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  • Thread starter Tedehur
I'm okay with Xena being above me, but I also will be assuming those 4 are the only 4 above me regardless of your nerdy mathematical hypothesis :sly:
But casio is so.. Right!

Harsh :)

On a different note, that car in your sig. Ben was on Top Gear here in Aus today. That's one scary vehicle :crazy:
In my avatar you mean? It was on Top Gear in the UK a few seasons ago. What a machine!

Oh yeah...your 'tar :dunce: looks like we're a bit behind on the ol' Top Gear episodes...no matter, it's an awesome show 👍
And one of them is Xena....

Anyway, it's not all inclusive! I could ever fit all the people who are superior to you, and all the people who are inferior to me (Which, coincidently, is the same number :sly:) on a 120x120 space. Even having names only 6 pixels high, at a world population of 6.6 billion, that's 39600000000 pixels high. Or 139699.96 km high. To put it another way, your avatar would have to stretch around the earth 3.4 times, or a third of the way to the moon.

You need to get out more Brad....or is it Greg?.?.;)
I saw Felipe Massa today screaming down the street in his Ferrari F1 car.

Thought I'd just have a bit of a boast :P
Ah Bugger.....I knew I was supposed to be going somewhere today?

I have however managed to wrangle a trip round Mclarens facilty in Woking at the end of September.....The only trouble is it's the day I get back from holiday so I'll probably be falling asleep on the way round. :eek:
:lol: Wish I could go..
Nice avatar by the way!

Taken from the new irn bru 32 energy drink ad.....flippin hilarious.:D

Found a load of out-takes on you tube. 👍
Yeah sorry, if you were replying to Casio's questions, I moved the posts into a new thread.:dunce:
Yeah I was, got a little confused when the subject I was replying to disappeared on me. lol

Got it sorted now!

I just found out about a spanish comics named "El Capitán Trueno" (which means Captain Thunder)





Thread Revival.

Ok. Everyone in the WRS has to help me here, it's an order.

I need a solid idea for my year 12 media production by the 3rd. It has to be 5-10 minutes long, but apart from that it's free choice.

At the moment I'm trying to think of something with as little or no dialogue as possible, as I have no access to proper sound equimpment and I find the sound recorded by the camera to be awful quality. I'm also trying to think of something more 'artsy', because I'm that kind of person, and the films I saw from previous years tried to squeeze in a feature length film into 5 minutes and they generally sucked.

That was 3 months ago. Now it's due in a week and I haven't finished filming yet! (Hooray for procrastination!) Anyway, I've mostly edited the middle section of my movie and here it as a preview! Sorry for the poor quality, and background sound, I just filmed it off the screen with my phone, didn't have time to render the whole thing. (Actually, I did a full quality render of this mobile phone video and it was 400mb!)

However, I'm still stuck on a few things. First the colour, I really do like the effect of Black and White on it. But I don't know if I really have a reason to put it in black or white except for I think it looks cool. Second, music. The movie will have no diegetic sound, so I need to find some music that fits in with the various mood. Ideally I'd like a single piano or violin or something, unfortunately, I don't know any violin virtuoso's around who would be willing to write me a score (Or any violin virtuoso's at all for that matter...). I can't use licensed music either. My other thought was a silent movie, but my teacher has expressed her negative opinion on that.

Anyway. Here it is. About 9mb. Enjoy!

(Don't try to look for me, I'm only in it for about 1.3 seconds)
What sort of tone/character/emotion do you want from the music? Should it be fast/lively or slow/melancholy etc.
I presume you want the character to change at some point too, so I don't know if you'll find one piece that fits with the various moods of your film - you may want to use several different pieces?

Anyway, there is a reasonably good site which links to free classical downloads called classiccat.net - I don't think licensing will be an issue either since they are made available by the artists themselves for free download, so long as you're not using them commercially or for profit.

Having looked at your clip, I think the slow movement of Schumann's Piano Quintet might be worth a try - it has a nice mood change a couple of minutes in which could fit well with your whole "eye" sequence. :sly:
Or there's Schubert's E-flat Piano Trio (slow movement) which could work too (and which you'll know if you've seen Kubrick's Barry Lyndon).

Probably best would be some Bach though, mainly because it's phenomenal music and the pieces are generally shorter meaning you could use several contrasting ones without much editing. There's a page with loads of free ones here so you could take a couple of pieces from the French Suites (try the Allemandes and Sarabandes from the 1st or 3rd Suites - they're 1-3 mins each) or there are some quite well known pieces in decent performances there like Nun komm' der Heiden Heiland or Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ, but they are both very dark/serious pieces so I'm not quite sure that's what you're after...

Hope that's some help. :dopey:
What sort of tone/character/emotion do you want from the music? Should it be fast/lively or slow/melancholy etc.
I presume you want the character to change at some point too, so I don't know if you'll find one piece that fits with the various moods of your film - you may want to use several different pieces?

Anyway, there is a reasonably good site which links to free classical downloads called classiccat.net - I don't think licensing will be an issue either since they are made available by the artists themselves for free download, so long as you're not using them commercially or for profit.

Having looked at your clip, I think the slow movement of Schumann's Piano Quintet might be worth a try - it has a nice mood change a couple of minutes in which could fit well with your whole "eye" sequence. :sly:
Or there's Schubert's E-flat Piano Trio (slow movement) which could work too (and which you'll know if you've seen Kubrick's Barry Lyndon).

Probably best would be some Bach though, mainly because it's phenomenal music and the pieces are generally shorter meaning you could use several contrasting ones without much editing. There's a page with loads of free ones here so you could take a couple of pieces from the French Suites (try the Allemandes and Sarabandes from the 1st or 3rd Suites - they're 1-3 mins each) or there are some quite well known pieces in decent performances there like Nun komm' der Heiden Heiland or Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ, but they are both very dark/serious pieces so I'm not quite sure that's what you're after...

Hope that's some help. :dopey:

Oh My God. You're awesome. This is exactly what I was looking for! 👍 👍 👍

The very basic plot synopsis of the film is a kid who has OCD, and struggling with his disability. Then he find a girl, also with OCD, and then they be all happy like. So I was hoping to start with something darker/serious, and then work into the happier upbeat stuff near the end. So yes ideally I will try to mix, match and fade (Bach will roll in his grave) these into one score.

Thanks again for the tips! If I had credits you'd be in it!
Wow. Sausages be honoured, you've gotten Brad's official seal of approval. And thats rare.

:lol: Yeah. I'm such a JERK! :lol:

I've been listening to some of the links you posted, I really like 'Nun komm' der Heiden Heiland' and I could see some of that in it quite easierly 👍. At the moment I'm getting the Piano Quintet, and a bunch of other classical stuff.

It'll be quite a contrast from the other movies, most of which contain death metal or Rage Against the Machine...
No problem mate :)

Well, you did say you wanted something more "artsy" so I thought that might be what you were looking for. 👍

By the way, if you're d/loading the whole Pno Quintet file (about 30mins long), the section I was thinking of starts at around 9'25 and there's a very nice violin section beginning at 11'55 which might be useful...
Well. For anyone interested. This is close to the final, I've still got some edits to do, and I'm going to cut down some of the start as I feel it drags on a bit. It's really small, but you should be able to see all the general stuff and get an idea what's happening.

Here (20mb)

Thanks again to sausages. Got lots of that great stuff in there 👍
Good stuff Casio - you've got some really nice camera work in there, especially your trademark eye shot which is pretty intense with the music. The Mozart works well at the end too. 👍 👍
Hello everyone... Anybody miss me? So, since my birthday, Sept. 1st, or maybe even the day before it, I haven't touched GT4... *tear*

Originally, my little brother came over the day before my bday, and wanted to play NFS Most Wanted, and I had planned on never even touching the game... So we raced a bit, and since he couldn't keep up(only 11 and doesn't have quite enough time into racing sims, although he knows a great deal about cars for his age, thank you very much... :sly:), he started a career. Well, what do you know, after he left, I took over his career. I put a LOT of time into it over the next 4-5 days, got to around 50% done, and then haven't touched it since. That means no playstation for over a week for me, crazy!

There's just too much going on, never enough time for everything that I want to do. I need to get work done on my cars and motorcycle in real life. And at my job I get paid flat rate now, which kind of sucks a good deal in the current situation...

And I'm going to have to find a place to move out to, Pat(Tuff240) my roommate is going to be renting out a huge shop to play/work cars in, and move in with one of our friends. So I'll be losing one of the coolest possible roommates and be left with none. Might go back to the parents for a couple months, or a friend's couch, but who knows what after that. I can't/don't want to afford a place on my own, but who knows.

And now, thinking about it, what's an hour once a week or so for the WRS. It's nothing! I should still be racing! At least to keep me into it for the LANs and next year's BC. I need to get better still for that. Hmmm.

I really wish I hadn't missed all of the NSX stuff, I love those cars, except for the JGTC versions, they're only ok. And then the S2000 on El-Cap!!!!!! I can't believe I didn't do that race. Definitely didn't have the time for that one though. *sad*

I'll try to make an appearance this week and most of the rest though, but they're not going to be great ones.
I was wondering where you had gone. No Kyle when we race an NSX on normal tyres was a bit puzzling.