World Event - 650pp Fuji - Ferrari F40 / R Tires Only :00 & :30

  • Thread starter Earth
Timppaq you do know ive de-tuned my F430 ive replaced the engine with an hole in the floor...yabba dabba doooo
Timppaq, uk86ze, and Cashwars, we had several sort-of-close races until the punters arrived. I don't think it'll get any better, though. Good seeing you all.
Timppaq you do know ive de-tuned my F430 ive replaced the engine with an hole in the floor...yabba dabba doooo

I should give that a try also... seems fast.

EDIT: DTWmetro... It was a pleasure to meet... 👍

finally after 30 mins off trying I get a connection into a race and not even half way through the first lap were disconected.

Edit: just noticed hotshot66 and would like to say sorry as I may have rear ended you early on in the evening
wow, just tried the international F430vsGTR event for the first time. It does get a little hectic, but a tight inside 1st/2nd corner line you can often keep your nose clean, then your in the top 4 for rest of the race. R1 tires and the F430 makes it nice and easy to get around suzuka, sooo much easier than the F40. Rarely having to worry about traction out of corners and brakes going into them :D

But the most intense part of the race is before the lights go out! Having to adjust brake bias front/rear settings and turning off ABS and turning on clutch! They should allow limited quick tune options, to allow for brake bias/abs tuning settings to be saved before you race.
Synwraith, cheers, had a little practice in the F430, had a few beers got rear ended on several occasions by Chimera, so went looking for him in the trusty GTR, so having you stop, wait for me, made me realize i should be having fun, following you i sure did:cheers:
well ive given up for tonight.
ive been on for almost 4 hours and in those 4 hours ive had 3 full races that were finished and the rest of the time either it was disconections from others or failure to join the network.
angelx - Sorry for almost making you crash into me by returning to the track like that. I was just really pissed because that was the 2nd time I had gone off track in the same lap because of the stupid rubberband effect (turn 2 and then 2nd Degner).
I swear, sometimes it just picks a car to run on N1's for a particular turn. :rolleyes:👎

Tell me about it, I tried my first race today, me and another driver had broken away by 10 seconds going into the first hairpin and the car felt like it had 300kgs extra weight added to it and I missed the corner.

Everytime I get the lead or get out ahead at all I can feel extra weight being added to the car, less corning speed less stopping distance.

*sigh* after praising the eventual standard of the races in F430 vs GT-R (FvG) the first night, I found last night to be almost unbearable.

Reading the recent posts in this thread, everyone's frustrations match my own very closely, so no need to repeat them.

I decided to stop persisiting with the F430 because I was getting sick of always starting mid-to-back of the pack and getting annhilated at turn 1/2/3/4/ i switched to GT-R and things got better immediately. The GT-R is so much easier for me to handle with my sixaxis that it almost feels like cheating.

I tried xx:12,24 etc so many times last night and never hooked up with any GTPers :(

I raced with GTP_ENERGIYA, GTP_HyperUK and GTP_Hun, really really enjoyable races when we actually survived the slaughter, and thanks GTP_Hun for showing patience when I started to lose mine :) I think i finally sorted my life out at the end of the night and started to race properly...and the DS3 only got thrown across the room once. Ok twice.

I was really looking forward to racing Cashwars and GTP_Earth, but in my F430 I would always be taken out first lap and never had the chance to race you. Hence GTR now.

May I also say if you come across CarlMont005[US] and Ken337[JP] (?) enjoy it, they are excellent racers and damn fast.

All the best
Maz (Synwraith)

I too raced vs Ken773 a couple of days ago and noticed how great of a driver he was and directed him here.

He is going to become GTP_Ken773 soon 👍

And here's a quick rant, I gotta let it out.

I promise some of these drivers, they start out front and zigzag everywhere making it impossible to pass them or even follow them without being distracted, and you follow them for a whole lap and pass them cleanly, then they punt you the next turn.

Qualifying needs to happen so the lesser experienced drivers start in the back

I know exactly what you mean, and i suffer this also. Its like one minute all the grip in the world, and the next no grip at all. :grumpy: Still lots of GTP members there and good fun if you stay on the track. Good racing you again Superwally. 👍

Indeed, a few races ago I made a shot for pole position after the first corner, pulled a quick comfortable lead then suddenly entering a corner even more cautiously then usual I just had almost no grip a flew deep into a sand trap.

I too raced vs Ken773 a couple of days ago and noticed how great of a driver he was and directed him here.

I raced with Ken, fast good driver, he was in the lead and I was hard on his heels about to pass and ran a little wide into the sand and never managed to catch back up, he made no errors.
swell, I'm still runnin..

I had some incredible awesome races with some very fast and mostly clean japanese drivers:eek:👍:crazy:

not going 12,24,36... anymore...only if it matches:idea:

looking forward for some good races with you guys:tup:
pretty sure they trying to stick to 00 12 24 36 48

im just having fun, wheel in one hand, beer in other hand and no points on my licence
EDIT: DTWmetro... It was a pleasure to meet... 👍


You too. And thanks for waiting just now at :24, although I saw that two other drivers rammed you when you tried to return to the track. It was great watching you and Earth duel that race too.
Thats last race I was going for the lead and passed the 1st place on the main straight only to be rammed off. :(
sorry, could not make it... i forgot that I had already shut the ps3 down.. well it's up and running niw so why stop here... :) ...I hope to see you US folk out there... I'm tired and drunk but I'll do my best.


I raced with GTP_ENERGIYA, GTP_HyperUK and GTP_Hun, really really enjoyable races when we actually survived the slaughter, and thanks GTP_Hun for showing patience when I started to lose mine :) I think i finally sorted my life out at the end of the night and started to race properly...and the DS3 only got thrown across the room once. Ok twice.


Maz (Synwraith)

Thanks for your kind words. When, in a race, I have been punted, I'm already out of the top spots and I come across a friend also punted and still getting out of the grass/sand, I have two options: a) continue my race against punters; b) race with this friend, in whatever position.

Clearly, my option is to race with my friend. I've done this many times with Cashwars (don't know why, but it's the other GTP-er I meet most on track) sometimes with surprising end results, and last night I did it with you.

Now for a litle rant: I didn't race tonight, I went out with my wife and just returned home (it's now nearly 3 AM where I live). However, I did race once this afternoon, only to be frustrated. In that race there were two other GTP-ers I never met before (GTP_Vaxen and GTP_AlfaAlfa). They both survived the Turn 1 carnage, but I didn't.

RE-starting last I slowly managed to get around punters and, at the beggining of lap 3, I was already 4th, behind a GB guy, himself not far behind AlfaAlfa in second. I assumed Vaxen was in 1st place (a long way away, from what I could tell seeing his dot in the track map). So, I followed this GB guy though the esses, I was extra-careful not to hit him at Degner and the hairpin and I decided to make my move with a slow-in fast-out aproach to Spoon. It all went well and I was able to pass this guy in the back straight. Call me crazy, but I was happy because the race was going to finish with a 1-2-3 for GTPlanet.

Then ... the guy rammed me hard against the wall, I nearly lost control of the car but, in the process, not only lost 3rd position again but also lost 4th because I WAS GIVEN A PENALTY :ill:

end result? 1st GTP_Vaxen, 2nd GTP_AlfaAlfa ....... 5th GTP_Hun. That was my first and last race for me today.

end of rant. I'm going to bed.
synwraith thanks for easing off on the 1st corner of the 2nd lap. Anyone else and I know where I would have ended

No worries mate, I've lost count of the number of overtaking moves that I have witnessed close-hand go wrong in the FvG event last few days. Was great racing with you!

Synwraith, cheers, had a little practice in the F430, had a few beers got rear ended on several occasions by Chimera, so went looking for him in the trusty GTR, so having you stop, wait for me, made me realize i should be having fun, following you i sure did:cheers:

See above, I feel your pain. One of the last races we did tonight with Timo, I just saw you parked up at the side almost going down the Suzuka East course and thought "Poor man, he's had his fill tonight!" ;)

As for the 430, man I really wish I could make it work for me. It's such a beautiful car, with a beautiful exhaust note and it is so rewarding to put in 3 clean fast laps...I just can't push it to the limit though. Again, great credit to all the RWD folk who are beating the legions of GTRs in the 430.

well well Zabeu in an F430, hmmm intresting

Still kickin' my ass :P

Tell me about it, I tried my first race today, me and another driver had broken away by 10 seconds going into the first hairpin and the car felt like it had 300kgs extra weight added to it and I missed the corner.

Everytime I get the lead or get out ahead at all I can feel extra weight being added to the car, less corning speed less stopping distance.

I too raced vs Ken773 a couple of days ago and noticed how great of a driver he was and directed him here.

He is going to become GTP_Ken773 soon 👍

Having thought the RBE was reduced, I can now also say that I feel it's actually been increased for this event. The loss of grip on lap 3 for me has been incredible when leading.

And as for Ken773, good work Earth, it'll be great to have such an awesome driver on here. He really is the fastest non-GTPer I've seen in the International events so far.

Great racing tonight with Timmpaq, Newbie-drifter[NO], Superwally, Cashwars (saw you blinking the brake lights at me on the line haha thought you wanted to start a pile-up!)..I have to admit when I saw Timmpaq go 3-wide before Degner 1 I almost let go of the controller to cover my eyes!

Come on guys, you know we're gonna miss this event when it goes ;)

All the best
Maz (Synwraith)
Sorry Superwally at Degner (when you had Vaxen infront of you) I braked fine but the guy (rounD[US]) behind me rammed me hard.
Has anyone else come up against GTRC_TOM71[JP] ? Daaaaaaammmn he was quick, running circa 6:44s regularly. I did a 6:49 and at the finish I couldn't even see him!! I raced against him 4 times tonight, doesn't matter where he started, he would win with a sub 6:50 every time. What a benchmark.

All the best
Maz (Synwraith)
Sorry Superwally at Degner (when you had Vaxen infront of you) I braked fine but the guy (rounD[US]) behind me rammed me hard.

I saw that, and my braking just a bit early didn't help matters. Thanks, though!

Finally got to race with or near some folks like Vaxen, Earth, GTSR01, synwraith, and drama-kyd. Earth and I were 1-2 (nice run by the way, I caught you, lost you, and couldn't reel you back in-you are wicked steady!) before a host disconnect killed it near the end of lap 3.

Sorry for the taps when I was behind some of you, I don't pass particularly well.
I was just privileged enough to be involved in the single most amazing race I've ever seen. Vrtgjklo567uik of Japan and I just tied a race in 6'42.550!!!!!!!!!!

EDIT - Just did a 6'40.3xx!