Worst you've dealt with online...

  • Thread starter Tommy_861
You're purposely missing the point. It said on the room no donuts, yet you came and did them anyway. Like a room that says Friends Only, yet some fools come in there to cause trouble, like people coming into your room and tell you how to make it. In my mind all these behaviours show contempt and lack of respect for the host.

Your behaviour TheDrummingKing is the perfect example of disrespect and arrogance. The room says no donuts, others weren't doing it, yet you see no problem in doing whatever suits you and stuff everyone else, surprise surprise it allowed you to win every time. What was stopping you from setting up a room 'Donuts only'. Then you could have competed against others doing the same tactic. No, you didn't do that, because you sought to take advantage of people not doing donuts, so you could win every time, you weren't interested in a level playing field, only in winning. This attitude is the greatest problem in this game.

Nobody should be glitching munniez anyways, so people like you don't have the right to complain about people donutting in a room that shouldn't even exist. Can you say hypocrite?
I saw a "Cops 'N Robbers" room up and thought I would give it a try. It was possibly the gayest room I've ever been in. Seriously, I've seen videos here on GTP on how people run it and it looked interesting. I know I had to be the oldest person in the room, they all sounded like gradeschool aged kids. Their idea of how it should be played was calling out speed limits & pulling people over by saying "Pull over, pull over, pull over, pull over....." into their mics. Then issuing citations by typing in the ticket info into the chat box. I stayed about 10 minutes, 10 minutes too long in my book.

I didnt deal with any "bad players", just the worst room I have been in IMO.
far as Im concerned, if you admit your behaviour and apologize no one needs to bash anyone, its a game after all. As to your logic below, doesnt work in situations(at least one room you won in) where people were politely taking turns at the win, I was in several room doing that, including the one where I hit 40. My last glitch session was in a share the win room and the host quite literarly spent 5 hrs without a win because people kept coming in pulling your trick. We had to finally kick everyone who enter without a mic so we could contact everyone and come MF STILL tried to steal the win, so poor miks had to leave the race AGAIN to kick the poopy head. We DID finally give him his win, with me doing one lap only to guarantee max points for everyone else as I was at $20m

Nope that was me. I don't really see it as "stealing" the win. Granted I was the only one doing donuts, but if you are able to do them then why not? I have no problem with people doing donuts in those sort of games as long as the person/people who does the donuts wait for everyone to catch up so they can actually finish. Granted it did make me always come first, but what if there was someone who didn't do donuts but they still always came first, would you say they were stealing the win or that they should have to let someone pass them (like I would have to make sure people didn't complain).
Nobody should be glitching munniez anyways, so people like you don't have the right to complain about people donutting in a room that shouldn't even exist. Can you say hypocrite?

Wrong again, person who is incapable of understanding the point I was making. I have every right to say whatever I please, and my opinion will not be silenced by the likes of you, that you call me a hypocrite makes my day. Thanks anyway for the logic lesson.
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As I said... don't behave like a douchebag and then apologize for it. That's not 'grown up'...

Don't be a douchebag in the first place!
far as Im concerned, if you admit your behaviour and apologize no one needs to bash anyone, its a game after all. As to your logic below, doesnt work in situations(at least one room you won in) where people were politely taking turns at the win, I was in several room doing that, including the one where I hit 40. My last glitch session was in a share the win room and the host quite literarly spent 5 hrs without a win because people kept coming in pulling your trick. We had to finally kick everyone who enter without a mic so we could contact everyone and come MF STILL tried to steal the win, so poor miks had to leave the race AGAIN to kick the poopy head. We DID finally give him his win, with me doing one lap only to guarantee max points for everyone else as I was at $20m

Okay fair enough. If the room that I was in with you was a share the win one then I am sorry.
LOL. u go brotha make sure they know ur 16.

LOL. You go brother, make sure they know you're 16.

Fixed for you, even though I think you were trying to make fun of me for being 16.

As I said... don't behave like a douchebag and then apologize for it. That's not 'grown up'...

Don't be a douchebag in the first place!

Sorry, can't help myself.. That's why you've got a 2 day ban before and all I've ever got was a warning right? :sly:
ok so one time i was in a stock 07 impreza @SS5. i do a couple of warmup laps. i get a little impatient cuz we havent started so i just relax at a turn and others doing their warmup laps come by and get pissed of and start cussing. so i ask when are we gonna start and i immediately get kicked :/
happened yesterday, i was first or 2nd in the race doing awesome *i have a steering wheel so i tend to think I am at least a decent racer with good line* and someone bumped me, I fall to dead last , so then i am racing my ass off trying to get back up, race ends but im still racing and I get kicked. WHY DID I GET KICKED? All i can think of is maybe the host is looking at the finished result and thinking I suck or something and decides to kick me. When in fact I probably would have won if i didnt fall so behind.
two days ago was kind of funny, at the start on Monza, in full speed i move to the outside were no one else was.
the guy next to me nudges me in the grass, and there i was thinking i could drive through those distance marks,
boy was i wrong :D
two days ago was kind of funny, at the start on Monza, in full speed i move to the outside were no one else was.
the guy next to me nudges me in the grass, and there i was thinking i could drive through those distance marks,
boy was i wrong :D

Yeah, I was in a room with the title "Very Dirty Racing = Fun!", so obviously the idea was to drive dirty. To be honest, while I couldn't do it all the time, it WAS pretty fun. Anyways, so we're also on Monza, and I get nudged in a similar manner, so I try to carry my speed through the distance markers, and BAM! Those things must be made of concrete or something!
I have not been online enough to see too much, but I don't take my video games too seriously. This is a game after all. That being said, I was annoyed by drivers with head sets who keep chanting "hold your line!" Do you really need to keep saying this 10-20 times in a 6 min race? If I hold my line, how do I ever pass anyone?
Sorry, can't help myself.. That's why you've got a 2 day ban before and all I've ever got was a warning right? :sly:

If online behavior got you a ban here at GTP, you wouldn't be posting in the first place.

But nice attempt to change the subject. Care to try for a second time? How about bringing up my height? Or nationality? Or sexual preference..?

From what I have seen of online, that's usually how kids try to defend their bad driving or behavior. Very mature.
I was in this Free Run on the Top Gear Test Track. Some person from Norway thought he was all great because he has a x2010 S.Vettel. He proceeded to ram everyone he could find for the fun of it. You should of seen me when I was in that room I went ahead and reported him on GT.
If online behavior got you a ban here at GTP, you wouldn't be posting in the first place.

But nice attempt to change the subject. Care to try for a second time? How about bringing up my height? Or nationality? Or sexual preference..?

From what I have seen of online, that's usually how kids try to defend their bad driving or behavior. Very mature.

Somehow I doubt that. I act the same online as I do here (for the most part, I can lose it if I am dealing with people acting like idiots). You haven't played with me online so you don't know. Yes you know I was a bit of a jerk in that glitch room, but I've apologized to the people it had affected and they're over it, yet you don't seem to be.
Nope because none of that matters to me.
It's not just kids that do that. Many people do. I don't do that, as I have said before. Height means nothing to me, nor does nationality, and the same with sexual preference.
Last night, there was some guy in what had to been a fully modded Ford Ka that kept driving way too defensive. He did anything he could to keep people from passing him.
You know what I DON'T read from the guys that come here, brag about being a jerk, then apologize for it...

A PROMISE to never do it again...

THAT would be being adult. :)

But somehow, from what I have read, none of these 'people' (let's stay polite about them!) seem to be describing the ONE time they ever did something like that. More reasonable, is to see them merely describing the most RECENT time they have done it.

Or, am I wrong..? :sly:

BTW, nice pretty colors... that makes it all OK, eh?
You know what I DON'T read from the guys that come here, brag about being a jerk, then apologize for it...

A PROMISE to never do it again...

THAT would be being adult. :)

But somehow, from what I have read, none of these 'people' (let's stay polite about them!) seem to be describing the ONE time they ever did something like that. More reasonable, is to see them merely describing the most RECENT time they have done it.

Or, am I wrong..? :sly:

BTW, nice pretty colors... that makes it all OK, eh?

Saying I was bragging about being a jerk? Please tell me how I was bragging.
No there is no difference.
Implying I constantly act like a jerk online huh? I have only done that once. But neither of us have proof for either side of the story.
Or maybe I just do that so it's easier to see what part I'm replying to. Which is fairly obvious.
One thing I hate is when people mod their Murcielago Superveloce to the point where it can beat a NASCAR. The game is Gran Turismo 5, not The Fast and the Furious: The Game.
I got 3 events.

A few hours ago I was in a muscle car race at Daytona. There's 10 laps and I'm in 2nd place in my 70 Chevelle drafting the first place Corvette. We come out of the turn and I'm on the inside trying to pass him. For some reason I spin out. Ended up getting 4th place. We get into the lobby and I ask "Did anyone see me spin out?" The Corvette owner says "You're a dirty driver. That was a cheap move." At that I take insult as I suspected that he was the person that spun me out (c'mon. I didn't accuse anybody of anything until I got accused) We get into an argument accusing each other of being dirty. I had saved the replay and watched it right after leaving the room. Turns out some dirtbag spun me out which cause me to hit the vette. Not sure if the guy did it on purpose.

2nd event was a couple nights ago when I entered a Nascar room. Apparently the host just crashed and got out of the race. He was yelling about some kid crashing and just overall had his panties in a twist. Everyone backs out of the race so I enter the course and he sees my name. He says to me "You better be good. You better be good." My aids are all off and he goes and checks my profile and settings. "Level 39?!?! You definitely cheated. Damn kids!!" Then I get the boot. Guess he just needed to vent his frustration at someone.

Worst time was when 2 teens come into a room. They're like level 5 and have the X1 back when people first started getting it. One complains to the other for having given a copy out to someone while the other justifies his actions by saying his friend is cool. Their argument just continues on and annoys everyone so the host tells them to take their petty argument elsewhere. The teens get butt hurt and start calling him "******" this and that. Then says he's jealous because he doesn't have the X1. Then just keep saying "******" over and over again. After awhile they leave. To this day I don't know why the host didn't just kick them. They said many offensive things and if I would have had a mic I would have beat them at their own game. I'm pretty witty when it comes to making fun of people. They couldn't even drive the car without crashing consistently. Think their best lap on the ring ended up being a high 5 minute time.
Was in a comfortable lead in a race on Grand Valley yesterday. I'm coming up to lap the lounge owner. I pass him on the straight and he just plows into me in the first corner putting me in the sand trap. When I ask him why he did that he kicks me.

French and Spanish are the worst I've come across online, Spanish booted me lots of times for the henious crime of being English "No ingliish no ingliish es es es es es".
French because they constantly insult everyone in French thinking that nobody understands what "mrd" means, along with they not being able to drive in a straight line. Cheese eating surrender munkiez

I actually don't bother joining any spanish lounges's anymore unless they're run by someone I know. Finnish lounges are cool though because not only do the finns race fast and clean mostly but it's fun listening to them chat. Even when they congratulate each other for a good race it sounds like they are having a deathmatch grudge.
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Whenever i enter a drift room i get kicked for ASKING if its okay for me to take my veyron to the track. I mean, you can just tell me no, and then you wont have to deal with my Veyron.
And also being accused of cheating for winning a couple of "zero aids, zero maps" night races in my Nascar... so i accused unfamiliarity with the tracks, and left.
Age doesn't really matter too much. I'm 15 but I regularly hear adults screaming like 10 year olds over the mics or using chat:dopey:

Agreed! Im 16 and see that a lot! Easily the most calm mic weilding people i have encountered have been quite young, not taking things seriously, and adressing folks BY NAME!!! Can no adults do this? Read someones name instead of randomly talking to just "someone"? Sorry if this double posted, i was reading the thread backwards...
we need a 'mute everyone' button, when there are 14 people yelling in 4 different languages i go crazy
Was in a comfortable lead in a race on Grand Valley yesterday. I'm coming up to lap the lounge owner. I pass him on the straight and he just plows into me in the first corner putting me in the sand trap. When I ask him why he did that he kicks me.

I actually don't bother joining any spanish lounges's anymore unless they're run by someone I know. Finnish lounges are cool though because not only do the finns race fast and clean mostly but it's fun listening to them chat. Even when they congratulate each other for a good race it sounds like they are having a deathmatch grudge.

Oh i should have visited this thread before the weekend... I guess it has been said a hundred times, but.
On Sat. i tried the online race for the first time (only driving with friends in split screen or doing the std races).

"It was a bumpy ride". Especially the spanish cant lose i guess. Joined some "clean bla" room and got hit from the start on.
Tried a couple of other races but as soon as you (try) to overtake someone they will push into your back and thats it (i feel no chance with a wheel and FF on 100 to recover another car hitting me in the back seriously).

I hope there are a few lounges from GTP members where one might join sometime. Guess ill check the portal here.
(by chance someone who makes online races with "low hp" cars ? (1-300(400)kW is fine for me.
we need a 'mute everyone' button, when there are 14 people yelling in 4 different languages i go crazy

Amen. 👍

Plus a way to tell WHO is talking during the race. Anonymity encourages bad language.

Online in GT5 still feels like a beta.
I don't think its really the worst behaviour I have seen, actually far from it, but for me by far the most irritating thing about online is people who quit races 1 minute into it because they are more than 10 seconds off the lead. There was a thread bumping around about A-spec being responsible and I am utterly convinced of it, I would guess that upwards of 90% of GT players bomb their way through everything first time in a massively overpowered car and then when it comes to online where limits are set and the other cars are (possibly) intelligent they find they can't actually compete (I used to be one of them, I still suck at online and rarely win a race).

If there is one thing that PD could do to improve the quality of online more or less overnight, it would be to implement some sort of penalty system that punishes quitting races with impunity. I think a lot of the other suggestions about how it could be improved would come along with it naturally. It would instantly clean people up on track if they knew that outbraking and slamming into a wall would actually have a consequence if they couldn't quit. It would allow exclusion of racers with a race quit percentage at a level of your choosing from your room. It would stop people using other cars as mobile walls to slam themselves around corners.

I think it would stop a lot, and it would certainly end the frustration of finishing most races with less than half the number that started it (which I think might actually go some way to solving the so-called grinding issue for the levellers, correct me if I am wrong but I am under the impression that you get awarded credits and experience based on place, race distance and number of cars).

Why does everyone feel that they need to win every race they enter, and quit if it doesn't look like happening after the first 30 seconds? :yuck:
I don't think its really the worst behaviour I have seen, actually far from it, but for me by far the most irritating thing about online is people who quit races 1 minute into it because they are more than 10 seconds off the lead. There was a thread bumping around about A-spec being responsible and I am utterly convinced of it, I would guess that upwards of 90% of GT players bomb their way through everything first time in a massively overpowered car and then when it comes to online where limits are set and the other cars are (possibly) intelligent they find they can't actually compete (I used to be one of them, I still suck at online and rarely win a race).

If there is one thing that PD could do to improve the quality of online more or less overnight, it would be to implement some sort of penalty system that punishes quitting races with impunity. I think a lot of the other suggestions about how it could be improved would come along with it naturally. It would instantly clean people up on track if they knew that outbraking and slamming into a wall would actually have a consequence if they couldn't quit. It would allow exclusion of racers with a race quit percentage at a level of your choosing from your room. It would stop people using other cars as mobile walls to slam themselves around corners.

I think it would stop a lot, and it would certainly end the frustration of finishing most races with less than half the number that started it (which I think might actually go some way to solving the so-called grinding issue for the levellers, correct me if I am wrong but I am under the impression that you get awarded credits and experience based on place, race distance and number of cars).

Why does everyone feel that they need to win every race they enter, and quit if it doesn't look like happening after the first 30 seconds? :yuck:

Its funny you mention this, there are many games that do have stiff penalties for quitting online games in the middle. Some lock you out form joining another room for 5 minutes, I think Uncharted 2 actually takes money away from your character too.