Worst you've dealt with online...

  • Thread starter Tommy_861
Well, they do fight for the inside line, but end up pushing one another wide off the track and anyone on the outside line also gets taken with them.

Whats the TGTT glitch??

There isn't a checkpoint on the side of the straightaway where the "pit" is. Therefore, you can just keep going straight and when you pass the finish line, turn around, and you will automatically be put in 1st place and it will count your lap. It's pointless if it is an x2010 race however.
Sorry for double post :(

jimkhana9874 - THE WORST RACER EVER. He consistently runs people into the wall in CLEAN RACING SERVERS. He tried ramming me, but I brake checked early and he ran himself into the wall and he got last place. He also hasn't hit puberty. Send him a message saying how he sucks at racing.

xDiiViN3_RomP3Rx - This kid has no respect towards Gran Turismo and GT Planet. He said that Lucas Ordonez is a gay 🤬 and that GT Planet is what 🤬 use to chat with their dumb friends. Funny thing is that this kid SUCKS at racing completely. Send him a message saying that you are from GT Planet and want to 1v1 him, because he says he will beat anyone on GT Planet.
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Sorry for double post :(

jimkhana9874 - THE WORST RACER EVER. He consistently runs people into the wall in CLEAN RACING SERVERS. He tried ramming me, but I brake checked early and he ran himself into the wall and he got last place. He also hasn't hit puberty. Send him a message saying how he sucks at racing.

xDiiViN3_RomP3Rx - This kid has no respect towards Gran Turismo and GT Planet. He said that Lucas Ordonez is a gay 🤬 and that GT Planet is what 🤬 use to chat with their dumb friends. Funny thing is that this kid SUCKS at racing completely. Send him a message saying that you are from GT Planet and want to 1v1 him, because he says he will beat anyone on GT Planet.

Cocky 🤬 .

Some australian guy spun around after he lagged into me in a NASCAR race, saying "I'll never find a clean pom to race"
Ages ago I was in a 'Ring race with a full tuned Veyron. I quickly got ahead. The others, driving full tuned ACRs, 458s, GT-Rs started quitting after falling behind or spinning out. The race started with 8 people. By the carousel, the last person with me on track quit and I was kicked.
Sorry for double post :(

jimkhana9874 - THE WORST RACER EVER. He consistently runs people into the wall in CLEAN RACING SERVERS. He tried ramming me, but I brake checked early and he ran himself into the wall and he got last place. He also hasn't hit puberty. Send him a message saying how he sucks at racing.

xDiiViN3_RomP3Rx - This kid has no respect towards Gran Turismo and GT Planet. He said that Lucas Ordonez is a gay 🤬 and that GT Planet is what 🤬 use to chat with their dumb friends. Funny thing is that this kid SUCKS at racing completely. Send him a message saying that you are from GT Planet and want to 1v1 him, because he says he will beat anyone on GT Planet.
. I think we should scam jimkhana9874. He is really cocky and ignorant. He sounds like he severely needs nasal spray.:yuck:👎. Just message him and say you want to trade and he is legit. Or message him 1v1. But then again he will sissy out.:lol:
. I think we should scam jimkhana9874. He is really cocky and ignorant. He sounds like he severely needs nasal spray.:yuck:👎. Just message him and say you want to trade and he is legit. Or message him 1v1. But then again he will sissy out.:lol:

He already knows me because I pissed him off yesterday night lol.
Another thing that is the worst i delt with was some 5 year old Xbox fanboy talking trash at us then we wrecked him. But he started crying so we were called trolls LOL. We faked a call to PSN,after the recording i called my friend and we tried not to laugh. But then his boyfriend butt buddy got mad at me and my friends,so we got kicked.But it was funny.
Another thing that is the worst i delt with was some 5 year old Xbox fanboy talking trash at us then we wrecked him. But he started crying so we were called trolls LOL. We faked a call to PSN,after the recording i called my friend and we tried not to laugh. But then his boyfriend butt buddy got mad at me and my friends,so we got kicked.But it was funny.

Well you sound like just another petty, childish vindictive gamer. This is why I don't play online games.
This thread is getting out of control. This is why i don't like naming and shaming. Half the time the shamers are the worst ones anyway. Is this even allowed in these forums anyway?
How am I one of the "worst"? I happen to be a very good racer and follow whatever the rules of any lobby is. Also you have no idea what rooms I've gone through in the last couple of days. I actually wanted to quit GT5 online because of that.
I think that the worst of the worst drivers should be "blacklisted", but I am aware that function can be abused. At the very least, Sony should implement a player review system like Xbox Live.
How am I one of the "worst"? I happen to be a very good racer and follow whatever the rules of any lobby is. Also you have no idea what rooms I've gone through in the last couple of days. I actually wanted to quit GT5 online because of that.

I'm not really talking about you nor did i mean that shamers are bad drivers. With 'worst' i mean that some shamers are among the worst behaving people among the people that they shame. In their righteous fury they too often show the very same behaviour that they blame others of. Other thing is that at some cases people just fail to think from all points of view. Maybe the other party saw things differently? This is why judgement should be only given by impartial judges, not by popularity votes.

PS: This was a general observation and not all if any of these necessarily apply to any specific person on these forums.
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I was in a shuffle race on Tokyo. Started in P1 & pretty much led from the start, building up a reasonable lead. 2 kids on DS3's were chatting away (in Finnish?) on their mics during the race. Going into the last lap I noticed 1 of them had fallen out, but thought nothing of it.

As I took the final right hander into the main straight I saw that there were those white blocks that had been pushed all over the track & had to avoid contact like crazy. Got through & then saw the other guy waiting for me to try & ram me. Instead of turning away from him, I turned towards him & this took him totally by surprise, 'cos he darted forward in the direction he thought I was going to swerve.

He missed.
I won.
What #$%^&@*$%'s.
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I was on this EURO 120 km/h lobby, and the host was drag racing with his friends. Everyone who drove near them was arrested... He kept calling everybody mother******* and everybody left except me and a nice guy, we were pursuit and they ( police ) kept ramming the wall.
Geez, bunch of noobs. And stop saying that everybody under 20 cant drive! Im 14 and its driving me crazy!!! Im a decent driver, i never rammed on purpose and everybody i raced with says i am a good driver. So please stop the: oohh kids cant drive because a lot of them are ramming people off the road!!!! It annoys me to death!!!!!
Other thing is that at some cases people just fail to think from all points of view. Maybe the other party saw things differently?

That is why saving race replays is useful, because then you can watch an incident from the other person's driving seat.

Something you may think was a deliberate manoeuvre can often be revealed to be just a general lack of driving skill and without malice. I tend to be a bit more tolerant of that than anything deliberate.
Geez, bunch of noobs. And stop saying that everybody under 20 cant drive! Im 14 and its driving me crazy!!! Im a decent driver, i never rammed on purpose and everybody i raced with says i am a good driver. So please stop the: oohh kids cant drive because a lot of them are ramming people off the road!!!! It annoys me to death!!!!!
I agree with this, I am 13 and always try to be a clean racer it's just a shame that the typical stereotype is that we can't drive in a virtual game just because we haven't passed our driving test. :banghead::banghead: Yes I know that there are also a lot of kids that can't race cleanly as well.
This one happened a few days ago.

I was in a UK Road Law room and I was following the rules stated by the room host, all good right? Well...no.

Some idiot soon appears in the lobby and starts to ram into every single person in the room, yet the host would simply do nothing about it. I was literally annoyed by this, as the host would be kicking those who didn't follow the rules before the idiot came in.

I just left after a while. Pretty damn annoying.
i was in this 'do whatever' room on TGTT and this guy in a dodge ram hemi 1500 was ramming everyone. i brought out my tank car and tried to get him but he was glitching so that he had no jumpiness but we went right through him. i kept calling a kick vote and reporting him but the host didn't do anything about it because he was to proud to of gotten out of the track.
Well, today I got a brand new Bluetooth headset for my PS3. Despite early fears that it would be a worthless mic, unable to transmit anything but static and muffled voice sounds, it turned out to work pretty well.

Unfortunately, someone out there half-ruined my day of celebration. As I entered a race room, I unfortunately heard someone shouting things I can't really repeat in an amazingly high-pitched voice. He just about blew my eardrum out, and as for what he said, let's just say I wish I could forget forever.

After being told multiple times to shut up, he finally got kicked out.


His name was xX-K-P-Xx.

Oh, and to GTP_Rcrcool9: I was in an SSR7 lobby with you tonight. If you don't remember, you were in a silver/blue stripes Viper GTS and I was the guy in the bright red Talon who kept drafting past you... I apologize for any contact, that thing is a little unstable at high speeds. Either way, just out of curiousity, how'd it feel to be in a Viper and see a Talon passing you?
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White & Nerdy
Well, today I got a brand new Bluetooth headset for my PS3. Despite early fears that it would be a worthless mic, unable to transmit anything but static and muffled voice sounds, it turned out to work pretty well.

Unfortunately, someone out there half-ruined my day of celebration. As I entered a race room, I unfortunately heard someone shouting things I can't really repeat in an amazingly high-pitched voice. He just about blew my eardrum out, and as for what he said, let's just say I wish I could forget forever.

After being told multiple times to shut up, he finally got kicked out.


His name was something like xX_K-P_Xx, but I'm not quite sure. I'll check tomorrow.

Oh, and to GTP_Rcrcool9: I was in an SSR7 lobby with you tonight. If you don't remember, you were in a silver/blue stripes Viper GTS and I was the guy in the bright red Talon who kept drafting past you... I apologize for any contact, that thing is a little unstable at high speeds. Either way, just out of curiousity, how'd it feel to be in a Viper and see a Talon passing you?

My viper was completely stock rofl. If the PP was up a bit, I would've destroyed you :D but it was close until I got disconnected >_<
I was racing 50 laps of Daytona last night. 12 of us racing and I was in 3rd place with 2 laps left.

I slip streamed the guy in 2nd place (who was mates with the room host who was in 1st place as they were chatting on headsets). I went to undertake him on the inside of the bend. I was rock steady on the white line at the bottom of the curve, he was up the top of the bend, but was weaving around - using the d-pad to steer?

As we got side by side, he suddenly he comes down the bend and smacks in to me. Then again, and again.

He loses control and spins off. I manage to maintain my line at the bottom of the curve.

The race ends and he says to the room host (his mate) to kick me for crashing in to him. Then I'm kicked from the room.

Why? Clearly he couldn't accept that his ramming attempts failed and ended up ruining his own race.

Pees me off though as I thought I raced perfectly and fairly, yet still got kicked. :guilty:
Just had to deal with a bunch of socially retarded, mid-30s british inbreds on the Nurburgring, since they were all butthurt that I was in first I got rammed from every dierction by the host and his crew of feckless benefit-cheating asshats. Lesson learned: stay the 🤬 away from everyone because they all lack the maturity to be civil human beings
I drive an MR2 turbo and I frequently play organised races through the Owner's Club here in the UK (which I tend to arrange). It's so nice, friendly, relaxed and the racing is top drawer.

However, when I enter a random server for some non Owner's Club racing, I almost get nervous and uncomfortable at what I'm walking in to. Get's to the point where I prefer to race offline instead.
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I love the classic "get through the first turn alive, only to have some asshat push you off the side of the track, then said asshat quits the race before lap 2" trick.
Really your lucky for me it's always idiot uses me as break pushes me into sand on first turn so I have no chance of winning then he hunts down everybody until he's in first then when the race is over he can't get kicked because hes the host :grumpy:
I know some people says that 12 year old kids can't drive clean.
I am 12 years old and i try to drive as clean as i can. If i hit someone by an accident i will slow down and let them pass. If i know someone i faster than me on a straight i will not block'em, just let them overtake me.
I hope it exist others of my species.
Yeah it can be sometimes, I've taken the lead several times only to be punted off the track, Funny thing is these lobbies had (clean racing) as the title.

Same thing here I hate when people do this to me and others.....
For all of you that are complaining about dirty racers etc, I sympathize with you but also have a very good suggestion that will greatly eliminate your chances of running in to these people. The suggestion:

When searching for a lobby-

1) Select "Race For Real"
2) Select "Skid Recovery Force - Off"

If you do these simple two things, I promise you will find that running in to these types of idiots will be extremely rare. It weeds out the unskilled people who don't really care about racing and typically puts you in with people that are looking for clean racing experience following overtaking ettiquette. I will never go in a lobby that does not fit this criteria. Good luck (And if you are clean and fast, please do stop by my spec lobby:tup:)
