Worst you've dealt with online...

  • Thread starter Tommy_861
Ever gotten rear ended by an X2010 and then been told you can't drive for it? (while in an Audi R8.....) I mean.... :banghead:

I just kick anyone in a Red Bull. Why? Well, 1.They are a tribute to Vettel. 2.I know i will always get troll'd on by these 8 yr old ignorant ***hats. 3.They always drown out the great engine sounds over its annoying fan!:ouch:
Every free run room.

"Hmmmmm... Even though everyone is driving fast cars around this track, I think I will take my car, drive the wrong way, and start drifting. They can just avoid me."
White & Nerdy
No one above the age of 8 thinks lime green and pink look good together.

I used this combo on a California in a 50 lap Spa enduro... The intent was to look ridonkulous and it worked brilliantly :lol:

But does it look good?? HELL NO! It was hideous! :scared:
I haven't raced online in about 3 weeks now, (been busy with my iRACING leagues) and I gotta tell ya, my life as been pretty stress free. Can't believe how many idiots play online in this game.

AMEN!!!! Find some good racers and stay far away from the open lobby as you can.
I don't have any recently from GT5, but I have one from NFS Hot Pursuit earlier today. The guy's username was that of a fairly well known actor in various westerns, and he was constantly talking like so: "mother:censored:ing this, mother:censored:ing that, spiel about the advantages of being AMURICAN, verbal abuse, repeat."

He could only understand part of what I said (apparently I had horrble mic-lag, though I heard him just fine), and so liked to say stuff like "I can't understand you. I don't speak b:censored:h. Are you foreign or are you AMERICAN?" and on he went.

When he said that, I'd just beaten him quite soundly (I pwn at that game), so I said "you sure don't drive American!"

It didn't shut him up.
Let me just say that racing online with a wheel is not a good recipe for having an entertaining night of racing.

While the wheel certainly provides a huge increased measure in handling capabilities with cars on lower-spec tires and will let you walk away from anyone should you get in front of the pack... ultimately it's all moot the second someone tries to pass you as if you were a bot.

You just cannot compete with the reactions and total control in most cases. If I had a DS3 and someone was trying to spin me out, I could react and retaliate if need be. But if I have a wheel (G27) I can only hold on and try to keep the car straight.

Online racing can seriously suck if the host is incompetent. I've found that if the host is vigilant and the rules are made clear to everyone, it can be a lot of fun.. but just sitting back and letting people do as they wish is a recipe for a crappy room.
Probably the most annoying races ive ever encoutered are on Route X. For example, I was in a room yesterday titled, unsurprisingly, Top Speed, so I took out one of my many Veyrons to see how it would match against others in the lobby. Surprise surprise, 2 morons join the track in the X2010 & X2011.

So then the room owner decided to start a race. Not good. On lap 2 the morons figured out their cars were not quick enough, so they decided, using the Red Bull's superior grip, to bash the Veyrons & Cien's to kingdom come. And typically, half the 🤬 field was wiped out of a race that was actually pretty close until that point. Really hate trollers like that. At least when they tried to take me out they spun themselves out. Really getting sick of this on Route X :banghead:
The most memorable online racing experience was against someone in a Camaro SS '10 RM with no traction control who was smoking the tires and weaving all over the track out of control, even down the straights. They kept ramming into me for several laps "accidentally" but c'mon people, really? I got sick of him crashing into me, it got to the point where they really didn't seem to care that I was becoming their bashing pad so I punted him way off into the grass. 5 seconds later I got kicked out of the room. Lots of worse experiences but for some reason this one sticks out the most LOL
Probably the most annoying races ive ever encoutered are on Route X. For example, I was in a room yesterday titled, unsurprisingly, Top Speed, so I took out one of my many Veyrons to see how it would match against others in the lobby. Surprise surprise, 2 morons join the track in the X2010 & X2011.

So then the room owner decided to start a race. Not good. On lap 2 the morons figured out their cars were not quick enough, so they decided, using the Red Bull's superior grip, to bash the Veyrons & Cien's to kingdom come. And typically, half the 🤬 field was wiped out of a race that was actually pretty close until that point. Really hate trollers like that. At least when they tried to take me out they spun themselves out. Really getting sick of this on Route X :banghead:

I have never tried the 2 as I dont have a veyron. What is the top speed of an x2011 and a veyron on route X?

Worst I have dealt with was a guy swearing at me because he didnt join the track when I started the race despite giving everyone 5 minuites of practice and he didn't tell me he was AFK.
Joined a room and my welcome message is 'Bunga Bunga Stig', in reference to the Stigs Italian cousin on Top Gear, as soon as it's shown a guy puts in a message saying 'bunga bunga your father'. I replied calmly with 'That's not needed' and he then go's '**** off you gay Jewish ****'. Then his friend host kicks me... I knew trolls were bad but DAMN!
I was hosting a "450pp Clean Racing" lobby last night when some rude drivers showed up. I had it on reverse grid so that I could monitor things as I worked through the field. Until this race, penalties weren't necessary, but after realizing the driver of the GTR was using other cars for braking I felt it necessary to dish out some of his own medicine.

Those of you who get pissed at rough drivers online will have a hoot. Just keep your eyes on the GTR. Ramming someone in the chicane = getting beached by the host on the next turn. Afterward, watch how I dominate a trio of tuner S2000s in my relatively slow Nissan Fairlady. The Fairlady has lots of grip so making use of exit speed was the only way to get an edge on the much faster S2000s. Race is cut short but I won with a 2.5 second gap.

I was just in a muscle drag room with my Shelby cobra. Some whiney guy got mad because I mutilated his precious corvette and told me to get out of my cobra. I asked why is it not a muscle car. He said no its an exotic and called me a dirty Spanish name and had his friend kick me. I do believe a corvette is considered a sports/supercar. He was just hurt because I had the faster car.
The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines muscle cars as "any of a group of American-made 2-door sports coupes with powerful engines designed for high-performance driving." Usually, a large V8 engine is fitted in a 2-door, rear wheel drive, family-style mid-size or full-size car designed for four or more passengers.

You were both wrong. It's a drag room, what more could you expect.
That isn't the point of that meme. It would be:

Rams you in clean race

Actually waits for you to get back on track

Too true. He needed the "Scumbag Steve" meme for that one to work or at least the hat on a GT5 racer. :lol:

Good Guy Greg would never kick anybody. ;)

After reading through this thread again, it really makes me happy that I have more than enough PSN friends to race against and very rarely have to enter a public room. ;)
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The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines muscle cars as "any of a group of American-made 2-door sports coupes with powerful engines designed for high-performance driving." Usually, a large V8 engine is fitted in a 2-door, rear wheel drive, family-style mid-size or full-size car designed for four or more passengers.

You were both wrong. It's a drag room, what more could you expect.

That's odd because I was watching the show American Muscle Car and it featured it as one of the baddest muscle cars ever produced. When the muscle car craze started in the 60's they would take a big block engine and put it into the lightest car they produced. Carol Shelby had the body to the cobras imported from England to put the 289 into. He made some of them with 427 side oilers to take on the corvettes and ferraris.
It is common to use the term muscle car for any classic from the 50's through the 70's. The Corvette was a sports car with racing heritage. The Shelby Cobra was a race car sold as a sports car designed to beat the Corvette. Muscle cars were the poor man's version of the sports car. They needed to haul their family around so it wasn't like they were going to buy a 2-seater. Most of the cars that younger generations think are muscle cars were never considered to be at the time. Ask anyone that grew up during that era and they could clearly describe a sports car, a pony car, and a muscle car. Calling a Camaro or Mustang a muscle car is one thing, but claiming the Cobra is a muscle car is an insult. The car was about more than muscle. It was about performance. It doesn't surprise me that a TV show got it wrong. The Cobra was one of the baddest "cars" ever produced. There is no need to tack on "muscle" to give it clout. It could trounce any muscle car of the era because it was in fact, not a muscle car. It was a race car.
It is common to use the term muscle car for any classic from the 50's through the 70's. The Corvette was a sports car with racing heritage. The Shelby Cobra was a race car sold as a sports car designed to beat the Corvette. Muscle cars were the poor man's version of the sports car. They needed to haul their family around so it wasn't like they were going to buy a 2-seater. Most of the cars that younger generations think are muscle cars were never considered to be at the time. Ask anyone that grew up during that era and they could clearly describe a sports car, a pony car, and a muscle car. Calling a Camaro or Mustang a muscle car is one thing, but claiming the Cobra is a muscle car is an insult. The car was about more than muscle. It was about performance. It doesn't surprise me that a TV show got it wrong. The Cobra was one of the baddest "cars" ever produced. There is no need to tack on "muscle" to give it clout. It could trounce any muscle car of the era because it was in fact, not a muscle car. It was a race car.

I concede defeat. And nice spinaltap reference in your profile image. The Shelby is my favorite car in the game and my dream car in real life. I have spent extensive time. In the game tuning for both racing and drag racing. The point of my original post os that the guy was mad at me for beating him. He was a sore loser. He was driving. A corvette c6 z06 in a muscle drag room. He singled me out because I wasn't in a muscle car. Mine was at least from the same era.
Eh, for the best probably. He probably would have kicked you for some other reason even if you were in a Dodge Charger.
That's odd because I was watching the show American Muscle Car and it featured it as one of the baddest muscle cars ever produced. When the muscle car craze started in the 60's they would take a big block engine and put it into the lightest car they produced. Carol Shelby had the body to the cobras imported from England to put the 289 into. He made some of them with 427 side oilers to take on the corvettes and ferraris.

Turn off Netflix and read a book.

I suggest you start with the Shelby Registry.

The rolling chassis/body was from the AC Ace, and he started with the 260, not the 289.

Even the GT350s and GT500s were never initially intended to be muscle cars. They were to be race cars. Ford marketing marketed them as muscle cars until the Boss and Mach 1 were in full swing and Ford felt they could distance themselves from Shelby.
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Turn off Netflix and read a book.

I suggest you start with the Shelby Registry.

The rolling chassis/body was from the AC Ace, and he started with the 260, not the 289.

Wow way to be a jerk. I was saying you were right. I know that they started with a 260 ford motor. They had plans to use a 221 ford motor but never received one. Ac wanted to put in a 334 cubic inch chrysler engine in the ac ace body in 61 but weren't ably to use it. So they used the ford zephyr engine (2.6l) then Carrol Shelby contacted ac and asked them to modify an ace to accept the ford v8. You should get off your high horse and stop having such a bad attitude. So I made a mistake..sorry I can't be like you oh mighty god of gtplanet.
None of them are. But the problem was not the cars, it was the lobby. The people obviously had their own idea of what a muscle car was and you simply weren't welcome. What more can you expect from a drag room? Try some road racing lobbies restricted to muscle cars and you'll find a more adult audience to race with. ...but it will be difficult to keep up in the Cobra.