So in your little world, the word of a handful of people on a fansite determines how well a game is selling? You have no other resources other than that? Do you apply the same logic to the GT series because this fansite is chock full of people unhappy with the game? Continuing to insist that Forza isn't selling because a handful of people said early on they wouldn't buy it when the
best information we have tells us it's the third best selling game on the console, is being deliberately obtuse at best or perhaps purposefully ignorant might describe it better.
Well, consider me ignorant if you will, but the reason I discount the complainers on any forum as having any bearing on how well Gran Turismo does is... well, basically, GT5 and its nearly 11 million sales are standing on your feet.
Gt5 is the game that turned a lot of people here off, and the incessant complaining about it turned off a number of fans. All the claims that GT5's 7 million sales were a flash in the pan due to blind buying proved untrue. In the eight months since November 2012, GT5 sold another million copies, propelling it well over the typical 10 million mark. All the people here who were down on the game were very adamant that GT5 was a bad game, and there were quite a few. And the gaming world didn't give two cookies what they thought.
Now Forza is in an awkward position on a next gen console, and it's not like PS4 and its racers aren't in a similar fix. You have to buy the console. You most likely will have to buy a whole new wheel controller for it, a rather pricey one if you want a good racing feel, and then the game unless a bundle is available. Now, people will do that. I was insane enough to spring for a $500 360 Leet, the preposterously priced (but what choice did we have at the time?) official 360 Wheel at $200, and the VIP edition Forza 2 at around $800-plus total including tax. There is a certain "attach rate" bump of system sales with high profile games, usually by the more serious fans, but more so with flagship titles.
Now the problem Forza 5 faces isn't just all that, or the sour taste in many fan's mouths with M$'s money hatting in the game. Or even that The ONE is just not liked generally by gamers, as Forza fans have indicated on boards that they intend to get one with Forza 6, assuming it's a much bigger game. It's apparently that Forza 4 is still so darn good even as a last gen game that it's holding its own in the face of what is technically a quantum leap in all levels. Except that F4 has just about double the car and location count of F5. Add in variations, and it's about triple.
Do gamer's remarks here about skipping GT6 for 7, assuming "it's a real Gran Turismo this time," have any bearing?
We've both been coming up with theories as to why GT6 or Forza 5 aren't doing too hot. In fact, both selling at about a third their usual totals... so far. With both GT6 and Forza 5 being discounted and being bundled for free with their systems, their sales will edge up over time. But the 10 million GT fans and 4 million Forza addicts aren't rushing out en mass to get either game right now. You might insist that it's purely based on the fact that the Xbone is a new system, and dismiss any criticisms of Forza 5 being a small game, or having ruthless bots, or offering gamers the chance to spend their way through the game with real money. You could say that I'm ignoring how much gamers hate Standard cars and poor sounds in GT6. Except that you have to make the case as to why it evidently wasn't much of a bother to gamers in GT5, but all of a sudden, it is in GT6.
this whole "Standard Track " jazz is funny.
So I did some looking around in GT. I went to Trial Mountain Circuit and Deep Forest Raceway along with London and Cote D Azur. The only bad things about those Trial and Deep Forest were just the tree models for me and that's about it. With the others, when you look up close, you can see the building's texture isn't all that great plus some adverts are dated. The other stuff looked to be in shape. So I think the standard track issue is an argument, but it's is a weak one.
I tried briefly to find the thread in which some people posted shots of the Standard tracks from Photo Mode, and I have to admit that they did show that Trial Mountain and Deep Forest looked surprisingly bad compared to Rome and London. Of course I want the tracks and when I'm tearing around them I find them plenty good looking.