Worst you've dealt with online...

  • Thread starter Tommy_861
So there was a "Free Run" on the Nurburgring ...everything was nice and dandy, THEN, this guy enters in his X1 and starts crashing in to people (including me), not letting them get through what so ever!!

We all had low powered cars compared to the "quick-as-hell" X1, so when we'd tried to run away ...he would catch up no problem.

I decided to use my NSX RM, great car, and at the time he was AFTER ME!! He would wait at the entrance of the pit for me to get out and chase me.

....he had no driving skills, I did, I got more than half way of the Nurburgring before he finally caught up and got me stuck.

I have to admit, it was kinda fun, I was biting my teeth and looking in my rear view mirror the whole time (he was bouncing off the walls the whole way, lol)

...Good Times.

Thats how duplicating X2010s to n00bs wrecks online games.
This is what I dont get. Why Kick Me if im able to compete fairly? It would probably the same if I went into the same room with Super Gt and won by 10 seconds. Boot. My point is its unsporting. There isnt a Min BHP level.

Well if you want to have your own set of rules it's up to you honestly, make a room and do whatever you like. However if you enter a room you kinda agree to respect the room owner, at least that's how I see. So if you see everyone using SuperGT, you use a SuperGT car, or go find another room there's plenty of unlimited room where you can use w/e you like.

Again respect is very important in online gaming as well as in life.
Ahhh, nooooo. That's a result of not setting properly lobby limitations.

Except that its basically impossible to exclude the X2010 if you want to include the fastest other cars in the game. Also duping n00bs aren't only using X2010s, they have FGTs and other high end cars. There is no way to catch em all.
This idiot said that brown people cannot race, hence why Indian people can't compete in F1.

During the race I argued with him that if they can't compete why do they have their own team, not just drivers, competing in F1.

He went on to say that doesn't mean they are good.

I replied good or not, at least they can say we tried our hand at F1 instead of sitting on our asses and claiming who can and who can't make it in F1.

And for good measure, after the race, which I won by the way, I revealed to him that I'm Indian and bid him a good day.:)

My friend could not stop crying from the laughter.
Except that its basically impossible to exclude the X2010 if you want to include the fastest other cars in the game. Also duping n00bs aren't only using X2010s, they have FGTs and other high end cars. There is no way to catch em all.

The X2010 has what, 1500-bhp? How about a ceiling limit of say 850~900 hp?
This idiot said that brown people cannot race, hence why Indian people can't compete in F1.

During the race I argued with him that if they can't compete why do they have their own team, not just drivers, competing in F1.

He went on to say that doesn't mean they are good.

I replied good or not, at least they can say we tried our hand at F1 instead of sitting on our asses and claiming who can and who can't make it in F1.

And for good measure, after the race, which I won by the way, I revealed to him that I'm Indian and bid him a good day.:)

My friend could not stop crying from the laughter.

Your Indian? By that do you mean Asian-Indian? lol
The X2010 has what, 1500-bhp? How about a ceiling limit of say 850~900 hp?

Viper ACR has 1000bhp

When racing on the top gear test track in a lobby full of X1s i was amazed at this short cut people knew about that cut about 3 corners out of the track and nearly 5 seconds off the lap time :rolleyes:
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Kicked from RaceTuneClean-Exotics for entering with a NOMAD Diablo... and being giving 0 opportunity to change cars, or even check the regulations.
I don't understand this level of intelligence, or how it can be so low.
During a nascar session, i was closed to 1st place when out of nowhere somebody drove intentionally backwards crashing into me. The results caused me to be in 10th place throughout the whole race.:ouch:
I am not the greatest online racer. Usually at the start of the race I get over anxious and spin out on the first lap. My times are not that great but I am getting better. It is not a whole lot of fun being ran into and punted off the track but I take it with a grain of salt only because of the environment I knowingly put myself into. I do not expect anyone to act with any amount of respect for me while online because I am putting myself out there for the abuse just by being online. If I don't want to be abused then I will run my car(s) in my own lounge and only invite who I want. If I wanted to be in an environment where I can trust the other driver then I would go race in a sanctioned/organized real racing event. It's a game get over it. If someone is being abusive then move onto another room. Have fun! :)
Wish we could put the servers with auto kick. Anyone driving backwards during a race much longer than needed(like turning around to get back on the track) will be kicked out from the race.

Also we need vote kick.

And above all. Matchmaking. How you gonna have a racer without matchmaking?
Also we need vote kick.

You can call a kickout vote:

Either at the main menu thing or the part just after clicking go to track, scroll to someones name and press (X) to bring up a menu, and call kick out vote, i have no idea what this does though, i think its something like if a player gets enough votes they get kicked.
Wish we could put the servers with auto kick. Anyone driving backwards during a race much longer than needed(like turning around to get back on the track) will be kicked out from the race.

There's an easy solution for this. Games like Supercar Challenge would simply not allow you to drive backwards (in the wrong direction) more than a few dozen meters. Nor would it allow you to simply sit idle on the track. If you attempted either, after a few seconds, a count-down warning timer appeared on screen. Keep doing it and you were immediately booted from the race. Of course, it didn't necessarily stop a determined punter. But it made it much harder for the 'casual' ones.
I've had 2 guys block off the Muslanne straight in Tank Car's. They didn't keep the block up long, only my Gallardo and, I believe, a Minolta crashed into the block. I found it funny.
I've also had demolition derby's down the same straight. That was NOT fun.
I assume damage to the front of your car would be worse then damage to the rear?[/QUOTE
If you are racing karts online and you get hit from behind really hard, your engine gets damage and you can only go at crawling speed, where as the person behind you will have a little front end damage but can continue.
For the last 2 days, after a few weeks of practicing on the Nurburgring, I started racing online. I always, without fail, get rammed off on the first corner. Every race. So I try to catch up with the last few cars, but there's a reason why they're last. They're ramming and pitting each other off the track left, right and center, and when I catch up, yup, you know what happens.

It's actually pretty fun trying to dodge them or pulling some epic evasive maneuver. You know how when someone asks how to drive faster, and someone goes "drive like you stole it"? Well that never works. Knowing that you're going to get rammed off the track if you slow down however, is brilliant motivation. I've actually set some of my fastest times on the Nurburgring like that.
I was having a somewhat interesting race against some novices on the ring. I beat their 500hp monsters with my puny 200hp MX5, until this clearly prepubescent norwegian kid called Lasse took out his x1 and decided to dedicate his race to ramming me. Half the time I was actually ahead (unbelievably) since he really couldn't drive, but it doesn't take much to catch a 200hp car with the x1 so most of the race was just him ramming me.
Here's what I've noticed:

1. Strict regulations help a lot. Usually the lunatics prefer unlimitted rooms in terms of HP, etc.
2. Banning driving assists helps. Those guys generally cannot drive and don't bother going into such rooms. If they do, they cannot keep up and soon leave.
3. If there are a few good and competitive drivers, they usually stay longer. The longer the room is active, the better, because of all who come, the good ones stay, the rammers cannot keep up and leave. Also, you can easily reccommend/agree to kick an unfair player.
4. Bad drivers and driving is unavoidable, but if you follow the above, you can minimize it.
5. Never waiste your energy and nerves on these drivers. Just move on if it's that bad.
looking at it, the majority of hosts don't even bother with the regulations. 60 out of 100 rooms are usually unlimited with 1 lap
It was funny last night when I was racing. I pipped 2 people to 3rd place by a few inches at trial mountain I was just behind them before the last corner and I was just quicker through it and managed to squeeze past them. After the race both were accusing me of cutting the last corner. I said I didn't and one said it was bs so I let him get on with it , the next race went by which I beat him by a fair margin and someone else by a few inches this was on deep forest no corner cutting possible there so proved my point and after this race he was accusing someone else of driving dirty by putting him off the track. I complain about the rammers but on the other hand there are people who take this and other games far to seriously imo. I remember when I used to play burnout paradise I was racing once and I rammed someone to make them crash which was one of the aim's of the game and he threw a fit ranting on how I was a bad driver :lol:. Before I experienced online gaming I thought there was a lot of idiot's , after it seems a lot was a major understatement and the most are from the U.K which is my country by the way.
Had some idiot in a Tank Car deliberately smash into me on three separate occasions while trying to do a drag race on the TGTT

Not too annoyed as i see that track as an open lobby rather than a racetrack
I was cruising around Tokyo R246 in my Bentley 8 and some noob named Tommy_861 kept getting in my way...

I went to turn 2 and pushed all of the barriers into the driving line. Then I said "later noobs" and left.

I'm glad I wasn't drinking or eating when I read this-true ROFL moment!
I'm new to online GT5 and gave it the first try a couple of days ago.

You can allways hit «start» button before you hit them - your car becomes a ghost and goes through them very slowly in auto pilot mode. them hit start again and continue racing

Ahhh, so this is the ghosting I saw.

Because you will ram everyone at every turn. Same as the british and other europeans who also must be kicked at sight (I am joking). Thing is that you should not join rooms that are located in australia or any other far away place. The lag caused by distance will cause your car to react much later for others in the room that it does for you. You WILL be punting people off the track if the racing is close, even if you don't think you are.

I only enter rooms that I can get atlest 2 bars with. Only australian, japanese and some american rooms.

Agree 100%, I was in a good race with everyone reasonably lag-free, and one American was glitching and jumping all over the track. I passed when it seemed safe, but put him in the wall. Got called a ****ing *****t over his headset and he quit.

I hate the people that feel it is necessary to havea 6 or less person room open. Really? Racing with only 5 others is so boring.

As I said, I new to this. From what I've seen, I seem to eventually end up with 4 or 5 people or are good to race with and respect the rules. Better than 12 who all smash into the first corner.

Racing against australians, Just because the British are better at sports than them they decide look there's a pom in the room and take turns trying to force you off the track :crazy:

Your opinion on "better at sports ;)". Haven't noticed this happening, but I'd be polite and fair :sly:

I've found the best racing I've had so far is a room I've made, but I'm still learning the ropes.
Was driving at Laguna Seca yesterday. Was gaining on the leader in the second to last lap when we approached the last corner. I was gaining on him after the second to last corner and pulled besides him when he suddenly bumped me into the pit entrance.
I don't know if this counts but everywhere I go, everyone with voice sounds like they're eating their microphone. I don't know what the hell it is but these headsets are practically throwing me off my game. I can't concentrate!

The mute button is a wonderful thing LOL
There will always be noobs online, all racing games suffer from rammers and cheats, dirt 2 was a fantastic game online but Totally ruined by cheats and rammers, I find French drivers to be the worst, and they seem to be in every online race I enter

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