Worst you've dealt with online...

  • Thread starter Tommy_861
:odd: foreign kids, huh? I know this just an expression but it should stop. There are no true nationalistic boundaries in cyberspace. We're all just 'folk' out there. Good, bad or otherwise.

Apologies, I mainly meant it in connection with the 12-year old Spanish kid screaming blue murder because he can't drive cleanly.
people who change the track everyone starts going round then they change track everyone gets kicked out, rinse, wash, repeat a handful of times, gets really annoying, just choose the bloody track you want and stick to it for longer than a couple mintues! :ouch:
Today I went in a WRC server. There were 7 other people in the lobby and it was called "Pros only clean" so me, being the good rally person I am, enter and this little kid with a mic starts talking smack at me because of my enter message, my clan name. So I told him to settle it on the track 1 vs 1 with no aids boost off, and 5 laps. I picked my Subaru WRC and, of course, he picked his Escudo. I said whatever and so we race. After the race I won by 24.6 seconds because he screwed up so much. I then tell him that he should leave because he isn't "Pro" and he then tells me he will beat my @$$ if I don't shut up. I then get kicked by his butt buddy and I sent him a message telling him how wrong it is to make a Pros only server if stupid kids who suck are going to join. I just hate people like that.
Yesterday, I recently bought a FGT, my first one. So i decide to go on TGTT to compare the difference between the FGT & Ferrari F1. And the two guys, who I think are friends, start blocking me in with two Red Bull X2010. They wouldn't stop ramming me for 8 minutes. It's amazing how two of those can paralyse another car. I got frustrated and just left. What a way to ruin a quick comparison. I wasn't bothering anyone, only had 8 people on that server:grumpy:
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Today I went in a WRC server. There were 7 other people in the lobby and it was called "Pros only clean" so me, being the good rally person I am, enter and this little kid with a mic starts talking smack at me because of my enter message, my clan name. So I told him to settle it on the track 1 vs 1 with no aids boost off, and 5 laps. I picked my Subaru WRC and, of course, he picked his Escudo. I said whatever and so we race. After the race I won by 24.6 seconds because he screwed up so much. I then tell him that he should leave because he isn't "Pro" and he then tells me he will beat my @$$ if I don't shut up. I then get kicked by his butt buddy and I sent him a message telling him how wrong it is to make a Pros only server if stupid kids who suck are going to join. I just hate people like that.

I just got this game right before the PSN hack. When it finally got back up online I got really excited on hopes that I can meet some players with great passion for cars and racing. I was saddened by the number of 12-year olds (and possibly older) who were just talking smack like they know what's what.

I was a trade lobby and one kid sends me a message asking if I wanted this certain type of car. I replied "No thanks but I appreciate it". He then proceeds to kick me out of anger. Why?

Maybe I should find a clan or some group of people to race with. I enjoy learning from others and chatting about cars we love. It's just a 50/50 chance you'll get that decent lobby.
Not long ago I entered a drag racing server on the indy road course. All was going well until the host left and this 10 year old kid with a mic became host. A few minutes after he became host he got on everyones nerves after they kept beating his supra rz. We then determined that he kept starting on the yellow, but he kept whining that he still lost.

His final straw was when a person entered and started ghosting. No one else minded except the kid who kept screaming for him to get out the way. We told him what it was and what it was for before he kicked everyone out.
A few days ago, I randomly entered a street cars only race, and there were around 6 other people besides me there. After I win the first race, a few people start discussing how gay my username is, but I ignored it. The second race started, and I was in 2nd place for around half of the lap. I was pretty close to the person in 1st but had to stay back because I didn't get an opportunity to pass properly. So the “S” shaped turn comes up, and 1st gets off track and I pass. Then 1st turns on their mic and starts calling me a "dumb fat b****” continuously over half the lap that was left. I won that race and he got quiet. He doesn’t join the third race and as soon as the race started, he wrote "hollo, hope you die of aids" on the chat. I didn’t even properly start that race. After that I got pissed off, quit to the lobby and wrote “I didn’t need to ram your car to win a race from you y’know” with a smiley face, but seemingly that smiley face was too offensive for everybody. As soon as I did that, everyone was in agreement that I was a "dumb fat b****" claiming that I rammed them and everyone has to restart (I quit the race before the first turn even arrived to write a reply on the chat). He then wrote/said numerous profane things that I can't mention here as a reply to what I said. One person in the lobby then said "boot hollo for being a suicide bomber". I didn't even know how to reply to that, so I just quit, and was in complete shock on what I just went through. I guess random online racing is NOT a good idea after all, because if you don't play with 8 year olds, you play with older people who are 8 year olds maturity wise. I've had unfair "booting" experiences before, but this was by far the worst I've ever dealt with.
Bien Cien
I just got this game right before the PSN hack. When it finally got back up online I got really excited on hopes that I can meet some players with great passion for cars and racing. I was saddened by the number of 12-year olds (and possibly older) who were just talking smack like they know what's what.

I was a trade lobby and one kid sends me a message asking if I wanted this certain type of car. I replied "No thanks but I appreciate it". He then proceeds to kick me out of anger. Why?

Maybe I should find a clan or some group of people to race with. I enjoy learning from others and chatting about cars we love. It's just a 50/50 chance you'll get that decent lobby.

Add GTP_Rcrcool9. I'll add you to my race team called "Supercharged"
Yesterday, I recently bought a FGT, my first one. So i decide to go on TGTS to compare the difference between the FGT & Ferrari F1. And the two guys, who I think are friends, start blocking me in with two Red Bull X2010. They wouldn't stop ramming me for 8 minutes. It's amazing how two of those can paralyse another car. I got frustrated and just left. What a way to ruin a quick comparison. I wasn't bothering anyone, only had 8 people on that server:grumpy:

I find if youre good with car control an x2010 cant touch you in a normal car.. you just gotta know when to snap the tail in your sliding circle... time it right and that boom youll hear is the x1 slamming into the wall (or adjacently parked vehicles) behind you
I was driving along in my new mazda 6 on monza when the vitz two cars ahead of me intentionally took out a passing r8 race car on purpose.. Not wanting to be next on this vitzs list (i kmew the mazda wasnt gonna get past without getting hit), I decided to hang back and mess with him.. I started swerving the mazda side to side making fakes on the vitz and the idiot fell for it, he started matching the mazdas moves, he very clearly was paying more attention to the mazda than the road because the second chicane wall came up on him, he slammed into it full tilt, I never saw the tail lights so much as flicker, I casually took the corner, drove past the :dunce: and continued on my merry way.. some people :grumpy:
I was driving along in my new mazda 6 on monza when the vitz two cars ahead of me intentionally took out a passing r8 race car on purpose.. Not wanting to be next on this vitzs list (i kmew the mazda wasnt gonna get past without getting hit), I decided to hang back and mess with him.. I started swerving the mazda side to side making fakes on the vitz and the idiot fell for it, he started matching the mazdas moves, he very clearly was paying more attention to the mazda than the road because the second chicane wall came up on him, he slammed into it full tilt, I never saw the tail lights so much as flicker, I casually took the corner, drove past the :dunce: and continued on my merry way.. some people :grumpy:

lol That's epic! You should have given a friendly double tap of the horn as the cheery on top!
lol That's epic! You should have given a friendly double tap of the horn as the cheery on top!

Hahahahhah youre right! my tv was on mute lol so I didnt think of that.. well i did after the 6 was halfway down the next straight, i was getting to know my car as i had literally bought it maybe an hour before (i snap up American market cars like crazy) and that was the first time i had driven it, i was on the outlap, and the Vitz had punted the R8 in the sweeper after the first chicane, the funniest part was when i realized he was gonna hit the wall full speed, the toyota made absolutely no attempt to turn, even after the bridge! i have to say the driving skill (actually the lack thereof) in that room was worthy of this thread by itself, I watched the R8 that had got whacked off the track take himself out at least 3 or 4 more times (including somehow spinning himself into the gravel in the fast S curve), then a Veyron that had tried to over take me did the same thing, then when i pulled out my red ZR1, that Veyron had managed to wreck a Miata and another car, im not sure what happened, or who caused the wreck, i only had to avoid the mess..
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non clean racing is the most annoying thing and when you enter a game and you do as the host requests then as soon as the races start and you beat them to the first corner they kick you WTF ???
I actually found an extremely good room for the first time yesterday. There was some great clean racing going on.
Racing a team based server some time ago. For the race, there was one driver in a Premium Ford GT and another in the ACR Viper. The one in the GT was all for fun, the one in the ACR claimed to be undefeated, so I decided to race them on Daytona with my dark purple Speed 12.

Now as the race goes on, the ACR Viper driver is a strait up beater and banger pushing me all around the track. Getting pushed around, coming to the final lap, I start to idle back behind the ACR up till the start of turn 4, at the point I just gun the throttle. As I'm about to pass for the victory, the ACR starts to push me around, at that point I dive down low into the grass, crossing the line in first. After saving my replay, the player driving the ACR Viper calls me a hacker/cheater and kicks me.
lol, I had a dude I was chasing hard on the High Speed Ring. It was a 1st and 2nd battle. He passed me and I did what I could to pass him. Didn't want to bump or push although that's how he got around me. It was a small nudge but he used it to get around.
But every time I had a better line or drafted him to get ahead, he'd cut me off. I had no mic but he did. So he started bragging about getting in my way and cutting me off. I was on his butt for 3 laps and couldnt get by him. So on the last lap I was mad as all get out cause I was getting taunted and I was clearly doing better driving. So on the last turn I wanted to ram in to him and even if we both spun out, I didn't want him to win. So I did it. and messed up completely. Bumped him forward, I hit the wall and ended in 3rd.
After the race, I was accused of running into him intentionally the entire race. The only times I hit him was straight aways when he moved into me. I never braked into him once but that last none.
He was doing all he could to get me kicked out just because I was actual competition.
About an Hour ago I joined a friend for some shuffle races online. Found the title to be Try Clean racing. Well after the first race(1 lap around 24hr Nurb) I made a comment about the Host being a dirty racer and using people ahead as a brake, he did it to me 3 times and then caused a huge wreck at the end cause he had no chance to win. Map vote and Tsukuba Circuit. I got the speedster '00 and ended up winning after the host once again used me as a brake forcing me to drift around the last corner and keep my speed up.(Ironic) 3rd race was Deepforest and I got an 85 RX7. 5 laps and on lap 2 once again he spins me out on the 3-4th corner. Get dropped 10 secs back no chance of catching up so I exit and start to watch. Made the comment "Well once again I get used as a brake due to the host's overly aggressive tactics" He takes 9th out of 12 people and boots me. Few of the people messaged me that they got booted after me due to asking if he knew what a brake pedal was.
I was in a drag racing server today and this kid named "raiderguard55" kept spamming the chat by saying "who has chrome" and I was getting annoyed by it so I then said that I had some, and he says what do you want for it. I told him to offer and he said a black Dodge Challenger fully tuned. So I said OK and he leaves. This is where I get pissed off. He then starts sending me pointless messages telling me not to scam him and to send the paint. You would think he would realize I'm legit because I'm from GT Planet. I told him to stop sending me messages because I was STILL drag racing. Then right as I leave this little f@ggot sends me a message saying "forget it". And after that I couldn't join my friends game due to my connection. He thinks I am lying but deep down he knows I"M RIGHT.

EDIT: Send this stupid kid a message saying how he wastes people's time!
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I just got booted out of a room for what I perceive to be beating the room host (GTSC_weird0) for the position of 4th place. PP 525 (or 500, cant remember), race hard tires, no aids, collisions off, no damage. He was in 3rd place originally, and went sliding off the track in his Camaro. I was driving an NSX Type R '02, passed him of course because he was way off track and proceeded on my way. He kept attempting to catch me but would time and time again slide off the track quite a ways behind me. I finished 4th.

Then I got booted out. WTF?

He couldn't have been threatened by me, for the most part I suck at PP racing and usually finish in the higher end of the middle of the pack and I always let faster cars by. Never race dirty, etc etc. Even with all of that, collisions were off so it wouldn't make a difference anyway as he could just drive through me with no consequence.

The only thing I can gather is that he was pissed that I got 4th and he got 5th. What a brat!
I was driving my stupid Volswagen Kubelwagen and some guy kept running into me with his stupid Red Bull X2010 sending my car flying.
I once made a 24 Minutes of Le Mans lobby. About 5 people joined. I started the race, and everyone is just racing, keeping it clean, having a good time. Then I noticed some person in a Toyota GT-ONE. He rammed everyone and cut all 3 chicanes. I had to leave the race to kick him and then I had to wait for a while for the race to end -_-
I just got booted out of a room for what I perceive to be beating the room host (GTSC_weird0) for the position of 4th place. PP 525 (or 500, cant remember), race hard tires, no aids, collisions off, no damage. He was in 3rd place originally, and went sliding off the track in his Camaro. I was driving an NSX Type R '02, passed him of course because he was way off track and proceeded on my way. He kept attempting to catch me but would time and time again slide off the track quite a ways behind me. I finished 4th.

Then I got booted out. WTF?

He couldn't have been threatened by me, for the most part I suck at PP racing and usually finish in the higher end of the middle of the pack and I always let faster cars by. Never race dirty, etc etc. Even with all of that, collisions were off so it wouldn't make a difference anyway as he could just drive through me with no consequence.

The only thing I can gather is that he was pissed that I got 4th and he got 5th. What a brat!

Dude he kicked me out today for no reason too! I was driving a Ferrari 458 and met regulations. After finishing cleanly in 3rd, he kicked me out immediately.

The stupid thing is he wasn't even in the race. He just kicked me out without giving a reason
Dude he kicked me out today for no reason too! I was driving a Ferrari 458 and met regulations. After finishing cleanly in 3rd, he kicked me out immediately.

The stupid thing is he wasn't even in the race. He just kicked me out without giving a reason

What was his PSN?
Uhh yeah Rc I raced you today too. The Psn i was using is nazeem38.

Outside of being D/C'd from half the games i was in today(?), there was this guy in a gnx consistently trying to ram my Alfa tz2. Fortunately he couldn't drive a playskool tricycle let alone a fully tuned buick and missed all 5 attempts to hit me. Shortly after the 5th, he was kicked.
Dude he kicked me out today for no reason too! I was driving a Ferrari 458 and met regulations. After finishing cleanly in 3rd, he kicked me out immediately.

The stupid thing is he wasn't even in the race. He just kicked me out without giving a reason

What a douche that guy is. No wonder I didn't see more than 6 people in the room for the 3 races I was there.