Worst you've dealt with online...

  • Thread starter Tommy_861
Had some idiot in a Tank Car deliberately smash into me on three separate occasions while trying to do a drag race on the TGTT

Not too annoyed as i see that track as an open lobby rather than a racetrack

I had this, same track, same d*p**** Tankcar messing up my 2CV drag race!
The one that has burnt itself in my mind is this one Jerk off kid who was running his mouth off at everyone in the room with "noob" "**** car". What he forgot to do is check the sensitivity of his mic because we could all hear the porn he was watching on his pc and at one point we could hear him "excercise" between races.

HAHA this is an excellent pun! a jerkoff who well... you guys know the drill by now..
The one that has burnt itself in my mind is this one Jerk off kid who was running his mouth off at everyone in the room with "noob" "**** car". What he forgot to do is check the sensitivity of his mic because we could all hear the porn he was watching on his pc and at one point we could hear him "excercise" between races.

omg! That's hot.
quick question for you guys: is it anyone's fault if two cars collide door to door entering a corner because they just didn't see each other? this happened to me the other night at deep forrest. the guys car came out of nowhere and we kind of bumped into eachother. the only problem is that he suddenly started spinning out of control for a reason that escapes me and he then started cussing me out saying i was a dirty racer. i was just driving my line (in front bumper cam) and he comes flying up next to me and we collide going for the same spot on the track. it was not my intention to "ram" him out of my way, but that was his accusation. i mean, what else was i supposed to do in that situation?
I agree, its just as douchey to join a room that everyones in a low HP street car so you bring out your guided missile and destroy everyone. Its like an adult punching a kid and stealing his candy on the playground.

You think you're teaching the host a lesson but in reality you're just being a dick.

LOL How it is it anything like that???? It's a video game, you're reading far too much into it as most GT5 gamers do it seems. In a room that is unrestricted, it's fair to drive whatever the hell you want. There are no restrictions. And seeing as how you win Veyron after a couple of hours of straight gameplay, it's a little difficult to believe he doesn't have a fast car. Much like the X1, everyone has at least 1 Veyron.

Ugh... these comparisons between IRL things and things that happen in GT5 are absoultely absurd. It's like a full grown adult PUNCHING a child and TAKING his candy?? Because he was driving an Audi... in an unrestricted room... just wow. lol Over-exaggerate a little more when u think you have grounds to flame someone over something so stupid. It makes you look tough.
LOL How it is it anything like that???? It's a video game, you're reading far too much into it as most GT5 gamers do it seems. In a room that is unrestricted, it's fair to drive whatever the hell you want. There are no restrictions. And seeing as how you win Veyron after a couple of hours of straight gameplay, it's a little difficult to believe he doesn't have a fast car. Much like the X1, everyone has at least 1 Veyron.

Ugh... these comparisons between IRL things and things that happen in GT5 are absoultely absurd. It's like a full grown adult PUNCHING a child and TAKING his candy?? Because he was driving an Audi... in an unrestricted room... just wow. lol Over-exaggerate a little more when u think you have grounds to flame someone over something so stupid. It makes you look tough.

Uhh no...

If you go into a room and everyone is using a slow car, how about trying to just play along instead of asserting your "tough guyness" by slapping everyone around with a Veyron or a FGT.

If theres 10 players in slow cars and you in a fast car it doesn't make you right because theres no restrictions. It makes you someone who obviously doesn't play well with others. On the other hand if its just a mess of cars of all speeds and power then whatever, might as well have at it.
I hate when people boot you because you are from another country. I went to race with my friend a while ago and the lobby was run by a guy outside of my country. He boots me shortly after saying my PSN ID.
I know one of my mates deliberately joins Saudi/UAE/Pakistani rooms to deliberately mouth off at muslims
I know one of my mates deliberately joins Saudi/UAE/Pakistani rooms to deliberately mouth off at muslims

You should tell your friend if he doesn't have the pair to tell anyone off in real life to their faces, then he has no business ruining other people's online experience.
Getting kicked for your nationality is just the worst for me. Being "Welsh", people expect me to be a ****ty driver/player. Then I can join and just murder with my skills on track only to get a kick because people think I "hack".
Getting kicked for your nationality is just the worst for me. Being "Welsh", people expect me to be a ****ty driver/player. Then I can join and just murder with my skills on track only to get a kick because people think I "hack".

What's so bad about Welsh drivers? Fill me in please :dopey:
Met a host of a free run drifting server just now, after 5 or 6 laps of drifting with lots of tire smoke avoiding people and minding my own business he told me my drifting sucks(despite a few comments from other players that it wasnt bad :D) and that im putting him off been able to drift so he kicked me...He was driving a green and yellow FGT......I LOL'ed lots
quick question for you guys: is it anyone's fault if two cars collide door to door entering a corner because they just didn't see each other? this happened to me the other night at deep forrest. the guys car came out of nowhere and we kind of bumped into eachother. the only problem is that he suddenly started spinning out of control for a reason that escapes me and he then started cussing me out saying i was a dirty racer. i was just driving my line (in front bumper cam) and he comes flying up next to me and we collide going for the same spot on the track. it was not my intention to "ram" him out of my way, but that was his accusation. i mean, what else was i supposed to do in that situation?

I my oppinion he's the one that made the mistake. If he wants to overtake you, then he has to go "outside" the ideal line to overtake... unless ofcourse he was laping your, then you should have moved over, like the gentleman I'm sure you are :)

And if it was just a pure accident where he came out of blind angle, well then it just couldn't have been avoided could it, and that happens.

Don't sweat it...
If you have to ASK what is the 'correct' thing to do in any racing situation, you simply haven't bothered to educate yourself about REAL racing rules and practices.

Although GT5 makes little to no effort to enforce proper racing etiquette, that doesn't mean that you should ignore it, unless you want to admit that you ARE an arcade player, after all!

Seems like an awful lot of people get bent out of shape every time any physics or graphics aspect of GT5 is criticized for being a bit 'arcade', but then will happily go online and hoon around like they are playing Mario Kart.

If you want to hold your head up and claim you play a 'sim', you had BETTER know what the rules and practices of the sport actually ARE...
Sorry but in my experience that aint true, jumped into a server with 5 or 6 canadians yesterday morning and despite me not having a mic they were laughin and jokin along with my typing and we had about 2 hours worth of good close clean racing

Some americans just slam up the inside of every corner like every track is a NASCAR oval, some brits cant even get round a corner etc etc the list could go on


Just because you may have a bad experience with some countrymen doesnt automatically mean theyre all bad for every bad player from certain countries iv found ive met 3 more who are good players and thinking otherwise just spoils it for everyone!
Canadians, they ram into you every turn...

Ummm... no.

Some of the best rooms I've been in are with Canadians. They are always cool, into actually racing clean, not cheating, and just all around good guys.

My American brethren could learn a thing or two from our brothers up north.
A temper impaired player online was ranting at me because, well, he kept losing to my Acedemy GT-R to his Veyron on Daytona. Mouthing off, ignoring most of it, I hear him say;


Quickly after the player leaves.

Anyone else see something wrong with this?