World War 3

Though I doubt there will be any nuclear conflagration, I suspect we are already involved in WWIII, that it started with the Clinton administration, and gathered steam under the Bush regime. Robert Kagan and Victoria Nuland are among the many players. You see it manifested today as a world in perpetual war and permanent revolution. The Color Revolutions and Arab Spring are perfect examples. Its goal is to destroy nation states and institute a global democratic rule of the proletariat led and evangelized by the corporate class and bankers, with no room for middle class or bourgeoisie. Third world nations which resist (Libya, Iraq) will be preemptively attacked, divided into tribes, and stripped of their resources. I predict it will eventually succeed, though some will cling stubbornly for a time to localism, nationalism, etc.
So after 20 years, who's side is winning?
So after 20 years, who's side is winning?

Neoliberal and neocon globalists are winning, and winning big, no doubt about it. Nation states are being subsumed into larger blocks with loss of local identity and control, or split into failed states ripe for chaos and exploitation. There is open warfare on 3 continents, all supporting this theme.
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He predicted something bad in 2001. Remember 9/11?
Yep. He didn't remember it before it happened though, or he'd have been able to give more specifics. Classic open-ended prediction.

Incidentally, do you remember the 7.7 earthquake in Gujarat in January 2001? Killed 20,000 people. Which event did he predict?
He also said his universe is slightly different, so some evetns may not be the same.
Specifically he said that many worlds theory was true - there are universes for every possible choice at every moment in time - and that meant that, amongst other things, time travel paradoxes can't occur because any action he takes in "the past" is not really in the past of his future. If he killed his own grandfather (the Grandfather Paradox), it would be the grandfather of a different, parallel John Titor and this action would not cause a paradox (erasing his own existence and prevent him from killing his own grandfather thus preventing his existence from being erased).

Which still begs the question of how he intends to get the computer back to his future if it's no longer his future.

It's absolute horse apples and no more legit than Nostradamus.
The easiest disasters to predict will be natural ones like Earthquakes, because they're relatively independent of human interference.

Thus, it's kind of strange that Titor didn't predict the Japanese tsunami, which was one of the biggest ever seen.


It's very easy to predict World War III being due to tension in the Middle East. You could have made that prediction at any time in the past forty years, with different villains causing it, each time. The trends that have laid the groundwork for ISIS have been building up for a long time. Indoctrination of westerners, guerilla warfare, terrorism, etcetera.


That said, it will likely be less a World War than an eruption of terrorism much as in previous decades... though how much damage these people can do, given how tight security is nowadays, is questionable. will likely be less a World War than an eruption of terrorism much as in previous decades... though how much damage these people can do, given how tight security is nowadays, is questionable.

The collateral damage done to the civil liberties, economic and social health of those involved in wars spawning terrorists is also open to question.
Which still begs the question of how he intends to get the computer back to his future if it's no longer his future.

Worked for Future Trunks in Dragon Ball Z, maybe he watched it before it was dubbed and ripped that off too? Akira Toriyama ignored logic, just the same as John Tritor, and pretty much everybody else who tells a story which involves travelling back in time. Why does anybody ever bother believing it when somebody claims to know the future? I guess humans don't like having free will... :(
World War 3 has already started. It's called the internet.
Even though I think you're joking, that is very true.
The USA already has personnel hired to hack other countries, Stuxnet was a great example of the war that goes on, unseen to citizens, over the web.
There was a movie based around WW3.

War Games
In the words of Joshua(WOPR) "The best move to is Not to play"
I watched that movie in school last year, great movie!
Again if Ebola or World War 3 or Aliens or Zombies happen i am getting a Chevy Silverado and putting a camper in the bed and traveling to alaska, when i get to alaska i will live off the land. Then hunt for my food,
Again if Ebola or World War 3 or Aliens or Zombies happen i am getting a Chevy Silverado and putting a camper in the bed and traveling to alaska, when i get to alaska i will live off the land. Then hunt for my food,

That's a pretty poor plan, stay away from Alaska for sure! Head down into South America, that'll be much safer. Alaska is likely to be a key battleground along with Iceland and northern Scandinavia. They're on the shortest point-point route around the globe and allow the holders to control the northern hemisphere from "above".
That's a pretty poor plan, stay away from Alaska for sure! Head down into South America, that'll be much safer. Alaska is likely to be a key battleground along with Iceland and northern Scandinavia. They're on the shortest point-point route around the globe and allow the holders to control the northern hemisphere from "above".

Well im going towards the snowy parts. Aka no mans land
Then I will go in the corner of my bed room and rock my self back and forth, saying there no place like home theres no place like home then wait till the armed people come in and get so creeped out they run away.

That's always worked for me :D
Again if Ebola or World War 3 or Aliens or Zombies happen i am getting a Chevy Silverado and putting a camper in the bed and traveling to alaska, when i get to alaska i will live off the land. Then hunt for my food,

Dont go to New Zealand.

Being an island nation wont save you from the "zombies"

The black sheep you get you.
The age of world wars is over. Present-day wars are small, local conflicts that flare up quickly and unexpectedly. It's no longer about kilometers of trenches and hordes of tanks like in WWII. And nuclear weapons guarantee that none of the main players gets his own land touched, or tries to kick another main player. So the modern armies are restructured to take part in modern warfare (unexpected local conflicts) effectively.

(Now, working on translation of the articles from Rumyantsev's blog.)
What makes you think that is going to happen?

i think iran has a serious nuclear weapon program in effect, i also believe they will be a gulf superpower, perhaps they have plans to 'supersize' persia / i think before they go about doing that, they will use the rest of the gulf states to try and wipe out israel / if they dont strike first, israel will put an end to their nuclear program and plans for gulf supremacy / i dont think they will repeat the mistakes of egypt, syria and jordan in past wars / the gulf(iraq, syria) is very unstable atm and anti-israeli sentiment is at an all time high / unless united states tells china 'we default on our debt', dont think we can field a military force like storm or shield ect dont think taxpayers will stand for it / dont think a coalition is going to be quick to come to israels aid, just the usa and some unlucky brits, canadians and aussies

hope im wrong /

tl:dr if ww3 jumps off, its going to be in the gulf with iran attacking israel, most likely tactical nukes and overwhelming support from israel hating syria/iraq/ect
i think before they go about doing that, they will use the rest of the gulf states to try and wipe out israel

Which states, specifically?

if they dont strike first, israel will put an end to their nuclear program and plans for gulf supremacy

Why would Israel do that? And which gulf are we talking about? Israel isn't anywhere near the Persian Gulf that Iran borders. Are you talking about the Gulf of Aqaba in the Red Sea? Seems like an odd spot for an invasion to me, being on the other side of a desert from Israel's major cities.

the gulf(iraq, syria) is very unstable atm and anti-israeli sentiment is at an all time high

Now I'm completely lost- neither Syria or Iraq border any gulfs.

unless united states tells china 'we default on our debt', dont think we can field a military force like storm or shield ect dont think taxpayers will stand for it / dont think a coalition is going to be quick to come to israels aid, just the usa and some unlucky brits, canadians and aussies

China doesn't control the U.S. military- just because we owe them trillions doesn't mean they have any real influence over us- especially our military. That being said, Israel's military is very strong for such a small nation. Israeli men must serve a minimum 2 years in the military, I believe, and even if the U.S. and Europe don't send troops in, Israel will still be financially supported by them. Iran knows Israel's strength, and I don't think any war between them will occur anytime soon.

On another note, do you mind trying to use proper grammar in your posts? It's very hard to read a paragraph without periods or capital letters.
Very slim / no chance for WW III, the world will need to worry about 2036 :) US already accelerating their space program, I would guess early settlement on the moon surface by 2025 and advanced space ship by 2030 that can intercept what will fall on 2036. A theory of course, but I think a large loss of population could be good for earth anyway, so war or calamity ?
Very slim / no chance for WW III, the world will need to worry about 2036 :) US already accelerating their space program, I would guess early settlement on the moon surface by 2025 and advanced space ship by 2030 that can intercept what will fall on 2036. A theory of course, but I think a large loss of population could be good for earth anyway, so war or calamity?
I agree, the population is ridiculously large and out of control. as for for settling on the moon? not anytime soon, we haven't even been there yet
I disagree. Nearly every conflict that involves a western nation will also involve numerous allies. Look at Mali, France provided the infantry and strike force but many other nations provided the support forces.
I think he is speaking in the context of the size of forces involved. In the last 20 or so years I can count maybe 2 or 3 times large formations(Division or even Brigade sized) have fought.
I think he is speaking in the context of the size of forces involved. In the last 20 or so years I can count maybe 2 or 3 times large formations(Division or even Brigade sized) have fought.
Yes, because the force projection of modern forces is several magnitudes greater than that of historical formations.

However, what hasn't changed is the scale of the logistics. Mali being an example of the huge effort to transport and support a well equipped French Force, that could not have been done without the support of allies.