Some days ago I joined a room with some ramdom guys to do some GT500 races in Trial Mountain. Almost all of them with Calsonic GT-R's (P) and me with my Xavani Hiroto (S)

First race: I won the race cleanly, very cool race:tup:
Second race: Had troubles overtaking...still place 3rd

Then, before 3rd race, I went to free run with my Ferrari 430 Scuderia a bit to relax

While I was in my second lap of free run, after the first tunnel, the host rammed me, but I didn't hit the wall of rocks by a little bit, and has he was overtaking, a trade paint with him and stayed at the front. My thoughts: "WTF do you want?! Is that so?!..."
10 seconds after this, he kicked me out

I then PM him saying: "Why did you kick me?"
And he said: "BIG ****"
Then I replyed: "Whatever

Then he replyed again: "BIG BIG ****"
And I didn't said nothing, just went search another room, but then he peplyed again saying: "BIG BIG BIG ****"
Dear GTPers, may I ask, WTF is wrong with this guy?! It made me

and then