Worst you've dealt with online...

  • Thread starter Tommy_861
The worst ive dealt with online is when this guyADR clutch dude wanted to do a clan battle against me. So i hopped in my yellowhat supra 640hp and he got in a ford gt lm test car or wutever. I beat him straight up and left and i was cruisin for rooms and he made a room saying ERC IS SCARED because he wanted a rematch. So like 5 months later we do a rematch on circuit de la sarthe and he rammes me into the sand. I was very angry and left. He said i suck and he won the battle. That was my worst online experience. Worst crew ever lol

So ADR Clutch is back on here acting like an asshat again? I've dealt with him WAY too many times. It all started back on Midnight Club: Los Angeles. I won't go into that story. Anywho, if you do come in contact with this fool, just stay away. He wants to race my ZR1, and I won't let him or his little "crew" near it.
The worst I've dealt with recently is the game locking up when I'm exiting an online lobby. Today I was in a burg room for four hours, and had a R32 that I had been tuning the whole time. I lost that and 250'000 cr worth of online winnings. I had to go on a used car buying spree to ease the pain :(
My first ever online experience: Joined a room, the PS3 froze, I waited, and waited. I restarted the PS3. That's a little worse then I expected to happen, but not much. Thanks PS3 and PD for the great support! 👍. ( Is anyone home at these companys?)
I was on a Race for fun room on Le Mans. I had to deal with a raging 30 yr old puerto rican who i barely tapped his rear and he flips out.:grumpy: so i was winning until the ford chicane which he punted me breaking my gearbox and he won.:grumpy: but i said to kick him for cheating. I will tell you his name in pm if you want to avoid the puerto rican and his butt buddy. But he was MAD like a 5 yr old so he was one terrible thing online.:ouch:
So today this morning, I entered this room that was doing those cops chases that if you go over a speed limit you get pulled over nd crap. So I decided to stir things up a bit by starting a chase in my Mustang March 1. He couldn't keep up with me ever though he used he's Audi R8 an Veyron. So then he stopped chasing me and kicked me out. I was cracking up badly because he couldn't catch me and got mad because of that. xD
Lately i have been dealing with a lot of side ramming. Exit a turn quicker than the guy in front and go to slingshot past only to have them ram me in the side and take me off the track for trying to pass. Then they have the nerve to call it a blocking move which is a normal racing move. Not sure what racing they watch....
Races [should be] long enough that you should be able to recover from a driver that does that. And the last thing any driver wants is a pissed off driver behind them. Give them a taste of their own medicine and see how they like it. Save the replay and we can laugh about it afterward.

...then start racing with GTP drivers who abide by the GTP_OLR.
I hate dealing with GT snobs - you know who you are!
I started a race on Nurburgring which was for clean racing only, which is exactly what I did to the best of my ability. Problem is, compared to some of these 'hardcore' GT players, I'm not that good. I can drive with aids off, I manual shift, I use a wheel, but try as I might by half way round the track I was 30secs behind.
And then they kicked me off! WTF?
Who cares if my skill level isn't as good as yours, why would you kick someone trying to race clean and improve their skills? Don't know why but it made me very angry.

Conversely, again on the Nurburgring, same situation occured. Except this time the host changed the options at the end of the first two races (in which I was horribly far behind) so that 'last place starts first'. Then, starting the race with me in the lead, they held back for the first third of the track, until eventually passing me cleanly and slowly building the same lead they had before. I still had no hope of winning, but I really apprieciated both the change in race options to give me more of a headstart AND the patient (almost polite) way they eventually overtook me later in the track.

Everyone has to start somewhere, and I hope that more 'hardcore' GT players realise that just because someone might be slower, or all over the track, doesn't mean they aren't trying their hardest to race clean. Give 'em a chance! Or at the very least, just leave 'em to race at their own pace. You couldn't kick slower drivers off the Nurburgring in real life...
I hate dealing with GT snobs - you know who you are!
I started a race on Nurburgring which was for clean racing only, which is exactly what I did to the best of my ability. Problem is, compared to some of these 'hardcore' GT players, I'm not that good. I can drive with aids off, I manual shift, I use a wheel, but try as I might by half way round the track I was 30secs behind.
And then they kicked me off! WTF?
Who cares if my skill level isn't as good as yours, why would you kick someone trying to race clean and improve their skills? Don't know why but it made me very angry.

Conversely, again on the Nurburgring, same situation occured. Except this time the host changed the options at the end of the first two races (in which I was horribly far behind) so that 'last place starts first'. Then, starting the race with me in the lead, they held back for the first third of the track, until eventually passing me cleanly and slowly building the same lead they had before. I still had no hope of winning, but I really apprieciated both the change in race options to give me more of a headstart AND the patient (almost polite) way they eventually overtook me later in the track.

Everyone has to start somewhere, and I hope that more 'hardcore' GT players realise that just because someone might be slower, or all over the track, doesn't mean they aren't trying their hardest to race clean. Give 'em a chance! Or at the very least, just leave 'em to race at their own pace. You couldn't kick slower drivers off the Nurburgring in real life...

I understand your frustration, but I also see it from the other side.

I host very strict rooms. I take no BS, I don't listen to excuses and I don't give newcomers a long leash. There are so many terrible and disrespectful drivers in GT5, running a room like this is the only way to get good racing.

I will let drivers stay and race even if they are slow, under 2 conditions.

1. They are clean. You will not get a long leash in a new lobby. You must understand you're slower, and not interfere AT ALL. No contact, hold your line, etc.

2. The room isn't full with somebody faster attempting to log on.
I can understand that, and to clarify, in the first example I was racing clean. Infact, some times I'll actually slow down a bit and pull over to let faster cars pass. I'm not sure exactly how the start of that particular race went down, but I'm positive I didn't ram anyone intentionally or cause anybody to leave the track.
By the time I'm 30+ secs behind, nothing I can do can affect the other racers anyway! That's what annoyed me the most I think...

EDIT: Oh, and the room was FAR from full.
Once in a while I get a hearty kick out of driving backwards and ramming into people. You uptight people should try it sometime. It's fun sometimes when you've been racing and drifting for hours. Test out the limits of the damage modeling.

What's really cool is when you're going backwards and a corner is coming up, and you drift it, and someone going the right way is drifting it too and you guys pass each other without colliding. THAT is cool.
some of the rooms are terrible, but if you do what i do, that is FR anyone who races clean then its not long before you have a long list of guys you can race with without getting rammed or booted.

Was in a room last night and had about 6 drivers (i use that term very loosly!) from where they make the prancing horse......Lets just say there were more bent steering arms than i have ever seen because these guys couldnt drive in a straight line and their brakes needed fixing as well. They were terrible!!I had followed a gt friend (walmiester) in and he commented before we started that it was pretty rough, and he was right....... Makes the "racing experience" very ordinary.

If they are going to race like that then perhaps they should add "no rules" to the lounge name so you know what you are in for!!

My 2 cents
Once in a while I get a hearty kick out of driving backwards and ramming into people. You uptight people should try it sometime. It's fun sometimes when you've been racing and drifting for hours. Test out the limits of the damage modeling.

What's really cool is when you're going backwards and a corner is coming up, and you drift it, and someone going the right way is drifting it too and you guys pass each other without colliding. THAT is cool.

I will admit i did that once or twice
People in overused cars such as GT-R, Ford GT, Bugatti, ZR1, Viper, etc...

You can't really get a kick out of driving those all the time, can you?
Once in a while I get a hearty kick out of driving backwards and ramming into people. You uptight people should try it sometime. It's fun sometimes when you've been racing and drifting for hours. Test out the limits of the damage modeling.

What's really cool is when you're going backwards and a corner is coming up, and you drift it, and someone going the right way is drifting it too and you guys pass each other without colliding. THAT is cool.

Only With my friends... Only with my friends
yesterday, I was in a lobby on Indy Road Course. It was a drift/drag/trade lobby. The host asked if anyone wanted to race pinks, and no one said yes. so about 5 minutes later he said. "IF NO ONE RACES PINKS WITH ME, I WILL KICK YOU ALL!" Then about 2 minutes later, he said "time for kicking!" and kicked everyone.
First of all I must say the lobby and host were great, right up until the moment he kicked me, and deleted me a friend, for using my (stock) McLaren MP4-12C to often!
I was not impressed...

EDIT: The 12C was stock, bar a Limited Slip Diff, Customisable Suspension, Customisable Transmission and Racing Soft tyres which everyone was using. So stock in terms of power/weight
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I got kicked yesterday for bringing the RM Diablo into a JGTC room. Never mind that the car was in the 1995 series, and the description says that it's the only foreign manufacturer allowed in JGTC. I was getting a Supra when the host kicked and blocked me. Ignorance is bliss, I guess. Oh, and he had a 650pp limit when most cars are 595. So, of course, it turned into a one make race.
I go into a dirty racing room most nights for a couple of hours to cheer myself up a bit. Honestly it is the most fun type of racing because you need to look around you all the time so that you don't get crashed out. Most people in there are from GTP as well.
VYPA-SQUAD_Ace. I remember you from Midnight Club Los Angeles but thats just it, Ive never seen you on GT5 nor did ever want to race your ZR1 so just leave the past in Midnight Club Los Angeles and not bring it here.

I've been in a few of your rooms, just never spoke up. Only to see what was going on. Never said you was a bad racer, I've have heard from a few people saying you're horrendous. Anywho, you don't remember saying on Midnight Club that you wanted to race me on GT5? You said you was going to use every Ford GT to beat me while I was in the ZR1. But hey, if you don't remember that, we can just drop it.
I go into a dirty racing room most nights for a couple of hours to cheer myself up a bit. Honestly it is the most fun type of racing because you need to look around you all the time so that you don't get crashed out. Most people in there are from GTP as well.

Though I feel shallow for joining such rooms, it's very stress relieving when you've had a hard time in Championships or Public Racing Leagues.
Another day another attempt at joining a drift room.
Find a lot of ******* rooms (t s u k u b a) but no Autumn Ring rooms...
T s u k u b a, is among the most boring tracks in the game if not THE most boring track in the game...
Another day another attempt at joining a drift room.
Find a lot of ******* rooms (t s u k u b a) but no Autumn Ring rooms...
T s u k u b a, is among the most boring tracks in the game if not THE most boring track in the game...

Autmun Ring Mini is the most boring track for drifting IMO

He kicked me out of his lobby claiming I had lag, but when he did, his lag got worse:dunce: I looked for his lobby again, just to see if the race had started, and found it 2/16:tdown:

He listens to his friends too much; a smash of mob mentality:indiff:
I just did a quick 2 lap race with him and he is a very good racer.
I can admit that he is a very good and clean racer, though. That may have been the only reason why I even raced him...

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