::::: World Super GT Championship | Round 5 | United States GT (SIGN-UP NOW!) :::::

  • Thread starter Masi_23
Speadsheet updated.. Use the link in the OP to get there 👍

Damn you JPzer! :lol:
I'm waiting for Moleman or Senninha to bust a 1.34. It's very doable, it's just doing it under the pressure of qualifying. I suspect race speeds will be around 1.35~1.36 though, and with drafting if you're anywhere near that you shouldn't have problems keeping up with the leaders.

Moleman 1:34.9, Neomone 1:35.1 :eek:.... I don't know how you guys do it, is there a NOS button somewhere I wasn't told about? :D
Moleman 1:34.9, Neomone 1:35.1 :eek:.... I don't know how you guys do it, is there a NOS button somewhere I wasn't told about? :D

Center console, in the middle, red button.. Try that one. If that does'n work, fold the passanger sead forward and pick up the laptop lokated beneith and try to laborate with the fule-mix while zigzagging thru sector 1.. :)
This should be one of my best performing tracks, R2 of the North American GT Academy had this course... I spent a lot of time on this course before dbags started skipping the chicanes

Oh well, looking for a good qualy time tomorrow!
lol close call !!:dopey:

Not that close.. But you've beaten me from getting pole for the last 3 races.. :grumpy:

I ran 29.3's just before I did quali... But I guess I can't handle the pressure.. I had a good 2.nd lap going, but did 2 small errors.. Touched the yellow striped area out on the backstraight loosing some traction, and in the final corner, before reaching the oval, I did not hit apex at all!

Looking forward to the race. 👍

Warning: Nycrom is also very fast.. He pulled 29.4's as well..
Could I please get a steward or honorary racer to get me qualified. Some plans have changed and I will be out of town tomorrow. Be back Thursday evening.


I have a room open

Room Number:

All racers welcome to come practice.
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Moleman 1:34.9, Neomone 1:35.1 :eek:.... I don't know how you guys do it, is there a NOS button somewhere I wasn't told about? :D

I'm just pissed that I managed a 1.34.4xx practising, and I was looking good for getting close to that on my second Q lap before I got greedy and spun it at turn 7. :(

As Sloth points out though, this was a GT Academy track for the US/EU2/JP rounds. Some of us spent unbelievable amounts of time perfecting lines and braking points around it. It's pretty easy to adapt those skills and get up to a quick time without too much trouble.

If you're interested, I turned my camber down this week as well. I think I was running 1.0/0.5 for the Q laps. It's a bit slidey, but I found it to be consistently faster that way. And it forces you to drive more correctly, slow in, fast out. Also, gearing is a massive part of it at this track. Have you changed your gear ratios? I got half a second like that, the moment I changed them. PM me if you want and I'll dig out what I'm using.
Could I please get a steward or honorary racer to get me qualified. Some plans have changed and I will be out of town tomorrow. Be back Thursday evening.


I have a room open

Room Number:

All racers welcome to come practice.

I'm in bed, and the time is 3.10 AM... But I'll be ther in a second to help you out 👍
Hey lads, ive been thinking about adding some more incentive to the overall Champion (maybe for the next season) to reel in more committed/consistent competition. How about putting in some 'Real' money on the table? That's if we can even do it under the forum rules of GTP.

Think of it like the World Series of Poker. The more people that joins and buys-in, the bigger the money pot. But in our case, we'll do it through generous voluntary donations, be it from WSGTC drivers, or random GTP members. Overall Champion Prize can be $10 or $1000. Who knows... we can also spread out the funds to award 2nd, 3rd place finishers (overall standings).

Well, that's my idea - at least for a bigger grid with two divisions. As i see right now, there's about 12-15 committed drivers, week in-week out. Maybe we should just do a one class league (GT500s)? Comments?

btw - apologies for my absence. I really don't see the possibility of me competing a single race this season. my bad for all the late replies from any PM's :D

Denilson can call this league his own. He's done a great job. Much credit to the Stewards also.


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FIRST AND FOREMOST: I would never call this Championship "MY OWN".. Especially since I have not run it my self. Paginas1, Imari, nycrom, Wardez, Andil and JohnKiller2 should also be able to call it their own if I could. We have all put down great effort in WSGTC.

WSGTC would'nt even existed if it was'nt for you Eric!

I'm all in for throwing in some cash for the top 3 in each class for next season..

You got a LOOONG PM Masi. :)
FIRST AND FOREMOST: I would never call this Championship "MY OWN".. Especially since I have not run it my self. Paginas1, Imari, nycrom, Wardez, Andil and JohnKiller2 should also be able to call it their own if I could. We have all put down great effort in WSGTC.

WSGTC would'nt even existed if it was'nt for you Eric!

I'm all in for throwing in some cash for the top 3 in each class for next season..

You got a LOOONG PM Masi. :)

Hmm, I'm of two minds when it comes to the issue of awarding drivers with actual money.

It does indeed bring competition to a whole different level. But it's at the expense of drawing in a different set of drivers as well. The way I see it is that the guys currently racing are in it for the joy, for the pure thrill of competing against like minded individuals. In other words, we're dedicated to the sport. If we put up a nice big carrot next season for people to catch we may not always be attracting good little rabbits - so to speak.

I'd be down for it, but we must be weary of those people that would do anything for money, of any amount.

I also came up with an idea to settle the whole multi-class/single class fiasco. I'll send out PM's shortly.
As you might be struggeling with people staying with this series, here is my feedback why I decided not to continue racing WSGTC. I found myself spending a lot if time preparing with not enough fun racing due to following reasons.

Racing with damage set to high. I did eight races with damage set to high. In three of them I got hit from behind whilst leading the race forcing an immediate pitstop. In the fourth I also got hit forcing a pit stop but I wasn't in the lead but fairly well positioned. The other three I had fun racing. In the last, I was so concerned from being hit from behind in the first corner, looked too much in the mirror, forgot the breaking point and ran into Paginas.

So out of eight races, I only had good fun racing in three of them.

When qualifying for the first real event, my steeringwheel developed an input delay. I couldn't qualify and that was the end of that race.

Mixed classes make you race 8 cars when you could race 16 cars which is more fun.

Seperate qualifying also mean that participating in WSGTC takes two evenings when it really only should take one.

Every league has its concepts and to me WSGTC tries to similate reality as much as possible. It does that better than any other series, but it might not appeal to that many people.

Just my two cents.
Hey masi, there is a few errors in the table.

1. I never had a fastest lap (my total bonus should be 36)
2. Wardez had the fastest at monaco ( Bonus should be at 32)

About the suggestion you brougth up, I think that if every one would race the same series, there would be much more competitivity and dedicated driver on the board, it would most lickly increase the fun in the serie. Don't get me wrong this serie is already very very fun !! and I thank you and the stewards for it !

And about the money prize, that would just be awsome.. With those rules i don't think that even if some one is in only for the prize would change anything.. its so strick that the only way you can win is by racing fair..

WSGTC tries to similate reality as much as possible. It does that better than any other series,

It doesn't even have a Success Ballast system - which is what would prevent people from losing interest by keeping the series title up for grabs until the very last race and each race outcome very uncertain (players who're generally "slower" might even score a victory or two since the Ballast adds up overtime, besides races would get spiced up quite a bit with the strongest drivers constantly catching up from the back of the pack or racing with their cars slowed down) - how is it "simulating reality" "better than any other series"...come on now.

The real money prizes idea then is just silly, you'll just get a bunch of shady players hoarding up the cash race after race while relying on gawd knows what kind of exploits and lots of drama, have fun w/ that.

Furthermore the mixed class thing makes no sense...the only reason why the real Super GT does this is because it's more cost-effective and also cause they can afford like 40+ cars on track. In GT5 more cars from your own class = closer and more battled out races = more fun and that's it. Same goes for the "Divisions", you got lots of people interested, why would you want to let em sit out or race in a room with just a few drivers who were "left out" from Div1 come on...make 2 or more EVEN groups then whoever finishes in the top "x" spots from each group qualifies for the final race (make people qualify right before the race and turn the "qualifying session day" into the "final race day", eez).

Also, light damage is mandatory in my opinion. This is still a videogame, it's supposed to be fun, it's subject to lag and we're no professional drivers no matter how much people enjoy boasting about their alleged "driving skillz" on the forums...you're bound to get hit at least once or twice per race so please don't make me do an entire lap at 50 Km/h because a dumbass misjudged a braking point and flew right into my rear bumper cause it's frustrating (even moreso after a week of testing and set-up tweaking) and jeopardizes the outcome of the race.

My 2 cent.
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It doesn't even have a Success Ballast system - which is what would prevent people from losing interest by keeping the series title up for grabs until the very last race and each race outcome very uncertain (players who're generally "slower" might even score a victory or two since the Ballast adds up overtime, besides races would get spiced up quite a bit with the strongest drivers constantly catching up from the back of the pack) - how is it "simulating reality" "better than any other series"...come on now.

The real money prizes idea then is just silly, you'll just get a bunch of shady players hoarding up the cash race after race while relying on gawd knows what kind of exploits and lots of drama, have fun w/ that.

The ballast system was not yet in the game when we started the championship.
But it could definitly add a very interresting side to the serie !

About the money prizes, i doubt that there would be THAT much shady player, and with the rules in place plus the replay, i don't see how some one could cheat/exploit anything. But I must admit that the risk of drama is multiply by 1000
The ballast system was not yet in the game when we started the championship.

It wasn't in the game when my series started either, which is why we resorted to penalties in seconds that drivers must wait before starting from whichever position they achieved in the grid (click pause > car goes transparent > everyone else drives thru them and it's very practical as well since it's at the beginning of the replay and thus very easy to check).

Works like a charm (7 races into the series the first 3 drivers are within 10 points and everyone else's very close as well).
The ballast system was not yet in the game when we started the championship.
But it could definitly add a very interresting side to the serie !

About the money prizes, i doubt that there would be THAT much shady player, and with the rules in place plus the replay, i don't see how some one could cheat/exploit anything. But I must admit that the risk of drama is multiply by 1000

I dont like the money prize idea, I want drivers that compete here for passion not for business.
About the ballast it's a great idea, I dunno if for this championship will be possible introduce something like that (I think not), but a ballast system for the next season in time penalty or greater weight (I prefere), I think will be considered and tested for the next season.
I mean this championship is really something of special very very professional, a bit hard for a lot drivers to understand...for me to sometime, but only with strict rules, you can get a championship as close possible to reality. It clearly can be improved and will be perfected. 👍
Guys I'm not gonna be able to do quali this week. Can you put me up for the waiting list?
no one have time :(

Be home for a short stint before leaving town. I will post here when I walk in the door. If it ok with stewards. I will watch your laps.

As for money. . . Maybe do a privates invite only money race. Heck even a one time 2+ hr race with time and weather. Where you are invited as a known clean and fair racer.

The 2d aspect does hamper wrecks. I will admit that I still working on judging draft speeds and distances. Personally I will go into the wall or off track if it looks any bit close. However lag can be a demon here.

I like the idea of money races, not with in the WSGTC.

I do like the idea of ballast being added for next season.

Keep the hvy damage. This to makes me a better driver.

Went the entire Laguna Race with no incidents as well I personal had no incidents on GP/D. I did get damaged from another. This is where penalty may need strengthened up. As in you lose more then 40 secs for rear ending.

Love the league and I got a something up my sleeve for both the champion in both leagues. ;)
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Re: Comments above -

Heavy damage - While some have had negative experiences with it, I can't say I have at all. I know for a fact that when I race under Light damage settings I become more aggressive - not intentionally, just within the subconscious I know that if I make a mistake under braking it isn't going to effect me (or the other driver) too much - but it doesn't make for good racing, just extra aggression. Some like Johnkiller have had bad experiences almost every race. In comparison: I've raced in almost every pre-season race and in every in-season race. I've yet to even take any damage, and I can still be aggressive with passing if I need to be. I think it maybe takes a bit of extra awareness to be able to position the car appropriately to avoid an incident - things like being able to defend hard, but giving the other driver enough space for manoeuvre. Admittedly there will be the odd occasion where you'll get rear ended and there's nothing you could have done about it, but most importantly: it's the same for everyone else.

Ballast - I think this has already been discussed for next season, there are a lot of things to be put into Season 2, most of which simply weren't available as features when we started this one. We had some discussions of including it in this season but the feature was implemented into GT5 simply too close to the season start, we would have had to postpone the start of the season to be able to agree on ballast amounts - when the season was already 2-3 weeks late already, this wasn't an option. But for next season, I think it's a definite, though it needs to be discussed more with stewards.

Prize Money - Meh, it's ok, but people will get greedy and the racing will become less enjoyable that way.

Single Class/Multi Class - The series was started as multi-class, so everyone who signed up to this series was aware of that. Complaints about it later are a bit strange, because it's all there to see in black and white in the OP. I can understand that racing with a grid of 14-16 of the same class is enjoyable, but does it bring closer racing, really? Look at the qualifying laps of the top 16 in GT500 and GT300, and I really doubt you'll be battling with any more than the amount of people you battle with at the moment. A full grid of GT500 or GT300 doesn't magically make peoples laptimes any closer. Take Monaco which was a single class race for example; I had a battle with Neomone, and only Neomone. Then look at the Nurburgring race just gone - I had a battle with Neomone, and only Neomone. So, more competition? Yes. Closer racing? I don't see it. - I also worry that there are plenty of Super GT series out there, so why would anyone come to ours as opposed to somewhere else? I also feel that splitting GT500 and GT300 would result in two seperate race series' with little communication between the two, which was never the purpose of Masi's Super GT Championship.

Also as to why SuperGT runs seperate classes, or why any race series runs seperate classes; it isn't at all for budget reasons - one of the main attractions of GT racing is the multiple classes on circuit, it brings added excitement and makes racecraft an important part of the race - rather than 'quickest driver wins', those who can pass the slower traffic quickest, manage traffic appropriately, and make safe passes, are the ones who come out on top.

This was a long post, sorry :P
Hey guys, I'm back from Germany (with love:)).

Anyway, I might not be able to qualify tonight, but I will be able to race on Friday, so put me on a waiting list for now please 👍
Be home for a short stint before leaving town. I will post here when I walk in the door. If it ok with stewards. I will watch your laps.

As for money. . . Maybe do a privates invite only money race. Heck even a one time 2+ hr race with time and weather. Where you are invited as a known clean and fair racer.

The 2d aspect does hamper wrecks. I will admit that I still working on judging draft speeds and distances. Personally I will go into the wall or off track if it looks any bit close. However lag can be a demon here.

I like the idea of money races, not with in the WSGTC.

I do like the idea of ballast being added for next season.

Keep the hvy damage. This to makes me a better driver.

Went the entire Laguna Race with no incidents as well I personal had no incidents on GP/D. I did get damaged from another. This is where penalty may need strengthened up. As in you lose more then 40 secs for rear ending.

Love the league and I got a something up my sleeve for both the champion in both leagues. ;)
sorry i shall have dinner now so wil be back in 1 hour
Here again posting as I like something here.:) (Don´t
really know what part...). But as I said earlier, I could ask
for permission to come back if I found the Rules&Regulations more interresting...

To Andil---> Its 2 different cases when You drive with Heavy
Damage in a slow GT300, than with a
fast GT500 with Racing Hards.....

If You want to keep Heavy Damage and try to simulate Real life, put at least Racing Softs in the GT500 cars....

Fastest lap in Suzuka in Real life is a 1´49.xxx, think youre
maybe 8-10 secs off that time with Your hard tires.

My 2 cents, sorry, I take my jacket and...

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