Wreckfest - General Discussion

  • Thread starter AKps3
Was planning on taking a wait-and-see approach to make sure it actually performs good on the consoles, but I kinda want that pre-order car...
Having been delayed as long as it was, I'm inclined to presume it has been whipped into an acceptable state.

My laptop surely couldn't do half as well as the PS4, anyway. :boggled:
Oh yes so cool !! :D
I mean it's a fun game nothing to serious, just having fun with your friends, crash into each other and having a good laugh. T

hat's what we need, we have to many " serious " games these days we need to go back what the PS2 give us in term of having fun while you played a game and not being focus on graphics, realism blabla and blabla..
Please don't tell me this is gonna be 30fps on console
With all the carnage going on, you’d be silly to expect anything else on the base consoles.

My expecations are set at 30fps with the potential dips here and there.
I have this game for the longest time on my Steam library, but never got the time to actually play it :lol: Does anyone know if the preorder cars are coming/already in the PC version?
I've had the game for a while now on PC and dip into it occasionally. Nice graphics, smooth gameplay and excellent on a controller. I think you will all be pleased with the physics and handling. The crashes at speed are awesome. I start off for 5mins and end up an hour or too on the game. The lawnmowers & big fields are my fave! Great fun.:cheers:
I really am mixed on this. I mean how many games are in dev hell for years and EVER come out well? I know its a weird one beacuse its been on pc but the amount of delays really seems to say it was an unplayable mess. Also we know how much companys LOVE to bring out half working games this gen.
I really am mixed on this. I mean how many games are in dev hell for years and EVER come out well? I know its a weird one beacuse its been on pc but the amount of delays really seems to say it was an unplayable mess. Also we know how much companys LOVE to bring out half working games this gen.
I can only guess that porting the game to consoles has proven far more problematic than anticipated. I have it on the PC and it's a fantastic game, definitely not an unplayable mess. Given the delays porting it to the consoles it may be worth while waiting for reviews in case the port isn't up to the same standard as the PC version.
I do hope the game runs well on consoles, considering the amount of time and polish they added for the console launch compared to the PC launch last year.
About time is all I have to say about it. I've been waiting for this since I pre-ordered off their website back in 2016, and the 2018 false flag release date didn't help my dwindling patience.

Good to hear that they'll continue to support it post console release. Throwing in four new cars (including a camper), 20 DLC cars as discussed, and many new tracks, some of which are MOD tracks from The Very Track Pack that have been given the premium treatment with base game assets & textures. Hopefully other modders can get in on this as well, as I'd love the Trackfest MOD to go official, and others have been requesting such mods as Online Bangers and NASCAR Legends just the same. Though due to licensing, I doubt that last one will be a thing.
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So waiting for this. Hope after it's released some guys will create some lobbies and threads for online racing on whatever nights so guys can have a regular group to race and have fun with. I'll be keeping my eyes open.
So waiting for this. Hope after it's released some guys will create some lobbies and threads for online racing on whatever nights so guys can have a regular group to race and have fun with. I'll be keeping my eyes open.
Oh there will be a bunch of us making lobbies. Stay tuned!
Do we have a list of the "select retailers" that have the pre-order car yet?

Do select retailers matter? By what I know, any old pre-order will get you the car. The PlayStation and Xbox store both say you'll get it by pre-ordering off of them.

My only question is whether or not this car is the same as the original backer car (bandit) but with a new facelift.

This is the Bandit, an (possibly formerly) exclusive car for original backers.

This is the new pre-order car.
Bandit Maxed.jpg

Not sure if Bugbear have said whether they're the same car, or two unique vehicles, much like the Rammer and Rammer RS. I'm hoping for the latter, as it still gives backers something special. But at the same time, that'd also mean that PC players won't have access to the new Pre-Order car.
Do select retailers matter? By what I know, any old pre-order will get you the car. The PlayStation and Xbox store both say you'll get it by pre-ordering off of them.

If it was available at all of them I dunno why they would put an asterisk and say "Only at selected retailers."

I prefer to get physical copies when I can, and I kinda live out in the middle of nowhere so some places are more convenient to pick it up at... I don't want to pre-order it someplace closer only to find out that retailer doesn't get the car.
Everybody is waiting for the console version to come out (if it isn't already) and I'm waiting for Wreckfest 2.0 to come out. :D

Wreckfest 2.0 has to be a true sim. :cool:

£5 off regular physical disc price for any new computer game, and its 6 years old. Its £25 too much for me IMO.

Typically rushed AAA rubbish that almost solely focuses on online, packaged with a very shallow and safe experience that'll last you a week at best:
$70CAD or £47

Indie racing game with a mediocre campaign, but a robust single player and online, and a truly unique, grin-inducing experience:
$53CAD or £35

I don't think people are getting ripped off here. The price range between Steam and consoles has always been significant. On PS4/Xbox One, the £10 price range you're looking for will get you nothing but cheap puzzle/side scroller games, or full games that are almost a decade old. £35 is a fair deal in that market for a title that's new to the platform.

Regardless, I don't care either way. As an original backer I got the deluxe version (and more) for less than that: $25CAD or £17
i can hardly wait . and im stoked bunch my ps4 budz want to get it also .

Same, I've got an entire music playlist prepped for it, and have been dying for a proper destruction-filled off-road racer since the death of MotorStorm. Considering how long Wreckfest has taken to release, I'm rather shocked by how many people are still hyped for it. I figured that people would eventually lose interest and forget about it, but if anything its popularity has only grown.

THQ is certainly doing their part to promote it, I'm seeing Wreckfest ads left & right all over YouTube.
I'm rather shocked by how many people are still hyped for it. I figured that people would eventually lose interest and forget about it, but if anything its popularity has only grown
yea but i noticed every video i seen of someone playing on pc is full of people laughing and having fun .thats what i want out of any game .fun .
They haven't released any Playstation versions for game reviewers to test? I've been searching Youtube but not seeing any.