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  • Thread starter Tedehur
Sorry Colby, it looks like I proved you wrong :(

Well my 28 year run of being right was bound to come to an end some day...I feel like a weight has been lifted, I am mortal after all :sly:
Angst? What angst? :P

Ps. Just found out that I'm approved for my new apartment downtown! YAY!!! Now to get rid of two cars that aren't worth much and have a very small market in less than two weeks... Along with a good many parts, and GET SOME MONEY to pay for it. Downtown is expensive!
Holy cow that was awesome. Makes me wonder what my cars would sound like sped up like that... Very classic. Now I want to see it in "slow-motion"!
I think it may have been sped up to get the sound as that Audi made a similar noise when it pulled away. Also, when you get a brief look into the engine bay I'm pretty sure that's not a 'Busa engine?

Still made me laugh though, probably more to do with the 'viper' stripes and insulating tape over the light's for the racer look. :)

Well I'm an impulsive sort of guy and after watching Dad fly around Wakefield Park on the weekend I decided it's time to test out my new tyres so I'm going out there tomorrow. I'll be taping the encounter again so stay tuned for video footage (hopefully with my car always pointing forwards :scared: )
^ Agreed.
That video was hilarious, yet bloody ridiculous too. :lol:
Have a good time Colby.
*Lucky bastard* :sly:
Well I'm an impulsive sort of guy and after watching Dad fly around Wakefield Park on the weekend I decided it's time to test out my new tyres so I'm going out there tomorrow. I'll be taping the encounter again so stay tuned for video footage (hopefully with my car always pointing forwards :scared: )

Can't wait to see the next one Colby, It'll be a while before mine's back out on track so I'll have to watch yours for now. :(

Have fun matey. 👍

Well I've had better days:

Here's a video of how it happened, it's a 2 mb ".mov" file so you'll need Quicktime.

Took it to the Panel Beater and I'm looking at the $5,500 mark for repairs, all from my pocket since insurance ain't gonna bail me out of this one :guilty:

Once you watch the vid you'll notice if I bought good rubber for the rear tyres it never would have happened. Pretty tough lesson to learn :(
Holy crap Colby! I'm assuming you're OK, apart from the nasty stinging sensation in your wallet? I hope the little pocket rocket's not gonna be out of action too long? :(

Once you watch the vid you'll notice if I bought good rubber for the rear tyres it never would have happened. Pretty tough lesson to learn :(

Yeah, the back end was on the limit before the front, on previous corners in the vid...

You hit that black thingy, right? I'm not sure, so I tried using the rumblies...
Yeah I hit the tyre barrier around the Marshall's Box. You're right, the rears were on the limit...that was pretty much the first time the back stepped out though?!? I remember thinking I'd better make this my last lap...guess it was :indiff:

The other vid doesn't work well for some people, this 8mb ".avi" file should work for anyone 👍

P.S The rocket will be back, (provided the repair bill doesn't sky rocket!)
This was the first real stepping-out of the back, but on the turn or two before, the camera is slightly angled, perhaps indicating minor oversteer?
Y'ouch, that's not good to hear Colby. That's alot of money to pay out for something like that.

BTW could a PAL person check my Week 75 lap please?
Wait wait wait. You only bought those tires for the FRONT of the car?!?!??!? That's like putting Sports soft tires on the front of your car, and having something like roads on the back... I had no idea you only bought some for the front.

Just watched it... YIKES MAN! Lift throttle oversteer in action. Quite normal for FF cars that can actually handle, as that's how they do so... But then, when you stick sticky up front and leave icky in the back?!?! Yikes. Was that your first lap then? AHHHH! I feel for you man!
I'd already done a session and that was about the 6th lap of the second session, so I'd done about 15-16 laps when that happened.

Even though it kinda sucks, it's done now and can't do much but cop it on the chin. I'll be back though :sly: 👍
I'd already done a session and that was about the 6th lap of the second session, so I'd done about 15-16 laps when that happened.

Even though it kinda sucks, it's done now and can't do much but cop it on the chin. I'll be back though :sly: 👍

I see I see... I hope it doesn't bug you that I keep on talking about it, but was it that oversteery earlier on? Do you think that maybe the not as capable rear tires overheated? What brand/model are the other tires?
Happy to talk about it 👍

I'm fairly certain the rears did exactly as you say, they just overheated at that point. I felt the rear move slightly on maybe 2 corners during the previous 15 laps, I was very careful to brake in straight lines because I'd had the car snap out under braking on previous occasions.

The fact the car just snapped around on me at the point it did was pretty scary and makes me cautious to "get back on the horse" but I'm 99% sure it was because those rears were toast. I ran my hand along them when I got back in the sheds and it was a very uneven surface with a lot of little rubber stringy bits hanging everywhere. The tyres were Firenza I think and I got them with the Simmons wheels when I bought them. The guy told me they weren't super-brilliant tyres but were fine for road use and they were I guess. Not replacing them gives me the dunce of the year award I think :dunce:
Not replacing them gives me the dunce of the year award I think :dunce:

Yeah, you and Greg are in a close contest for that.

I suppose just changing the fronts would be more then fine for regular road use. But the difference of grip between on the front and the rear for high speed cornering is killer. At least you're getting back on the track! 👍 Respect.

PS: Went out today and my friends and I took a group shot of our cars.

Seat Cordoba, Lancer GSR, Nissan EXA.

I know, mine is the slowest. But at least it works. The Lancer is taped together (seriously, it's why we're at Pick-A-Part). And the EXA seriously spends more time in the shop then on the road. He has to top up his clutch fluid every week!
Happy to talk about it 👍
Right on. I hear ya about being scared to get back on the horse... My brakes didn't work as well as I thought would once, and I had to pay dearly in suspension components, made me think twice about driving hard again.

And yeah, that could very well warrant a dunce of the year award... :P

Brad, looking pretty good there! And ya know, if that Exa(I think 200SX here?) was taken better care of, it probably wouldn't have issues. Who knows. Sure looks the best out of that group though! :P
Yo racers check out what i found in The Sun news paper on thursday. I just thought this was to good to miss, so here it is :drool: :)
