Worst you've dealt with online...

  • Thread starter Tommy_861
A while ago I was in a typical speed limited room (with cops) on Mt. Aso. At the time, the rule was caught twice = kicked out. Anyway, there was someone in a Samba bus running around with complete disregard for the rules, and the host (in a Bugatti!) was trying unsuccessfully to catch him. Eventually he said "SAMBA BUS TOO DECKED OUT, VERBAL WARNING". I kid you not, those were his words. He left fairly soon after.

If his Bugatti couldn't handle a modded VW, imagine what any number of my unusual modded cars could have done...
Was in a lobby last night when some Amerifag 13 year old decided to use his X2010. This lobby was a drift lobby where only RX-7s were allowed. Every time someone was in a good drift he would PIT them. The host never kicked him as it was his kid brother *facepalm*

Sorry I'd feel terrible kicking my own brother..
Id feel terrible about kicking my brother, but my brother can drift and if he had done that, I woulda kicked him.
Wait 30 seconds in the grass by turn 4 and someone who either screwed their set up or cant drive will hose it in an epic multicar wreck.. someone in a,ZR1 RM came in too,hot once and spun, the two cars right behind him went straight into him and sent the poor corvette a:censored: backwards toward pit lane.. then a minute later an LM spec II lost it in the same spot and was immediately Tboned by the Ram behind.. these were the two wrecks i remember, there were several more in just that one room

I know what you're saying, bro. The simpler the track the larger the crashes.

I know what you're saying, bro. The simpler the track the larger the crashes.
I actually sat in the grass waiting for wrecks to happen after my purple Viper ACR and I avoided two seperate Formula GTs on two seperate laps in the same spot in 3 laps.. oh the hilarity that ensued.

There are also certain cars that just arent happy on speedways online.. i wont touch daytona or indy with the Murcielagos, Mclaren F1 and RUFs, those will garunteed try to kill you instantly on those tracks, the Enzo is a hoot on Daytona!
White & Nerdy
A while ago I was in a typical speed limited room (with cops) on Mt. Aso. At the time, the rule was caught twice = kicked out. Anyway, there was someone in a Samba bus running around with complete disregard for the rules, and the host (in a Bugatti!) was trying unsuccessfully to catch him. Eventually he said "SAMBA BUS TOO DECKED OUT, VERBAL WARNING". I kid you not, those were his words. He left fairly soon after.

If his Bugatti couldn't handle a modded VW, imagine what any number of my unusual modded cars could have done...
I forget.. how slow do you have to be to get sh:censored:t on by a sambabus? I could easily catch one with a stock CRZ if i wanted..
I was in a drift room. Everyone was chill and minding their own business. It was real fun and shows that an ordered room is a fun room. I even tandemed with some people. In the middle of this bliss, a japanese player comes in a Gallardo and starts smashing into people to spin them. Despite all the people saying "kick him", the host did nothing.

When I found out I was next on his list, I did my usual thing and and drifted through the corner. Apparently this threw him off and sent him into the wall. Later, I considered PITing him to give him a taste of his own medicine, but decided not to 'cause I didn't want to stoop to his level.

Another slight annoyance is that I get kicked for bringing an NSX to one of those "Honda drag" rooms.

Hey,I bring a NSX to a Honda only room..
I pretty much only go into traffic rooms for the lulz. I went into one, and I swear to God, Buddha, Allah, Shiva, Jupiter etc. there was a little 6/7 year old in a Plymouth Superbird acting as the cop. I was in an Alfa Brera, and despite the kid having around the max horsepower for a Superbird, he couldn't catch me. He was spinning out in all of the corners. I just :lol:'d for the whole time.
I pretty much only go into traffic rooms for the lulz. I went into one, and I swear to God, Buddha, Allah, Shiva, Jupiter etc. there was a little 6/7 year old in a Plymouth Superbird acting as the cop. I was in an Alfa Brera, and despite the kid having around the max horsepower for a Superbird, he couldn't catch me. He was spinning out in all of the corners. I just :lol:'d for the whole time.

I schooled a kid driving an FGT with .. i kid you not.. a stock Camaro SS.. almost beat him too but he nipped me at the very last second on the front stretch
^ Yeah, I saw that post. You would think that by now all of the stupid kids with their crappy traffic lounges would have abandoned their PS3s during the PSN shutdown.
I was in a room this morning in my crx and this idiot decides to drive backwards on suzuka n block the chicane after 50 laps.
^ Yeah, I saw that post. You would think that by now all of the stupid kids with their crappy traffic lounges would have abandoned their PS3s during the PSN shutdown.

What is this traffic rooms? I always see them, but never know wth it is. From the posts, is it pretty much like a chase? If it is, why not just play nfs?
A guy in his Toyota Yaris kept parking his car in front of our drag line, and also crashed us while we were racing. He kept this up until everyone left, because for some reason the host wouldn't kick him.
A guy in his Toyota Yaris kept parking his car in front of our drag line, and also crashed us while we were racing. He kept this up until everyone left, because for some reason the host wouldn't kick him.

Toyota Yaris+Tank Car= a rather fun game of car golf.. why didnt anyone do that?
When one stubborn b*stard doesn't get out of his x2010 which makes every1 get out theirs. And when someone claims they're better than you in an fgt because they're using aids. And claiming it's realistic.
Was in a lobby last night when some Amerifag 13 year old decided to use his X2010. This lobby was a drift lobby where only RX-7s were allowed. Every time someone was in a good drift he would PIT them. The host never kicked him as it was his kid brother *facepalm*
First explain what exactly an "Amerifag" is.
I'm fully expecting a response.
First explain what exactly an "Amerifag" is.
I'm fully expecting a response.
According to the urban dictionary it means,http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=amerifag
Amerifags feed on hamburgers and other red meats and are impossible to distinguish from potatoes.
An American who takes Bill O'Reilly seriously.

These faggits usually also listen to nonsense like rap, a genre of music which shouldn't even be called music.
I find it fairly offensive.
I start a 30 lap Daytona race in an any car lobby and my corvettes keeping up with their pescarolos and other LMPs so I'm having a good time so far, and then, on lap 3 a dumb guy in an orange Lambo Super Veloce is driving backwards and rams me on lap 4. Where's rge fun in it for him? Why does he do it? And why are you even doing it?
I was on the Nordschleife heading towards the Karousell. I was in the lead on the last lap when a 350Z decides to ram me. Because the turn is banked, I immediately spun and lost control. I ended up in 5th out of 7th. Needless to say, I wasn't too happy.
I was in a track day lobby the other night(online provides a lot of great stories) and was driving around in my 370Z, I was getting tapped constantly by an Opel Speederster.. I just ignored him and I pulled off the track so I was out of the way of everyone else.. And he came back around and ran right into me.. So I left.. And checked his PSN and his avatar happens to be a solider.. I had a feeling haha.. Call of Duty stereotype much?
I forgot to mention before, the Samba Bus in that lobby was apparently modded... it'd have to be or it wouldn't make it up the hills very well.

Still pathetic though.
I forgot to mention before, the Samba Bus in that lobby was apparently modded... it'd have to be or it wouldn't make it up the hills very well.

Still pathetic though.
What is all that mumbo-jumbo about speed-limited rooms and cops?
White & Nerdy
I forgot to mention before, the Samba Bus in that lobby was apparently modded... it'd have to be or it wouldn't make it up the hills very well.

Still pathetic though.

Well yeah that i knew.. i doubt itd even get out of its own way stock.. regardless modded or not... someone needs to give the kid drivers ed ASAP so he doesnt provide us with any more "entertainment"
I'm so depressed to see all that lobbies tittled: ONLY french/german/uk mostly.

I feel this is soooo nazi (in some way). It's ridiculous.
And the people that takes the X2010 to just crash in to you or bother...

Or enter a race with title: race clean or kick, and then it's like demolition derby!
I'm so depressed to see all that lobbies tittled: ONLY french/german/uk mostly.

I feel this is soooo nazi (in some way). It's ridiculous.
And the people that takes the X2010 to just crash in to you or bother...

Or enter a race with title: race clean or kick, and then it's like demolition derby!

Agree 110% with your points. Your 3 points happens ALL the time. :(
Especially the last one is most annoying, why create a room with a title like that and then it's demolition derby? Annoying.
^ Yeah, I saw that post. You would think that by now all of the stupid kids with their crappy traffic lounges would have abandoned their PS3s during the PSN shutdown.

The traffic lounges are fun when you feel like taking a bahn burner for a spin.. i love downshifting from top gear and hammering the gas around the one slow prius thats holding up a line of cars