really enjoyed FM 1-4, but that doesn't have anything to do with their overwhelmingly casual player base that proves itself out through the terrible multiplayer base that has left it being seen as nothing but a joke, and their lack of automotive education or lack of history doesn't do anything for whatever your argument is either. "Forza rammers" isn't a punch line for nothing, and a bunch of cars in their line-up doesn't as encompassing automotive history and culture. It's not nothing, but it's nothing like GT, which has shown itself to be an important part of both culture and creating enthusiasts.

I said they attract casual players that don't care as much about car culture, not that they don't. Even so, GT has gone to much greater lengths to open people up to the history and culture of cars than Forza has ever done. Nothing you have said has refuted anything I've said, and you've only really showed that you're back on your heels looking for things to argue about, instead of actually bringing up points that back up... whatever it is your thoughts are.

So far all I've got is "Forza good because I like it"... and that's just fine, but it means nothing in the scope of what I said.
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meh, GT7 does a good job going over what it thought was important while missing what was real important. Like a C4 vette and not having the C5? Mustang, missing foxbody? No BMW M2? LOL

If anyone wants to learn about car history, nobody is going to play GT7, they will look it up on google and watch videos of it on youtube.
Then how about that indefinable trait being the "sum is greater than its parts".

Those Italian cars surely have traits that lend to people calling them soulful, like shifter feel, engine note, rev-happiness, suspension geometry that lends itself to driving pleasure, or any number of things that are appealing to people that love cars, but the whole of them working together to make the experience a joy, even despite the inherent flaws of something like an old Alfa or GT7, is the thing that is hard to define, but also what some would call soul.

While the individual differences and things that make special things special may be able to be easily separated and defined, the whole of them often isn't.
These are all defineable traits though. When someone says an italian car has "soul" it's for a specific reason or combination of reasons. Sound of the engine, feel of the steering, interior details, shoddy electronics etc. I own an Alfa Romeo, and yes, it has soul, but that's defineable. If you claim something just has that x factor but you can't explain why, that's not tangiable and journalistically it's lazy writing. But to say, it has that x factor because of y and z and everything combines into this experience woiuld be much better.

To just flat out say "it has soul therefore it's good" is uselss on it's own, such a phrase should be used as a figure of speech to back up points already made.

To bring it back to Gran Turismo, I would agree that Gran Turismo has a certain sheen and polish, you might call it soul, it is a very presentable game, the colour tones and lighting give the cars a realistic look that most other games struggle to achieve and the menus and general art style tends to be slick more often than not. This all combines to provide a polished looking experience, however that doesn't make the actual game good, it just makes it presentable.

To throw Forza 8 into as well, it's too early to say how good Forza 8 will be. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't also dissapointed with the career structure of Forza 7 so I'll be interested to see how 8 is structured. For me, it's the structure that kills GT7, not the sound, graphics, physics etc. the lack of a decent single player career. It's just not that fun to me.
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I played the FM series for a long time and I still have a soft spot for it, but I highly doubt it.
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Forza appreciates cars, sure, but they don't provide the depth and history that GT has always celebrated
Funny then that much of GT's 'providing of history and depth' of cars is literally just reposting Wikipedia articles, and in some cases, with wrong information that one could very easily disprove by looking at said Wikipedia articles.

And because I knew I had it and it was the most obvious example:


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If everything is built from scratch in FM. What makes people think it will have the same level of content as previous games? If content is merely updated, it will carry over issues from previous games, ie many iffy car models.

The fact FM isn’t a numbered iteration suggests to me it will be a GAAS. I find it unlikely we’ll get another FM this generation.

Given FM could be upto a year away. I do wonder what GT7 will look like by that time. I’m sure PD and Sony factored in the release of FM in terms of adding content & features. In fact FM was expected this Q4.
Whatever it is, it will be better than the 2017 content from GT Sport that GT7 uses.

Funny then that much of GT's 'providing of history and depth' of cars is literally just reposting Wikipedia articles, and in some cases, with wrong information that one could very easily disprove by looking at said Wikipedia articles.

And because I knew I had it and it was the most obvious example:


The history he talks about is cherry picked history too, nobody cares about the history of these cars, they should have just had it in text to let the viewer read it and not spoonfeed to the mass that simply doesnt care. Like GT2 days, give me wall of text, if I want to read it I will.
The menu book is a half ass attempt at trying to bring nostalgia back, it should have just been the old format. Just give us GT8 with how GT4 was and the ability to win said car however many times like GT2. Make some cars only winnable once.
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I think a few of you guys need to have a Snickers bar.

You're arguing about subjective traits.

It's like fighting about topics such as "who likes ham AND pineapple on a pizza" or "chocolate and peanut butter go great together".

I guess I don't see the value in such a debate.
The thing is I don't get the sense that GT "loves cars" when it's really just Kaz propping expensive vintage garage queens on a capitalistic pedestal, where it's the ownership and rarity/collector value that are celebrated instead of the actual cars themselves.

GT7 is not "refined", it's elitist.
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I think a few of you guys need to have a Snickers bar.

You're arguing about subjective traits.

It's like fighting about topics such as "who likes ham AND pineapple on a pizza" or "chocolate and peanut butter go great together".

I guess I don't see the value in such a debate.
You just reminded of another huge useless thing GT7 does, the political news or what ever BS is on the screensaver. Like why tf do I need to see this? Absolutely ridiculous.

The thing is I don't get the sense that GT "loves cars" when it's really just Kaz propping expensive vintage garage queens on a capitalistic pedestal, where it's the ownership and rarity/collector value that are celebrated instead of the actual cars themselves.

GT7 is not "refined", it's elitist.
Yea that too, a lot of these GT fans, me included, will never obtain any of these 1 mil cars. I used to talk to Doug aka M5Power on AIM, hes like the only one that I can imagine owning a million dollar car. Him and Jordan (if Jordan even owns this site still).
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The thing is I don't get the sense that GT "loves cars" when it's really just Kaz propping expensive vintage garage queens on a capitalistic pedestal, where it's the ownership and rarity/collector value that are celebrated instead of the actual cars themselves.

GT7 is not "refined", it's elitist.
This too is a good point to make - so much of that 'love of the automobile' comes mostly from Kaz's interactions with it, specifically within the last decade (and coincidentally the point where things entered the Long Dark for the GT series) and how much of that love is mostly wrapped up around ownerships and ideals of car ownership that really only come out in the circles that Kaz spends, which by this point is concours events. It is nowhere near the actual reality for 95% of the player base, and hell, is nowhere near the reality for 95% of people who love cars to begin with.
You just reminded of another huge useless thing GT7 does, the political news or what ever BS is on the screensaver. Like why tf do I need to see this? Absolutely ridiculous.
I don't mind it but I can see how people could be disinterested in it.

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