World Event - 650pp Fuji - Ferrari F40 / R Tires Only :00 & :30

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Good morning fellow racers, I am now going to join @ XX:36.

Good morning to you too. I hope to see you there đź‘Ť. I've won a couple of races with the GT-R, but now I've switched to the F430, so I won't be winning anymore. Hope to have some good races with it though. :)
hyperuk - Sorry for the tap on the hairpin, it was my 2nd race of the day, but I'm having a hard time concentrating and I'm driving like crap. Good race from you, though. đź‘Ť
hyperuk - Sorry for the tap on the hairpin, it was my 2nd race of the day, but I'm having a hard time concentrating and I'm driving like crap. Good race from you, though. đź‘Ť

No problem, Didnt even flinch. :) Ok a tiny bit. Did my car appear to be laggy? I notice a bit of lag on your car at times, and others. I was 4 seconds late hitting start and missed the 48 race just now. See you at XX:00. đź‘Ť
Crappy old 12min intervals eh? I'll be on at either the xx:36 race, o xx:48 race. Please be nice to me, I'm driving in the interior view now, and it's not easy and I'm not as fast.:nervous:
I got him for you racer_lp. Well he got himself sort of. He brakechecked me but i just kept going =p
I got him for you racer_lp. Well he got himself sort of. He brakechecked me but i just kept going =p

Thanks mate. I'm really pissed at him right now. I hope he doesn't meet me again, for his sake. I really hate that kind of behaviour.

Edit: Great pace you have in the F430, Beerz. đź‘Ť I'll never be that fast with it.
Are you guys talking about that Japanese guy? He rammed me at the hairpin (I got the penalty, of course), and then he did it again on 130R.

Racer_LP - Man, it's a shame you lost it on the strip at Spoon, that was your race. You were pushing so hard, I kept making mistakes trying to keep up. đź‘Ť
Still, my race time was a 6'42.712, you could probably have ended the race under '40. Great driving with that GT-R!
Are you guys talking about that Japanese guy? He rammed me at the hairpin (I got the penalty, of course), and then he did it again on 130R.

Racer_LP - Man, it's a shame you lost it on the strip at Spoon, that was your race. You were pushing so hard, I kept making mistakes trying to keep up. đź‘Ť
Still, my race time was a 6'42.712, you could probably have ended the race under '40. Great driving with that GT-R!

Thanks mate đź‘Ť

We were talking about HUNTER_77. He flew by me on the straight and still bothered to push me onto the grass.

Truth123 seems to be racing international aswell. Justed raced him. I was 2.2 seconds behind after the first lap, but then I started to get closer and finished just 0.2 seconds behind him. I could have overtaken him coming out of the hairpin on lap 3, I didn't cause I might have hit him there. I'm not really sure, there was some lag.
Ok, I'll watch out for him too. So many names to avoid, I'll have to start writing them down... :ouch:

Yeah, Truth is on the F430 for this event. He's on my friends list now. He's a very nice guy. :)đź‘Ť
Sorry to GTP_initial-D, I gave you a shove on turn one, luckily you didn't go off, still I should have broken a bit earlier đź‘Ť

Ya, hosts suck some times! xx:24 here we come!
XX:12 that was an eventful race then to top it all a disconnect at the finish

no problem MisterWeary:tup:
5:15am was my final race last night and what a corking way to finish the night, look ot for GTJ_ARARE_CHAN, stoopidly quick/clean in the F430, we had bumper to bumper race just shy of 3 laps, restored my faith in this event and Zabeu if it was'nt for the respect i have for you being my first friend online and all the encouragement you have shown me, i'd have tried to overtake instead of sticking to your ass
I don't get it, I press the button at the 12min intervals and still don't get in a race with you guys.:( Mutters about private rooms in more need than ever

Is anyone else having trouble connecting to this event? I get in once out of maybe 5 attempts.

Another thing I noticed, online boost is in effect in this event? I ran a 2'16 on my first lap (miraculously started 1st, and got away from the angry guys), and then, without making mistakes, I had pulled away from the pack considerably, and a perfectly fine lap 2 only saw a 2'18.:confused: (And I get low 2'12s in Free Run, maybe 2'11s if I put time into it).

Edit: And did I mention, my first win in the World Event, and my first real win using the interior view?:dopey:
You can add Westher and meisterR32 to the list.

Westher is the worst of both of them. Doesn't know there is such a thing as a brake pedal to slow down. Uses other cars for that.
I don't get it, I press the button at the 12min intervals and still don't get in a race with you guys.:( Mutters about private rooms in more need than ever

Is anyone else having trouble connecting to this event? I get in once out of maybe 5 attempts.

Have you reset your clock since the update? (apparently it can be wrong)
Another thing I noticed, online boost is in effect in this event?
Bigtime, seems to me worse than ever.
Plus, it 'glitches', making some lose all grip from one moment to another.

You can add Westher and meisterR32 to the list.

Westher is the worst of both of them. Doesn't know there is such a thing as a brake pedal to slow down. Uses other cars for that.
Have experience of that guy Westher too, what a douche.

I'm starting to hate Spain and France with a passion...

hyperuk - thanks for having waited, we still managed to have some fun on that race. đź‘Ť
Did you see in your mirror that French guy sending me against the barriers when I was overtaking him on the back straight?
I really don't understand how much fun can they get out of the game, by doing that sort of crap.
Hey guys, i just got through one of these races only to get taken out by meisterR32 on the last lap whilst i was in 3rd. I"ll be joining in on the xx:12 mark xD.
Have you reset your clock since the update? (apparently it can be wrong)

It came up with a message last time it was wrong, I'll set it via internet again anyway.

Why don't you all go to on GTP_Online channel. It will be much easier to synch...

I don't do chat rooms and voice chat sorry.

Bigtime, seems to me worse than ever.
Plus, it 'glitches', making some lose all grip from one moment to another.

Scary thought.
Great race cashwars no need to stop on the line you were about a second a lap quicker than me:tup:
Sorry to zabeu , as i got clipped by the yellow f430 hence i hit you at the first corner. Truth aswell, i tried to give you and zabeu room to overtake on the straight but i just touched the grass and i think i hit you side on. I find it quite hard to judge with the minimal interior view..
MotzMan [US] - đź‘Ž dirty, dirty, dirty.

hatton-jp [JP] - Incredibly fast in the GT-R, pure bliss. :cheers:
Take it easy mate đź‘Ť, I also hate when people from my same country ruin my races... it's a shame, but we are all not made of the same wood.

The more time I spend at GTP and racing online using the PAL copy of GT5P, the more I realize that people all over the world are all the same-some of them suck!
Don't know if there's someone on this forum with a ID like james5610 or james1056 driving a gray Nissan GT-R, but I've to tell to that user I'm sorry about the braking on the straight on Suzuka Circuit before the Hairpin Curve. I braked because a GTP friend went out into the sand so I like to wait him, but unfortunately when I brake instaly that user appeared and suffered my brake. Fortunately he didn't suffer so much, I was who lost the control into the sand but he only suffered a lost of speed.

I'm sorry anyway. Don't know if it's the proper thread due to the event, or if it should be posted on the apologyzes one..

Good driving Aero-R!

What's this, passing me like that. No respect for the elderly whatsoever!
Thanks a lot for the comment =]

I enjoyed a lot that race !!