Worst Cover Ever.Music 

  • Thread starter Only_in_f1
on Mike's (Only In f1's) she couldnt even throw her jacket off successfully! :ill:
This one?

That would be DJ Sammy. Far from the worst cover in existence.

Yup that's the one. I've never heard anything quite so lifeless. Would definitely have got my vote if Madonna hadn't covered American Pie :lol:

EDIT: Woah.... William Shatner sang Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds? Boy am I glad this PC doesn't have speakers :scared:
Wow can't believe I nearly overlooked this one. Forget Madonna. My definite worst cover of all time vote goes to Whitney Houston's ear splitting annihilation of Dolly Parton's "I Will Always Love You". :yuck::yuck::yuck:

Not at all lifeless, but so overblown that it was painful.

Come to think of it, forgetting it would have been a blessing..
Wow can't believe I nearly overlooked this one. Forget Madonna. My definite worst cover of all time vote goes to Whitney Houston's ear splitting annihilation of Dolly Parton's "I Will Always Love You". :yuck::yuck::yuck:

Not at all lifeless, but so overblown that it was painful.

Come to think of it, forgetting it would have been a blessing..

But really, Whitney's version was about showing off her vocal strength.
Wow can't believe I nearly overlooked this one. Forget Madonna. My definite worst cover of all time vote goes to Whitney Houston's ear splitting annihilation of Dolly Parton's "I Will Always Love You". :yuck::yuck::yuck:

Not at all lifeless, but so overblown that it was painful.

Come to think of it, forgetting it would have been a blessing..
I think it's a beautiful cover, I always cry at the end of the Bodyguard movie. :(

Not really. But I like the song.
Music: Symphony of Destruction; Original music performed by: Mega Death; Cover preformed by: Arch Enemy.

Observations: Well, the guitars are not bad, but Angela’s vocals just don’t seem to fit….
not worst cover but just worst song in general.

but damn shes hot :eek:
Maybe not the worst cover ever, but I find every cover Metallica does to be quite poor and annoying.

Turn the page was a great cover. Metallica is awesome anyway that you look at it, except for st.crap, that really sucked.
I watched West butcher Message in a Bottle. Duff's cover is ruined by the change in the first verse of lyrics. Its "I hope I die before I get old." not "I hope I don't die before I get old".
OMG She's butchered Blue Monday. I love that song by New Order and the cover Orgy did was damn good, but this is painful.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and disagree - I think that's an awesome cover of Blue Monday, which A) I'm old enough to remember in its first release and B) is one of my favorites. The Nouvelle Vague version has an awesome South-of-France-meets-Brazil-'66 samba vibe to it.

Alien Ant Farm, on the other hand, should be condemned to a lifetime of opening for Limp Bizkit on the State Fair circuit. But then again, the original Smooth Criminal sucked too.
Britney Spears - (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction.
Keel - Because The Night.
Marylin Manson - Sweet Dreams.
Hillary Duff - My Generation.
William Shatner - Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds.

Shatner... ok. Spears... fine. Manson? No way.

Mason brought what every good cover has to have - a new, interesting, good-in-its-own-right take on an old song. If someone asked me what made a good cover, I just might actually use Sweet Dreams as an example.

Now for the bad.

Nothing new. Nothing interesting. Just worse singing and a little less atmosphere. But I hate Johnny Cash. His version bores me.
Turn the page was a great cover. Metallica is awesome anyway that you look at it, except for st.crap, that really sucked.
Yeah, pretty much everything they touched on Garage, Inc. turned to gold. Especially Sabbra Cadabra, Astronomy and Whiskey in the Jar. The only exception is Mercyful Fate; I really don't like the lyrics to it.
I'd like to put forward, 'My chemical Romance's' cover of Blur's Song 2.
My Chemical Romance is right up there with Fallout Boy, Linkin Park, Simple Plan, Panic! At the Disco, The Used and pretty much anything emo. I get most of my lyrics from songmeanings.net and they're usually pretty accurate, but I notice the numbe rof people who come along and comment on songs by these bands talking about how they're so deep and meaningful and they feel a real connection, etc. Most of these bands simply perform these songs because they're popular, not because the artists actually mean anything by them.

I have no idea what that has to do with the topic ... I should probably stop now as I'm the world's biggest Anti-Emo Crusader, slightly ironic given that I'm into grunge (but there's a huge difference between grunge and emo; they shouldn't even be mentioned in the same sentence except to say that there's a huge difference).
Yeah, pretty much everything they touched on Garage, Inc. turned to gold. Especially Sabbra Cadabra, Astronomy and Whiskey in the Jar. The only exception is Mercyful Fate; I really don't like the lyrics to it.

I like the song Mercyful fate, but i do agree, the lyrics tend to bother me after a while. My favorite song off that album has to be Am i evil, such a great song imo.
Not really a cover, but fast forward to about 2:15

This is why Hip-Hop and Rock music DO NOT mix. Not even that "Walk this way" version of Aerosmith with Run D.M.C.

I think this is worth a mention as well....

I mean,is this bad or what.....

That's just ridiculous...and they knew it.
I second that one. I'll bet that when Don McLean first heard it he was drinking whiskey and rye and singing "this'll be the day my song died..."
:lol: Too funny to not rep you. 👍

Music: Symphony of Destruction; Original music performed by: Mega Death; Cover preformed by: Arch Enemy.

Observations: Well, the guitars are not bad, but Angela’s vocals just don’t seem to fit….

Indeed! That voice ruins the song. Not that I'm not into death metal and that kinda music, but it doesn't fit at all.
Somebody assassinate Kanye West.

Although the song is personal opinion, you have to give him some kudos for actually respecting (yes, respecting) the original makers of the song. His music video for stronger did feature the 2 creators, and they have openly stated that he has done great recreation of their song.

However, I wouldn't call it a re-creation, just a song using the original has a beat and style.

I like Stronger, and it could have been turned into something much worse like a rock song.
Especially for that horrid remake of Harder better faster stronger. Why is that all the good singers die, but idiots like him never do. *sigh*

Well its more of a remix than anything....but some of his other songs are good. But i just don't know this, does he ever do his own songs? Just don't say he's an idiot. At least he made the effort just to do the remix, let alone write the lyrics for the songs. But i have to agree, the Stronger song just plain sucks, and yet people liked it (and even as far as saying its an original song. They don't even know who Daft Punk are! :grumpy:)
she ruined one of my all time favourite songs!
lily allen-everybodys changing

although i think this cover is fantastic......not biased in anyway.....honest
Amy MacDonald - Mr Brightside