Worst you've dealt with online...

  • Thread starter Tommy_861
Ok I got one that was just hilarious.

I joined a US Muscle drag racing room on Indy Road Course the other day. Now, I am not the best at drag racing nor good at creating drag tuning setups but I try so I can learn. I use my '70 Chevelle SS (the only car I have that has a decent setup) & start racing. I win some, lose some, but I am having fun. Awhile later this kid named (Inset n00bish sounding PSN ID here) joins, saying" I am the drag king. He first tries using a Ford GT40, but is told no since it's not a muscle car. He then switched to his Chevelle & immediately challenges the only other Chevelle (me), to a race. I kindly agree & lne up on the stripes, next to him. I then pull foward onto the solid asphalt to do a burnout. All of a sudden, he starts yelling at me that I am jumping the start. I simply tell him that I'm staging & he replies saying "WTF is that?" At this point, I know this kid knows nothing about drag racing, but I continue. I go to do my burnout & he yells at me AGAIN! "You're jumping the 🤬 start again!" I say, "I'm just heating up the tires." He quickly replies, saying "I know I was just testing you n00b." I say, "Ok so light 'em up then." You can tell that he tries but obviously can't; & he calls me a n00b. We finally get ready to race & he asks, "how do we start?" No one had pulled up to ghost. Everyone else in the room was laughing at him until finally someone agrees to ghost. When the other player ghosted, I got the holeshot & half way down the pass, I looked back to see him spinning the tires through each gear. After the race, he starts yelling at me that I used a hacked car. The host then says, Ok I'll race him. Me & the host line line up, stage perfectly, do our burnouts, & proceed with the pass. He starts yelling at everyone; Saying this is a hack & that we are n00bs. Apparently, the host did not liked to be called a n00b & says, " You just lost your right to be here. Why don't you go to bed & leave the racing for the big boys." He was kicked from the looby. Still in the same room, the host exclaims that he just got vey strongly worded & detailed death threats from the little kid. Shortly after, I recieve the same message. I decide to play into it & have some fun. His message to me read, "I will kill your entire 🤬 family if you call me a n00b again! I will come to your house with a machine gun & put 1,000,000 bullets through you & your parents head!"
I reply with three statements. "#1, I never called you a n00b ONCE. #2, you couldn't fit 1,000,000 bullets into one head. #3, my parents died in a shooting 4 months ago." Now, I lied about the last part just to make him feel like an 🤬. I was stunned about what he said next. "That's because I already killed them! You're next you 🤬 n00b!" I was completely stunned at his reply, so I finally decided to tell him off, once & for all. I said, "Listen you 🤬 n00b. I'm getting sick & tired of you 🤬 attitude. If you keep saying this 🤬 bull:censored:, I'm gonna call the cops. You don't think they can trace your PSN I.D back to your home address, then you must be a new kind of stupid. The next threatening message I get, will be sent directly to the NYPD & you will be behind bars, sucking off some fat guys 🤬 faster then you can say 'I'm sorry." The next message I get was a bunch of crying & pleading, saying "Please don't! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'll even apologize to the other players! [cry,cry,cry] Just please don't!" I said, "Ok fine.", & left it at that.
Thanks to everyone that took the time to read this. :D
@Hobanator24, great story :P

A few days ago I was in a cruise lobby with a mate and a few chill people who just joined. Now this lobby was a 70mph, UK law lobby. After around half an hour of driving, some <removed see AUP> kids came into the lobby with red bull cars and tank cars and just started ramming everybody. Now, the reason why I mentioned they were <removed see AUP> was because I've only ever had bad experiences with <removed see AUP> gamers on GT5.
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I'm loving the story above, hobanator24. Some little people do make me laugh.

@Hobanator24, great story :P

A few days ago I was in a cruise lobby with a mate and a few chill people who just joined. Now this lobby was a 70mph, UK law lobby. After around half an hour of driving, some kids came into the lobby with red bull cars and tank cars and just started ramming everybody. Now, the reason why I mentioned they were was because I've only ever had bad experiences with gamers on GT5.

Thanks for the compliments!

& as for the kids, I kinda see what you mean. But I usually just see them lagging all the time. That's why I try to join lobbies with mostly NA users. You don't get as many issues with local boys in terms of lagging.
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@hobanator24: That was a good one right there :lol:👍. Little tough guy not so tough anymore huh? The part about the 1,000,000 bullets to the head made me rofl. Is he in GTA or something?! :lol:
So much noobs playing GT5.

Well, we were all noobs once compared to other people :sly:
Problem is that some don't bother getting used to driving some lower powered cars before moving up to the heavy machinery. And some of them have got an ego to match the power output of the cars they use :grumpy:
Racing in a NASCAR lobby at Daytona, this new guy comes in and joins our race. Then right and the beginning in the first corner he bumps the leader into the wall, then spins out by himself. So the other 3 cars and I continue driving around the track. I get back to turn 2 and the guy is driving backwards and runs head on into me and the others in the pack. I hate people like that.
Lucky I had nothing but a good experience lately. We had a few door bangers but nothing bad to write home about. Clean racing and each event there is something new to race with. Level's vary a little with JKT008 being the quickets one of all. He used to be in the top 100 T/T if not in the single digits.

Yesturday was with the 370Z Tuned Car (GTA Version), next saturday is PP500, but tomorrow is with a Citroen 2CV.

Find a group of people that really want to race clean. Makes the entire lobby experience fun and lock it down from the public...just in case.

PM me if you want details.
So much noobs playing GT5.

I don't think the problem is Noobs, there are very few true Noobs playing the game now. The problem is too many inconsiderate, rude, ill-mannered, immature people, hiding behind a PS3.
I don't think the problem is Noobs, there are very few true Noobs playing the game now. The problem is too many inconsiderate, rude, ill-mannered, immature people, hiding behind a PS3.

Agree 100%
I don't think the problem is Noobs, there are very few true Noobs playing the game now. The problem is too many inconsiderate, rude, ill-mannered, immature people, hiding behind a PS3.

Had an 'American' kid (speaking nothing but fluent Spanish) join our lobby on Circuit De La Sarthe (No Chicanes). I had a quick look a his level since I was in the pits - A Spec Level 3. He came onto the track in his GT 86, so I followed in an SL 65 AMG I had been setting up. I pulled up alongside him, and hey presto, first thing he does is try and ram me off.

Now, I'm sorry but, is that not similar to trying to destroy a Challenger Tank with a pea shooter? Nothing too scandalous, of course, just another little kid with a big ego, or something. Whilst we were trading paint, I simply steered in the opposite direction to him, easily putting him inside a wall and then I sped off. I wasn't too sure about his reaction since I've never been fantastic with Spanish but I'm pretty sure I heard the word 'puta'.

By no means the worst I've dealt with online. That spot is reserved for Red Bull users with high pitched voices but still, thought I'd share.
Had an 'American' kid (speaking nothing but fluent Spanish) join our lobby on Circuit De La Sarthe (No Chicanes). I had a quick look a his level since I was in the pits - A Spec Level 3. He came onto the track in his GT 86, so I followed in an SL 65 AMG I had been setting up. I pulled up alongside him, and hey presto, first thing he does is try and ram me off.

Now, I'm sorry but, is that not similar to trying to destroy a Challenger Tank with a pea shooter? Nothing too scandalous, of course, just another little kid with a big ego, or something. Whilst we were trading paint, I simply steered in the opposite direction to him, easily putting him inside a wall and then I sped off. I wasn't too sure about his reaction since I've never been fantastic with Spanish but I'm pretty sure I heard the word 'puta'.

By no means the worst I've dealt with online. That spot is reserved for Red Bull users with high pitched voices but still, thought I'd share.

I haven't actually ever met a person from Spain, who were like that. Most of the loud people I've met online, seem to come from the UK, Germany, the USA or Saudi Arabia, for some odd reason. There are nice people in all the countries as well!

Have you tried looking up the word "puta"? Really an... interesting word.
I haven't actually ever met a person from Spain, who were like that. Most of the loud people I've met online, seem to come from the UK, Germany, the USA or Saudi Arabia, for some odd reason. There are nice people in all the countries as well!

Have you tried looking up the word "puta"? Really an... interesting word.

Very interesting.
I haven't actually ever met a person from Spain, who were like that. Most of the loud people I've met online, seem to come from the UK, Germany, the USA or Saudi Arabia, for some odd reason. There are nice people in all the countries as well!

Have you tried looking up the word "puta"? Really an... interesting word.

It was one of the few words I did learn in my Spanish lessons. That, and 'cucaracha' (spelt wrong, I know) which means cockroach.
Dean J
I haven't actually ever met a person from Spain, who were like that. Most of the loud people I've met online, seem to come from the UK, Germany, the USA or Saudi Arabia, for some odd reason. There are nice people in all the countries as well!

Have you tried looking up the word "puta"? Really an... interesting word.
>implying everyone in this thread speaks only english
Not really.
Have you tried looking up the word "puta"? Really an... interesting word.
Indeed... :P

Lately, I've been getting kicked out of many lobbies due to my connection. The other players see me crashing into a wall and being on the track less than a second later. So, the worst I've dealt with isn't a player, nor a dominant car being overused. It's...

My own connection.

Me and my friend enter a lobby and the host say no racing car only production so i was in me and my friend were in the audi rs6 advant 585pp 700hp he started a races and came out whit the r35 tc race ended he won we so next races i was in my r32 tc and my friend in a falken r34 and he still was using the r35 tc my friend won by less then a second and he kick us out and he say to use noobs i say no racing cars
In a NASCAR lobby. We all get trolled by some awesome guy (me) watching and playing Justin Beiber through his mic. I was laughing at all the reactions.
In a NASCAR lobby. We all get trolled by some awesome guy (me) watching and playing Justin Beiber through his mic. I was laughing at all the reactions.

Or, you entered a lobby, forgot you had your mic on, and was playing music. it just happened to be Justin Beiber. You were embarrassed about it, so in case anyone from GTP witnessed this atrocity, you decide to fabricate the truth in order to hide your true allegiance with the Beib's.

That sounds a bit more like it.
How about overtaking a tank car on the home straight at monza, seeing one drive towards you, and the one you just passed pulling in behind you, then getting sandwiched as 2nd flys past and takes the win.

found out later they were all mates.

I was kicked for my entry message

"Spot of racing ol' chap?" the host replied with, " U sound like a oldman" and kicked me!

i'm in my 20's! bloody half term kids
I hate people that try to race you when you've lapped them over 2 times and then they wreck you because they don't have the setup or skills you do.
They think that they are fast enough to unlap themselves if they wreck the leader. Which they aren't. :P

To all those dirty racers, flamers etc. mentioned in this thread:

It's just a game.
