Worst Track

  • Thread starter Sk8rKiD

Whats the Worst Track???

  • Seattle Circuit

    Votes: 21 6.7%
  • Rome Circuit

    Votes: 26 8.3%
  • Cote de azur

    Votes: 26 8.3%
  • R 11

    Votes: 65 20.8%
  • Grand Vally

    Votes: 12 3.8%
  • Laguna Seca

    Votes: 14 4.5%
  • Test Course

    Votes: 96 30.7%
  • Tokyo R246

    Votes: 11 3.5%
  • Superspeedway

    Votes: 27 8.6%
  • Trial Mountain

    Votes: 15 4.8%

  • Total voters
You know, something is telling me I should take a lot more though into what I'm going to say, then again maybe I should say what I am going to say right now.

In my opinion and mine alone, there is no such thing to me as a worst track, there are difficult , there are hard, there are outright fustrating (but at this point given how I know the layout of every single road and back)... tracks on GT3 or any of the GT games, but every track can be conqured for whatever reason.

One hating a track for being too technical in some direction, too many s turns, too many hairpins, yada yack (and again this is me), is rather a dumb one, but don't get me wrong, sometimes tight corners can get on my nerves, but I figure, one should try and deal with them the best way they can and that they are part of the cousre. I figure, the sooner you understand a route, the better you get at it. I used to abouslutely hate Apricot Hill, mainly being that double apex even in GT2 (who remembers that lisence test in GT2 with the Toyota-GT One Race car?... this me... but that part on Apriothill was far from fun)... but I learned how to deal with that corner, it's a blind one, but once you figure it out, it shows some degree of skill.

Not to mention in my opnion at the least, it's a benchmark turn if you can drift from entry to exit (yes I know this isn't the drifting forum but I'm talking in context of driving in general, not just to grip and not just to drift...)...it's like the equal to C-121 on Usui in my opion. The course in general is a fine text of driving ability, infact every one is, slight exclsuoin being Test Course but even that can be of some test, like trying to get as fast as possible, maybe it's just me, but sometimes I did run a lot on it to of cousre test out cars, plus learn how to leach off of other cars as much as possible in a draft (it's how I won the 'Like the wind' race... with the C5R, in the first few laps I leached off a 787B, got up to 250+... got past that and it was all she wrote)... yada yack.

SSR11 is for me one cousre that is a challenge on handling a number of corners, I liked the one in the earlier games better, but this one still is a challenge and I can enjoy that. They all are, to me there is no such thing, they all have their strenghs and pitfalls no matter what. I figure, what's the point to complain over the basis of maybe one or two things, then again this is an opinon on what is the worst track.

In my opinon there are none, only courses yet to be conqured (and call me crazy to say that sounded like arrogance somehow...)... though a definiton of conqured is subjective to no end.

I'm going to stop my stupid ranting now, just wanted to say something, so...

till later.
I'm new here and just figured I'd chime on this: I only dislike one track, the Test Course. I only dislike the course for one reason, being forced to race a Vitz or other underpower cars there. If the Test Course was reserved for high speed cars ONLY, then, it is cool as the drafting effect there is evident and adds a strategy element. Oh yeah, it's bare bones on the scenery.

I would like to add that the Test Course should be just that, a test course. If you want a super speedway that can attain Daytona or Talladega speeds, design a course in the same vain, add the grandstands, and give it some personality. The Test Course is most vanilla six miles ever raced upon, video game or real life.
Test Course Sucks, too long and too much like NASCAR.

I love grand valley, such a fun circuit and everything flows nicely. Reverse is a ***** though. Im doing the Grand Valley 300km right now in a stock castrol mugen nsx.
The problem with the test course is that is not much of a challenge .
I always won even when I fell asleep. (the dual shock would wake me up
when I hit the wall) All of the other courses have some kind of challenge
like a tricky corner or two. In real racing the courses are not laid out to be
easy. They are designed to simulate the open road. (where often the
layout is very random) Race car drivers know that to be the best they have
to master it all. The test corse in GT-2 at least had the high banks to make
it more interesting. (really spectacular crashes) A longer version of that track
would be OK The visuals help keep it interesting too. In GT-4 there are so
tracks with nothing to look at it is kind of boring. That would not be so bad
except they have so many races on those tracks. So many people said they
were going to bring back all the old tracks from the previous games I believed
it. But no. They even messed up some of the classic ones like deep forest and
Laguna Seca by makeing them so perfect and slick looking. Ahh well thats life...
they could have at least gave us a more technical oval. really tight ovals are very demanding on the driver and car. Something like bristol or a tighter oval. lol.. or mabe one of the Kyoto GP courses .
If they did that they should still keep the original test track. Just so people can test top speeds. Or just have a huge straight ot practice on.
I just hate Route 11 and Test Course....I didn't like the Endo race at the 11 and the stupid 40 lap race at the Test Course. The only good thing about it is that you get the 787B when you win the "Like The Wind" race.....I love that car as you can see
Grand Valley reverse is the worse one. In second place Grand Valley normal I hate that place

I love Grand Valley. I love Grand Valley reverse even more. The track has a good mix of turns and a long straight. The best thing about it the fact that it is smooth meaning you can go with a stiff suspension set-up.

they could have at least gave us a more technical oval. really tight ovals are very demanding on the driver and car. Something like bristol or a tighter oval. lol.. or mabe one of the Kyoto GP courses .

Well said! I like to get my vote in now for Martinsville and second your vote for the 33 degree banked Bristol!

whats not to like about ss Rt 11?

Only one thing, the bumper cars of GT3 that makes going through the the hairpins an exercise in frustration.
I think for me the worst track is Laguna Seca. I have never been able to pull off a good lap. I am always find a way to screw up on it. :grumpy:
Cote de azur i dont realy care for some reason not sure why,And Test course just because it is so boring to race there, Especially when you are all the way up in the pac.
The Test Course - thanks to that track, I no longer fear death....

Lol, Good one - vat_man. Yea, That Test Course is so boring. Why do they even put that into the single player races, That track can kill you of bordom...and its a real oil - wearer. Thats just my 2 cents.
I just just can`t get the flow going for tokyo.My favorites are trial mtn. normal grand valley normal and laguna seca normal in that order.Trial mtn was always my fav in the earlier games.Maybe already knowing the tracks help.
my favorite dirt track is swiss alps normal.
The Italian
Test Couse - Definatley. You know, if you could adjust your analog controller, you could acually sleep and win races on there at the same time. :)

Not really you'd crash on the straights. You can do that at Super Speedway though.

Test Course still gets my vote just cuz it's flat out boring. Same with Super Speedway. Apricot Hill is the only other cuz I just have never liked the track.
wow pretty much all of you are crazy

bottom 3=
1. Cote De Azur:tdown: ๐Ÿ‘Ž ๐Ÿ‘Ž ๐Ÿ‘Ž ๐Ÿ‘Ž
2. Test Course:tdown: ๐Ÿ‘Ž ๐Ÿ‘Ž ๐Ÿ‘Ž ๐Ÿ‘Ž
3. Complex String:tdown: ๐Ÿ‘Ž ๐Ÿ‘Ž ๐Ÿ‘Ž ๐Ÿ‘Ž

Top 5=
1. SEATTLE:tup: ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘
2. Grand Valley:tup: ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘
3. Trial Mountain:tup: ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘
4. Apricot Hill:tup: ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘
5. SSR11:tup: ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘
i duno why everyone hates the test course. i dont like it but i just use my escudo and do the wheelie trick. i just hold x and watch tv and go back to the game in 20 mins to see if its done.

my best track would be apricot hill or seattle