::::: World Super GT Championship | Round 2 | Corkscrew GT | Friday 11-03-04 :::::

  • Thread starter Masi_23
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im still not happy with my result, as it was a big challenge to get the car ready for the day with very little practice.

the battle for 2nd between centura, vagabone and i was great in the first couple of laps.

With very poor performance from myself, i made multiple mistakes, spinouts to damaging the front and ready of the car.

I made three pitt stops which is just shocking as i should of just taken one or two at the max.

overall, besides my experience on the track, im glad i had an involvement in this race, and will continue on with the series.

Thank you masi, thank you owensracing for hosting, i had a great race.

Catch on guys on the track.

- Rev
im still not happy with my result, as it was a big challenge to get the car ready for the day with very little practice.

the battle for 2nd between centura, vagabone and i was great in the first couple of laps.

With very poor performance from myself, i made multiple mistakes, spinouts to damaging the front and ready of the car.

I made three pitt stops which is just shocking as i should of just taken one or two at the max.

overall, besides my experience on the track, im glad i had an involvement in this race, and will continue on with the series.

Thank you masi, thank you owensracing for hosting, i had a great race.

Catch on guys on the track.

- Rev

This only from lap one. And with five pitstops instead of three. LOL

...Aw crud....I forgot to save my replay! *sigh* So much for the photo shoot...
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I'm exremely happy with my first 35 laps, and extremely unhappy with my last 7...

Me, Nycrom, Wardez and Paginas had a couple of great laps. Some of us did take it quite easy, while others stuch there nose in in every opportunity :)

Overall a great race! I'll post the provisional results soon. Final result shoul be up sometime during sunday since I'm very busy this weekend. Hope you guys understand.

I'm also glad D2 was a good race. Where did maSonn09 go?
Had a great race with loads of battles with people. I didnt feel the car at all during the race which is strange because im normally quicker in race conditions....

Got a nice bump by wardez (LOL) which forced me to change my strategy to a 3 stop, it went really well got myself up into 4th and then on the LAST LAP i got a message i never seen before DISCONNECTED FROM LOBBY what the **** i was/am soo pissed off that 1 message has ruined a great race i feel cheated out of an hour of my life! :scared::crazy::drool::ouch::nervous: :indiff: :guilty::yuck::grumpy:
What an awsome race for Div2 GT300!!
I was able to take the lead early on lap 1 and had an amazing battle with Max for the first part of the race, somewhere arround lap 12 I ran wide on turn 9 and he got by. Shortly after he spun out and I retook the lead with Atlas hot on my tail! The battle was now on betwen Atlas and me for the lead. I would pull away on the first 2 sectors and he would reel me back in on the last sector. This went on till he was able to take the leqd on lap 21 then he too spun out and I got the lead back.
Into the pits at the end of lap 22, we t in on first place with a confortable buffer over Atlas and Max.
The surprise came as Hortus stayed out for an extra lap and pass us all on the pits! Next lap I took the lead from him as he made his stop.
From there on it was all smooth sailing as Max was out of sequence and had to made 1 extra stop. So smooth in fact that I fell asleep on the lead and made 2 stupid mistakes. This oppened the door for Atlas as my confortable lead now dissapeared and I was on his sights and on panic mode. On lap 20 I got lost on the front straight as someone took it qs a mission to knock over every marker on the track. I was waching my mirrors for Atlas when all of a sudden it was time to brake! I was passed my braking point, ran wide on turn one and my lead dissapeared with my hope and dreams for a win into the distance. It was Atlas moment and he knew it! He managed to pull 9 seconds on me after my stupid mistake!
Congratulations to him on an amazing drive and a well desserved win!
Exellent race guys! I'm looking forward to many more races like this one!
Impressive race guys!!! Chorda and Paginas I'm really sorry for u.. :( this race was been a great! The battle with Chorda, Paginas, Wardez was been epic! I was really tired in to the end.. Congratulation Tony and Apollo really a good job.
Had a good race, only one meeting with the wall coming out of the last corner, of course heavy damage so I had to limp the whole lap around, fortunately it was near the half point in the race so I was able to stay on 1 pitstop strategy.

Had intense battles with Jav in the first half of the race, I was definitely quicker in the corners but the darn RX7 had the straight line speed plus Jav was very aggressive on the brakes, probably the reason I was able to cruise past him 5 laps from finish.

I am very curious to see what times you guys in D1 were running, I wish I could've raced there, missed it by 1 pos as usual. I'm just having no luck with the superqualifying format, my quali lap was 3 sec slower than my fast lap in the race :mad:

Laguna Seca D2 Results with times

OwensRacing	Nissan Calsonic IMPUL GT-R			1:06:29.927
Vagabone	Nissan MOTUL AUTECH GT_R			1:07:37.347
Centura	Nissan  MOTUL AUTECH GT_R				1:08:23.780
Shrugging_Atlas	Toyota WEDSSPORT CELICA				1:08:37.147
Jav122678	RE Amemiya AsparaDrink '06			1:08:46.342
HortusIX	Autobacs ARTA Garaiya '03			1:09:09.022
maximus254	Autobacs ARTA Garaiya '03			1:09:28.846
iRev_olution	Nissan XANAVI NISMO GT-R			DNF
MH4wheel	Lexus ENEOS SC430				DNF
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The Little Celica that Could.

After an unfortunate cooling malfunction left Senninha on the side of the road on the first lap, Kamykaze, Moleman, and I set out at the front of the GT300 pack. The three of us quickly put some distance between us and the other contenders. Moleman led for the most part, with Kamy right on his heels. I was content to lay back a bit and take advantage of the draft. This continued for 10 laps or so, with all three of us setting good times in the draft.

Unfortunately, about lap 10 Moleman's diff exploded. Fortunately, it was right outside the pits, but the damage was too much to repair and he was forced to retire.

Kamy and I set off on our own. Kamy being the faster driver led, and I followed. He did his best to shake me off, and almost succeeded a couple of times. The cars had distinct strengths and weaknesses throughout the track, I would catch up under braking at the hairpin and the corkscrew, and he would pull away through the rest of the track.

A few laps of this must have been taking it's toll, as he slowed to let me pass. We continued as a duo, I was quite happy to go calmly and preserve my tyres and Kamy seemed happy to follow and do the same. Unfortunately, a couple of laps later I saw him go sideways in my rearview coming through the corkscrew. I wouldn't see him again all race.

From there on, it was pretty dull. Tony whipped past me, and when I pitted on lap 23 the majority of the rest of the GT500 cars passed. Bakugekiki was the next GT300 in line, and I had no idea how far behind me he was. I decided that I might as well play it safe, and ran slow laps and waited for him to catch up to me.

It was not to be. I had a couple of trips into the beach at turn 4 during the second stint, but only lost a second or two. At the end of the race it was a close thing whether I was going to be able to finish within the timer. I had just started my 42nd lap when Tony crossed the line, so I had to turn up the wick. A 1:28.6 on 20 lap old tyres ensured that I'd pass the checkered flag with about 5 second to spare.

Interesting race, very endurance. A shame about the mechanical misfortunes that took Moleman and Senninha out of the race, they certainly would have been up for high finishes had they made it to the end of the race.

If people are interested in the tune, I'll put it here:

Ride Height: -20/-17
Springs: 11.6/10.4
Extension: 4/5
Compression: 3/4
Roll Bars: 4/5

Camber: 2.3/1.5
Toe: 0.0/0.0

LSD: 7/26/13

Brakes: 9/7

Aero: 35/47

It's adjusted to eliminate that snap oversteer that seems to be present in so many corners at Laguna. You can kick the arse out a bit to wear the rear tyres or to turn in a bit sharper when the front tyres start to wear, but it's never impossible to catch the slide.

P.S. Go Team Wedssport! D1 and D2 trophies!
Wauw guys, just wauw!

What an amazing race! Been watching the replay till now, and it was really addictive to watch! Amazing race between you 4 guys in GT500 in the first 12ish laps! Couldn't stop watching it.

Even though I got damaged on lap 6 (I'll get back to that later) and had to make an early pit stop, I enjoyed the challenge to hold out and see how far I could get from there!

Man, it was so amazing to race this round. Those first 6 laps was soo intens for me. Can't wait for the next race! Can't wait to do the endurances with you guys!

And congrats to Tony! Next time stay in your own Alien Division!! Hehe.

Cheers for a great round event :cheers: !
The Little Celica that Could.
...A 1:28.6 on 20 lap old tyres ensured that I'd pass the checkered flag with about 5 second to spare.

Good write-up Neo. I am always interested in your set-up data 👍 What was your fastest lap? I did a 1:27.1xx, waiting for replay to finish so see exact time.
I had identical aero and springs settings... what are the odds? :scared:

As usual I was running harder dampers, exactly +1 all around. Anti-roll 3/3, camber only 1.8/1.0 and to toe: -0.04/0.0. Maybe not the fastest settings but I had surprisingly very little tirewear.

P.S. Go Team Wedssport! D1 and D2 trophies!
Yeah! But next time I want to join you in D1!
Nice race this evening. Nothing special for me, classic 2-stop strategy,no mistakes, steady pace.

Unfortunately,i had an incident with Chorda that cost him a lot.

Congrats to Neo for the win and my man Apollo for a well-deserved second place with brave 1-stop strategy.👍
Good write-up Neo. I am always interested in your set-up data 👍 What was your fastest lap? I did a 1:27.1xx, waiting for replay to finish so see exact time.
I had identical aero and springs settings... what are the odds? :scared:

As usual I was running harder dampers, exactly +1 all around. Anti-roll 3/3, camber only 1.8/1.0 and to toe: -0.04/0.0. Maybe not the fastest settings but I had surprisingly very little tirewear.

Yeah! But next time I want to join you in D1!

The fastest I remember seeing was a 1.27.1xx. I wasn't watching to be honest, apart from a couple of looks now and then to make sure I wasn't going too slow. I certainly wasn't pushing hard at any point apart from a few laps to try and stay with Kamy.
After having a polite discussion with Chorda, it looks like i might be facing a penalty. Very unfortunate. Luckily ,he informed me that it'll probably not exceed 60 seconds so i won't lose the victory.

PS. Looking at the Rules on post#1 i noticed a little hole. There isn't a ruling refering to a lapping situation between cars of the same category. Therefore i suppose basic universally known Motorsport rules are followed untill the hole is filled.
PS. Looking at the Rules on post#1 i noticed a little hole. There isn't a ruling refering to a lapping situation between cars of the same category. Therefore i suppose basic universally known Motorsport rules are followed untill the hole is filled.

I would assume so aswell. And I guess we are talking about a blue-flag-rule.
Problem with the blue flag is that there's no one out there to actually wave one.

When you're about to lap someone remember that the pass is a privilege and not a right.

Someone getting out of your way so you can lap them is them being courteous, not following orders.

We need to leave it up to the person being lapped to decide the best course of action. Some times it doesn't work out but I think we can all learn from experiences like this and take a bit more caution from both sides next time.
After having a polite discussion with Chorda, it looks like i might be facing a penalty. Very unfortunate. Luckily ,he informed me that it'll probably not exceed 60 seconds so i won't lose the victory.

PS. Looking at the Rules on post#1 i noticed a little hole. There isn't a ruling refering to a lapping situation between cars of the same category. Therefore i suppose basic universally known Motorsport rules are followed untill the hole is filled.

I have to add that I'm NOT a judge/steward in this situation since I was involved. My PRIVATE answer to tony was a guess from my side since I recieved a question regarding it.
Just to make everything clear to all.
I would assume so aswell. And I guess we are talking about a blue-flag-rule.

I will point out the some of the GT500 drivers were VERY aggressive in passing me. I had at least three people dive down the side of me for a pass through turn 9 at different times. Yeah, you were lapping me, but it's an odd corner and I'd rather follow the safe line and let you past afterwards. I'm leading my class, I don't want to risk an incident. As it was I had to take evasive action to avoid contact, something which is always a bit of a clue for people being too aggressive.

If someone holds you up for an extended period of time (read: several corners), appeal it after the race. DO NOT barge through them like you own the place. This is the same rule as motorsport. The driver being passed has to give space at the first reasonable opportunity, not the first corner after you arrive on their bumper. The passing driver still has the responsibility to make a safe pass with no contact.
Well, thanks for the replies Wardez and Imari 👍 I didn't know anything about the blue flag thingie, only seen it the times I been watching motorsports as a kid. Cool info, but back to Tonys request - we getting a written rule in the ruleset about what the procedure is when lapping? Would be cool.

Also, when does the race finish for others than the winner?
Imagine some drivers are 1 lap behind and they are racing close. They cross the finish line after the race leader finishes the race, but still able to finish the last lap, and overtaking is possible. Are we imitating the real world, where you just get a +1lap and the race is over after the first crossing. Or are we supposed to race on till the time limit is out and/or all the laps are completed?

I'm asking that, as it could have happend today in the D1 race. I was getting closer to Pagians in the very end, and imagine that I could have gotten close enough and able to pass him on our last lap - would that have count? In the real world, the race would have been over the lap before.

Didn't happen, because he disconnected on that very lap :(.. and I was probably too far behind anyway :P
Well, thanks for the replies Wardez and Imari 👍 I didn't know anything about the blue flag thingie, only seen it the times I been watching motorsports as a kid. Cool info, but back to Tonys request - we getting a written rule in the ruleset about what the procedure is when lapping? Would be cool.

Also, when does the race finish for others than the winner?
Imagine some drivers are 1 lap behind and they are racing close. They cross the finish line after the race leader finishes the race, but still able to finish the last lap, and overtaking is possible. Are we imitating the real world, where you just get a +1lap and the race is over after the first crossing. Or are we supposed to race on till the time limit is out and/or all the laps are completed?

I'm asking that, as it could have happend today in the D1 race. I was getting closer to Pagians in the very end, and imagine that I could have gotten close enough and able to pass him on our last lap - would that have count? In the real world, the race would have been over the lap before.

Didn't happen, because he disconnected on that very lap :(.. and I was probably too far behind anyway :P

At the moment, you race until the end of the final lap or until the timer runs out.
I made three over eager moves. Very regrettable.

Was blinded with a tunnel that winners circle at the end. Guess I truly felt like I was running for my life being chased.

First race I had been comfortable with this car. Got lucky un the start and well lesson learned and I do apologize ti any I took track from.

No excuse but the Arta looks GT500 when coming on and there was a few cars having issues in that class so was not always sure what ki da power the car had on exits. I know turn 7 was part of this. But once committed you go.
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Ok 👍 so not like in the real world, got it.

For now.

It may be changed though, even with a lap head start only one of the GT300s (barely!) finished within the 3 minute time limit. It makes giving time penalties difficult.
i had a very good begining to the race i was fast and very comfortable with my set up and i was starting from pole position got a great start did not get passed into the first corner but then just before the 3rd corner disconected:ouch: very nice this race will count in my final standings with nice 3 or 13 point scored. do i get points for last place 14 or after the last in d2? congratz to neomone with the win.
Well i had a very good race no problems or crashes.
The first 7 or 8 laps were good trying to get through the field without causing or getting damage.
I didn't realise till about lap 13 that we had 40+laps but i had plenty of tyre left so i decided to try and go to halfway and do a one stopper. I led the 500's for a lap as Tony went in to do a pitstop, an achievment in itself i think :D
But Tony came back and past me pretty quickly and tore off into the distance.

After that I couldn't make it to halfway so i had to pit a couple of laps early.
Got new tyres and just kept plodding around trying to save a bit of tyre for the end of the race wich worked.

Good race to all and Tony and Neomone for the wins
i had a very good begining to the race i was fast and very comfortable with my set up and i was starting from pole position got a great start did not get passed into the first corner but then just before the 3rd corner disconected:ouch: very nice this race will count in my final standings with nice 3 or 13 point scored. do i get points for last place 14 or after the last in d2? congratz to neomone with the win.

I think you get no points for the race if you don't complete 85%, same as moi.

So I guess you'll get the 3 points for pole and not a lot else :P
Well i had a very good race no problems or crashes.
The first 7 or 8 laps were good trying to get through the field without causing or getting damage.
I didn't realise till about lap 13 that we had 40+laps but i had plenty of tyre left so i decided to try and go to halfway and do a one stopper. I led the 500's for a lap as Tony went in to do a pitstop, an achievment in itself i think :D
But Tony came back and past me pretty quickly and tore off into the distance.

After that I couldn't make it to halfway so i had to pit a couple of laps early.
Got new tyres and just kept plodding around trying to save a bit of tyre for the end of the race wich worked.

Good race to all and Tony and Neomone for the wins
Definitely a very solid race Apollo congratulation. Obviously impressive race Tony..probably u need of a special Division for u.. Great race Neomone. ;)
Would anyone from the D1 race take the time to read this thread about replay differences on showing damage. And to rule out the error/bug better, could be nice if a 3rd or more looks if they can see the damage or not 👍

Its on lap 6, and start looking from 11'50.00 and have the view on GTP_monoha

Would appreciate it a lot!
Would anyone from the D1 race take the time to read this thread about replay differences on showing damage. And to rule out the error/bug better, could be nice if a 3rd or more looks if they can see the damage or not 👍

Its on lap 6, and start looking from 11'50.00 and have the view on GTP_monoha

Would appreciate it a lot!

I checked it. It shows.
Unfortunately i have to withdraw from the championship. I've had a radical change on my daily program that won't allow me to race at these hours. It's been nice racing with you. Have fun!
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