Worst you've dealt with online...

  • Thread starter Tommy_861
I hate the guy who comes into a room does one race, then won't shut up about adding laps or complaining about how other guys are driving, then he'll say BLA BLA if you don't I'll leave......like he really would be missed
In one of my few online forays I wound up at a Nascar Daytona room, 20 laps. I get to the front, and I hear the other guys gang up on me in chat. Biff! Pow! Shazam! It's like an old Batman episode, I'm getting Pit'd and rammed from all sides until they spin me. I fight again from the back to the front (same race), and once I'm there it starts again. Too bad that I'm better at subtle nudges that steer you off than they are. They ticked me off, and I learned them. I'm not a rammer, but after being called a b i t c h for the umpteenth time, my blood boiled. I won anyway.
I frequently run into the loud mouth, highly opinionated, offensive argumentative, rude, dirty racing types in my rooms. They don't last long and they always mail me rude remarks after I boot them. Its quite funny dealing with them.

Psn of a few of these people to watch out for:
I've been kicked from drift lobbies for drifting too well, people don't seem to be able to take being beaten by a purple Toyota Chaser going sideways :D
Some Japanese players aren't as civilized as most people think. I was unfortunate enough to join this out-of-control lounge today with 12 people, 11 Japanese, and 1 British, they were doing a series of 5 lap races on shuffled tracks. The race was set to begin in 3 minutes. Everyone was in Bugattis, FGTs, and one X1. Just for fun, I picked my matte black on red rimmed Prius 09 and waited. Almost everyone was typing stuff like LOL and ('o'). I started dead last. The race began, and everyone took off, leaving me in the dust. By the way the track was Eiger Nordwand Short Track with weather on rain. All of a sudden I saw this huge cloud of smoke rise in front of me, and right up ahead is a HUGE pile of FGTs, X1s, and Bugattis. I managed to get around them with only minor damage and was in first. Everyone was cursing me out. In the end, I won, and was kicked immediately after. Hate mail followed suit shortly after. Next I joined a drift lounge, with 6 people on Tsukuba. Almost everyone was drifting RX7s, and Supras. I entered my Renault Clio. Apparently, according to the host, I can NOT drift a French car. What a dumb a**. I trounced him in a tandem drift. Funny thing is, he was using a driving wheel, while I used my DS3. He and I got into a fight. Eventually, I was kicked.
I've had a rather nasty experience in GT online tonight.

I was on the Top Gear Test Track and I had managed to secure 1st on the second lap and almost immedeatly the IM box on the side lights up with abusive texts all directed at me. Now I've been playing games online for years so I thought nothing of it and finished the race in 1st and went back to the lobby. As I go back to the lobby though I start receiving private messages on my PSN from some of the players with some pretty horrible language, one of them a French player threatening to slit my throat :ill: . So I leave the lobby and within five minutes I get another email from the same sick person saying he has my email address but again I think nothing of it. Then my Windows Live Messenger starts going crazy, logging me out and sending out tonnes of spam emails to all my contact list, the spam emails all being in French and containing a nasty virus link. Now I'am not saying anything bad against any French players outthere but this is just a general complaint about sheer immaturity of some players outthere.

To cut a long story short I managed to get everything sorted and all my passwords changed, I blocked the chap from Emailing my PSN again and fully reported him but to be honest it was quite a nasty experience. I'm not a dirty player I like good, clean races but if this is what it's going to be like on GTO I might think twice on playing it again.

Holy Hell!!!!!

That's really bad, I've seen a few misdemeanors online but nothing in comparison to that, Seriously that guy needs to back down and go outside to try threatening someone with that irl and see what he gets.

I hate idiots like that 👎
I was on the Nordscheiffle having fun in a street only event with a very slow car but driving very competitive.

Some guy with a concept car later complains at me for being in the way, telling me to move over for faster cars, I just laugh, but he says he's serious, fine.
I didn't know I had to move over cause his car is faster but can't overtake me.

The host changes and then they start upping the HP so I had to get into another car, I use my stealth SLS and I was fighting in second and hear them talking over the mike that it's a race car, fine, I hit the grass and spin but decide to let everyone trough and later apologize.

I then choose a ZZII and asks if it's ok to use the car, either they didn't say anything or I didn't hear, the race starts, I overtake cleanly all this assholes who always crash on the first corners and I get kicked out :indiff:

Some people.
The only thing that gets me is when people run off track and then decide to pull back on track in front everyone. It causes accidents because everyone panics to get back on track as fast as possible rather than waiting for a gap.
So today I'm free running on TGTT and a guy from this forum says "are you Stig from GTP?"
So i say "yep"
Then he replies "well youre a **** (see you next tuesday)" in capital letters.
Im like "lolwut"
So we had a girly slanging match, then a couple of races and by the end of it we were on good terms, lol.
Never did find out why he called me that horrible name though.

Cool story bro.
Ok So was racing on Sarthe last night in a moderately high power room, most of us were using LMP cars and the like, So anyway the race starts with about 8 racers, used my 787b and had a pretty nice early lead on the pack although the room owner was keeping up with me in his 88-cv minolta, we had a pretty epic battle during the course of 3 laps with the lead constantly changing and plenty of action in general.
Then for some god forsaken reason as we approached the last set of chicanes before the finish line (I was in first place) the room owner had a bit of a spaz attack and cut across them to jump in front for the lead & the win.

Its just really bugged me because we were racing properly and had a good race in general up untill that point. Why do people feel the need to ruin it like that for. I'll admitt i forgot to check for penalties but still very frustrating.
I enjoy drifting online with people...however we all know that someone out there just loves ramming. One night (this is a while ago), in a drifting server, just happily drifting and then getting rammed. Which we know happens... So I tell the host...and suddenly the host leaves without reason. Making the next person the host. And what happened? The new host and the rammer both start chasing and ramming me...
Tonight it was pretty much the same case. I got bored with drifting the same car for 10+ laps of Tsukuba and decided to try the F150 Lightning. Out of nowhere, an Evo IV rams me mid-drift. As he was side by side at times, I'd brake and he'd do the same...always waiting to pounce. When I told the host the rammer's car, the rammed switched his car. And then the host starts to harass me for what I was driving... Getting sick of those who enjoy making others annoyed...
Oh it's Always while Drifting you get the Genius who wants to Run The track Reverse. So I tell the Host and Room to Reject vote, it doesn't happen. So Now the guy Is Mad so he literally starts chasing and Ramming me and Hits others while doing so. So we all picked Pick ups, and chased him until he left!
People that don't use caution during 10 lap races with damage and penalties set to high. Especially in to the first corner, at Nurburgring GP-D. Turns out me braking to avoid hitting the guy in front means that I get rear-ended in to the the guy I was avoiding in the first place. 5 Second penalty for me, plus damage on all 4 corners. THANKS.
Pretty hard to choose from a single incident. Since every time I join-in on an online race event there are always numerous cases where the last guy decides to go backwards and cause as many head-on collisions as possible or having numerous drivers purposely cut across the track because they're too inexperience to handle the chicanes or when everybody decides to play bumper cars instead of actually racing (which usually happens on the first turn of each race). However, there is some good news, NFS Shift 2 is coming out very soon and hopefully that will attract most if not all the (So-called) GT5 fan base away from this game and into that game. Leaving only the true GT5 enthusiasts to enjoy online racing.👍
Worst thing that happened was being kicked by a guy in a Mazda 787B kicked me after i beat him with a Amuse S2000 GT1 Turbo on the ring after he had a 10km lead.
These threads are hilarious. I keep hearing these complaints. However, every time I post that I am opening a public lobby, to pick up clean racers, only a couple people show up. It isn't hilarious that there are so many idiots online, but that these same people that complain, never take advantage of these opportunities. We just ran a public room yesterday, and only 1 person showed up. Those who run clean lounges just don't expose themselves, and their friends, to the idiots. Frankly, every time a "lounge owner", who races clean, opens a public room, it should be full of new clean racers. As stated in the link (below), if you don't show up to one of these, you should look in the mirror, and maybe show up next time. Good luck. Case in point:

Couple of days ago I was in a Le Mans style lobby. Stupid host doesn't start the race when everyone is telling him to. He was French by the way driving a Veyron, WTF? So we all got p***** off and all of us went after him to ram him in free run. LOL it was fun.
Not the worst but I remember I hosted a room and left after about 1 hour or 2 and I always host as fixed host and this was before the actual "you have been kicked" message was fixed instead of just "You have been disconnected".

That person kept menacing through PSN messages about 3 times.
So today I'm free running on TGTT and a guy from this forum says "are you Stig from GTP?"
So i say "yep"
Then he replies "well youre a **** (see you next tuesday)" in capital letters.
Im like "lolwut"
So we had a girly slanging match, then a couple of races and by the end of it we were on good terms, lol.
Never did find out why he called me that horrible name though.

Cool story bro.

Well, the stig (ben collins), decided to ignore the contract he signed to keep it secret he was the stig, he then got sick of nobody not knowing about it so then went and wrote an autobiography talking about it, then there was a court case that he won. Since then he has been going in every magazine and car tv show, showing off on how he was the stig.

Thats why the guy hates him.
750pp race on Monza, 5 laps, 8 people.
I didn't quallify (was having my tea served) and I started at 8th place.
Everyone used LMP cars like Sauber C9s, C60s, Minoltas, 787Bs - I used my trusty Nissan R89.
I blast them from the start, I get to 1st place before the chicane and then - someone decided to use me as brake and rammed me off into the chicane.
Pause -> Exit Game
Nothing special about my online visits, just getting knocked/kicked off by some jealous/egoboosted infants and these so-called "Pr0-dR1fT4Zz".

Why do they always have to think drifting as competing and trying to be the best/first/fastest on the lobby while doing some dirty overtaking? I don't get it. I just want to chill out, have fun and drift with my own style/pace. By the way, I do not go crashing intentionally.
Some 8 year olds in a NASCAR lobby at Indy trying to ram me off course instead of this guy in an MINOLTA. Seriously, was that REALLY necessary? I took the lead cleanly! They should have been at their school at detention. :lol:
I've have an idea for this... if GT5 can recognize your birthday, why doesn't PD just implement an AGE RESTRICTION on lobbys? Then no loser kids will come into the server and people will be able to race eachother of the same age group anyways. Kids will always smash cars, it's why licenses are a privilege :\

also, then you wouldn't have to stop gaming to kick (as many anyways; there will always be that one ignorant person), which can potentially be more time consuming and annoying than them joining and powersliding into you or ruining your track etc.

the con is that servers will dramatically be less diverse, though that could be a pro because they'll be less diverse of stupid kids >.> (or if you're a kid, more diverse of other kids learning about cars)

actually it could get quite competitive if that were implemented