Worst you've dealt with online...

  • Thread starter Tommy_861
Last night, some random 10 year old comes into a lobby and in caps lock says repeatedly that he's going to slit his dad for taking away his RDR. I keep telling the host to kick him, but he doesn't speak English, so we were stuck with him. So through a 2-lap race at the 'Ring, he continues to beg everyone to give him a copy of RDR, then out of nowhere he reveals that he has a weird fetish for Gwen from Total Drama Island. Then the next race (which he's not participating in either, by the way), he completely changes moods, turns off the caps, and goes on and on about how he's going to get Uncharted 3, and about how his brother has all these games that he plays, and he goes on and on. Then our lobby had a mass-DC, after which the only people in the lobby were me, him, and the host, at which point I cussed the kid out and left. 👎
Last night, some random 10 year old comes into a lobby and in caps lock says repeatedly that he's going to slit his dad for taking away his RDR. I keep telling the host to kick him, but he doesn't speak English, so we were stuck with him. So through a 2-lap race at the 'Ring, he continues to beg everyone to give him a copy of RDR, then out of nowhere he reveals that he has a weird fetish for Gwen from Total Drama Island. Then the next race (which he's not participating in either, by the way), he completely changes moods, turns off the caps, and goes on and on about how he's going to get Uncharted 3, and about how his brother has all these games that he plays, and he goes on and on. Then our lobby had a mass-DC, after which the only people in the lobby were me, him, and the host, at which point I cussed the kid out and left. 👎

Couldn't you use Google Translator and type in something then type it on the chat screen?

On another note, check out my new thread. It will show the names of who to avoid when being online.

Thread: Who to watch out for online
Myself and a few mates have been racing regularly online in the evenings in a room clearly marked " FOR FUN". This week a couple of people joined who used to be in some team together. They added us on to their friends list after some banter and chat and a few races, all seemed good.

Last night, the same group came in to my room and started moaning and moaning and moaning about the track, cars, race, laps, literally everything they could possibly moan about. I said to them "Loook, it's a room for fun and we're trying to get a full room going just for a laugh, try to relax", cue two of them giving of massive about "allowing kids to race with stabalizers (sic)" and they quit, deleted off list, the whole lot.

Some people need to remember that its just a game.

Needless to say, people driving backwards and deliberate wrecking is idiocy.

I don't know if some of you have noticed, but I usually host a lounge called "Cruising & Driving" on the Top Gear Test Track. If you've been there you may have noticed two light blue Lamborghini's of which belong to me and a friend. Some people rain on our specialty but this guy was a joke..

We were just parking in the corner of the track, where we usually do. And a user came along and parked in front of us, and proceeded to say "Stupid". He then tried to ram into us so we both paused, he went through the invisible cars and hit the wall and said "Can't you damage them or something" I told him to leave, then he replied "I didn't know the Queen played GT5"

I'm not sure what his intention was. He really didn't like us parking and said we were showing off, sometimes we grab the wrong attention it seems... :boggled:

Here it is in the real world..

Yeah I've joined one of your rooms in the past- is great fun.

ON TOPIC- The worst I've dealt with online is when I joined a Free Run and Trade room today. I got in, then the host just randomly kicked me! The title was Free Run & Tradeing. It wasn't a Friends Only room, I'm boggled as to why I got kicked in the first place..
So you want to Race clean, fair but you want it to be exciting "yeah" then you should join us , simply put the best experience you will ever have online
(racing) that is, I can promise you some great clean events, and still keep it fast and hard! (i'm speaking of the racing again)

Want, Need, Fast, Fair, Hard, Race, all four letter words that will indeed improve your lap times, your tuning ability and your competitiveness!

Come Join M8s racing!

Yes you should drop me a submission in reply

Regards U-VeryVeryBadMan

PSN: reference.
The worst I've ever dealt with while online was definitely <removed by mod> when he painted his RS6 Avant in pink...


Comment to Mod: it was a joke!! :dunce:
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Last night I had a Forza fanboy come into my room and I had to kick him five minutes after he came in. Worst experience ever.:crazy:

Is liking another game such an offense? Or would you like to tell us what he actually did to warrant being kicked? Unless of course, that was it? :scared:
Is liking another game such an offense? Or would you like to tell us what he actually did to warrant being kicked? Unless of course, that was it? :scared:

The reason he's known as a Forza fanboy probably because he kept trash talking GT5 while sucking at it, thus getting kicked.
I haven't really dealt with too many bad racers. A lot of times around the ring (spend most of my online time at some variation of the Nordschliefe) i usually end up going around the track with another racer and if i spin out he/she usually slows down/stops to wait for me to catch up and vice versa. Had a few people say 'Nice race' before leaving. :)

Worst i've seen was probably last night on SSR7. About 12-16 players on the track doing drag racing through the second tunnel. Quite often a race would be started at either end and result in massive head on collisions. I didn't really mind though, was fun. :P
Okay so I was in this championship that this guy named <removed by mod>, who turns out to be an 🤬, was hosting. He said to yesterday make teams for the race and I made a team with this kid named <removed by mod>, who also turns out to be an 🤬. Then during the race, this pile of crap named <removed by mod> says that he is on my team when I clearly made a team with <removed by mod> and <removed by mod> was in the room when I did. I tell him about yesterday and he says I was bull----ing. I still continue to ram him as he proceeds to call me a d--che, dummy, stupid, and a fa---t. After the race he tells dread to kick me and I told him to 1v1 me and he said no. If anyone is in a room with jimkhana tell him you saw this post and tell him I'll delete it if he 1v1s me, even though I won't ;).
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I definitely won't be joining a room with you, calm down on the anger....Ramming him because he was talking dirty makes you look worse than him. Actions are actions and words are just that, words! I'd have kicked you for making such a fuss about it....and naming people is frowned upon on GTP (pretty sure it is anyway).
Had a few more problems yesterday, someone called me a racist name of which is sadly used to refer to black people. I'm not sure why but someone had a problem with the fact I always park in one spot, oh and always drive my favourite car. That made him think I was black and he started to call me names. To be honest, I knew a lot of the people in the lounge and they started to call him, ending in one big fight. Eventually I just kicked everyone and continued to cruise in my Al Thani Lamborghini SV. Waiting for the lovers, and the haters, interesting days.....

What paint did you use for the SV?
I find Americans that have Nascar lounges open are really bad. They always feel the need to spin you out on the corners if you dare make a dash for first place.

I don't mean to offend all Americans but if you're one of those donkeys that does this, you really need to learn some manners. Can't race fair? Get off the game. Yet in a Nascar room of Euros or Aussies I've never had a problem.
I definitely won't be joining a room with you, calm down on the anger....Ramming him because he was talking dirty makes you look worse than him. Actions are actions and words are just that, words! I'd have kicked you for making such a fuss about it....and naming people is frowned upon on GTP (pretty sure it is anyway).

This. If someones giving me crap, I'll most of the time just ignore them, I'll mute the mic, yell a few censored words to let my rage out, unmute the mic and go back to racing. Retaliation just makes it worse. (Learnt that from COD)
Just joined a room a friend set up, get into the first race and I get consistently rammed...whats with people who can't drive? Seriously...
Sloth rammers, that's the problem.

Okay so I was in this championship that this guy named <removed by mod>, who turns out to be an 🤬, was hosting. He said to yesterday make teams for the race and I made a team with this kid named <removed by mod>, who also turns out to be an 🤬. Then during the race, this pile of crap named <removed by mod> says that he is on my team when I clearly made a team with <removed by mod> and <removed by mod> was in the room when I did. I tell him about yesterday and he says I was bull----ing. I still continue to ram him as he proceeds to call me a d--che, dummy, stupid, and a fa---t. After the race he tells dread to kick me and I told him to 1v1 me and he said no. If anyone is in a room with <removed by mod> tell him you saw this post and tell him I'll delete it if he 1v1s me, even though I won't ;).

Good read.

1v1? Teams? What the hell are you playing? This ain't no shooter, sit down.
Also, no name posting.
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I find Americans that have Nascar lounges open are really bad. They always feel the need to spin you out on the corners if you dare make a dash for first place.

I don't mean to offend all Americans but if you're one of those donkeys that does this, you really need to learn some manners. Can't race fair? Get off the game. Yet in a Nascar room of Euros or Aussies I've never had a problem.

I'm from the US and I usually race clean, but I find this ironic that foreign rooms host cleaner NASCAR racing rooms than US rooms :/
Okay so I was in this championship that this guy named <removed by mod>, who turns out to be an 🤬, was hosting. He said to yesterday make teams for the race and I made a team with this kid named <removed by mod>, who also turns out to be an 🤬. Then during the race, this pile of crap named <removed by mod> says that he is on my team when I clearly made a team with <removed by mod> and <removed by mod> was in the room when I did. I tell him about yesterday and he says I was bull----ing. I still continue to ram him as he proceeds to call me a d--che, dummy, stupid, and a fa---t. After the race he tells dread to kick me and I told him to 1v1 me and he said no. If anyone is in a room with <removed by mod> tell him you saw this post and tell him I'll delete it if he 1v1s me, even though I won't ;).

Why not put them on your block list it's a bit easier on your online life.:)
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yesterday, raced the cleanest race of my life in a shuffle room w 14 ppl.. statrted 1st ended up 2nd... my first race in this room mind, you.. & before the race the leader(<removed by mod>)spilled out about 10 messages, do this get kicked, do that get kicked. ultra clean room he says totally braggart-like. So totally on a power trip, just salivating to kick someone. After the race get i kicked by <removed by mod>(<- d-bag) for supposedly being dirty, even tho i was not, and when i asked him to explain, he couldn't.. just said 'my room my rules'... totally a BS move just because i got 2nd and he'd been getting 12th - 16th place all day. So i lit him up with every dirty message i could fathom he deserved and if he happens to stumble into one of my rooms he'll get the golden boot so quick it'll make his head spin. Fart-off <removed by mod>.
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Tonight, 4 laps of Nurburgring, mostly at night. Final lap only three of us left. Host is 3rd, in sight of me, and I'm 18secs behind the leader. Host quits and proceeds to kick me, and the guy in first....I was not a happy bunny :(,
Shame because it was a very good, intense race, in pre-90s cars, and I wanted to see if I could finish behind the lead rally car within the time limit. Felt like a waste of half an hour.
Sent the guy a half-hearted angry message, but I don't let stuff that happens, in the online part of this game bug me anymore. Not worth it.
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That is people just being butt hurt.

I got kicked out of a free run room on Nurburgring after driving for 10 secs on the track. Sent the host a message asking why. He told me it was a Japan only cars (eventho it said nothing about being Japan only) and he doesn't like Mercedes and that his Supra could easily beat it. I told him lets find out since by the looks of it his driving was horrible. Still haven't heard from him, but I know his name and when that time comes for the Mercedes to run Nurburgring it will be ready.
yesterday, raced the cleanest race of my life in a shuffle room w 14 ppl.. started 1st ended up 2nd... my first race in this room mind, you.. & before the race the leader(<removed by mod>)spilled out about 10 messages, do this get kicked, do that get kicked. ultra clean room he says totally braggart-like. So totally on a power trip, just salivating to kick someone. After the race get i kicked by <removed by mod>(<- d-bag) for supposedly being dirty, even tho i was not, and when i asked him to explain, he couldn't.. just said 'my room my rules'... totally a BS move just because i got 2nd and he'd been getting 12th - 16th place all day. So i lit him up with every dirty message i could fathom he deserved and if he happens to stumble into one of my rooms he'll get the golden boot so quick it'll make his head spin. Fart-off <removed by mod>.

Yeah, I meet up with him the other day. Total jerk. All driving help was off and no penalties for some reason, and I politely asked him to turn help on to make sure to keep it clean, like everyone else does. Also, I suck without driving help. I kept spinning out on the first turn because someone pushed me, and it was a clean room then too. After the third race, I had addressed him that I was bumped in text so EVERYONE saw it. The person who bumped me then said I was lagging. I was not. I have perfect connection. I had slid around the turn and had slid the outer edge so I would be out of the way. I ended up going inside, after I regained control. I was then PIT'ed into the wall. If they had seen the replay, They would have seen I spun out. Also, everyone everyone else was agreeing with me that Help should be turned on. I even tried to convince him that if they get turned on, I would lose every single race on purpose.
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yesterday, raced the cleanest race of my life in a shuffle room w 14 ppl.. statrted 1st ended up 2nd... my first race in this room mind, you.. & before the race the leader(<removed by mod>)spilled out about 10 messages, do this get kicked, do that get kicked. ultra clean room he says totally braggart-like. So totally on a power trip, just salivating to kick someone. After the race get i kicked by <removed by mod>(<- d-bag) for supposedly being dirty, even tho i was not, and when i asked him to explain, he couldn't.. just said 'my room my rules'... totally a BS move just because i got 2nd and he'd been getting 12th - 16th place all day. So i lit him up with every dirty message i could fathom he deserved and if he happens to stumble into one of my rooms he'll get the golden boot so quick it'll make his head spin. Fart-off <removed by mod>.

I was in a trade room with him long ago. He was the host who wanted my 787B. He said what i want for it, i said a Mark IV. He said no & kicked me.:grumpy:
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