Worst you've dealt with online...

  • Thread starter Tommy_861
that it is the Canadians that will be running their clean and smooth laps.

I have had only 1 Canadian driver behave poorly in online races. For the most part a bad racer is a bad racer regardless of his Nationality. I don't understand why some Americans think they are impervious to bad racing.
I have had only 1 Canadian driver behave poorly in online races. For the most part a bad racer is a bad racer regardless of his Nationality. I don't understand why some Americans think they are impervious to bad racing.

People everywhere do it.

Side note: Out of context that part of my post seems bad.. :guilty:
People everywhere do it.
Side note: Out of context that part of my post seems bad.. :guilty:

As bad as you might think it looked, I agree with you. Us Canadians are for the most part the cleanest racers I've raced against.
Don't quite understand the correletation between my driving skills in GT5 and that little event that occured a month ago. I actually drive extremely well and am very aware but also respectful of the people driving around me. I do enjoy the challenge of racing competitively against other people from around the country/world. Just because you don't like me doesn't mean I'm not a good driver. Come on now... that's a little ridiculous.
Don't quite understand the correletation between my driving skills in GT5 and that little event that occured a month ago. I actually drive extremely well and am very aware but also respectful of the people driving around me. I do enjoy the challenge of racing competitively against other people from around the country/world. Just because you don't like me doesn't mean I'm not a good driver. Come on now... that's a little ridiculous.

While I don't agree with what you did, I noticed in this forum if you have an opinion other than what some people believe they will immediately respond calling you all sorts of names, questioning your ability to drive, saying you have "car count evny", telling you that you have no life, and that you have a small package.

Yes because apparently if you have a differing opinion on a stupid video game, you suck at life. I guess me and you both missed this memo.
Had a noob in a veyron attempt to punt my murcielago into the gravel trap on the first mulsanne chicane... so i snapped around behind him then gave him a nice bump but he looked like he was going to cut the chicane anyway.. then later at night my mclaren got taken out by the same noob.. totally destroying the back end of the car.. after i said wtf he left.. i see him again i will personally see to it that the veyron ends up on its roof
Don't quite understand the correletation between my driving skills in GT5 and that little event that occured a month ago. I actually drive extremely well and am very aware but also respectful of the people driving around me. I do enjoy the challenge of racing competitively against other people from around the country/world. Just because you don't like me doesn't mean I'm not a good driver. Come on now... that's a little ridiculous.

You come on a thread about bad driving, and then basically BRAG about it, what the heck were you expecting? A pat on the back? Attaboy? :rolleyes:

You may indeed be a generally clean driver. But once you expose that you are part of the problem, at times (hard to believe, from your post, that that was a completely isolated incident that you have never repeated), you basically abrogate your right to bitch about it being done by others...

You are basically saying 'Just because I'm a bad driver doesn't mean I'm not a good driver'! After you brag about being a douchebag online, THAT'S when people start to dislike you. Not before... Nobody but yourself to blame, no matter HOW you want to divert attention away from it and blame others :grumpy:
French and Spanish are the worst I've come across online, Spanish booted me lots of times for the henious crime of being English "No ingliish no ingliish es es es es es".
French because they constantly insult everyone in French thinking that nobody understands what "mrd" means, along with they not being able to drive in a straight line. Cheese eating surrender munkiez
Hello sir, you booted me from your glitching lobby for donutting lol.

Was that you i drag raced this morning on the top gear test track twice? I had the black Z06 with the carbon fiber hood and aero kit next to ya.. i remember reading about someone having a 900 horsepower RS6 that was white and judging by the way the one next to me left the line and the PSN tag attached to it.. i think it was your car
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odd seeing you post here as I was in several room where you "stole" the win by donuting while both text and mics were telling you not permitted in the room.Not very sporting ....
IF I have the wrong KING forgive me for not noting the offenders PSID and accusing you...while the "theft" was bad behavior, its a game and I dont really care at the end of the day what happens in there...only in real life do I care what happens

People everywhere do it.

Side note: Out of context that part of my post seems bad.. :guilty:
odd seeing you post here as I was in several room where you "stole" the win by donuting while both text and mics were telling you not permitted in the room.Not very sporting ....
IF I have the wrong KING forgive me for not noting the offenders PSID and accusing you...while the "theft" was bad behavior, its a game and I dont really care at the end of the day what happens in there...only in real life do I care what happens

Nope that was me. I don't really see it as "stealing" the win. Granted I was the only one doing donuts, but if you are able to do them then why not? I have no problem with people doing donuts in those sort of games as long as the person/people who does the donuts wait for everyone to catch up so they can actually finish. Granted it did make me always come first, but what if there was someone who didn't do donuts but they still always came first, would you say they were stealing the win or that they should have to let someone pass them (like I would have to make sure people didn't complain).
Canadians and younger host, the Canadians always run into me, it may sound bad but it's true. And the younger host always accuse me of ramming and short cutting when they are the ones that make me have no other choice by running into me.
Nope that was me. I don't really see it as "stealing" the win. Granted I was the only one doing donuts, but if you are able to do them then why not? I have no problem with people doing donuts in those sort of games as long as the person/people who does the donuts wait for everyone to catch up so they can actually finish. Granted it did make me always come first, but what if there was someone who didn't do donuts but they still always came first, would you say they were stealing the win or that they should have to let someone pass them (like I would have to make sure people didn't complain).

You're purposely missing the point. It said on the room no donuts, yet you came and did them anyway. Like a room that says Friends Only, yet some fools come in there to cause trouble, like people coming into your room and tell you how to make it. In my mind all these behaviours show contempt and lack of respect for the host.

Your behaviour TheDrummingKing is the perfect example of disrespect and arrogance. The room says no donuts, others weren't doing it, yet you see no problem in doing whatever suits you and stuff everyone else, surprise surprise it allowed you to win every time. What was stopping you from setting up a room 'Donuts only'. Then you could have competed against others doing the same tactic. No, you didn't do that, because you sought to take advantage of people not doing donuts, so you could win every time, you weren't interested in a level playing field, only in winning. This attitude is the greatest problem in this game.
"and lack of respect for the host."

RESPECT is something you earn you do not have a right to command it
You have to respect someones position but not the person in that position its a way of life. Obviously something you need to learn
You know, I would like to see a feature where someone's age is automatically displayed in a race. Make age a REWARD (the younger, the better the reward!) in some part of the game, than allow age as a Lobby filter!

If I could filter Lobbies by say 35 and up, I would probably get a clean race every time.

But the Internet makes that basically moot.
Nope that was me. I don't really see it as "stealing" the win. Granted I was the only one doing donuts, but if you are able to do them then why not? I have no problem with people doing donuts in those sort of games as long as the person/people who does the donuts wait for everyone to catch up so they can actually finish. Granted it did make me always come first, but what if there was someone who didn't do donuts but they still always came first, would you say they were stealing the win or that they should have to let someone pass them (like I would have to make sure people didn't complain).

That you can say this with a straight face basically pegs you at under 18. Probably under 11..! At least, mentally. :dunce:
Penalties on. No wasted threads on the subject. Kick 'em if that doesn't work. Pretty simple. I also go one step further and don't allow complainers in my races either. 👍
I really tried not to ram people but if I'm at that final few miles to the finish line and you won't allow me room to pass, I will nudge you off the track.

Also, if you are coming up from behind me toward the finish line, I will nudge you ifyou try to pass me. :) LOL

I also have no problem getting bumped to last place either....it's part of racing....
if penalties are on, you won't get pissed off if I bump your aezrs off the track right? ......
Penalties on. No wasted threads on the subject. Kick 'em if that doesn't work. Pretty simple. I also go one step further and don't allow complainers in my races either. 👍
The real losers are the ones who got bumped and then quit the race because they can't stand to be in the last 3rd of the pack. LOL....losers!
"and lack of respect for the host."

RESPECT is something you earn you do not have a right to command it
You have to respect someones position but not the person in that position its a way of life. Obviously something you need to learn
Seriously dude? If you come to my house you sure as hell better show me some respect, I don't care if you think I havent "earned" it.
You're purposely missing the point. It said on the room no donuts, yet you came and did them anyway. Like a room that says Friends Only, yet some fools come in there to cause trouble, like people coming into your room and tell you how to make it. In my mind all these behaviours show contempt and lack of respect for the host.

Your behaviour TheDrummingKing is the perfect example of disrespect and arrogance. The room says no donuts, others weren't doing it, yet you see no problem in doing whatever suits you and stuff everyone else, surprise surprise it allowed you to win every time. What was stopping you from setting up a room 'Donuts only'. Then you could have competed against others doing the same tactic. No, you didn't do that, because you sought to take advantage of people not doing donuts, so you could win every time, you weren't interested in a level playing field, only in winning. This attitude is the greatest problem in this game.
Actually no, it didn't. The room name itself did not say that. Crossup said it when I came in because he had been in another game (again nothing was in the name about no donuts and they had no problem with me doing them since I waited). However, I won't go on a rant to defend myself because I know it will just add to more attacks. I will say, though, I'm sorry about doing the donuts. I'm willing to suck up my ego and apologize. I did not want to seem like an ass to all of you in that room, I can sometimes become irrational when someone disagrees with me. We all have our moments.This... Yes I didn't create a donuts room because then I may not come first. But it was a glitch, when I am in an actual race I always try to even my self (or even get a car slightly worse) with everyone because I enjoy good even racing.
That you can say this with a straight face basically pegs you at under 18. Probably under 11..! At least, mentally. :dunce:
I'm 16 and proud of it. Look at my above post. Mentally I am much more mature then many of my friends. Yes I could say it with a straight face because it was a glitch and coming first was the point. Being honest I did want to make sure I came first, but I was still thoughtful enough/had the decency (some people who did donuts just finished without waiting) to actually wait for everyone so they still got money. Granted it was 1,000,000 less then what I got, but it was still 2.6 million in 15 minutes. Which I would be happy with knowing it's more then you can get in any real event in the game.
We need age filters, really...
Just look above.
So they are eight? :yuck:

Kid, you've got a LOT of growing to do. The trick is to NOT be an idiot, then you don't have to apologize for it.

Yes clearly they're eight. :dunce: You can't say you don't know that the mentality of most teens is to party and sleep.

I have got growing to do, my life is just getting started. It's not like I'm claiming to know everything. Also, I wasn't and idiot, and I apologized because I felt it would be the more "grown up" thing to do rather then just continue stupid little arguments over a glitch in a video game. I'm only ranting again because you called me an idiot and I don't like it. But I'm taking initiative and ending my part of this here. I won't be replying to anything you have to say to this even if it is just an insult to me. I don't feel like having this go completely off-topic and into something ridiculous like an argument about morals, then dealing with moderators dishing out warns/infractions etc.

Good day to you sir, and have fun getting all high and mighty in how you act towards people about a video game.

Worst I've had... Three Jay Leno Tank Cars going the opposite way on Tsukaba Circuit...

I was kicked earlier today because I was in a tank car (actually racing properly with it) and the host just assumed I was going to just run everyone of the road. I did not appreciate his ignorance.