Would you like to pay for repair car damage in GT5?

Whould you like to pay for repair car damage in GT5?

  • yes

    Votes: 112 75.2%
  • no

    Votes: 37 24.8%

  • Total voters
But I thought KY was trying to get it "as close as possible to real life", and i thought thats why we all go out and spend hundreds of pounds on expensive wheels etc etc.
It's marketing. That's all it is. I'm pretty sure Kaz has no actual intentions of making it as real life as possible because that's why we play GT in the first place. To escape real life.
Yes it's a video game, but that's no excuse to disregard things that happens in real life driving. All you have to do is look at the NFS series to see where that gets us.
The stuff that happens in real life driving is stuff we don't need to go through inside our homes. Real life driving consists of doing the speed limit, getting in traffic, & when you do go to a track, you have to pay all these fees for licenses, track usage, whatever. And this is done with normally 2 cars at most.

I'm sorry if my opinion forces you to go into little rants, but I find the whole thought of making the game as real possible in regards to real life dumb as can be because I'll just go live real life before I try to re-simulate it.
There is a fine line between simulation and game, and the whole point of discussions like these is to find the line and "balance" on it. There is no point saying my ideas are "stupid" when 1. I didn't say it should be implimented and 2. It's my opinion and it quite clearly isn't stupid.
Saying you'd be for paying for gas & services is crossing that line.

And in my opinion again, I think it is a very stupid idea. It goes beyond the term, "excessive".
I think you're the "stupid" one here. I DON'T want that feature in the game. I said I personally wouldn't have a problem with it IF it was. I even wrote it clearly for you so you didn't miss it, yet you still managed to.

What does the red in your name mean anyway? That you get to go around saying what you want about peoples opinions with no worries of getting your ass banned?

Apologies to everyone else by the way, maybe we should return to topic.
Yes GT5 should have damage but where? Arcade, time trial, career mode, online, and should we have to pay for it to be repaired?
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So in real life you can just go and drive a ferrari around any track you wish, and if you crash... no worries?

No, i dont think you can, so how exactly would a game like that be a true driving simulator? It wouldn't.
Driving costs money, therefore a simulator should cost money. I would be all for paying for petrol and services aswell...

The best part about the GT series is building your way up from a rubbish car to supercars. If you could just open the game and drive any car the life of the game would be greatly reduced, as the actual driving experience of the GT series, is not as good as many other games like LFS. If you want to drive any car on any track, LFS is much, much better than the GT series.

I'm not against paying for damage at all, it's a joke guys. This was my earlier post.

"I like the idea, but I'd take it a step farther by being able to sell damaged parts of your car (either in career mode or online) so as to earn a little money before buying new parts. That way it won't cost as much to repair. If you sell your damaged parts online, people could buy them to have them repaired for their own car for less money then buying a brand new part."
Voted yes simply because it will help weed out amateurs from completing the game with wall riding and smacking into the AI to pass etc (as if 24h races won't do it :P). You should be punished for that kind of driving even in offline mode imo, cause they will think that they can do the same things in online mode (cause the penalty system will likely get exploited similar to how it is now in GT5P I bet).

I think you're the "stupid" one here. I DON'T want that feature in the game. I said I personally wouldn't have a problem with it IF it was. I even wrote it clearly for you so you didn't miss it, yet you still managed to.

What does the red in your name mean anyway? That you get to go around saying what you want about peoples opinions with no worries of getting your ass banned?
Oh, did I pinch a nerve? Must have. :rolleyes:
"I like the idea, but I'd take it a step farther by being able to sell damaged parts of your car (either in career mode or online) so as to earn a little money before buying new parts.

Thats a good idea, would add a whole new element to the game. Would be pretty cool to drive a D1GP car around with no bumpers because you wrecked them and sold them.

I personally can't see how paying for damage could possibly be implimented online though. It would be so frustrating if someone trashed your prized posession. Any ideas?
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Thats a good idea, would add a whole new element to the game. Would be pretty cool to drive a D1GP car around with no bumpers because you wrecked them and sold them.

I personally can't see how paying for damage could possibly be implimented online though. It would be so frustrating if someone trashed your prized posession. Any ideas?

Simple, if someone thrashes you off the road (and gets a penalty) they have to pay for the damage they did to your car plus the damage they sustained on their own car as well. This should teach people to race clean too.

Or you could have it where if someone wrecks you and, and you get damaged, it counts as a free repair because you didn't cause the damage, someone else did.

The only problem with both of these ideas is that PD would have to create a pretty elaborate penalty system for all the collisions to be judged properly.

So the best way to avoid each of these problems would be to ditch it all together and just give everyones car a free repair at the end of every race.
I wish you guys would stop coming up with stupid ideas just because you see "simulator".

Paying for gas & service charges, my god. Might as well have the game kill your profile when you run into a wall at 90mph.
Hey I don't like the idea either, but there's no need to be a dick about it.

Besides, we already paid for oil changes and car washes in GT4, remember? :sly:
You already do that in GT (at least if you want to tune and buy cars). Only difference is there's a new way to spend the money you earn. If they increase the earnings, this should be no problem.

Yes, and I don't want to at all, it's already a nuisance. I'm all for letting people shape their game. Developers really should open things up and let the players decide how their games will work, IMO. GT is an online race simulator to me, but apparently, some other see it as a car based RPG-ish game with realistic physics. We can both get what we want (an option to play GT mode or an option to have everything unlocked), so why shouldn't everyone be happy?

This has to be implemented. Other than endurance races, damage would be absolutely pointless. I mean users would always have the option to turn off damage right? So for those who wish to keep it on, make the consequences actual consequences. If we don't get charged for repairs, i can still imagine some users bumping the AI cars off the track to take the lead. Because if the only downside is a slightly slower car, that isn't a consquence if there is less than 2 laps to go.

Why would damage be pointless? If damage was properly simulated, you could be out of race in a single corner. You could destroy your car without corners if you lost control while launching in a drag race and flipped yourself on the center wall. That sounds like consequences. Having to earn money instead of racing or tuning more cars, etc, sounds like an annoyance [to me]. I want damage included for one purpose, to simulate racing; money has no part in that, so I don't see why damage becomes a gimmick without repair costs. Now if you want a race team management simulator, then yes, paying for damage is a requirement. But again, different people want different things.

So in real life you can just go and drive a ferrari around any track you wish, and if you crash... no worries?

No, i dont think you can, so how exactly would a game like that be a true driving simulator? It wouldn't.

It would be a driving sim quite easily. By your logic, any game that doesn't simulate you ageing and eventually dying is not a sim. Since no game does that, or probably will, there aren't, have never been, and never will be any sims.

Sims DO NOT try to replace your life, they simulate something. They can simulate something specific (lighting), something expansive (life) or something in the middle (driving, just driving). GT, as it is with no damage, is a simulator. GT with damage and no repairs will be a simulator, GT with damage and repairs will be a simulator, unless you apply your logic and call it out on not simulating the orbit of the Earth around the Sun while you drive.

I wish you guys would stop coming up with stupid ideas just because you see "simulator".

Paying for gas & service charges, my god. Might as well have the game kill your profile when you run into a wall at 90mph.

I agree [about the "simulator" part], though don't intend to offend anyone as this comment seems to have done.

Either you want GT to be a simulator, or you want it to be a game. I presume the majority here want it to be a simulator, so why not simulate it properly. If we DO get damage, it would seem very unrealistic and "game" like for it to magically disappear.

Again, the question is what are you simulating? If it's driving/racing, money isn't needed at all. It could even get in the way. If you want to simulate being a driver, then money makes sense.

But I thought KY was trying to get it "as close as possible to real life", and i thought thats why we all go out and spend hundreds of pounds on expensive wheels etc etc.

Yes it's a video game, but that's no excuse to disregard things that happens in real life driving. All you have to do is look at the NFS series to see where that gets us.

There is a fine line between simulation and game, and the whole point of discussions like these is to find the line and "balance" on it. There is no point saying my ideas are "stupid" when 1. I didn't say it should be implimented and 2. It's my opinion and it quite clearly isn't stupid.

All i want to do is come onto this forum, say what i think, see other peoples opinions and have a chat. Yet all i see is someone says something bad about gt5, or something someone doesn't agree with, and they get ranted at. Its like a communist society where we all have to agree with the "forums" opinions. Why can't we just agree to disagree, instead of calling peoples ideas stupid and ranting. If you don't like the idea of petrol, then fine, tell me that, but don't call my idea stupid.

Great post. However the bold, which I assume has to do with damage payment, has nothing to do with driving.

Thats a good idea, would add a whole new element to the game. Would be pretty cool to drive a D1GP car around with no bumpers because you wrecked them and sold them.

I personally can't see how paying for damage could possibly be implimented online though. It would be so frustrating if someone trashed your prized posession. Any ideas?

If we're aiming for reality, you shouldn't be allowed to drive in a damaged car. There are safety requirements in races. Now in low level autocrosses or something, you could probably drive around in a dented sedan, but you'd probably be kicked out of ALMS if you could produce a spotless car by race time.

Simple, if someone thrashes you off the road (and gets a penalty) they have to pay for the damage they did to your car plus the damage they sustained on their own car as well. This should teach people to race clean too.

Or you could have it where if someone wrecks you and, and you get damaged, it counts as a free repair because you didn't cause the damage, someone else did.

The only problem with both of these ideas is that PD would have to create a pretty elaborate penalty system for all the collisions to be judged properly.

So the best way to avoid each of these problems would be to ditch it all together and just give everyones car a free repair at the end of every race.

I wouldn't trust the penalty system at all. I also doubt that damage repairs will do anything to stop rough driving, unless it's so overblown that even scratching paint costs as much as getting a new car, and that would be horrible. I agree that free repair is best. However, if PD really gives players highly customized options, race series could be set up by a group (such as GTP) and then moderated by select people. That way, humans and not insane AI/penalties can judge who is at fault and dish out appropriate punishments. Such a system could be complex to include, but it would allow an extremely high level of realism in simulating a specific race series, as each series individual rules can be enforced, and even new rules could be devises to create new races.


Now, the big issue is creating a game that satisfies people like me, and people who want a racing driver sim and not only a driving sim. Offline, it's as easy as choosing what path. At game start, you choose to start with 10,000 cr and an empty garage or start with infinite money and every car open.

Online is more complex, at least if those who like money wish to play primarily online. If that is the case, separate online into two modes. Official races and users races.

Official races are extensions of GT mode online, PD creates events which are only open to people who completed GT mode to a certain extent, and participation will effect their earnings, cars, stats, etc. Basically, GT mode with online players in place of AI.

User races on the other hand are custom rule events created by players. They have nothing to do with GT mode or anything. You can have no cars, no licenses, yet still race F1's around the Nurburgring. There is no money, only racing. I will live [my GT life] in here.
Seems that many people want many different things out of Gran Turismo, and it will be impossible to create a game that everyone is 100% happy with. Then again, i've been pleased with every GT game so far, and they haven't had damage, or skid marks, or good sounds etc.

So tbh, I know i'll be pleased with GT5 when it finally comes out, as im sure the majority of people here will. The trouble is they've taken so long to release it that we've all had far to long to speculate about which features are going to be included. If GT5 was released 2 years ago, everyone would be raving about how great it was.

I would personally like damage, and i wouldn't mind paying for it. There should just be a set of options like so:

Damage Settings:
Realism - Full damage, mechanical and bodywork. Have to pay to fix it.
Full - Full damage, mechanical and bodywork. Don't have to pay to fix it.
Cosmetic - Just bodywork damage. Don't have to pay to fix it.
Off - No Damage
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The only problem with both of these ideas is that PD would have to create a pretty elaborate penalty system for all the collisions to be judged properly.

I still get pissed in GT4 when (once in a while) I am penalized for the bloody AI running into me. I would just be worried that the implementation of such a system, online, would result in too many occurrences of adding insult to injury.

Disclaimer: If this type of example already has rules and judgments, then I am sorry, but at least my point is understood.
Ex.: You are in a turn, but not tight enough, and someone creeps into the space. In the end, you both bump at your relative apexes but due to your angle, you fly off of the road and into the sand. You not only lose position (and so credits), but also have to pay for the damage caused to your car. On top of it all, maybe even the damage caused to theirs. Who is at fault?
Why argue with an idiot? You'll just beat me with experience. ;)

McLaren, before I address the main topic, I do have to say this was totally uncalled for. Calling people stupid and idiots is a personal insult, and contravenes the AUP, not to mention any standard of decent debate.

Except this is a video game.

And your point is? You really think paying for damage turns it from being a videogame? So Forza is not a game? :boggled:

If I wanted to be charged for every little thing I did with my car, I'd get up & go outside.....

If you don't want the whole simulation experience, you can also go play Mario Kart...

I wish you guys would stop coming up with stupid ideas just because you see "simulator".

Is it stupid to expect a "simulator" to be...a "simulator"?

Paying for gas & service charges, my god. Might as well have the game kill your profile when you run into a wall at 90mph.

You mean like every other game deals with death?

Does COD or any other shooting game kill your profile when you get shot in the head? Oh wait, you can't die in COD; that would make it not a game, right?

If GT tried to conform to real world rules, I guarantee you nobody would be close to achieving the race cars, & it would take forever to just get your first Ferrari.

Maybe if you are this "nobody" you speak of. I'd like to think Ferraris are special, require some effort to get, not something anybody can get within a week.

It's marketing. That's all it is. I'm pretty sure Kaz has no actual intentions of making it as real life as possible because that's why we play GT in the first place. To escape real life.

You're doing a pretty crappy job escaping "real life" by playing a game with "real life" cars...you should be playing Wipeout.

I'm sorry if my opinion forces you to go into little rants, but I find the whole thought of making the game as real possible in regards to real life dumb as can be because I'll just go live real life before I try to re-simulate it.

I'll give this: in the other thread I said I wanted 100% simulation. This is not accurate; obviously there are certain aspects of real life that we don't need in the game.

What those aspects are, and how many of them, to me, is what's up for debate. And I think, as I said, that paying for damage fits withing what's doable.
For you people out there that are worried about punters,newbies,amatuers - remember something - PRIVATE ROOMS ,it takes away the fear of encountering them.

Voted yes by the way.

Some people in this thread really need to grow up !!!
McLaren, before I address the main topic, I do have to say this was totally uncalled for. Calling people stupid and idiots is a personal insult, and contravenes the AUP, not to mention any standard of decent debate.
But it's perfectly alright for him to call me the "stupid" one. Take your double standards & stick them.

And your point is? You really think paying for damage turns it from being a videogame? So Forza is not a game? :boggled:
Go back. Read his post.
Either you want GT to be a simulator, or you want it to be a game.
It can't be one or the other, it will always be the latter.

If you don't want the whole simulation experience, you can also go play Mario Kart...
There's a difference between simulating the car racing & simulating the real world application of all the stuff that goes on behind the scenes. We don't need to simulate the process of going through driver training, track fees, rules of the track, etc. A lot of people just want to get in & drive. The game will still be a simulator without all the small stuff.

Is it stupid to expect a "simulator" to be...a "simulator"?
Yes, if you believe that simulator is going to offer you more than what's it designed for. You don't go into a Nascar simulator expecting to go through pre-race checks, and what not, you go into it the experience the feel of a real Nascar.

Look at MS Flight Sim. It simulates all the basic & advanced settings of a real aircraft. What it isn't going to do is simulate what would happen to you if you ignore tower commands or going wherever you please. It isn't meant to simulate that.

You mean like every other game deals with death?

Does COD or any other shooting game kill your profile when you get shot in the head? Oh wait, you can't die in COD; that would make it not a game, right?
Bad example. COD doesn't tout itself as a simulator.

Maybe if you are this "nobody" you speak of. I'd like to think Ferraris are special, require some effort to get, not something anybody can get within a week.
They're not something anybody can get within 2 months of racing a Miata in amateur cups either.

You're doing a pretty crappy job escaping "real life" by playing a game with "real life" cars...you should be playing Wipeout.
Obviously, it seems you're unable to comprehend a simple meaning.

There are people who play GT to go into a "world" where they can race close-to-life Ferraris, & whatever else, all while never having to worry about any of the other issues because in real life, they'd constantly have to go through all sorts of processes. They don't want to go through that, they just want to race.
I'll give this: in the other thread I said I wanted 100% simulation. This is not accurate; obviously there are certain aspects of real life that we don't need in the game.

What those aspects are, and how many of them, to me, is what's up for debate. And I think, as I said, that paying for damage fits withing what's doable.
Paying for damage is fine. Asking though, to simulate the entire experience is just stupid because a huge chunk of the whole experience of racing is actually very unpleasant.
Depends on the AI. I dont like the old rail system PD used to use. If it has been overhauled to avoid you, yes.
McLaren, i don't actually remember anybody saying that it should simulate everything. Obviously it would be stupid if you had a "heart attack" mid race and thus crashed. Obviously it would be stupid if you had to go through 2 years of health checks on a wii before your allowed to even play it.

Just get off you high horse; it just seems like you like arguing. The question is HOW far should we go, can't we just discuss that without you being a **** about it. The thread is about damage, so how far should we simulate DAMAGE. Pay for it or not? Able to repair a written off car or not? Ability to buy car insurance or not?
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It can't be one or the other, it will always be the latter.

That is the most ridiculous thing i've ever read.

Obviously it can be a simulator, because a simulator SIMULATES things. It isn't an exact 100% copy of the experience - that would just be real life.

No where does is say that a simulation has to be 100% like the real thing, it just has to SIMULATE it. Gran turismo is supposed to simulate real life driving, so the more things it includes from real life, the closer it will be to the perfect simulator. So it IS a simulator. KY hasn't spent however many millions of pounds to make it nothing like real life. Why would he have machines analysing the technical data of cars, why would he make 200k polygon models if he wasn't trying to simulate real cars and real driving? Let me guess, hes got an ulterior motive?
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Trouble is you will get idiots buying used honda civics and playing "aim for the most expensive car"

I don't think damage should be implimented online - unless it was in a properly moderated series.

Then it would be like EVE online. Don't buy a new ship until you know you can afford to replace it, because the chances are, its going to get destroyed.

I think lobbies will have a damage on/off option anyway, so if you go into a race with an expensive car and don't want it to be damaged, pick a room with no damage, or use a private room with people you trust. Simples :)

Plus i think online without damage would spoil the fun for those who requested it in the first place. You've never done a multiplayer event like a demolition derby where you just break everyones car? Because i have to admit that is a lot of fun. If you see a guy in a Civic with Tiger stripes (if it has a livery editor of course) watch out because its me ;)
Plus i think online without damage would spoil the fun for those who requested it in the first place. You've never done a multiplayer event like a demolition derby where you just break everyones car? Because i have to admit that is a lot of fun. If you see a guy in a Civic with Tiger stripes (if it has a livery editor of course) watch out because its me ;)

Haha, I have actually - on LFS.
I agree it would be nice to have damage online, and there should be an option to turn it on/off when creating an online game. How are online events going to work in GT5, who is hosting, the player or PD?
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For me, all the GT games became pretty dull after you got so much money that it didn't matter what you bought any more. I'd like paying for repairs to be in there purely so that you have to work a bit harder for any new cars or upgrades. Of course you could also achieve the same by just reducing prize money.
Haha, I have actually - on LFS.
I agree it would be nice to have damage online, and there should be an option to turn it on/off when creating an online game. How are online events going to work in GT5, who is hosting, the player or PD?

It hasn't been confirmed. We know there will be private lobbies, but they haven't said whether public events will be customisable or determined by the server.

I hope PD take notice of their competition, because quite a few people complained about the Forza 3 online. Not to mention the people who complained about GT5P not having lobbies.
That is the most ridiculous thing i've ever read.

Obviously it can be a simulator, because a simulator SIMULATES things. It isn't an exact 100% copy of the experience - that would just be real life.
Sorry if you can't grasp reality, but the fact remains Gran Turismo will always be a video game. It may be in the genre of simulator racing, but that doesn't take away the fact it's still a game just like GTR2, rFactor, LFS, & iRacing are all still games at their core.
McLaren, i don't actually remember anybody saying that it should simulate everything. Obviously it would be stupid if you had a "heart attack" mid race and thus crashed. Obviously it would be stupid if you had to go through 2 years of health checks on a wii before your allowed to even play it.
Seems you haven't been around this section long enough, because a lot of people in this forum are asking for everything. I've seen people bring up everything from having insurance to driving courses. It's a video game, why the hell would anyone give a crap about having insurance & driver training courses in a game?

As I said, paying for damage is fine. Asking to simulate the whole experience is retarded because again, part of the whole experience of racing is actually not worth "simulating".

And here's another thing you apparently don't get. The whole "The Real Driving Simulator" part is in regards to the physics. The key word is in the slogan. The driving physics. That's what this game simulates. The Real Driving Simulator, not The Real Owning A Car Simulator.
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I'd pay for vehicle repairs.What about including some required tools or would that make it complicated, monotonous & boring ?.
There's 5 pages, so I don't know if it's been said, but NFS did this about 10 years back, in NFS high Stakes, in the career mode.
And I voted yes.

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