Ah yes, one frankly pithy letter to the community filled with the typical mealy-mouthed 'promises' that Kaz is usually want to make.
This post would be helpful for you, as it outlines all the times that Kaz has more or less lied to get the heat off his back. That letter especially continues the pattern, and it sure doesn't look like it's stopping anytime soon.
You have shown absolutely
jack as to why you think we should believe there is more then one person working on the AI, as proven by the credits.
Pot, meet kettle.
Oh yeah, because 95% of the Cafe menus AI aside from the one WTC 600 event at the Red Bull Ring in the rain are so much faster then humans, and the only reason they
are faster is because Polyphony set the rabbit to be chased far enough that even with a car up to the bleeding edge PP limit and with a mega drive, you might not have enough to past first. Every other time is literally just a question of when you pass first place.
They did. They wouldn't have introduced a difficulty selection if they didn't have nearly persistent complaints from the community and reviewers for a decade plus (including this very site's reviews) to introduce something more significant then chasing the rabbit.
Too bad that the fix they instituted was worse then pointless, because the main gameplay thrust, the menus, are still more or less the same easy chase the rabbit style of races that have been in place since GT5. And the selectable difficulty is useless outside of that very narrow wheelhouse, because the World Circuit races are governed by their own difficulty logic, and the same goes for Custom Races and Missions.
So what do we have then? A solution that pleases no one, when it could have very easily done so if Polyphony bothered to care about likewise titles that actually manage to make decent AI that pleases everyone. Too bad Kaz believes nothing exists outside of GT then.
Too bad that overtaking them in a race amounts to chasing the rabbit, something that has plagued the series since GT5. So are we really racing, or are we just doing track days?
And it isn't. The AI is a massive problem in that, and maybe just as importantly, the structure of the races work in sync with the AI to make a miserable racing experience that pleases no one. And Polyphony have more or less ignored constant criticism, again including from this very site's reviews, to stay the course.
They haven't.
Then what the **** are they playing racing games for, if not for the desire to race against others, human or otherwise and have it represent at least some semblance of competition?
Every time you have spoken about this subject you have shown absolutely no real knowledge on what the player base wants in terms of racing, and that ultimately, Polyphony's way of fixing the issues in this game are worse then useless, and you'd realize that if you played any of the races that they have you going through in GT7, or anything from GT5 onward. You believe that the majority of the player base wants chase the rabbit scenarios, when reviews, including for
this very site have consistently rated AI as one of the major problem areas, among many others.