Worst you've dealt with online...

  • Thread starter Tommy_861
Or Grand Tourisimo. Sounds like a famous Bull fighter name. :lol:
Anyway I saw a lobby titled "Realistic Track Day" on Nurburgring, with tires restricted to racing hards or less. I joined, and I kid you not, NINE out of the fourteen people there were in X2010s/X2011s. The host was afk, while two X2010s were dragging up and down the final straight. I drove onto the track in my orange Nissan PAO, and parked up next to a red X2010. The guy typed "Your car looks g@y." I wrote "At least my car is REAL unlike your stupid overpowered POS." He wrote "You just mad cuz u don't got it." I wrote "Really? I doubt that." I exited the track and brought out my X2010 5G. I parked up next to him and typed "Is this better for you pinkie pie?" He wrote "Kick JeepXJFreak98 he's bullying me." I got kicked (apparently the host was there, just not doing anything.) I turned off my PS3 and took a short nap.

Christ :grumpy:

If your man enough to pick on someone, why don't you defend yourself when said person strikes back???

In other news:

I was in a rare room where people just happen to know Racing tyres grip. Jolly good time I had there :). They had Sports soft as the Max tyre here. Everything went fine and dandy as I won the first two 475pp races in my Evora (I even secured poll in both).

I get sloppy later on (Who doesn't) in my EK civic at 430pp on the mini Ring (Nurb GP/D) and later in a '93 FD RX7 at 430pp on.

I overdid the ride height on the EK civic on the Ring. Costing me my steering precision, I got took out by one dude. Fine everything cool and stuff I got 5th out of 6 racers. Cool :sly:

Autumn Ring: Everyone else had better acceleration than my FD, 1st place guy was comfy in his Amuse S2000, I was battling out 2nd place. 3rd place guy passes me because I effed up my speed (which was essential). Coming up on the loop I brake a little late, making contact with him and throwing him a little off the line. He comes back immediately and takes me out (This time into the grass and makes me lose 3 secs and nearly 3rd place as he confidently gets back to 2nd). I end up in 3rd. Fine and dandy and all :ouch:

He later messages me after I invite him to race at SSR5 under similar conditions and he sends me a testament saying that he'll pass on my invite, I'm cool with just that. What fires up my angry gland is that he starts talking that I had a few not so honest passes (Which I accept fully), he justifies his move on Autumn Ring saying he had to drop me because of 4 occasions where I had a few sloppy passes (This was with my understeering Civic and I did not take him out as in screwing up his race), then he said I was whining, which I did not do at all during or after the races (I'm not a vengeful racer :indiff:).

I message him back saying I accept the incidents (Wouldn't care less as it was a game race) and I wasn't at my best (Vehicle and attention wise) at the time. I call him out for going completely out of his way to take me out on Autumn Ring.

Then he strikes back saying that he did it on purpose because I had made contact during passing 4 times before (Autumn ring it wasn't as I started 2nd there).

He goes on and on about how he races all sorts of top drivers in close and tight races with no contact at all on the Ring with Sports Hards on low PP settings (Of which I don't give a flying **** about). And that I need more skill (I hate people who question my driving skill at best :mad:) to be able to fight out mid pack.

I finally end the conversation with see you around, hope you never get sloppy on course and good luck.

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I was hosting a NASCAR lobby at Cote D' Azur with my friends (yes, that's actually a thing amongst the friends I have) and ran a quick 4 lap race.

One racer we don't know about joins and is in the race. Go figure, parks right at Casino Square on lap one. Last lap comes and I'm leading, and what do you know? He pulls right back on track in front of me as we are coming through. Swerving through Loew's, making it impossible to pass, and I decide just to punt him on the track, turning him right before the tunnel. Luckily it didn't hamper my lead, or the battle that was taking place, too awfully bad.
Just joined a free run lobby at De le Sarthe. It didn't say anything about hacking, but when I drove onto the straightaway everyone was lined up against that wall getting ready to drag race, and they ALL had a hacked car. One of them bragged that his car had over 300,000 hp (which probably isn't even possible, although I don't know how hacking works), and another one said his car's top speed was over 1,200 mph.

Well, I was driving a Volkswagen SambaBus and when they came flying down the road there wasn't much I could do. One of them hit me dead on and my car lifted up into the air for a few seconds, then came down on it's back two wheels and stayed like that for maybe a hundred or so feet before it went back on all four wheels.

Well like 3 different guys with mics started screaming and saying "VOTE TO KICK THAT _ _ _!" along with a bunch of other expletive-laden remarks that I can't post here. They all had New Jersey tough guy accents (I can say that because everyone at the school I went to was from that area).

Needless to say, I decided to make about 8 or 9 more trips up and down the straightaway and I didn't make much of an effort to get out of the way of oncoming traffic. There were many epic pileups, and most of the people just ended up leaving after calling me a bunch of names.

Fun times.
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300,000bhp? Heh, child's play :sly:👍

Quite literally ;)

Edit: my little brothers friend asked me to join his server so he can try his car against mine around Laguna Seca. He had 2 other guys with the full-Brit-chav accent on. My brothers friend said "Get a 550pp car out" so I pulled my Lotus Esprit out and ran around the track with my brothers friend. He then starts the race "Ok" I thought "I can beat him easily :)" and we begin. One guy is in a HSV-010, I let him pass. The other is in a Nissan GTR Super GT car, he passes too.

Later on, we get to the corkscrew and said GTR rams me when I'm 2 seconds ahead. At the end my brothers friend says "I win lol" I said "Get rid of the idiot, and then we will actually race" so he did. I won by 3 seconds on one race and he types "Best of 3?" He then loses this race by 20 seconds (he tried brake check me, ended up on the sand). I then say "The tune is okay. Just needs work on the transmission for straight line speed and the suspension for corners. It needs a little more responsiveness" he types "Who died and made you Sebastien Vettel? Idiot"

He asked me to join, he asked me to give him feedback. He insults me when I do. Ironic, isn't it? Oh yes. And Vettel doesn't do tuning, he has engineers for that.
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I joined a few random lobbies and each one either had teens or kids yelling or whining at each other. So yeah, a lot of annoyance. I oddly enough haven't encountered any stupid high-hp hybrids nor obnoxious idiots ramming people.
And the guy had rear ended my car on two occasions during my dominance in an Evora (He was driving the same car but in Chrome red and I was still faster per lap than him as I was over 3 secs ahead at all times). I thought it was no big deal (despite him nearly throwing me off the line) and forgave 'im.

If I would have adopted his philosophy (I'm not like that) I would have brake checked him and slammed him into the nearest chicane on Madrid because he made contact with me, screwing up his race just like he did to me. Then I would boast about my GTP racing stats (Not much to look at but I'm competitive at best).
Fun thing to do in cruise lobbies (particularly ones in London) that are getting ruined by idiots in race cars: bring out the perfectly street-legal Tank Car and drive responsibly. When you inevitably get rammed, not only does it not affect you, but you get expletives hurled at you just because you're obeying the rules of the road (and obviously make sure you're not being an inconvenience to any people who are actually trying to cruise).
I know it's a bit immature, but hey.
Just left an incredibly unorganized "Cruise and Chill" lobby on Spa. Host goes afk, PP is unrestricted, so everyone predictably goes in X1s. I was lapping around in my Corsa Comfort with a friend of mine who was in a Merc 190E. We had just gone past Eau Rouge and were now on the straight after it when we both got slammed at over 250mph by two X2011s. Mind you, we had scooted over, and I saw them aim for us, but I couldn't stop in time to 'ghost' (pause while holding the e-brake). My Corsa was destroyed along with my mates 190E. A conversation started.

*Guy 1 in X2011*: sry
*Me*: sry? You mean sorry right? Sorry I don't speak text lingo.
*Guy 1 in X2011*: u should move
*Me*: I did move you 🤬 learn to drive a proper car and not some 8-year-olds wet dream on wheels.
*Guy 2 in X2011*: x1 is fun
*Me*: And how old are you? 4? You have the grammatical skills of a tomato.
*Guy 2 in X2011*: stfu you 🤬
*Me*: Ooh I'm so offended. I bet that's the only car you have in your garage you 🤬 idiot.
*Guy 2 in X2011*: so? it a good car.
*Me*: "it a good car." Are you a 🤬 caveman or something? Did your mommy forget to tell you that you're long gone from the Stone Age?
*Friend*: I'm leaving this lobby is pathetic.
*Me*: Me too mate. People like these monkeys make me lose faith in the human race.
*We both leave*

Maybe I might have overreacted a tad bit. I'm absolutely fed up with immature children ruining a fun, fair, and relaxing experience with that damn car. What were PD thinking? :confused:
Just left an incredibly unorganized "Cruise and Chill" lobby on Spa. Host goes afk, PP is unrestricted, so everyone predictably goes in X1s. I was lapping around in my Corsa Comfort with a friend of mine who was in a Merc 190E. We had just gone past Eau Rouge and were now on the straight after it when we both got slammed at over 250mph by two X2011s. Mind you, we had scooted over, and I saw them aim for us, but I couldn't stop in time to 'ghost' (pause while holding the e-brake). My Corsa was destroyed along with my mates 190E. A conversation started.

*Guy 1 in X2011*: sry
*Me*: sry? You mean sorry right? Sorry I don't speak text lingo.
*Guy 1 in X2011*: u should move
*Me*: I did move you 🤬 learn to drive a proper car and not some 8-year-olds wet dream on wheels.
*Guy 2 in X2011*: x1 is fun
*Me*: And how old are you? 4? You have the grammatical skills of a tomato.
*Guy 2 in X2011*: stfu you 🤬
*Me*: Ooh I'm so offended. I bet that's the only car you have in your garage you 🤬 idiot.
*Guy 2 in X2011*: so? it a good car.
*Me*: "it a good car." Are you a 🤬 caveman or something? Did your mommy forget to tell you that you're long gone from the Stone Age?
*Friend*: I'm leaving this lobby is pathetic.
*Me*: Me too mate. People like these monkeys make me lose faith in the human race.
*We both leave*

Maybe I might have overreacted a tad bit. I'm absolutely fed up with immature children ruining a fun, fair, and relaxing experience with that damn car. What were PD thinking? :confused:
And not a single Buck was given that day.

The X2011/10 is a car that was made for the heck of it. Kaz doesn't obligate you to drive one online.

There stupidity drives them to do ruin fun with it. I have 4 variants of the car (X2010 Proto, X2011, X2010 5G, X2010 5G Vettel which is the same as the X2010 Vettel). I rarely if ever use them and that's for practicing on courses to see how my reflexes have developed on the DS3.

Those type of people you met annoy me the most.
Haha sounds like fun to me guys! You'll be able to watch my creative insults fly towards idiots.
Sent you two friend requests.
Ok. I'm hotheaded and angry. Don't you worry about me.

Yet I'm extremely sarcastic. I don't take people like last nights guy seriously.
We're all set then. I have a knack for children populated rooms (I'm 15).

Some kid the other day was lecturing me on the differences between the Supra SZ-R (Naturally Aspirated) and the Supra RZ (Turbocharged one).
Me six. Because then there'll be even more laughs in this thread. The six musketeers are ready to send the X1's and trolls back to where they came from! :dopey:
We're all set then. I have a knack for children populated rooms (I'm 15).

That's kind of funny to me, because I can't seem to stand people using mics my age. No idea why, as I also use it. I'm just pretty hypocritical, that's all. :sly:

I haven't really had any bad moments, just met some people that like to take up the whole track and punt like it's the NFL. :crazy:

About the little group you guys are forming, I'll make it seven. Seven musketeers. :P
Me six. Because then there'll be even more laughs in this thread. The six musketeers are ready to send the X1's and trolls back to where they came from! :dopey:
Still I'm more legend :sly:

BayneHamlin. You wouldn't believe that I don't sound 15 (Plus I don't have a mic otherwise my sarcasm would shine through in all it's dark glory).
Friend request sent to all. Let's give these X1 freaks what's coming to them. :mischievous:
I'm on the PS menu waiting for friend requests to be accepted, then I'm probably going to hop into a random Nurburgring track day lobby.
Friend request sent to all. Let's give these X1 freaks what's coming to them. :mischievous:
I'm on the PS menu waiting for friend requests to be accepted, then I'm probably going to hop into a random Nurburgring track day lobby.

Give me an hour. Bus. :grumpy:
I've got a 5G.
Same here mate. At least that car is realistic and not absolutely broken like the fan-equipped regular X2010/X2011. A veteran player driving an LMP can beat the X2010 5G if they play their cards right. If the Ferrari F1s weren't restricted, I would prefer that more.
Same here mate. At least that car is realistic and not absolutely broken like the fan-equipped regular X2010/X2011. A veteran player driving an LMP can beat the X2010 5G if they play their cards right. If the Ferrari F1s weren't restricted, I would prefer that more.
And 3 different variants of X car.