WRC 7 Confirmed for September Release, Watch Exclusive New Trailer Right Here

  • Thread starter er185es
Something different about 7 makes it look like your really low to the ground in that video even though the camera is up on the bonnet. Also that lens flare from the sun is kinda annoying, overall the game looks real good in that video. What really annoys me though is that your offline popup that appears at the end of every stage, I really thought they would get rid of that
For me the environment looks stunning, but something about the external replays is a bit odd. The car seems to hover rather than react to the terrain somehow?
I think the stage design is what's impressing me the most in this iteration of the series. Graphically, it really seems to have done a significant jump forward. The physics, despite being what is known as "simcade", look very pleasing, how should I put it, they look right. As a major rally fan, I hope this game succeeds.
There's only a few things putting me off pre-ordering:

1) The stages we've seen so far look great - suspiciously great. If they have, what, 65 stages(?) - 13 of them of 'epic' length - all to that level of detail/quality, I would be amazed. I worry that won't be the case and that there'll be, dare I say it, some repeated sections...............and if you have to have repeating sections, I'd rather they'd at least be procedurally repeated! (Sorry, by Dirt 4 fanboyism is unwavering. :lol:)

2) I've read some worrying things about the AI in earlier WRC games. This will sound silly but for WRC 6, I couldn't find a single YouTube video of anyone (driving competently) getting beat by the hardest AI.......and that was a dealbreaker for me. For anyone here who's getting WRC 7 early, I'd be very interested to know how they fare with the AI.

3) So many racing games! Between June and November I've gotten/plan to get Dirt 4, MotoGP 17, F1 2017, PCARS2, GT Sport, Forza Horizon 3 and Forza 7 (+ an Xbox One, although that's already paid for via CeX trade-ins). Something has to give.......but to be fair it's not Big Ben's fault I'm fast running out of money :lol:
For those who like me plan to play there on PS4 PRO :

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WRC The Official Game
Here are some key points on the enhancements planned for WRC 7 on PS4 Pro:
• Better resolution: QuadHD ( 2560x1440 ) instead of FullHD ( 1920x1080 )
• Better texture filtering ( more use of anisotropic filter )
• Better shadow filtering
What would I like from WRC7?

Oh and I forgot about the co-driver, but does it really need to be said that it needs improving?

As long as they continue to improve on replicating the stages accurately, provide realistic physics, provide good steering wheel implementation and FFB, graphics with no frame dropping and screen tearing and a vastly improved codriver it should be good? Doesn't make me feel warm and fuzzy and wouldn't preorder based on that wishlist. Sounds like they're just trying to make an adequately marginal game. Never played a WRC title because of all the poor reviews. Maybe 7 will be different, but just like SLRE, I'll wait until the price drops.
There's only a few things putting me off pre-ordering:

1) The stages we've seen so far look great - suspiciously great. If they have, what, 65 stages(?) - 13 of them of 'epic' length - all to that level of detail/quality, I would be amazed. I worry that won't be the case and that there'll be, dare I say it, some repeated sections...............and if you have to have repeating sections, I'd rather they'd at least be procedurally repeated! (Sorry, by Dirt 4 fanboyism is unwavering. :lol:)

2) I've read some worrying things about the AI in earlier WRC games. This will sound silly but for WRC 6, I couldn't find a single YouTube video of anyone (driving competently) getting beat by the hardest AI.......and that was a dealbreaker for me. For anyone here who's getting WRC 7 early, I'd be very interested to know how they fare with the AI.

3) So many racing games! Between June and November I've gotten/plan to get Dirt 4, MotoGP 17, F1 2017, PCARS2, GT Sport, Forza Horizon 3 and Forza 7 (+ an Xbox One, although that's already paid for via CeX trade-ins). Something has to give.......but to be fair it's not Big Ben's fault I'm fast running out of money :lol:
1. WRC 6 has 60 something stages with no repeated sections so I'm confident it's the same in wrc 7. It's the biggest strength of the wrc series of late. However most of the stages in wrc 7 are carried over and extended/improved from wrc6 rather than starting from scratch (which is only a "problem" if you've played the previous games)
2. The AI times in wrc5 were terrible, 6 was definitely better and yes you can get beaten on higher difficulty settings. Not sure about the special stage losing on stage but winning in times problem, I haven't experienced that myself but suspect it's to do with their start sequence problems rather than AI times as such
3. I couldn't agree with you more. Why oh why are so many (potentially?) great racing games releasing near the same time. I would also add Gravel to that list (and take away forza's as I don't have a XBone)

That comparison video above is telling. It's the first time a wrc game has looked better than a dirt game in my opinion. Time will tell if the other aspects of the game are of similar quality
@Gr4ndy yeah I play on PS4 also and have heard from someone else that it is the best looking rally game.
It's not actually out yet though right? How have so many people got it early?

Holy crap the reflecting on the bonnet in that above video is so clear it's mental