WRS New Drivers and Promotions

  • Thread starter Tedehur
5 new div3 racers join the competition :

and NickSilver

A new div1 racer too, but I'll first check his replay, because it's 0.75 faster than 3rdgenracerX's current top time. (Only 0.049 slower than Dan's second attempt in January). So I want to make sure before I update the gap for all 470 drivers.
It wouldn't happen to be Ramon would it Cyril? I'm sure you've hear of him before :D
Yes / No

Yes it's Ramon, aka eclipsee
No, I don't remember having heard of him before... I guess I should have :)
Is it coincedence that holl01 leaves and a new alien rises up? I think the alien driver world is a little like Star Wars, there is always 2 siths?!?
It's probably because he retired a while ago. Although it seems he's back in business.
Is it coincedence that holl01 leaves and a new alien rises up? I think the alien driver world is a little like Star Wars, there is always 2 siths?!?


I saw this guys splits posted in last weeks WRS thread. Hard tyres and still an uberfast T2.

Has Dan been persueded(<sp, sorry?) to switch to the dark side? :sly: :)
I can assure my first name is Ramon and no other else :D , I can assure too that I've been in the dark forces.
Good to see you back racing Ramon and kicking ass as usual I see 👍

Give em hell mate :D
Hi Ron 👍 , well, my come back is not 100% , I'll be in the WRS from time to time only in those races I like the combo, so I won't give them so much hell. :)
You need to run the qualifier race >HERE<.

When you've run the race send your T1, T2 and lap time to Flat-Out by personal message (click on the link at the bottom of his post), then you're in.

The guy that runs the WRS (Flat-Out) has been away for a while though so he's probably got a fair bit of admin work to catch up with but he'll usually get back to you in a few day's. 👍
... and in the mean time you can start by entering this week's wrs (64) or next week's (65), race and submit your laptimes to him too.
To all those who submitted qualification times recently : keep on running week 64 and submit it too.
I'll work out your division when I put up the results for week 64.
6 new registrations over the past fortnight :
kerro01 and Taffie in div 3, De@tthwi&#167;ho0 and Troux in div 2, stidriver and Minolta_88 in div 1.

And a name change : Ben, our new mod for the TT WRS has changed his former name icemanshooter23 for simply I&#338;man.

Welcome to the WRS guys, and congrats again Ben.
And a name change : Ben, our new mod for the TT WRS has changed his former name icemanshooter23 for simply IŒman.

Welcome to the WRS guys, and congrats again Ben.

I didn't think that badge was there before. Congrats ICEman. 👍

Plenty of new guys still signing up, hello all.

I think Taffie may have an unfair disadvantage though Cyril. :)
13 according to his profile.
But that's not the first time that a father and his son race in the WRS.
Large_Fryz raced a few weeks (I let you guess whose father he is :D ), and Hugh Jeers (Mr P's son), and LoveMyMiata I think was someone's father too.
Awesome! He should have you beat pretty soon here Super... :sly:

And yeah Cyril, Lovemymiata was someone's dad, they're around in my area I guess... Sadly they've both left the WRS with no mention of goodbye.
This week's new drivers :
GPKart joins div1 (another alien)
max31, 240^Drift and Gingiba join div3.

Welcome to the WRS guys 👍
2 new racers joined today :
&#946;en in div 2, NightmareHunter in div3.

You don't have to go far to hunt nightmares : this week's race might be one. :sly:
Thanks Flat-out. Yep I'm new to the WRS, ranked 115 in Division 2. Just attempting race 66. Pretty hard IMO.