Worst you've dealt with online...

  • Thread starter Tommy_861
Got 2 bad ones today, firstly a free run at Top Gear. Everyone was drag racing with hybrids, so I thought to myself i'll stay away from that. I did ONE slide in my Focus WRC and got kicked. Another one was a drift lobby, where I was having great fun, but this guy kept straightening up on my runs and t-boning me. Because of this, I got kicked. My 2 best however was a man who joined a karting lobby, which strictly stated 100cc. He then proceeds to enter in a 125, we start the race and he jumps to the front, only to run straight into the gravel at turn 1, quits the race and says "this room is stupid". We then started laughing when he left. A great one was this guy who joined my room at Spa that said race cars, and he went on track in a Viper ACR. I said 'that isn't a race car', to which he replied "yes it is". He then changes car to an AM Corvette, and goes to the race. He then cuts eau rouge, crashes, and I easily win in my RM ZR1. He than calls me a geek, and I ignore that. I set penalty to strong and start again... and guess what, he cuts eau rouge, gets a penalty, crashes. He then says something like "yeah ur so funny int ya" and leaves:lol:
Hot off the press (well, this morning)

Had a fun race with a guy at Spa, he was in his Gallardo wit slight tuning. I was in my Miura which is highly tuned, we both done 0-62 in 3,5 seconds, but I only hit 182 on track, but I made up for it in corners. We both gave each other space; not touching once.

4 laps of it, it was only getting more and more fun then BAM! A guy in a GTR span me off, then the Gallardo driver drove off laughing over the mic saying "I win C_E21!" So I begin to try catch up; I'm on the start/finish straight and he's just at the end. Turn a corner and said GTR hits me again. Host starts a race and we go off; I get a decent start and am top of the "Lesser cars" the GTR is behind in the "Higher" class. So he slows. Guess why? Yep. To hit me off and anyone who try's to overtake his friend. Eventually the GTR is kicked after hitting the host, so we do another race; the Gallardo decides to hit every racer he can.

He's on the mic laughing his head off and shouting "Whaaaaaaaaaaaaay mate" so it's me next. He pulls close, but I oversteer into a spin (deliberate) and he misses me, so he drives off, he comes to the next corner; and he crashes off after someone from the higher class decides to teach him a lesson. He allows us to pass and build up a lead. He is then released and starts moaning about how he was rammed, so the nice chap is kicked. I message the host saying "Look, it's HIM! Watch the race and you'll see!"

He starts another race. This time, Mr. Gallardo is in a Bugatti (god...) so he's in higher, but he slows right down. Guess why? Yep. He rams every one of us. Apparently host "Didn't see it" so when I again say "Hey, why not BE part of the race and see for yourself?" So he does. When I get rammed off (along with many others) host leaves track "Yes yes yes!" I say.

"You have been kicked out"

All the people who got hit were kicked. All 3 are on my new blacklist.
^^ That's unlucky. It's understandable to miss one or two crashes when hosting but that's completely batty nuggets. :irked: When a host starts letting stuff like that slide, Where does it end? :nervous:
^^ That's unlucky. It's understandable to miss one or two crashes when hosting but that's completely batty nuggets. :irked: When a host starts letting stuff like that slide, Where does it end? :nervous:

All I'm saying is this, I'm glad I was kicked.

According to a friend, the room has turned into a hacker-fest with kids arguing about whatever.
Too many incidents' in the past 2 hours to put here. I'll just say i joined a "clean" shuffle room. What i experienced was nothing but getting rammed, cut off, honked, spun, put 3 wide through chicanes, dive bombed, and in general no respect driving. I'm hosting every shuffle room i'm in for now on.
I joined a clean shuffle room. The host insist clean racing but he does otherwise. We race on Spa and within the first three corners he rams two people off that were in front of me ( I'm in a ZZII) I caught up and got in the lead. The idiot tried to set me up at the last turn cutting the grass. I slowed and he nailed the wall resting on his nose. Afterwards I type in: clean? And immediately I got kicked.
I wonder if all these horrible drivers played past GT games.

I look at them drive and wonder how did you manage GT 1-4? I mean I saw guy who was 1st approaching the first turn in Nur 24H and not even brake. What do these people do offline?
Waiting for my lobby to fill up (it's been 30 minutes and I've had 3 people in. One was in for a minute...)

The first guy was in a Buick Special, drifting around the track. So eventually, I'd caught up to him in my Red Bull (it's a Miura painted in Scion Firestorm) and he'd crashed. I was slightly in front so I floored it away, he'd left. Why even join...?
I could go one further on the concept of " why even join? ". Couple of times when I'm in a lobby someone joins and says something like, " This lobby is 🤬" Then as quick as he joined, he's gone. It's completely pointless. :dunce:
Yes yes yes! I've finally found a solution to being hit on blind bends!

Changing course map scale to 3, it gives you a good idea of what's coming and on what side.

Thank god! :D
I mean I saw guy who was 1st approaching the first turn in Nur 24H and not even brake. What do these people do offline?

I have no idea why but these 'cats' you refer to are quite common sadly.

So much rubbish involved if you can't navigate the first corner of one of the most widely recognised tracks on earth when using a driving sim :dunce:
It should be noted that turn 1 of the 24 hr course is not the first corner of one of the most widely recognized track on earth*, it's the first corner of the GP course, except that there's an immediate left in the middle of it. (Still... it's an easy turn to brake too late for, but not brake at all?)

* I assume you were using that phrase to refer to the Nordschleife.
Ah man. I've just joined my friend on my "personal" account.

He said "Let's race" and showed me his tuned Gallardo, so I pulled out my Audi R8 V10 which was partly tuned.

Before we set off the line, I discovered something. He'd tuned it for drag racing. On the Nurburgring... His car was about 34 seconds behind after the second checkpoint; he quit and accused me of cheating. I explained that his dragster couldn't turn corners properly, and we were on a twisty toll road (tis what the 'Ring sort of is...) and he proceeded to ask for another race, in his RenaultSport Megane, me in my C30. I was 17 seconds ahead coming on to the straight. Quits again, says I'm a cheater and leaves.

I go join a cruise lobby (Toscana) and said friend joins and says "Race me" when the limit was 80 mph. I was sticking to it quite well...

As I was in a Leaf (hey, engines get in the way of Daft Punk, ok? :P ) and he comes along in his draGallardo; he does 200 on a straight and gets rammed off the road by a cop. He proceeds to say "Lol I won" and starts trying to ram me off the road. He's going too quick and overshoots. He gets hit by a cop. He's on 2/3, then 3/3. Told to get in a Fiat 500 (stock and original) and not to get in trouble or its a kick. He does so... And tries to ram THE HOST. Who was in a Range Stormer. And could kick him.

He's since sent many badly-worded, not-very-offensive, moronic messages, ending in "Ur getting hacked lol"

He's since been blocked.
It should be noted that turn 1 of the 24 hr course is not the first corner of one of the most widely recognized track on earth*, it's the first corner of the GP course, except that there's an immediate left in the middle of it. (Still... it's an easy turn to brake too late for, but not brake at all?)

* I assume you were using that phrase to refer to the Nordschleife.

Yeah slightly incorrect of me re the corner but my point remains 👍

I guess for me it's one of the most recognised for "GTers" and race fans which is what I meant, the GP track is still very much a well known track and as such most would know it I'd have thought!

You're right though, I could have worded it better but I didn't because beer :dunce:
I've been kicked from 2 nurburgring lobbies today for some very funny yet not annoying things. First lobby I got kicked from was for chasing bad drivers in badly tuned cars in a full spec ricer prelude, it runs 8.45 on a good day. 2nd lobby I got kicked from was because I was driving a pretty quick passionate pink 2cv.

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