*sigh* after praising the eventual standard of the races in F430 vs GT-R (FvG) the first night, I found last night to be almost unbearable.
Reading the recent posts in this thread, everyone's frustrations match my own very closely, so no need to repeat them.
I decided to stop persisiting with the F430 because I was getting sick of always starting mid-to-back of the pack and getting annhilated at turn 1/2/3/4/5...so i switched to GT-R and things got better immediately. The GT-R is so much easier for me to handle with my sixaxis that it almost feels like cheating.
I tried xx:12,24 etc so many times last night and never hooked up with any GTPers
I raced with GTP_ENERGIYA, GTP_HyperUK and GTP_Hun, really really enjoyable races when we actually survived the slaughter, and thanks GTP_Hun for showing patience when I started to lose mine

I think i finally sorted my life out at the end of the night and started to race properly...and the DS3 only got thrown across the room once. Ok twice.
I was really looking forward to racing Cashwars and GTP_Earth, but in my F430 I would always be taken out first lap and never had the chance to race you. Hence GTR now.
May I also say if you come across CarlMont005[US] and Ken337[JP] (?) enjoy it, they are excellent racers and damn fast.
All the best
Maz (Synwraith)