Worst Cover Ever.Music 

  • Thread starter Only_in_f1
Well its more of a remix than anything....but some of his other songs are good. But i just don't know this, does he ever do his own songs? Just don't say he's an idiot. At least he made the effort just to do the remix, let alone write the lyrics for the songs. But i have to agree, the Stronger song just plain sucks, and yet people liked it (and even as far as saying its an original song. They don't even know who Daft Punk are! :grumpy:)

umm... he's an idiot

He doesn't even rap well, not that any rap is good in the first place, but he sounds like a white guy trying to explain something to someone who can't speak English. Oh, and did you hear about his temper tantrum when he didn't get best video of the year :lol:. I have no respect for that guy at all, and i wish he would just make like a tree and get the **** outta here.
umm... he's an idiot

He doesn't even rap well, not that any rap is good in the first place, but he sounds like a white guy trying to explain something to someone who can't speak English. Oh, and did you hear about his temper tantrum when he didn't get best video of the year :lol:. I have no respect for that guy at all, and i wish he would just make like a tree and get the **** outta here.

Why is that? Oh yeah, because he sucks right? yeah.....i thought so, well never mind. I hate him as well. Can't stand all these 🤬 making money without talents... ;)

Well here is an awful cover (in my opinion)

New Found Glory - Kiss Me

I was listening to my radio when this came out, and i was like what the.....:odd: I know its the Sixpence None the Richer song, but the vocalist is like :yuck: and later to found out it was New Found Glory. Well i really hated this band since i've heard their fist song, they suck big time!!!!! And yet, they are still famous and people still like them......
ELO fans may wish to leave now.

Not too bad vocally, but there's something just...wrong about it.
I've never liked evanescence. then they attempted a cover of one of the best songs (heart shaped box) by the best band (Nirvana) ever, and butchered it.

I'm heavily biased against this band for even attempting such blasphemy. they fail at life, and can leave now.

The countless Christmas songs you hear on the radio (in North America), save the originals.

To be less seasonal and more specific:

The Beatrips, Roxy: You Can't Do That (by The Beatles)

The Roxy video was so bad that it is flagged on YouTube, though all it is is a clean video of the *hack* artist *cough* performing, so I can't share it.
This nearly caused me to vomit all over my keyboard. Not entirely sure what Kirk Hammett is thinking when the camera cuts to him ..

She needs to die in a horrific unimaginable world of pain and suffering
Anyone who's ever liked T Rex and/or Marc Bolan should run for cover. Now.

I can't forgive, regardless of how hot she is.

It's been flagged on YouTube, that's how bad it is.
Apologies if it's already been posted, but this instantly made me think of this thread.

WARNING: Strong language used occasionally
Song: Creep
Original: Radiohead
Cover: Your Mom

Blue Monday

I think I just lost my dinner. Orgy has the only good Blue Monday cover--and it was damn good. Too bad the rest of Orgy's songs are not very good.

This is why Blue Monday is an 80's disco song. You simply can't remake it.

Listen to this:

The video sucks, but the song is top notch.

Not really a cover, but fast forward to about 2:15

This one?

That would be DJ Sammy. Far from the worst cover in existence.

Errr...I actually prefer this over the original. And BTW, she's hot as hell.

Maybe not the worst cover ever, but I find every cover Metallica does to be quite poor and annoying.

I'll pretend I didn't hear that. Whiskey in the Jar, Turn the Page, and Astronomy alone are brilliant...and I personally prefer them over the originals.

Britney Spears - (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction.
Keel - Because The Night.
Marylin Manson - Sweet Dreams.
Hillary Duff - My Generation.
William Shatner - Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds.

I just died a little inside...

Turn the page was a great cover. Metallica is awesome anyway that you look at it


That sounded decent until he started singing. 👎

It didn't sound that bad, but I will agree that the guitar and drum work was quite good.

I've never liked evanescence. then they attempted a cover of one of the best songs (heart shaped box) by the best band (Nirvana) ever, and butchered it.

I'm heavily biased against this band for even attempting such blasphemy. they fail at life, and can leave now.

I just died alot inside. This is just putrid.

Take this magical moment in musical, sample it and pimp it out to an untalented and over-commercialised "artist", and this is what you get.

In the likely event that you wish to empty the contents of your stomach after hearing it, your spew buckets are located here, here and here ...

Complete blasphemy.


You Shook Me All Night Long.(AC/DC cover)

This nearly caused me to vomit all over my keyboard. Not entirely sure what Kirk Hammett is thinking when the camera cuts to him ..

The first two were beyond horrendous...but that Avril song made me die off what life I had left. She needs to be looked at and not heard if you catch my drift.

This is why Rappers need to get hell away from rock n' roll.

I actually thought the Run DMC and Aerosmith tune was ok. There's another colaberation between Rap and Metal that was actually quite good but I can't remember what it is off the top of my head.


My submission:

Took a good song by Slade and an even better cover by Quiet Riot and turned it into a cesspool of human excrement.
I actually thought the Run DMC and Aerosmith tune was ok. There's another colaberation between Rap and Metal that was actually quite good but I can't remember what it is off the top of my head.

Anthrax/Public Enemy - Bring the Noise
Awesome tune from THPS2!!!! Its the song that keeps my gaming mood up. :D 👍
Superbowl XXXV 2001 - Walk This Way (Aerosmith, 'Nsync, Britney Spears, Mary J. Blige & Nelly)

This is the worst cover ever, and all because of that one singer, (if you can call her a singer) Britney spears. This is a powerful song, and there was no power in her voice at all. Thanks Britney, Thanks a million!