Working on the "Perfect Game"...

Hey roadhazzard if your that successful in such a crazy endeavuer you must know what your doing....and if you got all gold on S-license with a dual shock 2 controller i can tell you have some major, MAJOR GOOD LUCK and remember that everyone here at gtplanet is behind ya on this one =]

Just out of curiosity, what was your first car?
Originally posted by Exlarus GOOD LUCK and remember that everyone here at gtplanet is behind ya on this one =]

Just out of curiosity, what was your first car?

Thanks for the support, Ex! It's always nice to know people are out there who are rootin' for the home team!

Well, you'll never hear me say I'm good or bad. The only thing I will say is that I got all dem license golds legitimately. It took me about 3 weeks real-life to do it:
< 1 day for B
~ 2 days for A
~ 3 days for IB
~ 3 days for IA
~ 4 days for R1-R7
~ 4 days for R8
~ 7 days for S (3 days for S2)

Keep in mind I didn't just buy GT3 and immediately start doing this... I have another card with 350+ days on it, in which I only have 2 or 3 license golds.. TOTAL.

As far as my first car for this game goes...

The first car in my sim mode garage was the Panoz Esperante, awarded for all golds for the Arcade Mode Time Trials. Actually, I plan on never using this vehicle (not to complete the game anyway, maybe just for kicks).

The first car I got in was the Viper GTSR Concept, awarded for all golds for the S License. This car currently has the most miles on it, and I have used it to win the following (I don't plan on using it again to complete the game):
Beginner/Sunday Cup
Beginner/Clubman Cup
Beginner/FR Challenge
Beginner/Stars & Stripes
Beginner/Race of NA Sports
Amateur/FR Challenge
Amateur/Stars & Stripes
Amateur/Race of NA Sports
Professional/FR Challenge
Professional/Race of NA Sports
Professional/Polyphony Digital Cup
Endurance/Trial Mountain Endurance

The Viper GTSR Concept is a great (ahem) "starter" vehicle, as it is eligible for MANY races, and can handle most fields without problem. I used it unmodified (as given), with periodic oil changes. One of the few drawbacks for it (unmodified) is its gear ratio setting... I don't think I've ever gotten this car into 6th gear. This does, however, allow for less spin when gunning it out of a turn.

After that, I used the IMPREZA Rally Car Prototype (+ Turbo 3) to win all rally races, as well as the Boxer Series races...

BTW, I just "broke through" Seattle this weekend. I had read on this about a month ago, tried it, and gave up. But I tried it again after reading more on it, and managed to break through with the F094/H and the ESCUDO. 2 billion MPH isn't a bad top speed, is it? lol But just to let you know, it is not some internet rumor. It is possible... (get as close to the right side barrier as possible when striking the wall)

OK, Have a great drive, everyone!

I think I figured out a way to complete the game without using the ESCUDO (one of my goals was to use as few vehicles as possible)... I was originally thinking of using it for many of the endurance races, and a good amount of regular ones (non-restricted entry) to save time. But I think I might be able to do the clean-up work with one of the F1 cars instead (since I'll be using it for the formula series anyway).

But the F688/S is the only F1 car eligible for the PROFESSIONAL/Race of Turbo Sports, and still loses to the RUF CTR2 for the 10 Laps @ Test Course race (when the CTR2 is included in the field). The CTR2 posts lap times around 1.40 (~240mph avg), much faster than a non-drafting F688/S. Furthermore, the F688/S is not my ideal candidate for the Formula series (I am currently thinking of either the F687/S, or F094/S).

So, I needed a Turbo vehicle that I had either used or will be using somewhere down the line. The best candidates were the SKYLINE GT-R Vspec II(R32,J) (which I was planning on using for the 80's cup) and the ALTEZZA LM Race Car (which I used for the ALTEZZA races).

Using either of these cars for the Pro/Turbo @ Test Course would require some type of upgrade(s), but tuning the ALTEZZA would cost markedly less.

It took me a while to test, and a much longer while to finally beat out the CTR2 for 10 Laps @ Test Course (I would exit, reload the game, and re-enter if the field didn't include the CTR2). Here are my settings for the ALTEZZA LM Race Car:
+ Turbo Kit/Stage 2 (-14500)
Ride Height - FRONT: 67mm
Ride Height - REAR: 67mm
Gear Ratio - AUTO SETTING: 41

I haven't oil changed the ALTEZZA (101.5 mi, 781 hp to start that race), and I didn't buy tires (ran on red front tires for the last 4 laps). The key to this one is drafting. I HAD to qualify for this one (for almost all other races I started 6th to save mileage), in order to start close enough to draft the CTR2 from the get-go... But there was a lot more to be done...

As I lapped other cars (drafting allows for the CTR2 and ALTEZZA to post ~1.39 lap times), I had to beware of collisions. The CTR2 never seems to do a good job of avoiding other cars, so I had to be careful not to get knocked too far behind it when this happened. Also, if I avoided the lapped car, but the CTR2 did not, I had to make sure that I stayed in front of the CTR2 as it reapproached me from behind. Not doing so would've allowed for the CTR2 to pass me outright, and I would've lost my chance to fall back into his windbreak.

During my test runs, I noticed that the CTR2 would pit after 4 or 5 laps (mostly 5, occasionally 4). But running the race without pitting wouldn't ensure me of victory, as the CTR2 was just too much without something for me to draft. So, as it reapproached (usually 2 laps after the CTR2 pits), I had to stay in front of that bugger, have him bump me back to speed, and fall back into his windbreak.

So after many attempts, I finally beat the CTR2 @ Test Course. I'll be using the ALTEZZA LM Race Car to sweep the rest of the Turbo races..

So now I'm on day 154, and here are my numbers...

CR: 2031040
PRIZE TOTAL: 2364000
WINS: 138
RACES: 138
TOTAL MILEAGE: 2774.0 mi

Have a great drive!

Originally posted by Sk8rKiD
Your almost as far as I am and ur only on day 154?

Yep. One of my goals was to complete this game in the fewest sim mode days as possible. Keep in mind that my % also includes all of those arcade mode races and time trials (102 single races, and 10 TTs). I forgot how much game %-wise that adds up to be. I also did the arcade mode professional races, and ran at least one lap for all free runs (which don't contribute to % completion).

Other than that, I'm saving days by doing a lot of driving without saving the game to my card (test runs), running series races all the way through (not quitting with one course to go), and generally being VERY VERY careful that I don't accidentally save a game after "wasting" (test driving) sim mode days.

I could be wrong, but I think it should be 75 more sim mode days and I'll be done... I just hope I didn't forget anything.

Have a great drive!

Hey you could also try using fair cars too :smilewink: That would make an even more perfect but you have courage to do this...
I tried and only got the golds on B & A. This took about 4 hours combined and then i got bronzes/silvers on the rest. I'm also trying for the perfect game :D
Originally posted by DODGE the VIPER
Hey you could also try using fair cars too :smilewink: That would make an even more perfect but you have courage to do this...

Well, I guess trying to win the PROFESSIONAL/Race of Turbo Sports @ Test course with an ALTEZZA LM Race Car (beating out the CTR2) is quite a mismatch...

There is more than a 12 second difference between free-run lap times for the CTR2 and the ALTEZZA LM Race Car... IN THE CTR2's FAVOR. This difference was made up by many hours of tesing and hard driving.

PROFESSIONAL/Spider & Roadster: @ Grand Valley is no cakewalk, either. I used the SLK 230 Kompressor, kept the upgrades to a minimum, and beat the Griffith 500 by less than a second (pit strategy). I didn't win that race by outclassing the field. I spent a lot of time finding the right tuning for it to be competitive in that race.

But, most importantly, **one of my main goals is to use the fewest number of vehicles as possible**. This is a MAJOR point of mine (to keep all non-used cars mint, until i get 100%). So outclassing my opponents (for instance, running the Viper GTSR Concept for some of the beginner races) is not a concern of mine.

Just for kicks, try my settings for the ALTEZZA LM Race Car and SLK 230 Kompressor, and race them in the Pro/Turbo@Test course and Pro/Spider@Grand Valley respectively, and let me know how fair you think the competition is (be sure to include the CTR2 and Griffith 500 in the respective fields). I would exit and reload the game if the field I was running against did not include these vehicles... just curious as to what others experience.

Have a great drive!

mm... yes i know all of those are hard but yeh i was only referring to the Dodge Viper in beginner...:D
Originally posted by DODGE the VIPER
mm... yes i know all of those are hard but yeh i was only referring to the Dodge Viper in beginner...:D

OH! You mean THAT kinda fair ; )

Well, one of my goals is to use the least amount of cars as possible, so fairness where that is concerned is not a concern...

My other gamesave has the ESCUDO with the most miles... 'Nuff said about fairness. LOL

I think I might be able to get 100% using only 18 cars. Here are my numbers (this gamesave) so far...

Day 174
Cr: 2,264,540
Complete: 62%
Prize Total: 2,602,500
Wins: 158
Races: 158
Win Ratio: 100%
Licenses Acquired: S,R (48,0,0)
Cars Owned: 57
Total Mileage: 3219.5
Total Car Value: 20,445,260
Bonus Cars Acquired: 56
Trophies Acquired: 301 (136 Arcade Mode)

Cars With Mileage:
Viper GTSR Concept (1088.3mi)
IMPREZA Rally Car prototype (507.8mi)
ALTEZZA LM Race Car (298.7mi)
VITZ RS 1.5(J) (210.0mi)
SLK 230 Kompressor (165.5mi)
Xsara Rally Car (124.0mi)
Spoon Civic Type-R(J) (123.5mi)
Mazda MX-5 Miata LS (93.9mi)
LANCER Evolution VII Rally Car Prototype (57.2mi)

*[edit: weird.. I just added up the miles for the cars in my garage (2684.7), and it's still less than what my game status says. Anyone else have "fuzzy math" with their GT3 stats?]

Cars expected to run:
TT 1.8T quattro
New Beetle Cup Car
Zonda Race Car
Elise 190
Clio Sport Race Car
Tuscan Speed 6

I think that's it. I'm not sure if I could've saved the use of a car anywhere...

Anyway, have a great drive, everyone!

I wanted a perfect game too, but man somecars are just hard to get so you gotta five up some 10th races to get what you want so i sure as hell dont have a perfect game but I am done.
Spent 20 minutes going thru these posts. Very impressive and I am amazed at the time investment. Any idea how much time you have spent on the "Perfect Game?'

I mean, do you keep up with the actual minutes/hours you are spending? That would be a great stat to add to the above post. Just an idea....Anyway, good luck and we are all staying tuned
Originally posted by tezzell
... Any idea how much time you have spent on the "Perfect Game?'

I mean, do you keep up with the actual minutes/hours you are spending? That would be a great stat to add to the above post. Just an idea....Anyway, good luck and we are all staying tuned

Well, where do I start... lol

I first got my PS2 around the start of 02, but I didn't get a game package (I essentially got it for the DVD player, with the added functionality). I asked to borrow a game or 2 from my friend, and he gave me GT3 (I like racing games). I had no idea what I'd be in for...

I didn't really spend much time playing the game (mostly watched kung fu movies) until my other friend showed me the Complex String Time Trial. "WHAT THE ****??? I gotta try this!!", I believe, is what I said. I got a memory card just so I could save my best times, and let my friend save his ("imperfect" ;]) sim mode game on it too (he doesn't have PS2). After getting gold for the TT, I started to venture into the sim mode game, and found out how fun it was.

By day 354 (around late May 02), I had almost completed the game, with only the Formula GT left for sim mode races (I didn't do all arcade mode races and TTs). So I looked online and finally discovered all that I was missing.

All the while, I had wondered if the sim mode game could be finished without buying a car, but later discovered this was impossible. I figured what the hell, bought another memory card, and started on a new game (I'm still on day 354 on my other game).

So in the beginning of June 02, I started on this "perfect" gamesave. Just to get an idea, my first license gold (B1) was on the 2nd of June, and my last was on the 21st of June (S8). I'm not sure how much time I've spent to date, but I know that I took a long break during July when I had to study for a big (real-life) license exam. But, I usually play anywhere from 1 to 4 hours about 5 days a week depending on what I'm trying to do (not necessarily saving any of those runs). I work a 9 to 5 (actually, a 6 to 2), so my weekday afternoons are usually filled with internet poker and GT3.

Well, no racing today... just borrowed IRON MONKEY (I've already seen it MANY times) from a friend, and I have to practice my chain-whip technique afterwards. WASSSSSAAAAAA!!


P.S. - Thanks for the supportive encouragement! It's nice to know I'm not THAT insane in this endeavor! I'm doin this gamesave for all of us GT3 FANATICS! Have a great drive!
Well, I was disheartened to find that I could've saved the use of a vehicle...

I had previously thought that the Spoon CIVIC Type-R was too tough of competition in the Professional/FF Challenge. This led me to believe that using the Xsara Rally Car was one of the few options I had for entering in the FF Challenge races.

But I just swept the FF races with... A FREAKING VITZ!!! Yes, the VITZ RS 1.8(J) is competitive enough (when fully loaded + oil) to win the entire FF series. So, I could've saved the use of my Xsara Rally Car (too late now) by entering the VITZ instead (which I had to use for the VITZ races anyway).

DANGIT!!! I thought I had a good thing going... This appears to be the only major flaw with this game (relative to my goals), at this point...

So, if anyone's trying to do similar (save the use of vehicles until 100%), **USE YOUR TUNED-TO-THE-HILT VITZ TO WIN THE FF CHALLENGE**.

Ideally, I would've been able to complete this game using only 17 cars instead of 18. I still haven't wasted any days, but this would've let me keep one more car in mint condition, and I also wouldn'tve spent money on the Xsara's Turbo Kit...

My numbers are:
Day 174
Cr: 2,264,540
Complete: 62%
Prize Total: 2,602,500
Wins: 158
Races: 158
Win Ratio: 100%
Licenses Acquired: S,R (48,0,0)
Cars Owned: 57
Total Mileage: 3219.5
Total Car Value: 20,445,260
Bonus Cars Acquired: 56
Trophies Acquired: 301 (136 Arcade Mode)

Cars With Mileage:
Viper GTSR Concept (1088.3mi)
IMPREZA Rally Car prototype (507.8mi)
ALTEZZA LM Race Car (298.7mi)
VITZ RS 1.5(J) (210.0mi)
SLK 230 Kompressor (165.5mi)
Xsara Rally Car (124.0mi)
Spoon Civic Type-R(J) (123.5mi)
Mazda MX-5 Miata LS (93.9mi)
LANCER Evolution VII Rally Car Prototype (57.2mi)

** Ideally, It should:
have +14500Cr for money saved by not upgrading the Xsara
The Xsara Rally Car should have 0.0 mi
The VITZ RS 1.5(J) should have ~334.0 mi

Well, I guess there's a chance someone out there will be able to "out-perfect" me. But, I'll finish this game out according to my plan, and contemplate starting ALL OVER AGAIN. My only concern is that GT4 will be released before I can do either...

Anyway, thanks to all who gave their input and support. I'm sorry things couldn't go as "perfectly" as I planned, but if this is the only blemish on my gamesave, I think I can still be happy.

Anyway, have a great drive!


PS - This thread ain't dead. I'll keep posting my progress on this "near perfect" gamesave, although I think it deserves a new subject title. : (
Well, I finally said to heck with it, and started on another gamesave. Having only 2 memory cards, I over-wrote my original GT3 game (had 354 days). My previous attempt at my "perfect game" remains at day 174.

This time, I'm gonna save the use of the Xsara Rally Car, and see if I can save some more money here and there. I'll have to totally change my path around, but that shouldn't be too big of a problem.

I'm trying to keep more stats in my diary. In addition to what's contained in the game status screen, here's what I'm including so far...

times for license golds (I have NTSC version)
# of attempts for license golds
time spent for license golds

RACES (Sim mode):
entrants, default starting positions
qualifying positions/times (if any)
final race times
best lap time
tuning changes (settings, as well as money spent)

So, on day 9, here I go again... lol!

Day 9
Cr: 18000
Complete: 1.5%
Prize Total: 0
Wins: 0
Races: 0
Win Ratio: 0.0%
Licenses Acquired: B,- (8,0,0)
Cars Owned: 1
Total Mileage: 0.0 miles
Total Car Value: 23280
Bonus Cars Acquired: 1
Trophies Acquired: 0

Current Vehicle - N/A (weird not being in a car)

So, for now, I my goals are to just finish all licenses gold. I need to be a little more sure-footed about my progress than I was for my previous attempt.

Have a great drive, everyone!


PS - can anyone think of some other stats that should be logged for my diary? Thanks in advance!
Hazzard...since you are keeping meticulous records. Just the note the actual time you begin and end each GT3 'Perfect' session. Maybe each week post that you spent 7 hours total this week and so on...just an idea but I would really love to see how much actual time it would take to do the Perfect game.

Thanks and good luck
Originally posted by tezzell
Hazzard...since you are keeping meticulous records. Just the note the actual time you begin and end each GT3 'Perfect' session. Maybe each week post that you spent 7 hours total this week and so on...just an idea but I would really love to see how much actual time it would take to do the Perfect game.

Thanks and good luck

Sounds good! I actually was thinking that the total time for the races would say enough about time spent, but that doesn't include all the test driving I've done (on my 3rd gamesave now). I've spent a heck of a lot of time driving and not saving...

So, here's a little report of what I have now...

Game Started: 8/24/02 12:35p PST
Day 29
Cr: 18000
Complete: 5.3%
Prize Total: 0
Wins: 0
Races: 0
Win Ratio: 0.0%
Licenses Acquired: IB,- (28,0,0)
Cars Owned: 3
Total Mileage: 0.0 miles
Total Car Value: 623280
Bonus Cars Acquired: 3
Trophies Acquired: 0

Total Real-Time Spent: ~271 minutes

The toughest roadblocks so far have been License A7 and IA3. A7 took me 30 minutes to get (77 attempts), and IA3 took me a little more than an hour (124 attempts!).

The crazy thing is, with all these stats I'm keeping, there's such little time to play the game! lol

I'll also try to add some commentary for anything deemed "remarkable". Things like "the RUF CTR2 is the toughest in the field" and "control slide turn 2" and stuff...

OK, time to get some more license golds! Have a great drive everyone, and thanks for your support and encouragement!

Originally posted by NissanLover
i didnt get sucked in for a while not till i got my 25 inch phillips and i hooked up me creative comp speaks with sub to my tv

Nice setup! I've got a 25" diag TV/VCR, but I use headphones... My neighbors aren't too fond of hearing the roar of 1000hp cars smashing into anything and everything, to the sound of "Turbo Lover" at 3 in the morning. LOL


After nearly an hour and 98 attempts, I finally got the gold for IA5 (Viper @ Corkscrew: 22.890).

I think my biggest mistake was just jumping into this one. On almost all other license tests I watched the demo at least 3 times before trying, but It wasn't until like my 15th try that I finally started studying the demos.

My problem for this test was that I was starting my first turn (at the top of the hill) too late, giving me a bad exit trajectory and often leading me into the wall. After a while, I finally got better at it so I could work on the final turn.

I had major problems with the final turn as well, often starting this one too early. This often led me into the right-side wall at the bottom of the hill (just under the overpass). It took me a while to be patient enough to wait for the right angle before I slammed on the accel again...

Anyway, time for a little break before I work on the other tests...

Have a great drive!

RH, As far as your actual miles not adding up the only thing I can think of is use of the cars in your garage in arcade mode. But I'm pretty sure that the game keeps track of miles in both modes.
I like your theory of fuzzy math.

Good luck, I personally think you are a bit mental for going at this game this way. If you aren't, I believe you soon will be. I hope you achieve what you've set out to before you have the urge to destroy your controller/tv/ps2/dog/etc.:lol:
Hazzard, you are insane, and I applaud you for it!

A couple of quick questions:

1. When you say that you'll re-run a series without saving if you don't win the car that you need, are you loading from your previous save before re-trying? I assume this is the case, because otherwise, you'd have more mileage.

2. When you are running license tests, do you also reload from a previous save point if you don't get gold?

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