World Event - 650pp Fuji - Ferrari F40 / R Tires Only :00 & :30

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stupid rubberband effect (turn 2 and then 2nd Degner).
I swear, sometimes it just picks a car to run on N1's for a particular turn. :rolleyes:👎

I know exactly what you mean, and i suffer this also. Its like one minute all the grip in the world, and the next no grip at all. :grumpy: Still lots of GTP members there and good fun if you stay on the track. Good racing you again Superwally. 👍
Great fun everyone. One good race and one with brain fart on my part. Going to pick up the wife, be back in about a hour.:)
Is there any interest here in having an organized international event here? I know racing drivers from different regions is great, but there doesn't seem to be any enthusiasm about having an organized competition. Thoughts and opinions?

The more I race on this event, the worse it gets. The worst drivers of both regions seem to be the most enthusiastic about the international events.
The worst drivers of both regions seem to be the most enthusiastic about the international events.

your not going to get much support with comments like that

although my driving tonight resembles some sort of on-line fuel protest
*sigh* after praising the eventual standard of the races in F430 vs GT-R (FvG) the first night, I found last night to be almost unbearable.

Reading the recent posts in this thread, everyone's frustrations match my own very closely, so no need to repeat them.

I decided to stop persisiting with the F430 because I was getting sick of always starting mid-to-back of the pack and getting annhilated at turn 1/2/3/4/ i switched to GT-R and things got better immediately. The GT-R is so much easier for me to handle with my sixaxis that it almost feels like cheating.

I tried xx:12,24 etc so many times last night and never hooked up with any GTPers :(

I raced with GTP_ENERGIYA, GTP_HyperUK and GTP_Hun, really really enjoyable races when we actually survived the slaughter, and thanks GTP_Hun for showing patience when I started to lose mine :) I think i finally sorted my life out at the end of the night and started to race properly...and the DS3 only got thrown across the room once. Ok twice.

I was really looking forward to racing Cashwars and GTP_Earth, but in my F430 I would always be taken out first lap and never had the chance to race you. Hence GTR now.

May I also say if you come across CarlMont005[US] and Ken337[JP] (?) enjoy it, they are excellent racers and damn fast.

All the best
Maz (Synwraith)
Timppaq, was that you racing as Anaq in the :00 race? If so, very nicely done.

If not, there's two of you to fear! :nervous:
your not going to get much support with comments like that

In my experience, this international event is much dirtier than the other pro events. I'm not saying that all INT racers are cheaters and punters. I am saying that the majority of INT races I'm in have a couple of bad drivers.

I was just frustrated when I said that. In no way do I mean that all non-GTP racers are cheaters. There are good non-GTP racers, but there just always seems to be a lot of punters at INT events.
Vaxen, That race was me... ;) ..but the previous that Anaq(race time 6' came second after 2fast4stig.. that was Antti.. and Bear in mind that Antti has driven gt about'ish some 10h or less... :D 👍 ..well done Mate... (he's not here anymore, so I changed my id..)


Thanks everyone for understanding... there were some bumbs, but we also have had some 10'ish beerz here... lol... :D

Timo & Antti

edit: 48

I'm quite sure that there will be GTP_Anaq soon... (Sphinx, if you see this, note the date, it's reserved.. ;) )
Damn *****g quitting hosts! :mad:
We were having such a cool race, and on the final lap, BAM! It's getting really frustrating, almost half the races I'm in, the host goes kaput.

Nooo, my controller turned off and i went right into the sand, i had such a good lead too.
Was that at turn 2 just a while ago? I thought the Rubberband Man had gotten you... Yeah, you had a great race going.
...I was taking a BREAK (BEER) still running? 12min intervals!!! :) ..I'll join at :24...


edit: really.. I might be faster than normal now... (at least coming IN to the corners)

nice races guys

was nice race at 00:xx... (unlucky vaxen)

but the 12 was soo laggy:indiff:...

sorry angel but you were just jumpin around in front of me and I just hit you a bit while not knowing where you are lol :crazy:

seeya at 24:tup:
we're still running 12s.

Honeycar seems to be in sync with us... good stuff!
Just got in from work, joining 24, maybe rusty, hell will deffo be rusty and all over the place

EDIT first race of the night, on front row guy at the side of me moves behind me before turn 1...we know whats coming...bump...somehow i manage to drift round turn 2 cut inside him to take the lead only for him to use me as his brake on turn 4 and yes im now in the sand......
48 for me.... Taking a break[beer] here again... :)

edit:'s funny, when I miss the GTP_ time by a few seconds, I just turn the H-shifter on from the g25, and I'm the fastest on straights and the slowest on corners... and that will not do any boring racing... :D
Thanks to everyone for all the great racing, wherever in the pack it may have been. This combo is manic depression in racing form-can't say I've had more fun, or become more agitated during racing as I have here. Sorry to anyone if I screwed up your race, I slowed whenever I thought it was appropriate.

I'm addicted to the highs, though. I've seen some brilliant driving and clean battles. If one race doesn't go well, I find myself wondering who will be in the lineup next time, and will I be able to survive the first half-lap!

Awesome races with Madforce, Honeycar, Angelx, hyperuk, so many others.

GTP_LordJWC-don't know what your story is, but your driving was brutal.
Man Timppaq..if that guy didn't brake check and I might of had 1-2.. :( Good racing man.
I've tried and tried to connect with you guys bit keep getting failures. When I do connect to a race the hosts keep quiting. Need some Prozac
synwraith thanks for easing off on the 1st corner of the 2nd lap. Anyone else and I know where I would have ended

Double post , sorry
Still Racing? ...can I join? :)

CWR... yes... too bad that there are those punters.. we would have so many great battles otherwise... 👍

edit: Cashwars, ..can I :cheers: too!! ??? ...going to get some...........


I just noticed you sig uk, and that is hilarous!!!! ...I was one of many there at the time and that is something you would not think to hear from gtp member... 👎 Sorry AMD, but that is just SAD.
right the time as come, take pity on me please, ive decided to try the F430, decided its too easy in the GTR if you can avoid the punters

think 48 will see Cashwars and his WTF racing line is he following be on show:crazy: