Worst you've dealt with online...

  • Thread starter Tommy_861
I done like 10 nascar races online (or atleast i tried).
2days ago, we where starting 35laps on the oval.
And before the first lap even ends. i get pitted by some moron.
Damaging my car and make me go to the pits.
I wasnt the only one who got pitted either as 6 other racers needed repairs.
Then about 15 laps later, (got 3 times pitted in the proces).
Im about to pass the guy in the 2nd place.
Im passing him nice and clean from the outside.
And all of a sudden, he swervs right towards me hitting my front wheels. while hes laughing tru his mic.
Spinning me out and damaging my car.
Thats when i said, **** this. im never playing online nascar or any races again.
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I done like 10 nascar races online (or atleast i tried).
2days ago, we where starting 35laps on the oval.
And before the first lap even ends. i get pitted by some moron.
Damaging my car and make me go to the pits.
I wasnt the only one who got pitted either as 6 other races needed repairs.
Then about 15 laps later, (got 3 times pitted in the proces).
Im about to pass the guy in the 2nd place.
Im passing him nice and clean from the outside.
And all of a sudden, he swervs right towards me hitting my front wheels. while hes laughing tru his mic.
Spinning me out and damaging my car.
Thats when i said, **** this. im never playing online nascar or any races again.

With that kind of attitude the only result will be less and less decent drivers online...so just find a different room and keep going! Everyone will meet a tool sooner or later, but don't make a big deal out of it and move on.
That's nothing. I live in Tasmania, and if anyone from Australia is reading this, you will know what I'm talking about...

I loled pretty hard at this sorry, had a mate i went to school with from tassy and i DEFINATLEY know what you mean lol.
Im tired of being kicked for nothing. My list includes

-Not talking enough in a mic only room
-Talking too much
-Being too young
-Pitting a guy (even though he blazed down the corner into me)
-Using the X2010
-Using the Midget
-Stating that the M3 was overated in a british room (God, i never knew i was a "Fatass yank that should go f@#$%& kill my self" because i have a valid opinion)
-Using my MGS2 Raiden Soundboard (Ok, justified kick)
- Spinning out once in a drifting room in front of the host
-My name brettfavre26 (even though i dispise the man)
-Saying the packers would beat the the atlanta falcons:dopey:
-Using a DS3(Pre-Christmas)
-Using a DFGT(Post-Christmas)

God its hard to enjoy rooms anymore constantly being worried about being kicked

Getting some of this too. I mainly race lower powered cars. Im not saying im brilliant but I have a wheel and shift and sometimes Im faster than other people. The other night I was in a room with Calsonics and the like and Im driving a Standard Subaru Impreza WRX STI at about 250 bhp (ish). One guy is pretty good in his Calsonic Skyline and he wins and Im only a second behind in my standard Scoob. The rest of the field is like 4 seconds behind. Im pretty happy with my result and what do I get for my decent performance? A boot! Is it me or is that unsporting? Its not like Im trying to patronise people I just want a decent race.

What really annoys me though is I take a lower powered car to guage the field and end up last. I get booted. I take an Equal Car and destroy the field I get booted!

I think some people set up rooms then Kick anyone that wins or they see driving well in a lower powered car and maybe a threat.
The other night I was in a room with Calsonics and the like and Im driving a Standard Subaru Impreza WRX STI at about 250 bhp (ish). One guy is pretty good in his Calsonic Skyline and he wins and Im only a second behind in my standard Scoob. The rest of the field is like 4 seconds behind. Im pretty happy with my result and what do I get for my decent performance? A boot! Is it me or is that unsporting? Its not like Im trying to patronise people I just want a decent race.


Well if you're in a room wiht superGT cars and you take a Subi Impreza no wonder you get kicked. I would kick you too.
The funniest was once when me and someone else was racing in a bugatti, neck and neck at the straight when he decided to try pitting me, bumped into me and he span out LOL
Well if you're in a room wiht superGT cars and you take a Subi Impreza no wonder you get kicked. I would kick you too.

This is what I dont get. Why Kick Me if im able to compete fairly? It would probably the same if I went into the same room with Super Gt and won by 10 seconds. Boot. My point is its unsporting. There isnt a Min BHP level.
I've played COD, but their mostly little kids, so I can understand. But this guy's voice was like he was in his 30's~ and acting like a dipsh-t.

I have to jump in on this comment here. Yeah there are jerks in every game, but here I notice the distinct lack of the high pitched teenage voice that I found in other games. So that means we have a large abundance of "adults" who act just like their teenage counterparts, just in a more grown up game.
Was racing with some clean and good racers around the 'Ring when the room started to get full. Penalties were set at nil and mechanical damage was set to zero for the race, we had a full grid.

Immediately, a few of the guys started blocking the track, ramming into others, driving the wrong way and cutting corners:ouch:

The previous host (understandably) left after the "race" leaving me as the host. At first, I though to kick out all those I've seen misbehaving, instead I decided to set penalties to Strong and Mechanical damage to low.

Plan Successful: before the first lap of the race ended, a third of the grid dropped out, leaving only the good racers:tup:
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in some races it took a while, but lately i get pitted out before the first corner :irked:
ill name and shame a few:
M-Constantine or M_Constantine (GB) << likes to pick on one person in the race, causes accidents, forces everyone into the wall, etc. after an altercation in a previous race i was about to let him through in the next untill he decided to mouth off on the headset at which point the red mist decended and I decided to brake test him several times and pull away.

Frakka (FRA) or something like that << uses lag as his alibi but he knows fullwell what he's doing in barging people off at the 1st corner and indeed using the lag to his advantage to make himself unpassable

MPower_5764 (GB) or something along those lines << does the same as Constantine, they seem to work as a pair in acting like d**ks

Barzi (ITA) << a genuine race wrecker, weaves side to side, positions himself in the middle of the track and rams everyone against the wall... thanks to reverse grid and this moron, I ended up 7th in a race where i'd set the fastest lap by a clear 2secs, he'll then decide to swear in Italian over headset.

Caltex (ESP) << will practice with a normal car that matches everyone else, then when the race countdown appears he exits and changes car to a Dodge Hemi and lurks around slower corners to ram people.

Dartanian1965 (GRK) << complete and utter bum orifice, will appear to be a good driver but then will use BTCC tactics to 'Plato' everyone off the road, and usually cuts all chicanes.

Tommy_861 (USA/GB cant remember) << same as Barzi
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and indeed using the lag to his advantage to make himself unpassable
that really sucks online, in a race at cote d'azur i had one guy in front, going slow then speeding up again, when you think you're past he pops up right in front of me, really annoying
Tommy_861 (USA/GB cant remember) << same as Barzi

ME? When and where? What was driving? I always apologize if I cause any damage, and I never swerve (unless I'm out of control and then I don't have much of a choice.). I don't even recognize your PSN.
ME? When and where? What was driving? I always apologize if I cause any damage, and I never swerve (unless I'm out of control and then I don't have much of a choice.). I don't even recognize your PSN.

brainfade your PM box is full I can't reply to you
Ok So knowing full well im going to get flamed something severly im going to tell you about my worst/funniest experiance online.

Joined a room last night in a modified dodge challenger, it was to be a 3 lap race of monza and i was free running it in the mean time.

So this sweedish dude joins the room in a Zonda R and i can see that his already being a douche before the race has even started, then it was almost as if he just had a target on me for the whole time, ramming me into walls, running me of the track, driving ahead and blocking me & others & just general douchebaggery.

I was pretty pissed so i rolled a joint & had a smoke while still free running it, i saw in the chat that the room owner was getting ready to start the race so I quickly jumped out, Jumped into my X1 and got back into the track just before the start race warning came on.

Once the race started my only mission in life at that point was to mess with the Swedish Guy & his Zonda R to the point of no return, I was running him of the track something severe, didnt even let him past the first chicane, When ever the other cars would be comming near i would always push him to the side & clear the track for them.

This whole time this Sweedish dude is screaming his brains out at me yelling all sorts of abuse & im just sitting there doing the stoner laugh & ring a friend to tell him to listen to this s**t, Was pretty epic cause he sounded like a 13 yr old or something something. All i was siging to him in the mic was "I wanna get Highhhhhhhhhhh sooooooooo Highhhhhhh"

let the flaming begin!
After reading this thread I decided to have a go online and everybodies lovely ,not once did I get pitted (or cut someone up and wondered why I spun) I was playing some Nascar and people were working in teams to bump draft their pack up to the one in front discussing the race being friendly ,etc GT5 has he best community in a racing game I've experienced on the PS3.
I was in this NASCAR room and the host (I assume it was the host) was some loud mouth who never stopped talking and every other word out of his mouth was the N-word.

I left right away.

Mel Gibson?
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So there was a "Free Run" on the Nurburgring ...everything was nice and dandy, THEN, this guy enters in his X1 and starts crashing in to people (including me), not letting them get through what so ever!!

We all had low powered cars compared to the "quick-as-hell" X1, so when we'd tried to run away ...he would catch up no problem.

I decided to use my NSX RM, great car, and at the time he was AFTER ME!! He would wait at the entrance of the pit for me to get out and chase me.

....he had no driving skills, I did, I got more than half way of the Nurburgring before he finally caught up and got me stuck.

I have to admit, it was kinda fun, I was biting my teeth and looking in my rear view mirror the whole time (he was bouncing off the walls the whole way, lol)

...Good Times.
Ok So knowing full well im going to get flamed something severly im going to tell you about my worst/funniest experiance online.

Joined a room last night in a modified dodge challenger, it was to be a 3 lap race of monza and i was free running it in the mean time.

So this sweedish dude joins the room in a Zonda R and i can see that his already being a douche before the race has even started, then it was almost as if he just had a target on me for the whole time, ramming me into walls, running me of the track, driving ahead and blocking me & others & just general douchebaggery.

I was pretty pissed so i rolled a joint & had a smoke while still free running it, i saw in the chat that the room owner was getting ready to start the race so I quickly jumped out, Jumped into my X1 and got back into the track just before the start race warning came on.

Once the race started my only mission in life at that point was to mess with the Swedish Guy & his Zonda R to the point of no return, I was running him of the track something severe, didnt even let him past the first chicane, When ever the other cars would be comming near i would always push him to the side & clear the track for them.

This whole time this Sweedish dude is screaming his brains out at me yelling all sorts of abuse & im just sitting there doing the stoner laugh & ring a friend to tell him to listen to this s**t, Was pretty epic cause he sounded like a 13 yr old or something something. All i was siging to him in the mic was "I wanna get Highhhhhhhhhhh sooooooooo Highhhhhhh"

let the flaming begin!

I mess around in free run too if the host decides to hold off on starting the race, but never in the actual race. That makes you worse than then the swede.
They should have matchmaking set up like this:

The game sees how well you drive, how often you eat it, how often you oversteer or understeer, how often your in the dirt, and your breaking habits. It uses those to average out your driving skills, including your use of assists, and what cars you're good with and what cars you're not. It uses that data to match you with players of the same status.

And people can look at your profile and see your driving rating. Range from Beginner, Novice, Expert, to Pro. And will even rate you as "Dirty" if you have bad driving manners with either AI or other players.
They should have matchmaking set up like this:

The game sees how well you drive, how often you eat it, how often you oversteer or understeer, how often your in the dirt, and your breaking habits. It uses those to average out your driving skills, including your use of assists, and what cars you're good with and what cars you're not. It uses that data to match you with players of the same status.

And people can look at your profile and see your driving rating. Range from Beginner, Novice, Expert, to Pro. And will even rate you as "Dirty" if you have bad driving manners with either AI or other players.

More simpler than that, why not create a more traditional "shooter" setup, where you have wins/losses stats. Go to a points system, where say a first place i a ranked race gives you 20 pts, 2nd gives you 18, third gives you 16 and so on. You gain level after reaching certain amount of points.
So there was a "Free Run" on the Nurburgring ...everything was nice and dandy, THEN, this guy enters in his X1 and starts crashing in to people (including me), not letting them get through what so ever!!

We all had low powered cars compared to the "quick-as-hell" X1, so when we'd tried to run away ...he would catch up no problem.

I decided to use my NSX RM, great car, and at the time he was AFTER ME!! He would wait at the entrance of the pit for me to get out and chase me.

....he had no driving skills, I did, I got more than half way of the Nurburgring before he finally caught up and got me stuck.

I have to admit, it was kinda fun, I was biting my teeth and looking in my rear view mirror the whole time (he was bouncing off the walls the whole way, lol)

...Good Times.

Hehe like a big dog chasing after a little animal.
Ok So knowing full well im going to get flamed something severly im going to tell you about my worst/funniest experiance online.

Joined a room last night in a modified dodge challenger, it was to be a 3 lap race of monza and i was free running it in the mean time.

So this sweedish dude joins the room in a Zonda R and i can see that his already being a douche before the race has even started, then it was almost as if he just had a target on me for the whole time, ramming me into walls, running me of the track, driving ahead and blocking me & others & just general douchebaggery.

I was pretty pissed so i rolled a joint & had a smoke while still free running it, i saw in the chat that the room owner was getting ready to start the race so I quickly jumped out, Jumped into my X1 and got back into the track just before the start race warning came on.

Once the race started my only mission in life at that point was to mess with the Swedish Guy & his Zonda R to the point of no return, I was running him of the track something severe, didnt even let him past the first chicane, When ever the other cars would be comming near i would always push him to the side & clear the track for them.

This whole time this Sweedish dude is screaming his brains out at me yelling all sorts of abuse & im just sitting there doing the stoner laugh & ring a friend to tell him to listen to this s**t, Was pretty epic cause he sounded like a 13 yr old or something something. All i was siging to him in the mic was "I wanna get Highhhhhhhhhhh sooooooooo Highhhhhhh"

let the flaming begin!

It's payback time.
ill name and shame a few:
M-Constantine or M_Constantine (GB) << likes to pick on one person in the race, causes accidents, forces everyone into the wall, etc. after an altercation in a previous race i was about to let him through in the next untill he decided to mouth off on the headset at which point the red mist decended and I decided to brake test him several times and pull away.

Frakka (FRA) or something like that << uses lag as his alibi but he knows fullwell what he's doing in barging people off at the 1st corner and indeed using the lag to his advantage to make himself unpassable

MPower_5764 (GB) or something along those lines << does the same as Constantine, they seem to work as a pair in acting like d**ks

Barzi (ITA) << a genuine race wrecker, weaves side to side, positions himself in the middle of the track and rams everyone against the wall... thanks to reverse grid and this moron, I ended up 7th in a race where i'd set the fastest lap by a clear 2secs, he'll then decide to swear in Italian over headset.

Caltex (ESP) << will practice with a normal car that matches everyone else, then when the race countdown appears he exits and changes car to a Dodge Hemi and lurks around slower corners to ram people.

Dartanian1965 (GRK) << complete and utter bum orifice, will appear to be a good driver but then will use BTCC tactics to 'Plato' everyone off the road, and usually cuts all chicanes.

Tommy_861 (USA/GB cant remember) << same as Barzi

Awesome. You remember theirs psns.
I finally managed to regulate all the players in a lobby and we had like five cars that could hang with each other the whole race. Now we actually have matched cars people can't handle not winning and your cars are around each other the whole time. What ended up happening was guys would draft right up the backside of you untill you get to the corner where you would be sent careering off.
How can this be stopped? I play with penalties on strong but half the time I get hit from behind I get penalised?
Will turning damage on be the magical cure that causes racers to respect the car in front? I assume damage to the front of your car would be worse then damage to the rear?